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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. i was editing to say "main story" before some smarty pants came along to say "har har but you just did the story!" but i guess i was 20 seconds too slow clicking the save changes button! but the fact remains, i've never played through the STORY of an expansion in an MMO and not been able to get a single new armour skin before. just look at the previous GW2 expansions, EoD for example, a vendor in Seitung Province sells awesome hand and foot wraps and a headband for map currency, a vendor in New Kaineng sells Oni hands, and the Antique armour and Ancient Canthan armour can both be gained from WvW and PvP tracks or a vendor for map currency (with the later also being a random drop from chests.) even SotO gave you rift hunter armour each time you completed a story chapter, but this expansion? nothing. you've gotta play WvW or PvP, or grind map currency to buy recipes and then grind mats to craft it if you have a max rank crafter. (i don't, never been into crafting in MMOs) i should also add that of the three sets that this expansion "offers" i find 2 of them pretty ugly, looking like Dark Souls rip-offs, the only one that is moderately interesting is Woad for that savage primitive look, and as the OP said Woad is locked behind many hours of WvW or PVP.
  2. agreed, i've just completed the expansion main story and i currently have no new armour skins. NONE. this is the first time that i've ever played through the main story of an MMO expansion and there has not been single new armour skin drop, or quest reward or from a vendor. even the PVE available armour set (which isn't the one i want) is locked behind crafting, you can't buy the armour from a vendor only the recipes. c'mon Anet... all 3 armour sets should be available at the end of WvW and PvP reward tracks and purchasable from PVE vendors for map currencies, see? is that so hard?!
  3. i won't join in on the bashing because it seems like a newer player having legitimate trouble, so instead lets try to give suggestions! my suggestion would be to give Staff a try, it has some nice sustain! and also run Dwarf, this should give you some nice sustain for PVE, activate the whirling hammers and keep them active until you run out of energy then swap to the other spirit (assassin is good but if you're still having trouble with sustain you could always run Centaur, spam Natural Harmony until you can swap back to dwarf)
  4. i was hoping we would have LOTS of new relics and amongst them we'd get back our summon relics. that way people would be using different things and everyone won't be using the same ones. not many people used golem runes back when we had our golems, so if a golem summoning relic was added along side a truck load of other relics it would'nt be overused. but if they are added by themselves or with only a few other relics in a future living world chapter then EVERYONE will be using it because it would be the shiny new thing. and i was really hoping we'd avoid the "shiny new thing" spam when we finally get our summons back.
  5. totally agree that core ele needs a decent elite. how about Signet of Arcane, when activated it could grant quickness and alacrity and its cooldown would be fairly friendly (maybe 30-45 seconds) the passive effect could be recharging all of your skills by a tiny amount when you hit an enemy with an attack. (0.1s reduction but with no internal cooldown.) so in the absolutely perfect situation if you cast Meteor Shower and get all 24 meteors hitting 3 targets each you'd get 7.2s cooldown reduction to all skills. lets say you also used lava font (2 seconds CDR) and Glyph of Storm (5.5 seconds CDR), things could get pretty darn crazy! 😄 perhaps we would need to put a small internal cooldown on it! 😆 (but not much, because its entire function is to allow you to throw spells more often!)
  6. yep it bugs me too, i did have a method to display them but Anet nerfed it a few months back for no reason. backpieces aren't really counted as part of your character so they have a few silly quirks, like when you use something to change the colour of our character (like a hylek potion for example) your backpack is uneffected. so if you have a character like mine who is an angel and you want to use yellow hylek potion to glow celestial yellow, the wings will remain white >_<
  7. i still kinda prefer rifle, when spear 4 and burst are on cooldown spear just feels less fun. granted when you can hit an enemy with spear 4 and berserker burst you get a mountain of damage, but when those two skill are on cooldown rifle just feels better. atleast thats just my opinion 😉
  8. i want a proper Beastmaster as an elite spec, kinda like in WoW, you'd get to tame and use "special" pets when running the elite spec. so you could tame and use Hydras, Hounds of Balthazaar, Griffons etc. and the spec would have massive power-ups for pets, basically playing a bit like Mechanist. i'd also like for height with a longbow to increase range and damage (as it was in GW1), you actually had an advantage in defense scenarios as in real life. if you're ontop of a fortified wall you have the advantage over enemies attacking it.
  9. i agree that the classes sitting on less than 15k HP should get a boost, but i also agree with the folks saying that guards have other methods of survival, take hammer for example, you get perma protection and with the right build you also get constant heals without sacrificing on damage.
  10. is there a special way to load that addon?, when i put it in with the other reshade addons it doesn't seem to load (i get an addon failed to load error 1114) i notice it says .addon64 instead of just .addon like the others, i'm gonna guess that could be part of the reason? 😄
  11. some things i'd like, i'd like Beast Mastery to make pets noticeably stronger (i'm thinking mechanicst mech strong) i'd like Soul Beast green fart swirl removed (i can't believe they removed untamed permanent effect but left soulbeast?!) i'd like a GM trait for Druid that isn't just celestial avatar.
  12. is it more dyes that i already have unlocked and can't sell? 😄 i remember GW1 gave us amazing endless combat tonics to play as everything from destroyers to kuunevang! and even better, they were tradeable, so if you didn't like what you got for your birthday you could sell it! kinda wish Anet would bring those birthday endless combat tonics back!
  13. ive never enjoyed crafting in games, i just don't do it, and for the longest time GW2 had crafting as an optional activity, you weren't forced to do it. but then EoD brought in "Research Notes" system that stonewalled so many vendors behind forced crafting, and now its back in a completely lore-destroying way. i get that you might think it is a sink for old mats, but it would be so easy to make a far better sink for those mats, how about a vendor who collects old mats in exchange for something useful, simple! that way folks like you who care about squeezing every last bit of profit out of the old mats in your bank can do so, but those of us who really don't enjoy crafting or don't care about old mats in our bank aren't stonewalled by "crafting only" vendors.
  14. Hey gang! so back when i was playing through End of Dragons i was a little bit frustrated by how many vendors required "Research Notes" (the most annoying currency.) Research Notes were only obtainable by crafting and destroying objects and not all objects could be destroyed for research notes, it was very annoying, but i thought hey, jade technicians are all about advanced tech so i'll accept they'd want research notes from a lore perspective, even if it sucks from a gameplay perspective. and now years later here we are in the wilderness talking with primitive hunter-gatherer bear-people and...they want Research Notes. not only does a bear-hunter wanting research notes make no sense from a lore standpoint, but it also brings back the most annoying resource. could we possibly replace Kodan's wanting research notes to...i dunno, Kodan's wanting trophies from monsters in janthir or something?! anyone else bothered by the return of Research Notes?
  15. my main issue, for all of my openworld DPS builds i feel like i'm nerfing myself if i don't take Berserker. (but i hate the constant red glow) it doesn't matter whether i'm running GS, Hammer, longbow, rifle or now Spear i feel pigeonholed into running zerker to get any kind of decent damage.
  16. i dunno, staff has the pretty nice stun circle on a 30 second cooldown, but then they just have a small push on a 25 second cooldown. meanwhile hammer/mace on other classes can be used to put out a ton of damage while also stunlocking enemies. i don't think "it has cc" should be a reason for staff to not get nice damage using air, currently the only good air DPS build is spamming overload up close.
  17. their new favorite thing is having weapons used weirdly. as an example: of the 4 classes who have been given staff since release only one of those isn't a melee spec.
  18. would especially like staff reworks for air. air 1 would be way cooler as a bigger version of scepter 1 (maybe with chaining?) i'd merge 2 and 3 together into one skill to make room for a lightning storm skill. and windbourne speed could make a short duration whirlwind around the caster that destroys projectiles. staff ele just feels very forgotten when it comes to DPS specs, which is sad, because i think when most people come into the game and pick ele, they are doing so because they want the arch-typical fantasy mage wielding a staff. noone picks the mage class to be pushed into melee with swords, hammers and daggers.
  19. burn guard died for me when Radiant Fire was changed to no longer grant Zealot's Flame we were told that the change was made to "make the trait less dependent on always having a torch equipped" but now without a torch the trait now offers pretty much nothing. 😡 all of those extra damage ticks helped proc the burning passive so you could get way more burns against clumped up enemies than you can now.
  20. they do look very similar, but we've had fictional flying balloon ships for a long time. the pact ships remind me of the Caspartine from Stardust (apologies for naff quality but this is the only video i could find on youtube :P) and that is from 2007, 5 years before GW2.
  21. while i'm not exactly hyped for it (don't really care about spear, never saw the point of player housing) i'm still going to enjoy playing some more story content. but yeah i'd have much preferred either different weapons for the classes (ele don't need a spear, where is our offhand sword for thief?) or new elite specs (about time ele got a spec that focuses on becoming the master of a single element), or a new profession. (paragon?) or hell, even a rework of old outdated stuff (lets get guardian scepter doing something useful?)
  22. human noble for sure! its very rare to find a story with fantastical races and not have a human (or very human looking being) be the main the character (and yes its usually a male human too) everyone will have examples that they can point to where the main character isn't the human, but for every one of those i'm sure you can list 10 movies/shows/games with the good ole tried and true "human male saves the day!" trope, and there is nothing wrong with that. 😄
  23. yep, turrets were far more useful back then, imho it'd be cool if we had an update for the lesser used things of each class (like conjures for ele), for engi turrets i'd like to see a new mechanic when we interact with turrets, instead of picking up a turret we'd now be given a spanner which replaces our weapon skill bar, skill 1 would be a turret repair skill as we've seen from Tool Kit, Skill 2 might be a sort of "power up" (think Torbjorn in overwatch!) you whack your turrets and they grow, becoming more effective up to 3x for a short duration. Skill 3 might let you instantly reset the overcharge of a turret (this one would have a cooldown obviously) skill 4 might let you relocate a turret, you could stand by a turret and target an area nearby to punt the turret over to it. skill 5 would be the usual "pick up" that you would have had from the original interaction option.
  24. did you turn the scaling off and only use the frame generation? (2x) also did you cap your frames at 30fps? i found i was getting crazy input delay on my handheld like you, but it was only when my machine was pushed to its limits, once i capped FPS to 30 and turned off the "scaling" my machine had a little performance wiggle room, now there is absolutely no input delay
  25. simple request ORANGE HAIR, i was planning on making a Nami clone, but was shocked to discover that while we have multiple greens, pinks, blues, reds and everything else there isn't a bright orange hair colour available, the closest we have is a colour called "dawn" which just isn't orange enough, so can we get a proper orange for all those Nami and Kim Possible fans? 😄
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