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Everything posted by fenriswolfman.5486

  1. Pretty sure its come out that marketing wasted all their resources pushing esports. They were the ones behind that part of the game. It was never the devs intention.
  2. I want to say the only ad Ive ever seen for this game was that horrifying taxi one that sent my social anxiety screaming. Theres been a few product cross promotions. Quiznos and whatever that bubble tea was called. Some contests for a car and a fully machined guitar lol.
  3. The last two will be Champion of Kurzick/Luxon but you can only do one! kitten.
  4. Games 10 years old and has added 2 fleshed out expacs. They had a good run. Better than most by far.
  5. 3 months. Recent. Teaser released August 25th. Beyond that Im not going to bother digging any more. Its already been pushed back once and thats all they had to show. There are multiple high profile titles releasing in the next few months. If that was their idea of getting out ahead of the pack... I will likely play around in EoD at some point. But I have realistic expectations considering what manpower they have left.
  6. The "First Look" phrase was not added until very recently. The reveal teaser dropped a year ago and since that time weve been building up with, "All will be revealed in July!" Its not the player base that came up with it, but some have certainly grabbed hold of it for dear life. There are no huge reveals. None that are anywhere near ready to show. We didnt even actually see the turtle mount.
  7. I cant even remember how many times core systems were reworked/removed/abandoned. That was a lot of wasted time and effort. Just the character leveling/advancement system was redone at least 3 times. His direction of the game was all over the place. From living world to seasons. From dungeons to fractals. From horizontal progression to a new level of gear to grind. Casual open world content to punishing open world content. Raiding. Esports. Guild missions. Masteries to grind in what was supposed to be a grind free game. The new subspecs were a joke at first. By the time you had unlocked enough of the spec for it to be functional you would have finished all of the new content. They did alter this before very long. Nothing ever came of guildhalls or GvG. Legendary releases slowed to a crawl. Im sure I am missing far more. But that was off the top of my head.
  8. Variety is the spice of life. Welcome and see you in game, both here and there. o7
  9. A reveal a year ago and now a "we mean it this time" reveal. I wont even try to guess when it will actually launch but this year or even most of next seems very unlikely.
  10. This thread is relevant to my interests. And I would rock a banana hammock.
  11. Anet is many things but lacking in artistic talent has never been one of them. The coolest ones are just in lockboxes. After years of begging they did finally start selling certain skins through direct purchase. Ive purchased a few myself to help encourage the practice.
  12. TD was one of my favorite maps early on but as time went on it did get annoying. Still prefer the HoT maps over all though. But the point made earlier about mob density is very true. Anet likes to swamp you in trash mobs and call it difficulty. Orr was like this early on as well.
  13. When was a shop added to GW1? Im having a hard time remembering that one. After EotN im guessing?
  14. Im looking forward to the events myself. Ive taken longer and longer breaks since the release of HoT, and missed most of the seasonal story content. Im assuming most of those maps are based around a meta that needs other players to actually enjoy.
  15. The games future depends entirely on the performance of the next xpac. Atm I dont see another release after EoD if current standards hold true. But if its great there will be more.
  16. What I wouldnt give to see this community trapped on the same forum as literally any other one. Even for just a day.
  17. Hammer being used by an asura. Greatsword is fun too but hammer is yolo yoda.
  18. It would be nice but at this point its simply never going to happen. Its too much work for too little return. Even selling them seperately wouldnt work because it would be pitchforks and torches as far as the eye can see.
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