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Everything posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. Lol, no. P2W is an advantage given with money. It isn't paying for clothes. By that definition, elite specs are P2W, since on average, they do better than the core specs. Sure, you can have a core burn guardian, but FB is better, so P2W. What people think is unfair over the past decade has gotten more and more nitpicky. If things aren't exactly as people want, it's not fair. That doesn't make it correct. Lol, maybe you can explain this new advantage that doesn't include stats to me. People with ridiculous expectations shouldn't factor in. Are you implying cosmetics are in some way P2W?
  2. If the people aren't playing to max level, they aren't really players of that game. You can't confuse the average player, with the average GW2 player. I don't care about the people that try the free trial for a day, and never come back. They have absolutely no bearing on any P2W that would even be a part of this game, so bringing them up is pointless. I'd also like to point out that spending money only let's people catch up faster, and gives absolutely no advantage over people that actually play this game. The average player isn't spending money (because apparently they play the game so little they don't hit 80), and those that are don't have an advantage over me. Does it mean I win more if I beat someone that paid for their gear? When I beat people in ascended gear, while I'm in my exotics, can it still be considered P2W, since they paid and lost? You are greatly exaggerating all of your point, so much so that it feels like my 9 y/o is trying to prove a point.
  3. That doesn't sound right. Can you post where it says the average player doesn't hit level cap? Also, if the average person doesn't buy gold, it doesn't seem like the P2W aspect is as bad you you made it seem.
  4. Well, after actually looking into it, turns out the average person isn't going to spend $200 on a legendary weapon, and there isn't a single set of legendary gear that doesn't force gameplay. I think the P2W aspect has been greatly exaggerated, especially since it seems like legendary gear is a convenience, and not more powerful than the gear I already have. Even if someone did spend $1,000 on making legendary gear, they couldn't do it without some form of gameplay. Also, paying millions of dollars into this game can never give an advantage of any kind over someone that spends the time in game.
  5. It's all just a matter of buying materials for the gear? I didn't realize it was so easy. I don't care about the skins so much, I just like the stat swapping, because i like to mess around with random builds. Gonna have to look into the legendary gear for gold.
  6. If there is somewhere to buy legendary, or ascended gear for gold, I'd love to know. I have a few stat sets I'm wanting still, but would love to be able to just purchase it with gold. What vendors/zones are these?
  7. I call it maybe shot. Maybe they'll all hit, but maybe not (good chance half don't make it).
  8. Yeah, that's what I was wondering. I assumed it was a one shot thing.
  9. Are the weapons single acquisition, or single ownership? Can you delete the weapon an get another one, or does your account just get a single chance?
  10. To be fair, if you're unwilling to budge on D/D, then it doesn't matter what you use for the second weapon set. You're using the worst setup as far as weapons go (you do you), so anything you use in the second slot with be an improvement. I personally always liked the axe/focus setup, but switched to WH off hand for PvP. At this point, just pick what you think looks cooler.
  11. I get what you're saying. I like to learn through playing as well. I join the groups I am able, try my best, and ignore any toxic speak when I do get when I inevitably mess something up on my first few runs. I always like to preface if I'm new, and will happily leave if I'm forced to read guides first. But I'll always listen to advice given. Just something you have to deal with in MMOs, which is why I'm mostly a solo player.
  12. That's not true at all. Those are defensive boons, which are applied to the character/s, and I'm talking about the interaction of CC conditions on a very strong enemy. Those two things aren't even remotely the same.
  13. I like the way CC works on break bars. You SHOULDN'T be able to CC anything with boss level power, but it should have some sort of effect on them, as it does now.
  14. Do you not use spirit shards? I have been stockpiling myself, but I'm gonna use them for the legendary PvP armor.
  15. I think in the case of strikes vs raids, they made a good choice. They have created a game that doesn't follow the WoW standard in so many aspects. Raids were just that. They were created pretty much like all other games' raids. Strikes are more like events. They force you through an instanced story. This is a better fit for GW2. They're raids with a GW2 twist.
  16. I gotta agree here. Mesmer GS doesn't feel like a melee weapon at all (because it's not in this case), but is still a heavy melee weapon. Reve hammer is a weird 1, though. It has a lot of range, but a lot of the abilities are you ripping through the mist to actually pop up and attack, or smash the ground and send out a wave. I agree. It needs to feel like a melee weapon.
  17. I like the second, because it usually doesn't leave my class gutted, lol.
  18. The thing is, you can use so many different reaper builds, just to switch it up. I have a full on MM build, and petless build, and a few that mix up the utility, with varying minions. I've played around with a chill build in PvP. It was mostly too weak, but every once in a while, you get that person that doesn't know the animations, and just takes all of my big chill/damage right to the face.
  19. My favorite is kiting for that last 2 seconds RS is on CD (with a full bar), with about 200 health, then going shroud spinning away their dodges, freezing them, then fearing them immediately after, and autoing them down. Not the good players, just the ones on my level, lol. Gotta say, though, members are by far the most annoying for me in PvP, on any class.
  20. Well, I did show you the people that play for fun. That was my only goal.
  21. Loves me so.e meta events, especially DS (for some reason). I've only recently focused on collection completion, but it is very rewarding after obtaining some ascended weapons. I have also recently started some PvP, which I absolutely hated when I tried it 8 years ago. Since getting better, and the addition of the action cam, I actually do well enough now to keep me playing. It's fun when you get a good game without 9 bots, lol. I've had the game for 8 years, but have only recently made it a staple in my gaming, so I still have a lot I want to do.
  22. That wasn't the question. You said everyone has their limits, and asked who would play indefinitely without rewards. I showed you a group of people that have shown themselves to have no visible limits, because they've been playing for almost a decade, with very little added to the reward system for those players. I never said that entire game mode has 100% retention. I showed you where to look to find those people you don't believe exist.
  23. Those that PvP for fun, yeah. Those that have been PvPing for 9 years aren't doing it for the rewards.
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