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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. as part of four winds would be fitting, since they have the more "hippy" type theme 😄 i love it!
  2. in Living World Season 3 during the mission where you are initiated into Shining Blade there is a scene where the NPCs act out a battle, during the scene there is a female NPC with a top that i really wish my character could have! also i'd love to have Kasmeer's Southsun Bikini as chest and leg armour :-3
  3. yep, imho anet should just increase the HP for the classes that are currently sitting on anything less than 15k. there is no reason that my zerker ele gets oneshot by everything but my zerker war puts out more damage and has waaaaay more survival. either the damage of super squishy zerkers should go up to warrant the risk, or the risk should go down.
  4. hey gang! i have an idea to make a fun little PVE "Dragon Rider" character to primarily fight using the skyscale (Fireball) so i've been testing what the best things to use are and decided to share my findings here incase anyone else wants to make a Dragon Rider! Class Traits: class traits that increase the crit chance of Fury (ranger, virtuoso, warrior, rev) are very good here, as Fury is one of the few modifiers that works. class traits that directly increase burn damage (guardian: Amplified Wrath, scourge: Fell Beacon) will increase the damage of the burn but class traits that increase burning duration (like King of Fires) won't increase the burn duration. class traits in general won't work such as "on crit" effects and stat changes like power/ferocity. Weapon Sigils: weapon sigils seem to work for the most part, the "on crit" effects work (such as fire and air) Sigil of Accuracy will also increase the crit chance! Smoldering will increase the burn duration and Bursting will slightly increase the burn damage, but stat changing sigils like the "on kill gain 10 power" sigil won't have any effect. also the skyscale seems to have veeery low condi damage so i wouldn't recommend Tormentor, and might won't do anything (since stats don't effect skyscale) so avoid Strength sigil. Runes: the stat bonuses from runes will generally have no effect, HOWEVER runes that increase burn duration will increase the burning, and runes that increase the duration of Fury will be very beneficial (since Fury is one of the few stats that actually affects Fireball, with the other being Alacrity) (concentration gear WONT effect the duration of fury.) food and utility buffs: special effects like "gain health every second" and "on crit steal health" work. also Plate of Sweet Curried Mussels grants fury when you get a kill, and the Fury works! food buffs that increase stats (like + condi damage / power / ferocity etc) won't have any effect. (this includes "increase X by a percentage of Y" utilities.) Relic: the only relic that i have got to work is Afflicted, which will create a death nova when you kill your enemies. fireball isn't counted as a weapon skill for Relic of the Thief, Bond of Life isn't counted as a healing skill for healing skill relics and skyscale has no elite. Jade Bot Protocols: Jade Bot Protocols WILL trigger from fireball, so i'd recommend dragon riders always have an active offensive protocol for Alacrity and Fury! something interesting i noticed which i can't quite understand, fireball does noticeably more damage in the pvp lobby than out in the open! anyways i hope this helps if anyone else is planning on making a "Dragon Rider" 😄 currently i believe the best dragon rider is a Revenant using Roiling Mists running an "on crit" damage sigil and Accuracy, and Runes of the Citadel for higher fury uptime, with Relic of the afflicted, using a Plate of Sweet Curried Mussels and Jade Bot Protocols! if anyone knows of anything better, please do let me know!
  5. yes. we shouldn't have to unequip and reequip our capes/wings/backpacks to have them visible during emotes, they just shouldn't vanish.
  6. this is STILL an issue that should be resolved, how can it be so hard to fix? if we zoom into first person and then back out we can see our backpack and weapons, but noone else can see them (its clientside) c'mon Anet! i see you making QoL changes like graphical settings and crosshairs, allow us to keep our backpacks while emoting! characters with wings shouldn't have them vanish every time they want to nod and then appear again afterwards, its so silly and has been in the game far longer than it should have.
  7. thats actually what i was thinking, classes are more fun when we deviate from reality, just look at warrior, giant hammers are never actually used like they are in fantasy games, and spinning around like a beyblade with dual axes is cool but not very realistic. so yeah i was thinking of samurai from anime and games, swift with parries and shadowsteps. my bad i thought you meant you didn't like deadeye for its theme/lore etc, but yes i agree it can be OP in pvp. i wouldn't be opposed to offhand sword either 🙂
  8. how exactly would it be a bad fit for thief?! Thief is the ninja/samurai class and a moveset like this would fit them perfectly! also nah bladesworn isn't the same, its all about explosions and projectiles, the only thing that really fits is the burst. can you think of a more fitting next elite spec for Thief than Samurai? (perhaps the utilities could be Stances which change your weapon skills from defensive to offensive etc) also how do you not like Deadeye?! yes its a sniper, and its really fun to play, and fits the assassin theme.
  9. i agree with this. i play full zerker specs on every class and it is often the case that the classes with way more health have far more damage perfect example comparing zerker staff ele to zerker warrior (pick whatever zerker warrior spec you like!) glasscannon staff ele sitting on a sliver of health should be putting out a mountain of damage, risk = reward! but it simply doesn't. and if Anet for some reason don't want to give glasscannon staff eles the damage that warrants being the squishiest character in the game then there is no reason for my staff ele to be so ridiculously squishy. risk should grant reward.
  10. i'd choose greatsword over anything, lets get Samurai elite spec up in here weilding an Odachi! but i would also be happy with a focus for my Shadowmancer (Specter) 😄 because it looks quite silly at the moment with my shadowy spellcaster carrying a pistol around!
  11. i'd be happy with that change, i would generally like to see most of the forced movement melee skills changed i'm not talking about leaps and things, they are useful, i'm talking about the skills which you use in melee and they have a little movement baked in. (like Death Blossom which you mentioned and others like Flanking Strike and Stalker's Strike) the movements don't offer any benefit and a lot of the time just end up being a disadvantage (like you said with ledges and things)
  12. i had a similar idea for an elite spec, Acolyte, focusing on a single element and role, no attunement swapping. Fire Acolytes would be the king of area denial and condi damage. Air acolyte would be all about direct damage and big crits. Earth Acolyte would be able to tank with the big boys. and Water Acolytes would be incredible healers. in my mind the spec would use Staff as its weapon, but get a whole new set of skills (some similar to other elementalist skills, just buffed up) for instance Air Acolytes would get a bigger and more potent version of Arc Lightning as its auto attack, dealing more damage and chaining to enemies. i've thought about how the trait tree would work and came to the conclusion that it would probably be best to make a new trait tree for each Acolyte spec and a base Acoylte elite trait line as the 3rd. (so as a Fire Acolyte you might run the Core Fire trait line, the Acolyte of Fire trait line and the mandatory Acolyte elite trait line.)
  13. yep i have a few rangers! i have a dagger dagger condi ranger with a Black Widow (for the condi and the SWAG 😎), a hammer melee thumper with a Sand Lion (it looks cool with my thumper ranger!), and an Eir clone who uses power longbow and a Wolf (alas no Garm!) 😄 i only tame the pets that best suit the builds/themes on each of the alts, but i do have quite a few extra pets on the thumper, i could imagine it would be a big pain collecting all of the pets again!
  14. yeah i just spent half hour doing events in verdant brink (ya know... the maguuma jungle) and then i checked to see how many events i had left for weekly...ALL OF THEM. because the maguuma jungle does not count the most jungley part of maguuma. and then i went eastward and completed a few quests, checked again, NOPE i was one area too far north that this green foresty area counted as Kryta and not Maguuma. totally my bad! so now i'm running around Caledon FOREST (not a jungle) trying to find events, because i have completed one here and apparently this forest is the jungle i need to be in. 🤬
  15. i miss GW1 with each brithday adding everlasting combat tonics of so many different creatures, i had one character who i permanently played as a saltspray dragon! they don't even need to add animations for all skills and movements, i'd still be happy! most mobs people would want to play as already have melee animations and casting animations.
  16. my only request would be for the charge up orb to explode when it reaches the target, i like to play with over the shoulder action combat so judging when it has reached the target can be a pain in the butt.
  17. i'm actually quite thankful that they never pursued more water content, the 4D aspect of it just doesn't really feel good for combat, and a large number of skills don't function underwater. i've been dreading a water expansion (i was sure we'd be heading into the deep to fight the water dragon.), but luckily water has remained a gimmick. i have quite a few characters who don't even have a breathing mask or aquatic weapon.
  18. if it ain't broke, grab a hammer. and yeah i'm not a fan of the change either, ele to me is the quintessential mage class, i play as a glass cannon with a staff, staying at a distance, arcane wave was one of the phew decent utility skills for my build, but Anet decided after 12 years that i want another Lightning Flash instead, they decided that instead of having a useful instant damage aoe blast finisher, i'd much rather have a cast time and put myself in the middle of danger. thanks anet! keep blindly swinging that nerf hammer!
  19. yep, now we have Jade Mechs, mobile with far more damage than turrets ever had, and able to tank and CC and giving you access to your full utility bar. 😜
  20. yep i remember the nerf, and it was indeed because they were good at defending a position. but that is entirely the function of turrets! its quite maddening that the devs made turrets to do what turrets do and then nerfed them because they were doing what they should! it is also worth noting, that by running a full set of the old style turrets you missed out on a lot of utility because all of your toolbelt skills were just "detonate turret" and you had no stunbreaks/condi cleanses or anything else, you were literally "all-in" on the turrets. yes you could make a point dangerous for the enemies, but you personally became a far easier and weaker target, and when the engi dies all of the turrets despawn. modern builds are waaaaay stronger than turret engi ever was, i think it would be good if turrets saw some love.
  21. yep, people using them to immediately detonate were not using turrets as turrets, just like now were the turrets appear, do something cool for a moment and then provide nothing but weak DPS. it was so much better when they could be set up and then provide a meaningful bonus when required. now they are just standard utility skills in a turret suit.
  22. indeed, they did it so that you have access to toolbelt skills, but imho it was a big fat nerf to the turret playstyle, turrets are for defending an area, they're something that you set up before a fight, so having them overcharge immediately and then do nothing but a small bit of damage is very counterproductive to how turrets should be used.
  23. make them have infinite duration but with a cooldown. so for instance you'd use lighting hammer like you normally would, except it would have infinite duration, only ending when you reactivate Conjure Lightning Hammer (or the drop bundle button) the skill could either go on cooldown the moment you use it, or the cooldowns could be reduced and being when you stop using the weapon.
  24. i wish they would add something like WoWs beastmaster spec, which lets you tame special exotic pets and buffs your pets to be a large part of your damage (kinda like mechanist in GW2 having jade mech doing the majority of damage and tanking.) then we could tame hydras, wargs, stoneheads etc 🥰
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