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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. For armor set I'll prob just run Zerk/Mara for WvW, maybe with some Dragon too depending on what traits I take. For PvE I imagine it'll be full Zerk, but haven't done any research to see whether any Dragon would be worth. Seems solid. Is this all for PvE? I'll prob run something similar for OW content. I hadn't realized until now that Death Drop gives 10x vuln 😮, so that'll work nicely with Dance of Death. Looking forward to the stamina sigil bunny smash memes in open world. I like your build because you are staying away from the crutches of Tormenting Runes & Saint zu-Heltzer. I agree with you about zu-Heltzer; I am 100% anticipating a nerf since it provides sooo much healing and barrier, but it does worry me a bit that they'll overnerf it and not tune up the coefficients for the sake of support builds. If I don't run Tormenting Runes I will try out Grenth. Was thinking something like Traveler could be nice too so I can opt out of Rapid Flow and get more vigor uptime from Spirit Boon, or maybe even Firework for more vigor and same reasons as Traveler. Also, I totally see value in running Vassals of the Empire; the prot alone is huge value. Did you try this at all in either of the previous Vindi betas? Thanks for sharing!
  2. I've seen this thread pop up in some of the other profession subforums and thought it'd be fun to do the same here. Curious what y'all are planning to test out when EoD launches next week. I didn't include any power Vindi builds but will for sure be testing out some of those as well as I spent most of my beta time trying out support stuff. Here are a few of mine: 1. Ventari/Alliance (WvW Support) I played this build almost identically during beta 1 for probably about 15 hours and it worked pretty well, and that was before the alliance swapping was adjusted. Very potent healing and very high burst cleansing. IMO it is better than a Ventari/Glint Herald as it has a lot more active support within its kit. Won't compete with FB/Scrap/Tempest, but is fun nonetheless. First 2 Salv traits are flex depending on your sustain needs. Charged Mists was a bit awkward to upkeep with Alliance stance, but it is much easier to do so with SV than Arch, and the build will basically camp SV the whole time. GS is used exclusively for the block and dash. Can take hammer or mace/axe instead, but I am generally running solo or with a friend or 2, so the survivability is important for me. Will have to see how much of a difference running double energy sigils makes. 2. Jalis/Alliance Retribution (WvW Support) More of a frontline build than the Ventari variant. I ran this during beta 4 but only played it a few hours so didn't get to test it too much. Less healing and cleanse of course, but Jalis carries so it has its advantages. Taking Ret over Invo provides some nice projectile denial uptime as you'll be spamming the SV heal a lot. Invo could work well too, but I'd say that Ret helps fill in the gaps of Jalis better. As with the above build, you can swap GS out for hammer for mace/axe. If taking axe, I'd probably opt for Dwarven Battle Training. 3. Celestial Mallyx/Alliance (WvW Roaming/Smallscale) Also, gonna experiment with a build like this. I didn't test out any sort of condi or hybrid Vindicator build whatsoever so I have no idea how it will actually perform, but I'm gonna give it a run to see how it compares to something like cele Herald. It is able to profit from every stat from cele, and although the Vindi traitline doesn't actually enhance condition damage, it still comes with its own benefits. There are a lot of traits and sigils that I will have to play around with of course, so this is a very rough draft. Thinking Invocation will be a good choice to provide stability and stable fury. Haven't used Roiling Mists in ages, but it will help bring up the crit chance to 75%; Call of the Alliance seems a bit lackluster so I'm not sure about Song of the Mists, and running GS over staff will encourage a heavier emphasis on power damage which would fit in better with RM.
  3. If you know how to manage your dodges on the warclaw, you can outmaneuver most stuff aside from a Sic em Soulbeast or a persistent Thief unless they blow a lot of their mobility cooldowns, in which case it leaves them vulnerable. The whole point of the lance is to help counter the Warclaw being able to escape things so easily. Adding a counter to a counter is as stupid as Deadeye being able to remove reveal. The counter to the lance already exists: the dodge key. Look behind you and save a dodge for when you see the animation start. If you are being pursued by multiple people, you shouldn't live in the first place. Use the build template system to swap to something with disengage or fighting potential while you get back to your group, and then swap back to your normal build when you reach them. The entitlement people have to live is hilarious.
  4. I'd consider myself a petty fresh Mesmer player (in WvW/PvP) so tried this out and had a nice time with it. I have tried to like focus but I just can't seem to get the hang of it, but it makes sense with the build you have and the swiftness duration from the air runes fits in nicely. Lost about half my 1v1s to a decent Reaper but otherwise did not horrible solo roaming with it. I have been trying to learn Mes on core zerk Ill/Duel/Dom so having Inspiration as some added sustain is nice. Thanks for the share.
  5. I'm not much of a Thief player (haven't played it seriously since HoT era), but IMO, increasing the cooldown of a heal to beyond 30 seconds was a line that shouldn't be crossed. The heal skill has always been something unique to GW2 that sets it apart from most other MMMORPGs, and having it up frequently enough to sustain in a fight is important. 30s has always seemed like the hard cap for heal cooldown length, and although 40s is just 10 seconds more, it still is a significant nerf and the change feels like it is breaking a core philosophy of the game. I am of course making assumptions on ANet's part, but the change just really doesn't sit well with me. A heal shouldn't require a trait in order for it to be used, and although I could be wrong, it's hard for me to see anyone take it without the trait now. Which I find really unfortunate. Limiting choice is a lazy way of balancing.
  6. A heal with a 40-second CD. No words.
  7. Hmmm had to check myself on that one and watched a couple clips. Seems like at the very least, the support dodge has the AoE indicator for the enemy, not sure about the other two though.
  8. Would be nice if enemy players couldn't see the AoE indicator of where and when the dodge will land. That way the counterplay isn't so directly obvious. If AoE indicators don't exist for skills like nades, mortar, bound, and vault, I see no reason for it to exist on the dodge either. Just keep it on the supportive one for allies and we're good.
  9. You aren't wrong, but I hope to god you aren't right. 😧
  10. Back before the big balance changes, the energy costs never felt like too much of an issue because the impact was so much higher. Now, Ventari's Will can add up to be quite an energy sink, and when you have to concentrate so much of your healing/cleansing support within the legend, it can make it feel very energy-starved. I am looking forward to Vindicator because I think it will help alleviate some of the issues that Ventari suffers. It gives us back some of our healing modifier potency, allows for us to give heals and barriers via dodge, and allows us to heal and cleanse while in Saint Viktor. I think it will make Ventari feel better to play since it will take off a considerable amount of the pressure of having to concentrate so much of the support within Ventari. This is of course if running Ventari + Saint Viktor. My fear is that if Saint Viktor does start to get used, it will replace Ventari and be used with Jalis instead. Not to say that this negates Ventari's own flaws, but that I think part of the issue is that it doesn't really have a supporting legend that is a perfect "match" for it. IMO, SV will come the closest to that. We'll see though, depending on how much they tweak it.
  11. I voted Scepter for mainhand simply because that's the weapon I first fell in love with when I first started GW2 back in 2014. I love the simplicity of it but also its purpose of being build around clone generation. The fact that the AA generates close was a big appeal to me as well. Otherwise I would say GS. It is a very satisfying weapon and has such a unique interpretation. Sword and axe are both cool, and dagger in its current iteration is absolute garbage design. I am a bit indifferent about staff. I find it very boring to use and try to stay away from it. For offhand, torch has always been my favorite from a thematic perspective, but I voted pistol simply because of the impact of Magic Bullet. Having a stun is such a valuable tool. The phantasm is one of the better ones as well IMO. Focus is neat but I just find the warden very unsatisfying and generally unimpactful in WvW. I would love sword phantasm a lot more if the cast time was faster and it maybe had an immob on leap. Shield is a really interesting weapon but I am not the biggest fan of Chrono.
  12. #1. Completely disagree. Anything that encourages the game playing itself like this should be discouraged. Why should players get rewarded with an automatic EWP pull when nobody on the server bothered to even scout the structure to begin with? Pulling invulns/EWPs at the right time should be rewarded, and pulling them at the wrong time should be punished, just as they currently are. Trolls are trolls and having them pulled unnecessarily can be frustrating, but this is an issue for all tactivators and I don't agree with your solution to this. At the very least there should be a confirmation prompt and even an explanation of what they do. I remember when I was a WvW noob, I saw the tactivators at home keep on SMC and just pressed them all because I had no idea what they did. #2. Agreed that some boonhate got overnerfed, but don't do any blanket changes like ANet already did when they nerfed stuff. Look at skills individually and consider their overall power level, and adjust accordingly. As an example: the fact that Necro's dagger 3, a single target skill on a kitten weapon, got its boonhate nerfed is completely laughable and shows a lack of them considering nuance and context in their big balance patch. Adding +1 to pulsing boonstrips/corrupts sounds pretty insane and unnecessary though tbh. I also think that some boon application absolutely still needs to be looked at, and while we are at it, this horrible perma superpseed meta. #3. If I had it my way, I would remove Watchtower completely. But I agree that being permanently marked should be removed from it, and I do quite like your idea of having it be a mobile stealth-detrcting guard. I don't think sentries are an issue because they are very killable and can't be tiered up, and having such a feature increases their value, which is currently very low. Perhaps lower the duration it marks you for, or have the marked effect disappear after you kill the sentry or cap the ring.
  13. I'm crossing my fingers that they make them into "Spirit Weapon" skills, whixh has been suggested by @InsaneQR.7412 in the past before, providing more useful and practical active effects with multiple charges.
  14. Was just gonna post this. Personally I am stoked about this--hopefully we finally get 6 more skills that are actually worth taking in PvP and WvW and give more diversity in skill selection. Time will tell if they are actually useful. Happy to see those ghost broccoli be gone forever.
  15. Eh, when your buttons start to do different things than what you have them set to do, I'd say that is pretty serious. The bug is extremely frustrating for those moments when you don't realize it happened until you're already in combat when muscle memory kicks in and you're accidently porting into enemies instead of trying to riposte away from them. When a bug is the reason you lose a fight, yes I would consider that that be a big enough priority.
  16. Seems pretty cool! The fishing and skiffs were definitely a major disappointment to me but this one seems really interesting. Not the biggest fan of the aesthetic of the bot itself so hopefully they do make a nice variety of skins for them. I look forward to playing with this little guy and am curious what sort of modifications they can allow beyond extra vitality. Very pleasantly surprised with this.
  17. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaABsqxrlhySZgMRWLeOXnRXA-zVJYjRPfhkZE0bBUdK47lIA7h3S7bWA-w This is what I will at least start off with. I only played it on the first beta as I was busy on the last, and I settled into something pretty similar that time around. I primarily play WvW, so this is what the build would be geared towards. Honestly it is disappointing how low the healing pier coefficients are for most of the skills, but regardless Minstrel's is such a stacked stat spread even for the tankiness alone. As I get more comfortable I will probably move into different stats that incorporate condition damage as well, but this will be the foundation spec for me. I played some variants of this in the first beta and really liked having pistol offhand for the easy access to smoke fields due to shroud having 2 blasts. Idk if Consume Shadows is worth it anymore since I didn't play it after it got nerfed, and I don't like the idea of all of my shroud being dumped if I flash it for a few seconds.
  18. In terms of dodging performance, yes you are right. But if running Alliance stance I would say generally it felt better in the last beta due to them improving the alliance swap stuff. With Vindi you can run GS too for the extra block, and you have Battle Dance (? I think that is the name) to help with more mitigation outside of dodging. Not to say that I prefer dodges to cost 100 endurance. I think it is poor design and would have massively preferred if they brought them ALL down to 50 while decreasing their power level. But I still think support Vindi is strong and will outperform support Herald in WvW by quite a bit. I am very very excited to play it again.
  19. Eh, I disagree. The spec still has a ton of potential. Alliance Stance is very strong for support. You can run Jalis and Alliance and actually have very respectable heals and cleanse without taking Ventari. You can take Ventari and have insane cleanse and healing potential. You can still run Ventari/Jalis if you want too I suppose, but I see a lot of value in the Alliance Stance. The spec is not without flaws by any means but it doesn't kill the spec. Between beta 1 and 2 it improved significantly . I personally dislike the fact that dodges cost 100 energy, but for WvW as a support that can take stats like Minstrel's as well as energy sigil, it is probably the least affected by the change.
  20. Well they were pretty inconsistent in that big patch, so at this point I'll just say it is intended lol. If you are on NA would be fun to duel some time. I'm currently on Mag but have an alt on AR. Thanks! Build is at the very bottom of the OP, but here it is too. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAweZlxQHsOyh5RPMOqhRSfMCKgl+U6SD-zRIYR0xXKtVAZGBdmA9GC2NA-e Generally I run offhand sword but I had it on a different character so have just been running with axe.
  21. Only thing I would like to see change on it is for it to have a better tell as it can be a bit hard to see from 1200 range.
  22. I will probably just keep it here as I am not very active in that subforum and don't particularly like it there, lol. But thanks for the suggestion! If I don't run Speed Runes I choose Fireworks as well. They fit fit nicely into the class, truly a great rune set for so many classes. Regarding the rest of your build, I should really try to break free of Charged Mists but it feels so unnatural for me not to play builds without it. I see the value in what you are saying though. I should give those traits a go some time. Funny how that stunbreak trait evaded the 300s CD pass.
  23. Hey everyone, As I post here semi-regularly, I figured I'd share my channel that I just started. Likely will only stream Rev content as it's my main class and what I am most comfortable on. Will primarily be solo and small-scale roaming content and will likely be on core Rev mostly as cele/condi can be boring to watch. I just did my first stream and it's a chill one as I do not own a mic or webcam, but I got some decent fights in here so figured it's worth sharing. Solo, duo, and trio roaming mixed in here. Played exclusively core power Rev here as I'd like to showcase the benefits to running core over Herald, and simply how much fun it is to play. Core brings in a lot of versatility and IMO is more adaptable than Herald. Shiro and Jalis are obviously very strong choices so it is not like I am handicapping myself in any way by not taking Herald. I play pretty regularly so am hoping that sharing this here will encourage me to continue streaming. My channel First vod from earlier. First bit of it is me trying to figure out how to work the stream. For those interested, this is the build I was running throughout the whole stream.
  24. Haha oh yeah I am in total agreeance with you. FA has been hit really really hard over the years, so I guess that is part of what impresses me about those who can play it well. I have been trying to learn core power Mes lately and struggle to find motivation to when 75% of what I run into now is Cele. Would like to try the same with FA but sadly it just doesn't seem to be the right environment for it anymore. (Sorry OP for the slight derailment.)
  25. Please don't rework it. This trait is a blessing with all of the immob spamming kitten in WvW. Could it use a buff? Sure I think a little one would be fine. But rework? Absolutely not.
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