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Everything posted by Blude.6812

  1. Develop a character to lvl 80 with all the gear and all will be well. XP boosters. Not a problem with the game, just an issue using short cuts to lvl with out knowing the limitations of doing so.
  2. I chose other, the other being that anet should remove the poll option, so there would not be anymore polls. Just about all of them, if not all of them are just a waste of time and generally devised by people that really don't think
  3. They really don't bother with fixes that for what THEY consider minor. There are so many that they just ignore, some for years. I get the felling they even read this section.
  4. Just use one of the many many many online event timers. No need at all to purchase this item.
  5. OP (and many many many others) Need to read about HOW TO create a thread with a proper title.
  6. I have hated SOULBOUND storage,account bound and not being able to sell them would have been fine! (actually I hate ALL soulbound items and consider a really dumb restriction)
  7. Don't really care about Teapot at all. I hope the OP enjoys a new game. and can I have all your stuff.
  8. I believe that is called trolling. Report it.
  9. I did, but I didn't see a box to check saying this is a pointless poll .
  10. No Thanks, not needed at all.> @Game of Bones.8975 said: ^ 100%. and it has been discussed before. Suggestion, search bar.
  11. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77020/bug-almoras-directive-does-not-disappear-after-finishing-skyscale-of-blood-achievement#latest and there are others
  12. posts like this is exactly why they do it mate. Yep, it only reinforces the immature players to do it more often.
  13. Wait, there's room? All it's missing are renown hearts :wink: Add those too! And while you're at it, code in a "PVE only" flag which makes players immune to damage from other players. And make all mounts and masteries available... more mining nodes... tengu playable race...and no attacks allowed or immunity on the JPs too.
  14. Yep Dwayana's Directive is still stuck on my bar even though it was completed weeks ago. There are other threads here about the directives still being left on the bar after completion. But absolutely no response from devs regarding this.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77625/permanent-almorras-directive#latesthttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77020/bug-almoras-directive-does-not-disappear-after-finishing-skyscale-of-blood-achievement#latest
  15. THIS^ . I wish they would work on fixing things that are really annoying like the vet kraits spawning in the ground (or sea bottom in these cases) and the targeting system. like at the flax farm in tangled depths, and wyverns are directly in front of the player and the game targets frogs in the next level down- (they are many more btw like scaling down)--- that is just basic stuff that should have fixed long ago, that they seem to be completely ignoring or are unable to. If the changes are nerfs then theres a point behind it, wvw, pvp and even pve to an extend have all complained multiple times over the years that the powercreep has damaged the game.My experience is more of power being reduced and targeting some professions more than others, but as I said there are much more things that Anet should be doing.
  16. THIS^ . I wish they would work on fixing things that are really annoying like the vet kraits spawning in the ground (or sea bottom in these cases) and the targeting system. like at the flax farm in tangled depths, and wyverns are directly in front of the player and the game targets frogs in the next level down- (they are many more btw like scaling down)--- that is just basic stuff that should have fixed long ago, that they seem to be completely ignoring or are unable to.
  17. Go back to the old guild ways. Let small closed guilds function again as they used to.
  18. And there is always the search function here that will show many many many many threads covering that same old question.
  19. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5614/i-beg-you-anet-remove-red-zones-from-story-mode#latest
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