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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Unless part of the test involved putting the same rewards in EotM, I wouldn't step foot there. The maps are fantastic from a "how they look" point of view, but I've never seen anyone do anything there except Karma train; it's stupefyingly dull to me. I'm not against ANet experimenting in EotM also, but I'd rather see the experiments take place in traditional WvW zones, where the vast majority of people will be.
  2. The point is: people aren't any worse or better because they play WvW; they're still people with human foibles and failings. Helping people move out of their comfort zone is hard on the mover and the mentor. Regardless, ANet's decided that they want active WvW participation to be a component of making a legendary. And there remain several options for those who are new to the game mode: learn it for real, push through it (as you & your friend did), do the PvE-style dailies, or do just the Big Spender daily, with the time varying from 6-12 hours at the short end, to a few months, with two years being the worst case scenario for someone who just can't do it. Another possibility is paying someone 400g for supplying the gifts of battle/exploration/dungeon.
  3. If you don't want to do anything that risks fighting another player, then do the "Big Spender" daily when it comes up, typically 3-5x per month. Each time it does, you get a potion that progresses your active WvW reward track by 0.125%, so you need 80 of these. At 4/month, that's 48/year, so it will take you 2 years. If you want to speed up the process and are willing to take small risks of fighting other players, there are several other dailies that require only dealing with NPCs (unless an enemy is there to do the same thing, hence: small risk). Those dailies involve killing a supply yak, killing NPCs to take a camp (or letting others do it while you jump in the ring), killing one of three veteran creates on borderland maps, killing a sentry (and capping its location), and capping a ruin. 1-3 of those happen just about every day, so you can easily get 10/week or 40/month. So that reduces the time to GoB to 2 months. ANet is not going to change the GoB requirement any time soon, so your best bet is to use one of the above methods even as you agitate for change.
  4. Comments like yours.Oh I see. If I agree, the conversation is honest. No just that your points are all moot and non issues.You simply don't agree. That's got nothing to do with "honesty."
  5. Comments like yours.Oh I see. If I agree, the conversation is honest.
  6. However, you forgot: It's far, far cheaper for ANet to deliver outfits than armor sets. The one-size-fits-all design means that they don't have to worry about clipping, the only have to worry about four dye channels (rather than 12-24), and they have more scaling options.
  7. You're missing the fact that there aren't enough buyers to sell instantly for that price. There might have been, but for most items that you can sell in bulk, that amount available at any given price varies. Again, if ANet agreed with you today, it won't change soon. So while you're waiting, ask for 1c higher.Even when prices are falling quickly, they also go up a bit before they drop further down. I don't fault you for valuing 1g in your wallet more than a 99% chance of having 1.25g in your wallet later today; that's a personal preference. (Economists refer to that as "risk aversion" and there's nothing wrong with it; it helps drive the markets.) However, please don't let that prevent you from using a temporary work--around of settling for 1.001g in 5-30 minutes, instead of 1g instantaneously.
  8. Not really.First, regardless of why the player is there, they are still playing for your world. A reluctant WvWarrior is still playing WvW. Second, how many people do you think are doing this and for how often? And finally, why wouldn't every serious fan of WvW want to see as much potential fresh blood into the game mode as possible? For every 100 newbies, you might only get 5 or 10 future veterans, but where else will WvW get people to replace those burning out after 4 years?
  9. It's not cancelling anything but putting my unsold items on TP. This is the problem. Just look at screen, TP listed my 2 Vicious Fangs for 20s20c although I tried to instasell them.Another thing is please tell me how are you going to sell any item for the price lower than best buy offer. You can't just sell item for 10 silver if someone wants to buy it for 20 silver. That's the problem. Another thing is I can't sell more than wants person/people offering best price. THat's why very ofter when you want to sell stack of something and there are offers of buying 5,10,5,8,2,7 quantity you have to repeat that n-times. I just tested this because it's been a long time. And you're right, these days, you can no longer sell in bulk for under the minimum offer (it used to be possible, but that's moot). And it would be fair if ANet changed selling to work the same as buying: you can choose to buy a stack at a variety of prices, so why not allow people to sell to the existing buy offers? However, it's not as easy as it sounds, because the existing offers keep changing (as other people buy & sell). So while you can insta-buy as much as is offered, we can't insta-sell, because there's no guarantee that there will be more on offer. Consequently, even if ANet agreed with you today, it's going to be 6-12 months before we see anything like this in game. Instead, put your offer at one copper above the minimum offer. It won't be instant, but it will be nearly instant for anything that you can sell in bulk. It will almost never make make a meaningful difference in the time your offer lasts.
  10. The TP is doing exactly what you expect: it's canceling an insta-sell because there aren't enough buy offers. If you really want to maximize the efficiency of impatience, manually lower your price by a few copper. Then you'll sell to those buy offers, too (although, of course you'll end up with somewhat less coin). Why? The only way you can get undercut is if you're offering more than most buyers are willing to pay. Ask for less in the first place or heck, sell instantly, and Presto, no undercutting.
  11. Historically, I've saved up the daily potions for Wintersday for gold. Otherwise, @Gorani.7205 has excellent recommendations. Other options: Non-repeatable reward tracks (for the 7-clover that most of them dish out at the end).Dungeon reward tracks (for the AP from completing the respective collections)Heart of Maguuma (for the map currencies, if you don't do there for PvE)Maguuma Wastes (for geodes)Crystal Desert (for collection skins)
  12. They did, they have a warning of a couple months before they removed it.... just saying XD I didn't see that, otherwise I'd have stocked upIt was buried in the longest patch notes up to that date, in the WvW section, so a lot of people missed it. And others that noticed it thought we'd get a warning before it actually happened (since the patch notes didn't say), and that was then (as is now) the more common practice: tell us it's happening, then later get a specific date, then implement. It was pretty easy to miss. Even though I was among those who failed to stock up, I can't agree that it's too burdensome. It can be done very slowly without stepping foot in WvW & moderately quickly doing PvE-like dailies. And for those who want it quickly, it can be done in 6-12 hours, which seems to me barely grindful given how long everything else takes. To me, the main issue is that some people just hate the idea of competitive gaming (I can't blame them; that was me when I started GW2).
  13. You can sell them on the gray market. Going rate is about 400 gold:Seller supplies all the account bound currencies.Buyer supplies all the unbound mats, the precursor, gold for the Icy Runestones, mystic coins for the clover, and so on. There are people who will serve as escrow agents at the GW2 Exchange sub-Reddit, usually for a small fee (depending on the items/effort involved). There are some well-known buyers there, too, who I'd trust to hold up their end of the deal (because their financial status depends in part on their reputation). Roughly speaking, it's a great deal if you do World Completion for fun and do plenty of dungeons/WvW to keep you supplied in the account bound currencies. If it's something that interests you, I can advise about the specific risks/benefits. Gift of battle's value is about 50g. GoE is valued at 400 gold, approximately. Oh oops, yeah, gift of exploration. Thanks. Sorry about that @"Balthazzarr.1349"
  14. You can sell them on the gray market, along with all of the other gifts. Going rate for the entire process is about 400 gold: Seller supplies all the bound currencies & items, including the Gift of Battle, the Gift of Exploration, mystic clover, the relevant dungeon gift, and anything else that is account bound.Buyer supplies all the unbound mats, the precursor, gold for the Icy Runestones, mystic coins for the clover, and so on.There are people who will serve as escrow agents at the GW2 Exchange sub-Reddit, usually for a small fee (depending on the items/effort involved). There are some well-known buyers there, too, who I'd trust to hold up their end of the deal (because their financial status depends in part on their reputation). Roughly speaking, it's a great deal if you do World Completion for fun and do plenty of dungeons/WvW to keep you supplied in the account bound currencies. If it's something that interests you, I can advise about the specific risks/benefits. edit: updated a lot of the text, since some people were confused as to what was being sold
  15. The entire reason for the Gift of Battle requirement is to encourage people to play WvW. Given that, six hours in one session or twelve hours over multiple sessions is about the least effort ANet could require. Their most recent comment on the topic is that they aren't considering a change, not even a little one. Since GoB is only required for legendaries and legendaries are purely cosmetic (with a small convenience factor for those who build swap often), nothing forces you to get one. If WvW isn't fun, then reconsider how badly you want a legendary. If the answer remains: "very badly", then instead of asking ANet to lower the requirement, ask people for help reaching your goal. Put another way: even if ANet agrees with you today that the requirement is too onerous, it's going to be months before they change the acquisition method, probably longer. It's far, far easier and quicker if you figure out how you can adapt to the requirement than for ANet to adapt their game to suit your preferences.
  16. Further ReadingStephen Clarke-Wilson, on his own ping from Seattle (spoiler alert: his route goes through Dallas (location of old datacenter) on the way to Virginia (location of Amazon AWS) )Same guy, on ping for ANet devs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7doj1l/anet_can_we_please_get_an_actual_way_of_checking/dq0g4ax/)Also same guy, explaining why the change to Amazon is temporarily affecting people's connection (ISP/backbone issues, not the servers themselves or their location)Stephen Clarke-Wilson commenting more recently about ping (on r/guildwars, but the ideas still apply) (poster's note: I made some minor formatting changes)
  17. They did it because it actually improved latency for the vast majority of NA players. Despite the Virginia location. As with any transition, even if most people see reduced ping, some will see more. In some cases, this is due to the transition as local ISPs learn the new location of "guildwars2.com". In some cases, it's because the new location is actually worse for some people. In some cases, it's coincidental. And in some cases, it's due to something going wrong in all the miles of cable between, completely unrelated to the new location. Accordingly, none of us can say if the move is the cause of your worsening ping. You'll need to run PingPlotter or similar software to see where things are going wrong and share that data with ANet. If they can, they'll help you identify a cause and troubleshoot with you. If it's their ISP, their machines, or the location, they have some tricks they can try. tl;dr run pingplotter to identify the location(s) of the breakdown and work with ANet to address them.
  18. True, except for Fractals, you need the Mistlock Sanctuary Pass to be able to return.For WvW/EotM, I usually needed 15-30 minutes before I could be sure DR expired.
  19. That even has always been subject to diminishing returns. To fix it, swap your parked toon maybe 1x/week (and do something else with the other toon). DR has a random element to it, so it's possible to go as long as a month without noticing, I think. Or sometimes it pops up in a few days. I think when I was farming that event daily, I swapped 2x/month.
  20. To check if you've reached the cap, open up your achievement panel and mouseover the ANet symbol/orb in the upper left corner. Add up "daily" and "monthly" points. The maximum is 15k. Unfortunately, there's nothing in the game that explains this. I'd like to see a minor achievement (for maybe a consolation 10 AP) when you reach the cap, one that triggers an email that explains the cap. At the very least, I'd like to see a way to track it in the UI. "Mouseover" is good for extra info; it's a shame to hide something that every veteran will eventually encounter.
  21. I don't look at the total costs per slot. I look at, "how many new slots do you get by building bigger bags?" If you already own 20-slot bags, then making a 32 slot bag means you're adding only 12 slots for 150g. Paying retail for a new bag slot is 400 gems, which is currently 120g (in the last 3 months, it's been as low as 105g). 20-slot bags cost 10-15g, depending on the source (sometimes less). edited: updated the numbers to consistently use 10g for 20-slot bags & 120g for 400 gems So to me, the alternatives for existing characters are: <130g: Increase by 20 slots (one new 20-slot bag, one new bag slot)300g: Increase by 24 slots (replacing two existing 20-slots with two 32-slot bags)270g: Increase by 20 slots (using five 24-slot bag replacements and one new bag slot)195g: Increase by 24 slots (with three 28-slot bag replacements)For a new character starting from scratch, I compare the following: ~40g: 80 slots (using standard four 20-slot bags)32- vs 20-Slot comparison 600g: 128 slots (four 32-slot bags)~300g: 120 slots (six 20-slot bags and two extra bag slots)28- vs 20-Slot comparison 260g: 112 slots (four 28-slot bags)~300g: 120 slots (six 20-slot bags and two extra bag slots)24- vs 20-Slot comparison 150g: 96 slots (four 24-slot bags)170g: 100 slots (five 20-slot bags and one extra bag slot)
  22. There are no "cheap" ways. Just outrageously expensive and incredibly outrageously expansive.The 24-slot Gossamer bag is probably the least costly. Requires a 1g recipe to unlock & about 28 gold worth of mats. The 28-slot version requires about 63g worth of mats.
  23. Fun? Bliss and [GOAT] are all that. And more.Nice? Don't let their opponents hear tell of that. They have a reputation to uphold.
  24. Whenever there's a random drop for a collection, some people get it right away, most get it quickly, and a small fraction of us struggle. It's not a bug, just a limitation of keeping things interesting with RNG instead of just grind. For me, it's been things like Tiger Claws (which was especially annoying since, at the time, there were no concentrations of tigers near each other).
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