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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. maybe give more defense seals for cm runs daily... players would try their hands on a little bit harder content..
  2. The DRM final boss fights are kinda cool.... we have daily strike missions which players lfg as ibs3 or ibs5... If there was a daily DRM with 70 Defense seals, players would do it. also the supply boxes in EoTN are really worth but usual drm gives only 10 +5 + approx 15 seals per run (I might be wrong about the numbers but its not more than 40) and daily dragonstorm doesnt give enough. and repeated dragonstorm gives only 400karma i believe and no defense seals
  3. The lock bite gang thief skrritts doesn't wanna get caught ... so they don't stay in same place for more than a week X)
  4. yes she did teleport 2 times.. one outside the ship fortress, one deep inside and finally near ship's helm(the place near the ship stairs exit usual dying place)
  5. I couldnt get the Legendary Rifle Predator collection done because of 2 assasination targets... "Svanir shaman" and "Tahidha Covington" Any of u have any working suggestions to improve my chances of getting these 2 steps done? I kinda spammed the meta like 3 Svanir kills and 4 Tahidha kills and yet no completion on these 2 objectives I tried condi builds thinking that even if my skills dont connect for teh last second during teh kill, teh cconditions would still be ticking and give me the killing blow on the bosses I tried power builds with burst damage and waited burst until teh boss 1% hp and executed burst but still no luck one thing I havent tried is Bladesworn dragon slash.... Do u guys have any suggestion to Improve my chances? like will playing deadeye rfile build on teh bosses give me a better chance(since im crafting a rifle afterall and assasinating relates more to thief)? or something like that? update: using bladesworn dragon slash at 1% svanir shaman actually got me the collection progress hope it does for tahidha too final update: i didnt even get a chance to last hit tahidha but still i got progress in collection... weird.. so it has nothing to do with last hit after all X) but one thing i did realize, I was very close to the boss when the svanir and tahidha bosses died.. so maybe.. it has something to do with how close u are to the dying boss that improves the chances of u getting teh collection progress.. maybe
  6. +1 I hate the wvw blob ring... wish there was a legendary ring with collections, lore and cool effect... I have the raid ring but wish there was one more cool ring
  7. should a MMO find ways to make players gather in spots or shd it be like a single player game and spread out the players? If WV gives dailies exclusively for each player based on their progress, they would run in these issues: they'd get a minidungeon example "long way around" underwater minidungeon which they would have no idea of and spend too much time to figure out how to complete it and they either get frustrated on time spent or go thru wiki if they are aware of it since they are new to teh game, they might find it hard to complete it either due to manpower or knowledge to solve it also they will never get teh feel of an MMO when theyre the only one waiting infront of the tears of itaocl minidungeon dont know what to do and dont have proper gear to kill the enemies which spam poison, knockbacks and stun now that WV gives objectives common for everyone, players will gather and they overcome the objective either thru manpower , community help, .... they even get the feel of an MMO and they get to interact with teh others
  8. So new players who doesnt even know what a Wizard vault is.... starts playing gw2 they arent FOMO phobiad when playing from lvl1-lvl80 but when they reach lvl80 they somehow got the idea of earning more items(even if they dont know what items they are) rather than enjoying the game story they somehow get focussed on Wizard vault and feel it as FOMO? and even when the new player reach lvl80.. dailies completion is at 4/5 rather than 5/5 but still they are worried about that 1 extra daily(which is in different region diff story) which is not even required to complete the daily Is that what u guys are trying to say? When I started playing GW2, I clearly remember what my mindset was back then.. I never understood what items important whats not.. I never cared about finishing dailies.. never worried about i might be missing out on something that i dont know / dont understand / dont even know existed If a player really cared about story gameplay and enjoy those aspects he would never worry about a Lizard Vault if there is one until they complete all story and they have nothing else to do or get inspired by something along the way and then set goals then he worries about rewards.. maybe u guys are talking about a player who already has a maxxed out account and he gets a new alternate account and knows whats what .. the ywill definitely worry about rewards and missing out on rewards.. If we talk about missing out rewards... lets see how many days it takes to complete the entire gw2 story... a month at max? so a new player misses out one single reward from dailies everyday- WV rewards for a month.. then he wouldve completed story and unlocked all maps content.. then he wont miss out thereafter... but if ure talking about some player who takes like a year to complete gw2 entire story, then he would never would worry about missing out on rewards.. either he isnt investing time on game or not interested in anything else than the story gameplay..
  9. legendary starter kit is too good to ignore.. just ge tthat one.. then mystic coins and clovers.. the rest.. not so important
  10. if by effects, u mean the 6th bonus on rune.. I think anet might release new relics for upcoming map and also the current relics have some cool utility and also some cool looking graphical visual effects too.. cerus relic spawns cerus eye and does a full rotation and corrupts boons.. mabon relic, isgarren relic, speed relic,...
  11. I agree.. I already got what I wanted from WV.. now i just ignored the daily and just do what i like in the game and if that is part of the daily, i just collect the astral acclaims or some days i even forget to collect them but i don't fuss over it
  12. maybe anet should take a survey how many GW2 players have severe FOMO phobia condition and take decision t oeither leave teh current WV system as is or in worst case, revert teh entire daily rewards to old system... or.. idk if majority of players have too many alt accounts and they decide to ignore the game's health and focus only on daily rewards and their E-pixel-currencies and the survey might be invalid.. whatever... I dont care.. I trust anet's decisions on this one..
  13. Wizard vault is not promoting alt parking.. the suggestion to give objectives based on progress might be indirectly promoting that(example lvl1 character will get same objectives over and over that can be botted and alt parked or whatever).. I don't see how u landed on that conclusion with WV... Idk what can solve ur FOMO phobia.. the players i play with doesnt have those phobia "even if i choose to engage in a content, i miss out on loot"? idk what ure talking about... if i choose to engage in a content thats part of an objective, I get rewarded thats how it works.. u present an option to choose between engage in content and having loot ... why make it a eitehr or.. why not do both? engage and get loot? and character progression is subjective.. idk what u have in mind.. some ppl consider unlocking fashion is progress.. some consider raid, hard content as progress, some consider getting rich comparing rank in GW2 efficiency leaderboards,....... so.. If u claim FOMO tactic is present in WizardVault... on a scale of 1 to 10 how would u rate it? how would u feel even if u get teh dailies done 4 out of 5 and miss out on the 5th optional objective.. how much FOMO phobia would u feel on a scale 1 to 10?
  14. I just pointed out a worst outcome.. the over all objective of Wizard vault is to engage players in various maps, various events... thats it... I dont like to deviate from that... so u think thats a good idea to implement WV to give u dailies based on ur lvl1 character... queensdale crowded with bots or who knows what 10000 characters farming WV dailies? even if WV objectives tells the players to go to a different map diff expansion he/she owns, it only motivates them to do the story.. worst thing maybe they will skip a daily for few days.. even then dailies have a leeway now u can skip one but still complete dailies 4 out of 5.. or if they want dailies 100% badly, they can choose WvW or pvp which isnt tied to story spoiling.. too many options
  15. Imagine players with 100s of multiple accounts with character lvl 10 not unlocking map beyond queensdale not progressing further just to get very simple easy dailies compared to other players... They'll demand the same thing not getting spoiled story wise not getting pressured to go unlock different maps but full reward access in wizard vault The objective of WV is to get players to engage on content at the same time, reward their participation... not the old system all over again.
  16. they made it soulbound probably to make it a currency sink... costs only a few WvW currency to get those relics once u unlock them 50jadeheroics and 100badge of honor look on the bright side.. u have extra customization now.. previously teh 6th bonus is tied to the runes itself.. and u wouldve wished what if we use the 6th bonus on a diferent rune... now its possible with the exception of some being removed due to various reasons.. I trust anet on this part.. reasons could be to remove bugs, complications and unused/unpopular 6thbonus, Overpowered or broken....
  17. Wish they let us invite the tiger cubs to home instance after we finish the legendary weapon or add an option to integrate the tiger den portal item in home instance (maybe adjacent to the raven portal to garden plot) or some form of trophy in home instance Reg Tiger Baby book - wish the tiger cubs visually improved in some form like increased color of stripes or size of cubs after we give them 3 tiger milk , 2 tiger food in collection love how the cubs change their animations after we make a tiger gym Reg Tiger Training Guide - kinda feel bad that the collection step ends after single event with single cub... wish we get to take all 3 cubs with us for the fights... instead of carrying, all 3 cubs should follow us like minis.. at present its like one cub gets the training lesson but the other doesn't. Nola, Halkor and Brill all three should get all training lessons X) wish the new legendary all have this kinda lore and legendary journey in form of collection instead of just crafting... legendary weapon collections like chuka champawat and nevermore will have a lasting impression on the game.. whenever we equip that legendary weapon, all these memories come flooding in atleast I wish the new legendary armor has some kind of interesting legendary journey collection, lore with it... even if I have all 3 legendary sets, the collections will motivate me to craft new legy armors regarding the Wizard vault new Legendary Weapon Starter Kit reward, I'm kinda sad that it gives the precursor directly as a reward.. though the direct precursor reward will be useful to many players coz they dont have to craft or do collections and quickly they make a legy weapon for use or for selling... but the reward is too good and at the same time i cant use it coz i hate to get a precursor without doing collections and doing the collection for precursor with the same precursor from WV reward box just for twice told legend feels sad.. choosing even a different precursor feels uncomfortable with teh collection being incomplete.. wish they gave legendary crafting stuff like clovers mystic coins, mystic tribute like how they give gift of might magic.. just give something of equal value for precursor.. either the material value or some value calculated by anet but something other than the precursor and the corresponding gift item.. or even better give the list of materials to progress towards the precursor collection and the legendary gift item so it feels justified or fair or wholesome Conclusion: Legendary weapons with collections, lore and legendary journey is a fun part of mmo.. please don't remove it tqtqtq
  18. I do remember what happened on that broken crab toss... everyone was throwing karka eggs, hitting with planks and enjoying themselves... that's a fun activity with no toxicity... and even if the activity is bugged, everyone has fun. but imagine playing PvP, your teammates targeting u and typing bad words on team chat belittling u. That's the difference between an activity and toxic competitive game mode... Being in an activity, even if you're kicked around, you will never feel depressed ... can't say the same for PvP where your contribution matters to the team and influence the outcome and inturn their experience and time investment... Conclusion: is perfectly fine to have crab toss and South sun survival under activities X)
  19. Maybe something to do with new skyscale collections requiring hpoint interaction
  20. I got the mastery point achievement from Livia floating platform event when I shot down like more than 20 cryptis turrets and atleast 2 targetted cryptis humanoid thingies on the rocky surfaces during the event... Note: When I tried it for the first time I was lazy and shot like only 5 cryptis turrets so I didn't get that achievement...then I read wiki, it mentioned, we need to kill many turrets so aim for as many turrets u can shoot down
  21. That feature is behaving as if to get players to empty instances to distribute players among all instances equally... Example... If two instances of bjora marches map created during the drakkar event but players moved to one instance specifically by joining a tag in lfg, other instance would need players for the server to consider that the instance been utilised optimally.. so it generates the popup to distribute players equally (but with wrong wording)... But players always like to join the most populated instance anyway...
  22. When Ure passionate about something and invest your time in doing it , u will atleast need an acknowledgement let alone merits just for courtesy when someone copies your work. If Ure a new player and haven't invested time haven't acquired many gear outfit u won't bother to have an inspect feature. Same goes for lot of other things.... Game instanced content, competitive content, irl stuff,...
  23. Not exactly with or against your idea... Just tried to weigh the options... On one hand, players feel uncomfortable when they spend time dressing and dyeing creating a nice look only to be copied in a flash and the copycat getting praised for the look/outfit fashion in lobby map chat... On the other hand inspect gear might lead a (new/bored) player who doesn't have the piece of gear striking up a conversation on how to get the Armor and getting interested in game content by pursuing that gear piece So... Weighing "commendation to the deserved", "individuality", "privacy" WITH "game content exposure", "player retention", "potential social connection" Could be 'n' number of things vs n things... So idk ... Just throwing this out there.... What's good for the game? What benefits the game to stay longer and what maintains the game's integrity and what creates a good experience in game
  24. Valid argument ... How does it feel if 10 players all of a sudden just transform into your clone and run around in lobby area(rhetorical question btw). GW2 community fashion events in divinity reach and copycats. And so on... But then again ffxiv has the inspect feature... So... Idk ... Fashion might not be a brainchild of one individual's creativity
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