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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. I find it comical that off-hand pistol will already be eons better than Torch. IF torch is supposed to be a "hybrid condi/power burst weapon"... then it fails miserably in doing that. Torch is such an outdated forgetful weapon, with a TERRIBLE tracking Torch#4 throw....(not counting Willbender can't even use Torch#5) that no one is even asking for buffs because at this point, most Guards don't even want buffs for it lol. We threw the towel YEARS ago. Just give us pistol so we can forget Torch ever existed.
  2. Lol no offense taken. I only added that portion because there's a lot of newer players joining the game. There are probably other items in my Stephen King novel of a post that are for sure irrelevant but what's the fun in that? Sometimes players appreciate context and their interests don't have to align with yours. But hey if you subscribe and follow, I'll talk about my morning routine of mirror gazing for 15minutes prior to queueing. If you're lucky, I may even tell you what my favorite color is 🤌
  3. Pretty much this. I finished Placements and ended up in a low elo of 1200 rating and climbed to Plat 1550+. Got my alt account to Plat too... all soloQ during "peak" hours (5:00pm CST - 10:00pm CST). All I do in my games is literally farm low elo players or surprise Plat players with my big D damage. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't but my losses is less than a third of my wins. AFK's will definitely happen but a lot of players between Bronze1 and Gold2 don't care a lot about GW2 PvP. They just queue for the rewards.
  4. Stronghold anything needs to be out of this discussion until they rework the map... Add 10v10 Guild vs Guild. Offseason should just be 3v3 or 4v4 team deathmatchs. Remove 2v2 and never add 1v1 unless you love warrior/cata/rangers owning everyone.
  5. When i logout, I can see what you mean it is indeed light text. I tried to copy-paste in an attempt to reset the font/color but it looks the same. That's so very strange.... thanks for the heads up though!!
  6. the text looks like a very feint grey??????
  7. F1, Offhand sword, Judges..... every so often I would deselect a target to immediately run away by using one of these utilities or skills and..... still port TOWARDS my old target as if i have "Autotargeting" enabled in my settings???? This has only happened after the last patch. It's also possible for it to be some kind of weird server lag.... i've lagged on my end before and never experiences this before too.... it has happened so often that I thought I was doing something wrong but I caught it in one of my games where I knew for sure I wasn't on a target/player. Has anyone else experienced this at all?
  8. Relic's was one of the best (and only) things that has been different in PvP since Stronghold (SH is a fail and they should have listened to the community more closely..... a lot of resources wasted). But like everything else that's new, it just needs to be balanced appropriately. There's literally only 1 or 2 power relics and 1 or 2 condi relics. Support relics is meh... Trooper is the go-to if you're shout but no other relic gives that amount of value i feel. All other relics are really bad with no uniqueness to them. The Cerus relic (am i fighting a boss rn?) and that eye missile rellic (forgot name) looks so dang cool!!! They aren't meta or useful but still looks cool lol! It's a HUGE +1
  9. You and I haven't duo'd in a while though ;_;...
  10. The class is so simplistic that any little buff will turn bad Guard players into mediocre players, and extremely good players into Gods. I think that was one of the issues with the damage in F1 and offhand Sword. It was too easy to faceroll and get results. I'm starting to think WB needs some utility upgrade such as Superspeed when WB Flames lands.... or our Physical skills not requiring a target to port like Flashing Combo. We need a buff in utility usages... IMO..
  11. My only issue with downstate guard is the F1... why in the world did Anet disable F1 procs for downstate guard?? I would understand if it was disabled for Willbender but it has been disabled entirely, basically since the game released. Burst dps power guard can hit anywhere between 800 to 1000 ticks while condi guard will only hit for 100 to 200 damage lol.
  12. Except that the #1 biggest issue with games like GW2 and Overwatch is that these games are so incredibly team dependent to the point where there will be extreme outliers in rating accuracy. A prime example is how Placements work. I can literally end up in Silver3 due to a bad dice roll even though I'm farming people in that low elo after Placements. Games like GW2, you would need to accumulate an excruciating amount of games for this elo to be anywhere near accurate... compared to say, a game like chess where a players rating is accurately determined by who they beat. If people tryhard and lose the majority of their matches with a very close game of 450red, 500blue but are losing full points.... compared to some one who has a historically worse win/lose margin but in the same rating then why punish the players who are actually trying to win?? IF this promotes AFK's and I doubt it will, then their rating will be eons worse than people who don't AFK because their point spread will be larger when they afk. Meaning they will receive less points in a period of 155 game compared to people who decide not to afk. I don't see a negative here but please elaborate if you disagree.
  13. I have no idea ;_; I havent figured out a font change option in edit. I'm thinking I copied and pasted it from my notes or something and it brought the font with it >_<... edit: I think gamers over 35yo will appreciate the bigger font though lol!
  14. It's not that complicated. Just concentrate on what you can control and things will fall into place. You can pan around the map to see who is the most glass prior to you actually engaging. There's almost always 1 person who gets easily melted. Such as a necro, perhaps a DH, engi or thief. If you're a Scrapper and they have 2 or more bunker classes, you have to play into mid very cautiously. In fact you'll probably spend most of your time rotating around the map attempting to +1 burst people if you and your teamates suck at mid fights. It's staggering how there's so many players in this game who don't leave losing fights. Proper rotations is 50% of this game's skill ceiling.
  15. That's one of the biggest issues with this game and the elitist community that "circle jerk" the devs when they buff their classes... or QQ hysterically when their jack-of-all-trades class gets a huge nerf. * "Lets play Engi because it has more buttons and carries... Lets go back to Cata because they have more buttons and carries but does more on every node it comes across compared to engi... Oh, War has less buttons but carries on sidenode they are OP and needs nerfs this is ridiculous my Cata can't beat them..." Should we just blame Anet for making "easy classes" and "harder classes" at this point??? Because saying that 1 class is "more difficult" because it takes all your fingers + nipples to play the rotation of it. God forbid a nipple ring gets in the way of your piano playstyle. This particular argument is the wrong way to go about it.
  16. Being stuck playing the support core guard role in competitive games since 2012 is not favoritism 😕 And not getting nerfed because we were already trash, does not make us feel any better lol.....
  17. In sPvP (structured pvp) you don't need a level boost, nor do you need equipment. You can create a new character, finish the initial starting level and then go straight into Heart of the Mists to queue up for pvp. All of your stats comes from the amulet, runes, and relic. That said if you are a new player that is still learning about the class and different build specs, do yourself a huge favor and play up until you're lvl 80 for the sake of learning your class. When I talk about high risk/high reward builds, I'm talking about Berserk Amulet power builds that's able to dish out enough burst damage to potentially 100-0 some one no matter where you rotate to on the map. Bunker builds such as chrono support, scourge, bunker core guard, is NOT high risk/high reward. They are just high risk. You are 100% dependent on your teammates to do damage and that's not a position I like to be in these random soloQ ranked games. Every class in this game has a high risk + high reward build. It's a matter of knowing how to play it.
  18. So the, "my mom grieved and pulled the internet cord because I didn't want to spend family time with them" wasn't the real reason? Shocker.
  19. I went from 1200 rating to 1400 rating in a day. Play a build with higher risk/reward. If you're not carrying consistently, then you're just getting carried by your team when ever you do actually win a game.
  20. The bot provider xD Dang don't you just hate it when vendors changes?
  21. For anyone curious, it's 22:20 on his Twitch stream. All his pages disappears when the game starts lol.
  22. ___________ I've been waiting for a Swift Scholar changes for the longest time. The CC entry for F1#3 and into F3#2 was so sluggish that it ruined FB... mechanically... for me. I haven't played FB since these pvp nerfs. In anticipation for this they increased the cd of Chapter 2: Daring Challenge (F3#2) which is obvious and fair. The CC aspects of FB in PvP should be reactive but not abusive. I'm actually excited that we're going back to how Firebrand was played mechanically when the spec first launched.
  23. I'm eons more excited for this change compared to their first changes with hammer. It means hammer has a chance to do nearly two back-to-back hits with Mighty Blow, assuming the first doesn't get immediately blocked/blinded/dodged. Considering most Guards engage with Mighty Blow anyways (one of the issues with their first Banish changes) we can instead Judge's + guarantee Banish a person then enter Mighty Blow a second time. The playstyle will be very interesting.
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