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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. as the title says, i suggest we make racial skills good! 👍 picking a race should be more than just appearance, you should also be able to think about what kind of character you want to make and what race might best fit your character! want to make a tanky warrior? imagine if bear form was decent, toggleable and perfectly supplemented your playstyle! 💪 🐻 looking forward to mechanist and wanting to get a full robomancer experience? imagine if your asuran genius could stay in their powersuit all of the time! (and the abilities weren't awful) 🤖 prefer to play a mender/healer playstyle? imagine if rolling sylvari increased your healing and gave you potent support skills? currently racial skills are borderline useless, a forgotten relic from release days. some have a tiny niche like using bear/snow leopard form to charge short distances, but generally the choice of race makes no difference whatsoever. so i propose we have a "race update" which revamps and modernises the racial skills and allows them to be more woven in to gameplay. also we could get a 4th (always present) trait tree "the racial-trait tree" with traits that are based around the race and the racial skills. for example Norns could have traits that increase their health, power and toughness, effectiveness with greatswords/hammers, and traits that enhance their shapeshift forms. 🐺 and unlocking racial-traits could be woven in with lore-rich quests, perhaps to unlock a grandmaster trait that allows for unending and togglable shapeshifts you would be sent on a great hunt to slay several mighty beasts. 🐓🐇🐖 were as a minor trait (to boost health and toughness) would simply require winning a drinking game in hoelbrak. 🍻 what do other people think? is it time that racial skills were reincarnated? what kind of stuff would you like to change for your favourite race? 🙂
  2. but way worse, people were losing their mind when ranger bugs allowed the pets to do one attack of large damage, well unless it gets seriously nerfed mechanist is like that, but all of the time. its like having a zerker player in your pocket.
  3. wait until the mechanists are in every game, with the stupid jade mech carrying them 😉
  4. perma stab, high toughness, multiple condi clears and high damage, all on a build that just presses 1. yeah its the most annoying build in PVP at the moment, nothing else requires so little skill to be effective.
  5. i want Fort Aspenwood back. Luxons supporting siege turtles and Kurzicks manning the walls!
  6. i have a wolf as an alt pet on ranger so when i'm downed i can switch to it, i then have the downskill interrupt, wolf knockdown and fear, makes it pretty easy to stall until the heal starts
  7. right now i'd say flamethrower engi, there are worse things to duel like a pro ele, but you don't come across many of them. flamethrower engi has high damage, high sustain, perma stab and its so god kitten easy to play that they are everywhere. so i'd say they are consistently the most annoying, most other builds depend on the skill of the person using it.
  8. honestly hammer need to get ALL of its damage back. (on warrior) if they wanted to balance damage on CC skills it should have been done on a skill by skill bases, not lazily slap zero damage on every cc skill across the board. feb 2020 patch will always remain the laziest and worst patch i've seen in any game that i've played. hammer was already an unused weapon on warrior, and to nerf it out of the game was unforgivable.
  9. trying to pick a favourite failed promise is like trying to pick your favourite tv show, there are too many to choose from! perhaps mine might be the promise of CC skills being looked at and balanced individually since the monkey got loose with the nerf hammer in feb2019.
  10. yeah the fact that they've made some 300CD traits for new specs simply speaks volumes about their competence... the 300 CDs were a lazy way of pretty much removing traits from the game when Anet couldn't think of actual ways to balance them. (they've been doing that junk for years, back in GW1 it was known as "Smite Booning" because they gave a skill the longest cooldown with the highest energy cost because they CBA to actually balance it.) but to make new traits and already "remove them from the game" just displays shocking levels of laziness. why bother making the traits in the first place, why not just put "CBA coming up with anything else so this trait is empty"
  11. ele should be the long range nuker, the quintessential "mage" class. but this is now the THIRD cqc elite spec in a row. i really hope the next expansion (if there is one) will take ele back in the correct direction with range.
  12. actually we have MMs, and they are annoying enough. we don't need another AI carry class.
  13. mechanist is just so autoplay it is very annoying, there is a reason turret build was nerfed years ago, there is a reason people complained about ranger pets doing large burst damage. this is a PVP mode, just incase anet aren't in the know, it stands for PLAYER vs PLAYER, the golem just carries the engi, my mechanists golem does more damage than my overnerfed staff ele.
  14. honestly i miss runes with interesting effects. like the rune that encased you in a block of ice when you got low, or the rune that gave you vampiric attacks.
  15. remember the glory days when assassin thief was the meta! Backstab, Heartseeker, Heartseeker!
  16. forget new weapons, i wanted STAFF back. ele is the quintessential "mage" class, we should be standing far away hurling deadly spells from afar. i was really hoping the new spec would be an "acolyte" type of spec, were you focus on one element and lose the stance dancing. so for example you could be a pyromancer and become the ultimate fire mage with heavy nukes. instead we got another melee spec, making this the 3rd CQC elite spec in a row...
  17. i'd like a bikini top and bottoms as chest and leg armour skins, and also things like bare chest (for the guys) and loincloths. we need more armours!
  18. the only time i want outfits is like you said, when levelling (which i haven't done since the very early days of GW2...) in every other situation armour is just way better for getting your own custom look. i wish they would chop the existing outfits into pieces and sell them as armour skins, i'd probably buy nearly every single one, they all have atleast a piece which i'd like to add to my skins collection.
  19. its way too easy, i just rifle AA and watch things melt. i'm going to enjoy it in pve (i play a golemancer engi with the asuran golem elite and rune of golem, so it's gonna be amazing for me there.) but for pvp i think it might be a little too good.
  20. i expected 'golemancer' so i'm not disappointed 🙂 only thing different that i expected was minions instead of signets
  21. literally noone was playing hammer warrior in pvp, and Anet come along and utterly obliterate it in feb2020 because apparently hammer isn't allowed to be a thing. now here we are and they're adding OP hammer specs to the game... but leaving warrior hammer utterly useless. c'mon Anet, even from you this is puzzling.
  22. they ruined turrets when they made them activate their abilities one single time when placed. turrets should be placed in strategic spots preemptively, so this silly "use once and then just low damage" goes entirely against how turrets should work. we need the activateable abilities back. if i could redesign turrets i'd make them ground target placeable with a short range (how they were years ago), i'd give them slow constant health regen ticks, once placed i'd toggle the skill to the ability to use the turrets "overcharge" with a short CD (as it used to be) i'd have the toolbelt skills as 2 part skills, activating the toolbelt skill will use the toolbelt skill as it does now, but while the toolbelt skill is on cooldown it toggles to the turret detonate skill. and i'd have the turrets scale more with the engies stats, so if you're stacking power and crit your turrets will be hitting harder and critting more. i'd also do away with the self destruct after 5 mins, that just seems like an archaic relic of the past, i think it was to prevent afk farming bots, but we already have MMs doing it, soooo....
  23. 2 hammer elite specs this expansion, guess Anet are trying to make hammer a thing again since they utterly destroyed it back in feb2020. hey anet if you're giving ele and ranger hammer, how about you give warrior their hammer back.
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