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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. That looks like a berserker. And, I...may, possibly, love his fabulous beard.
  2. I just died a little inside. That outfit and the title made me snort giggling. I just imagined the Mad King walking around, telling people to kindly not try to rip his face off. (inwardly screams)
  3. Very much does want! I seriously would be laughing the whole time. / body like my body is too short.
  4. being "over-weight" doesn't equal being unhealthy.I know quite some perfectly healthy "over-weight" people. I dunno man... Im thinking that poster was American and from what the TV shows the rest of the world about that country is literally a bunch of round people drinking 4 litre cokes eating lard and deep fried everything.O.o Not all of us do that. Some of us work hard and earn what we have. From age 7-15 I mowed yards and did outside work 'cause I hate being indoors. Also, I have absolutely no idea how people can eat that crap called lard.
  5. A lot of people don't like the noise Springers make, but I think it sounds so freakin' adorable. Also the tormented last words of a random Zaishen Order person. Your god cannot save you now! Where's your Todd now?!
  6. Insanely awesome! I can barely land on a platform a few feet away, let alone doing the Clock Tower with an injured hand. He probably would be really proud!
  7. I don't think accidentally snorting up the food I'm eating is a good idea,; feel as though that it isn't its purpose. XD But man, these pictures, those references~<3
  8. Does Premium give you ice cream? 'Cause I like ice cream. Never mind the fact it's Fall. Shhh. In all seriousness, I think premium accounts would be a mixed blessing. On one hand, you could, very well, drum up more revenue at first, but then other, less savory, things start to crop up with the Premium vs. Free and inevitably there will be another huge debacle. And to be quite honest, if a child has to work 8- 14 hours a day, I feel sorry for the kid. :(
  9. This kind of angers me and depresses me: I believe if you advertise it, you damn better well follow through; if you screw up, fix it. Throwing the banner up there with no response, it sounds like it was half done when it was pushed out. Depressed because I know ya'll can do better. :/
  10. Ya'll should be happy that ya'll're aren't in the Saw movies or Se7en.... In all seriousness, I will wait and see how things develops before I make a definitive observation.
  11. I think it is. The old saying mileage may vary holds true. Personally, I'm enjoying it, it gives me an escape that I can't get anywhere else. Also, howdy! I'll take what is grammar for 600$ Alex...
  12. Because of cooties! Eww, gross! Joking aside, it's probably hard to program and also it has the potential to open up a nasty can of worms , falling out of the drama wagon. (But, I want a Gibb's Smack emote to get my point across in such a ... loving way. )
  13. "I'll never let go." and then the Commander drops Braham into the coldest region of the Shiverpeaks, his face perpetually arrested in stark terror.
  14. Having won many cussing contest against my brother (former Marine); I can safely say this is so.
  15. The open hostility to those who dare criticize your favorite game leaves the environment of the game hostile. This response doesn't foster communication and leads to stagnation in the community. With the praise, you need to take the criticism in strides and understand where people are coming from. It is quite childish to just scream at people for being upset. This is something we all care about and each of us wants the game to be the best that it can be. And it can't be that if we never criticize the game. For myself, I'm quite disappointed in this announcement, not because I hate anet or the game, but because I love the game and want to see it succeed. This announcement alienates the audience and its ultimately tone deaf to the concerns of the community. They didn't address the very real concern about the future of this game or how to promote players go join or rejoin the game. If their goal was to get new players, they need snappy sound bites to get players in. An expansion is a massive draw. A new race, elite specializations, new class, dungeons, raids. These are pieces that we can point to to draw players into the game. Living world season or "Saga" doesn't do the same thing for outsiders. What's a living world season? In terms of an MMO this does not draw people in much like saying "This TV show has a new season" this only keeps the existing audience in, but doesn't draw new people in because they feel they've already missed out on the story. This episodic nature is great for existing players but is antithetical to new players. If their goal was to bring back old players, the issue is that clearly the seasons were not providing player retention. Which is a major problem. Without new content that players can get excited about such as Elite specs, classes, races, raids or dungeons these old players are unlikely to return. We hit a double issue with this announcement. It neither draws new players in because they don't understand the context of what is occurring in the game and for feeling like they're missing out and it doesn't draw back old players who feel content starved as it is. The result of this will be a slow hemorrhaging of players. And the damage control Anet needs to do is going to be pretty massive at this point. I've hit fatigue with this game. And the new season isn't going to revitalize me or other players. And we want to get back into the game. But what are we coming back for? another season? It didn't keep us before it wont keep us now. In retrospect that response was far from stellar. Understand this, though: I have no issues with opinions; I just hate the barrage of threads on the same subject. Add to this, the people in this thread alone is negative; I am an instigator, I'm not denying that. I just want people to be grateful they have that escape and it seems more and more people are quitting over something that may turn out to be pretty awesome. The trailer was what it was, I didn't expect anything. And with that, it's time to take a break from the forums. ~~I know, I know, I've said that before. What can I say? I am a procrastinator. ~~
  16. But real humans are fat and ugly. sad fat quiversOn topic, I'd have to say human, too.
  17. "I promise a painful end!"- To random ne'er-do-wellers"Oh no..."- when watching a movie I've seen a hundred times and it still gets me. (not a movie, but I'm looking at you Stargate: Atlantis. =glare=)"Praise Joko!"- to a bunch of fanatics being all fanatical. Edit: Don't mind the fern puppy behind the computer, she needs sleep.
  18. I had commented on a thread similar to this one, but I feel as though I need to say it again: DPS meters are tools, they shouldn't be used as a pre-requisite. The problem is not with the tool, but with the person using it. I don't think it's fair to ban something because certain people are being...jerks. That being said: People are people, sadly enough, and if there's a way to judge others, they'll find it. With or without a tool.
  19. .. why is this even a thing? It's a video game; I don't care much for reality seeping in and ruining it. I mean, I don't care if you run around in your underwear, but when you start to try and take things away from people. I guess I don't understand. Video games is as close as I get to public interaction, for the most part. Social anxiety is fun. and it sucks i need sleep
  20. When I read "kitten culture", I thought of cute kitties wearing adorable armor, with those fluffy little boots, yeah? (Although I know what it was meant to say, it still is a funny mental image..) On topic: I couldn't wear half the stuff my characters wear because I have stupidly low self esteem and would die of embarrassment were I to attempt to wear something like the Elonian Elementalist outfit. In game, I don't have to worry about it. If people like the look, good, if not, I don't care; I don't play this game to benefit other's aesthetics. Video games are my release, not my prison. :/
  21. I did it on my Tempest, didn't get the achievements, but I did clear the mission. Dodge, Lightening Flash , Mist Form and some creative uses of the surroundings.
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