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Everything posted by Orthonen.9470

  1. Mid April so the Tuesday that's in the middle of the month.
  2. Now that the bloodstone powering the Door of Komalie that prevents the Titans from entering Tyria is shattered, it's likely that the Titans will come back from the Foundry of Failed Creations. From what I understand the Foundry is a special location located in the Domain of Anguish within the Really of Torment that Abbadon was imprisoned in. It connects to the underworld which is connected to the underworld via the bone pits, both being located within the mists. Now I'm just taking a guess that the Titans must already have some sort of influence on a dragon, and the dragon I'm looking at in this scenario is Primordus. It's likely that the Titans that gave the Flame Legion their powers are coming back with a vengeance. In relation to Jormag, it's just one other big massive ball level of a problem to think about just to realize how bad things are going to become in Tyria.
  3. So changing the animation of a skill as you progress? Not a bad idea. I mean you're always going to have that one person complaining from his windows 95 PC with 1GB of ram that it's too much for his PC to handle, but it's not a bad idea.
  4. The name guild wars comes from the original guild wars which I think took place from 1013 AE to 1070 AE (the Third Guild War), when humans banded into guilds and fought against one another. From what I understand that's why in gw1 it only had humans for character creation. But on a side note gvg died with the last tournament.
  5. Mesmers are still crazy strong against pretty much everyone including warriors. Maybe you not doing something right.
  6. Wow. I cannot say I have ever felt the need to have someone else, or me either, ever send someone stacks of salt. If someone ever sent them to me, I would definitely laugh, share with friends, laugh at the loser who took the game that seriously, and then never think about it again. Like, really? Care enough about it to go out of your way to call someone bad? Oh you mean like how I'm going to ignore you right now? By the same right I shouldn't take your opinion seriously either. :) Also as an FYI it wasn't even an argument it was literally:"You suck""No u""1v1 me then""No u suk (blocks me)"
  7. Magic introduced to a world by a human god and backfiring hard against the world. Oh and this world has dragons that were sleeping until said magic woke them up.
  8. Well what I mean is, the Commander is way too important right now, and is more of a political figure and super hero. Too unstoppable, and I feel the new characters are an excellent approach towards a better direction into the commander's downfall. Someone has to put the Commander in check, and make the Commander realize that nobody's invincible. I feel that Jormag is capable of doing this perfectly, seeing that Mordremoth and Zhaitan barely put up a fight against the Commander, and To kill Kralkatorrik a little dragon was used, something has to be there to say "I'm better than the Commander".
  9. I'm sick and tired of being called Commander. It's not a title I'm find of, I don't command anything nor issue orders. I'm an adventurer and hero. I don't see why we need the player to be the Commander personally I wouldn't mind it if it was an actual defined npc, doesn't have to be any specific race honestly. The way I see it, I prefer to look at my character as an adventurer and nothing more. A hero in the pool of many others. I sincerely hope they stop pushing harder effort into making everyone that level of important in the next expansion. I would absolutely love it if the Commander seriously kicks the bucket. The concept itself just doesn't fit well, and it feels like it's could be putting more stress on ANET as a whole. It should just be heroes of Tyria not Hero of Everything.
  10. A Charr using the same build in all 6 templates wot? Also what you're talking about is already implemented, the equipment tabs use different armor and thus different wardrobes for them too. Outfits are colored based so maybe some dye templates is what you're looking for?
  11. They're just mystic clovers...just take your time making your legendary. The rush isn't worth it. Once you've gotten it you must have seen it a thousand times in a preview window anyway.
  12. People have really crappy computers...in 2020. Other people simply can't even afford path of fire. $35 is too much in some countries. Somehow they still manage to afford internet.
  13. I don't think it's the condition that needs a nerd but the number of stacks someone can instantly place on you. Currently 5 stacks is too much!
  14. Casuals looking for raiding because they want to see the content they're missing. That's a start.
  15. Try using gamebooster, it worked wonders with my RX 580. I was struggling to catch more fps on highest settings until I used it now things are ultra smooth. Also if you're using arcdps remove it, you don't actually need it, just have your leads or team members give you the stats, I had several crashes using it. There's also something I use called AI tweaks from RoG that allows me to tweak fan settings, I use that and blast it on high so my system doesn't crash from heat. I swear it's like playing a whole different game. I was exploring Orr and didn't even realize how...awesome it actually looks with good graphics.
  16. Well when people start making a huge deal about everything, it becomes just that, a huge deal. Just last night we had this nerd-level know-it-all who kept rudely interrupting our raid lead in a training raid, and fighting with other members in our guild about the littlest things, that aren't even important. In PvE and WvW I never do this. I myself lost it when I was in an spvp team that were simply four other walking free kills. Literally our match was tanked by 30-500, you bet your cats I was toxic. And there was this one time this salty troll kept saying I sucked even though he could only 2v1 /laughing at me, I challenged him to a duel and he refused. I swear by all things he started it and I was sure I could shut him up, just kept arguing with me. He eventually blocked me, but I had a guildie send him 5 stacks of packs of salt to him and call him bad. I've also had to argue with people on this forum about how lazy they are being regarding raiding. But I don't want to get banned again. I literally ended up sending a message and blocking the dude I was arguing telling him I hope his ego never lets him raid in game because he was being a whiny nutcase about it. The toxicity isn't just in PvP man and most certainly not just among more challenging players, it's also in the casual community as well. There's people determined to ruin the game by adding fluff to make it into a Korean echi MMO, and worse, a World of Warcraft without progression.
  17. The beastiary may as well be the wiki, it's like the Bible of guild wars 2. It even includes stuff about the Titans, which we haven't even really touched in GW2. Sometimes I wonder about Primordus, because it's weird that he's unleashing minions that resemble the appeal of the Titans. I'm getting of course, but yeah if you encounter something you wanna know about just wiki it.
  18. It makes sense for that helmet to be close to inaccessible. We're talking about the Khan-Ur, anything with that title speaks owner of all the Charr Legions in existence. While I like to consider my Character a Gladium who defected to Adventurer/Special forces of Tyria, that Helmet is about as meaningful as Frostmourne is to the Lich King, or Excalibur to King Arthur.
  19. As much as I'd like arcdps added into the game, I've seen a lot and even experienced problems with it myself. I'd rather ANET just use the systems they have inside the game already, literally arcdps is just there to show the stuff they're hiding.
  20. Wow doesn't actually have housing. LOTRO however does, you can go play that game, even add a farm and some trees, a bed, paintings etc. People still play it, though the number may be below a thousand players. You actually have to pay rent for your house and the neighborhood has varying prices. I got bored and only used my house for storage in that game. But it's not a bad idea for sure. The only sad bit is I don't trust devs when it comes to implementing furniture, the prices are outrageous as it is for stuff in the guild hall!
  21. Im a Gladium from my former warband in the Blood Legion, how can I possibly be part of the bad guys now?
  22. I definitely have no idea about Guardian, there's no end to their ability to blast you with stuns and condi with blocks as a power dealer. Even as a condi main you have to struggle because they clear condi easily. I've tried using power and fight tactics and it's near impossible to get close without consequences. It's better to just stay off pvp, just read a book or go outside, watch a movie or something until this ends. It's like the introduction of scourge when PoF launched all over again, only this time the problem can block everything.
  23. I got the war raptor skin and now it's just the war raptor and rolling beetle. So for rougher terrain I use war raptor, and for large vast terrain I use the beetle.
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