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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. s%%t watch. sky hammer used to be AWFUL but they spent years changing it and making it more like a normal map. s%%t watch however is anything but normal, if a premade has a comp made for running the orb you have lost against them before the game even starts. imho simplicity is king. its the reason maps like foefire are amongst the favourites, symmetrical map with no hugely match-skewering side gimmicks. the team that holds the points the best wins, no gimmicks, no cheap shortcuts.
  2. list of things I'm baffled are still in the game: Players. each balance patch is just nerf after nerf, all of the builds i enjoyed are dead, even my niche hammer warrior was murdered years ago, and now i'm just shocked that anyone sticks around when everything we enjoy is nerfed away.
  3. yes please, i'd like to make a hammer warrior again!
  4. honestly i haven't liked any armour set since release... they are all just horrible. what happened to the guys who made beautiful sets like Winged and Assassin? why is every new armour so deliberately ugly? how do you go from this and this in 2012 to this and this in 2022 and don't give me "they're going for asian/canthan themes" because i played GW1, i can remember some amazing looking canthan sets! like this, this and this!
  5. i was maining a roleplay 'Golemancer' spec using Rune of Golemancer, golem in a box, asuran elite golem etc, i was doing it as an engineer (because i figure ofcourse a golemancer is an engineer! despite some confusing examples like Zojja being an ele!) so i'm overjoyed to replace my old HGH flamethrower build with mechanist! one more golem for my collection! the Mark 1 Golem is a wonderful tank, he draws aggro great and has a ton of health (60/70k if i remember right?) so me and the jade mech can stand back and pew pew, it feels great being a golemancer now! 😄 (only downside is the EoD patch broke my golem's skills, they just AA now.)
  6. its just a saying, i say it too and i don't have a god either! 😉 i don't remember who said it because i missed it, but if it was Taimi she's been around the others for long enough that she might start using their fraking slang! 😜 (thankyou Battlestar Galactica!) the only slight of out of place instance of language which i noticed as Rama calling his boss an A hole, but it wasn't a big deal.
  7. as the title says, since the expansion, all of my golems refuse to use any skills! they simply auto attack the target! this includes the Mark I Golem summoned by Superior Rune of the Golemancer, (who should use a whirlwind attack) and also the 2 Asuran elite golems. (one should use a big projectile-blocking bubble, and the other should use rapid fire gatling fists) since the expansion the golems will no longer do anything except auto attack, i'm playing Mechanist if that makes any difference. (incase it is some funky interaction with the mech code)
  8. honestly thought this had to be a bug. to find out that it is intended is truly saddening and baffling. here we all are trying to do the end meta, hoping that we will get enough people, when the fact is we will never get enough people because the devs have intentionally rigged the maps to be graveyards?! i wondered why the game felt so empty on release week, i thought it had to be a bug, nope, just the usual illogical anet. "lets make the game seem dead, they'll love that!" obviously thats why we play MMOs, to run around empty maps by ourselves. 🙄
  9. but thats the thing, Anet hid the siege turtle mount behind this event, people don't want to hold out, we want our turtles dammit! but to earn our turtles we need to do this silly meta which requires turtles...its catch 22. if this was just a meta event then there wouldn't be so much rage. but because it is an annoying roadblock preventing us from getting our turtles we're all getting rather annoyed. the game deciding to split everyone into a million separate instances isn't helping...
  10. positives: the maps are beautiful and riddled with mastery points and events, there was plenty to do. the music is beautiful and wonderful, i love it! i've been having fun with my mechanist golemancer! the story was pretty fun! i loved most of it, from the city detective stuff, to the epic battles. negatives: there is hardly any armour, and it is fairly ugly, this is FASHION WARS 2, and you're going to release an expansion without fashion?! big lack of tonics! i made a thread on this, i loved the plethora of fun tonics from previous expansions, and this one has none! that one story mission with the rooms and puzzles.
  11. as the title says, why are there no funky tonics in this expansion? one of my favourite things that came from the expansions was the plethora of tonics scattered throughout the world for us to find, either from renown hearts or super rare drops from mobs. Heart of Thorns gave us many endless tonics, everything from mushrooms to giant nuhoch, to mordrem monsters! then came Path of Fire which followed suite allowing us to transform into all sorts of fun things! from Branded monsters to desert creatures, and even dancing choya! 🤣 (sitting in ponds/rivers and surprising new players as a giant landshark has been one of my favourite recent things to do 😜) so with the launch of EoD i was eagerly awaiting a whole new batch of funky tonics! i thought for sure there would be a tengu combat tonic, since tengu was confirmed to not be getting added as a race, i figured a tengu combat tonic was almost certainly gonna make an appearance! then i also had my hopes up for a jade mech tonic for my golemancer, or a Warden tonic so we can play as a big tree dude! and a tiiiny part of me was holding on to hope for a kuunevang tonic like my ele had in GW1, where i was able to play the game as a dragon! but it seems the only tonics that came with the expansion turn you into a few normal looking characters or a human with a shadowy aura. 🙄 i'm hoping Anet will up their novelty game in future living world episodes! because currently EoD is really missing the mark for them! was anyone else hoping for some fun tonics? if so, what were you wanting? 🙂
  12. i didnt expect a playable race, but i sure as heck expected a tonic. (i hoped for a combat tonic) Path of fire had some really interesting renown heart stuff like the embiggening and shrinking tonics. i've been doing every heart i come across in hope that i can get an awesome tonic but its been rather disappointing, just a miniature (many of which are mount minis which we already have!)
  13. i just find it completely odd and against the MMO spirit that Anet condone AFK farming AT ALL. any form of AFK farming should be a bannable offence.
  14. imagine if the special items that need an "are you sure" simply required you to type "delete" instead of "250 Super Mystical Oblong Box Of Sorcerous Wizardry". but i know what you mean about making suggestions and having everyone turn on you. i dared to have the nerve to say that the bad racial transforms with 4 minute cooldowns should'nt have cooldowns. wanna pull your golem power suit? go ahead, it would last forever and be toggleable on demand. and the forum acted like i was asking for them to become the new lich form or something.
  15. "you get a nerf! and you get a nerf!" - Anet.
  16. brace yourself for the mechanist meta, Anet are embracing the fact that PVP is full of bots. so now they're making it official giving everyone their own personal berserker bot spamming 5k+ crits.
  17. agreed, condi should be able to deal higher damage than power, but take time to do it. i shouldn't be able to press 2 buttons and see 8k burn ticks. 'condi burst' shouldn't be a thing. saying 'condiburst' should be like saying 'glasscannon tank' the two things should be totally opposite. perhaps a fix would be to change conditions to deal more damage each tick, starting off weak but ramping up if ignored. the difference being: weakness will seriously nerf power damage and is widespread and spammable. there is no condition that negates the damage of conditions like this. we have the Toughness attribute which even further reduces power damage, there is no attribute that reduces condi damage like this. protection which reduces power damage is vastly more common than resolution which reduces condi damage. if i use a skill that deals several high damage power hits you can dodge several of them. however if i use a skill that applies heavy stacks of burning you will take 5k damage, then 5k damage, then 5k damage, then 5k damage, dodge as many times as you like, once the condi is on you you cannot dodge the damage. same goes for things like blind, drop a blind field on a warrior using 100b and watch those 8 ticks of damage miss, miss, miss, miss, however one touch from a condi skill and every tick of damage will follow. once a condi is on you you will need to burn condition clears to remove it which usually means sacrificing your utility bar. also a huge difference, power builds need to build far squishier to deal damage since they rely on power, precision and fury, condi builds simply need 'condition damage'.
  18. i crash with DX11 enabled when i play my bombzerker engi. it occurs noticeably more often when i down people.
  19. thats the "niche" use i was talking about, 🙂 but nah i'm talking about allowing us to use the racial stuff way more/permanently. i want all of the static attack stuff from 2012 to be updated to allow for movement, and for damage i'd like it to be a little less than with profession weapons, but still decent enough that we can happily PVE. bear form should be more than just a gimmick on ranger to deal one large hit in 4 minutes. if a norn player wants too, they should be able to go through the entire story in bearform!
  20. its a bit depressing how you are all more eager to balance the game around the minority of minmaxers instead of everyone else who just wants to have fun. you can still pvp on your asura warrior, you can still raid on your norn mesmer. ditch the min maxer attitude and just have fun, or if you want to be a min maxer, go ahead. also i never said i wanted racials to be OP, i don't. racial skills being decent isn't going to prevent you from using other things. i would like shapeshift forms to be a viable option, i don't care if they're not the best option but i'd atleast like to have them as an option. currently all of the racial skills are short duration with hilarious cooldowns. things like powersuit are so weak, why can't i use it all of the time? why does a weak ability that hogs the elite slot need a 240 second cooldown? same goes for shapeshifts, we should be able to use these things as much as we want, and they should be made better. firstly the static skills need to be updated to allow movement, its not 2012 anymore. secondly even if we make these skills decent they will still be a worse alternative to profession skills, fear of min maxing is unjust.
  21. I'm trying to get the Mark Y Golem backpack, and i've been going through it fine but then i hit the roadblock of Serpent's Ire. it just seems borderline impossible with random folks, sometimes they get to the 2nd phase but we always die after 2 or 3 zealots. so if anyone runs it let me know when! i'll tag along 🙂
  22. so lets compromise if your worried about competitive scene. currently racial skills are useless in WvW and disabled in SPVP, so how about we just disable them in WVW too? noone uses them anyway. but for PVE stuff i would very much like for racials to atleast be decent. i wanna play my norn warrior as a proper norn warrior werebear. i wanna play my asuran golemancer as a proper golemancer. if these things are in the game i would like for them to be decent.
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