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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. The alacrity affecting just Ventari does seem to be a relic of previous design, but with the new traits from Vindi, it doesn't seem to be the case as there is the same pattern (also the first time a legend has no CC). With that said, I don't really think it is any issue at all. You still get a stable 10/15% healing modifier which is superior to both adept and major healing modifier traits in PvP/WvW. It would be a big nerf to have it changed to your suggestion, and Salv's healing modifiers have already been hit hard from the Feb 2020 balance patch and dont need to be hit any harder. I assume that ANet's logic to having the alacrity effect there is to gate people to take Salv so it is a bigger dps loss if a dps class wants to slot in Ventari for certain encounters.
  2. Prob gonna call it Vindi 'cause it sounds cute.
  3. From what I understand: At 100%-75% health: Heal nearby allies for 709. At 74%-50% health: Heal nearby allies for 1418 (709 x 2) and grant them regen (12s). At 49%-25% health: Heal nearby allies for 2127 (709 x 3) and grant them regen (12s) and prot (4s). At 24%-1% health: Heal nearby allies for 2836 (709 x 4) and grant them regen (12s), prot (4s), and resistance (4s).
  4. Honestly I enjoyed played Virtuoso and was ready to invest in it, but after seeing Vindicator...well it's back to being a Rev main for me. The difference in complexity between the specs is comical. Poor Mesmers 😔. Harbinger feels similarly uninspired. Willbender perhaps the same but IMO is moreso an issue of being undertuned, and the potential complexity is there.
  5. Bottom GM trait Energy Sigil Dodge food Staff 3 Staff 5 Greatsword 4 F2 Perma supervigor The evade slide on Saint Viktor Saint Viktor urn quick tap when incoming damage is big Kiting from Greatsword 3 and the Archemordus dash skill Other legend skills: Riposting Shadows, RotGD, etc. Honestly there are a lot of options, kinda like how Inspiration Signet Mirage can adapt to the one-dodge issue in PvP/WvW. I have roamed on Rev for years now and I am not afraid of the 1 dodge...well as long as I stick with the bottom GM trait because a 150-endurance dodge sounds like garbage for competitive. Rev has always been very good at chaining defensives and this will allow for even more chaining than before. Who knows though...I accept that I could be wrong about all of this.
  6. Yeah, it definitely has the potential to be clunky. I am interested in playing a support build with this so the idea of having to press the Archemorus skills in order to get to the SV ones could prove to be awkward, but I would like to try it first to see how it actually feels. A lot of the 6-9 skills are lower energy cost so I am curious to see how it will play in game. F2 may be enough to solve this, but we'll see. I'm excited to test its limits/potential.
  7. Bad? How? I just don't see it. Literally all of the flipover skills are good, even for a DPS spec. Unless of course you are speaking in terms of PvE DPS, but at that point it's so easy to dismiss the majority of the skills in the game. You have... - An additional stunbreak that has a 15 energy cost. That is insanely cheap. The flipover skill will be really great in teamfights. Group stunbreaks are very underrated. - A 5-condition cleanse that under optimal circumstances can give you as much as 60 endurance back. If the character has no healing power, the healing per condition removed is amazing. - A 15-energy Riposting Shadows-esque evade. - On-demand instant damage and condition damage reduction. It is likely that you can use it while CC'd, meaning you can misplay and still deny a huge amount of incoming burst damage. Don't be deceived by the healing synergies on the e-spec; Saint Viktor still has wonderful potential for any build. Between greatsword and the legend, this spec is aimed at being a teamfighter and has a very inherent versatility in it. It's like a little mix of all the different legends in one. Idk...my hype level is like 100x higher than it was for Renegade. I see so much potential with this spec. Not saying it's perfect but it seems like it will really raise the skill ceiling for the class and allow for some really amazing and fun plays.
  8. Gonna spend a lot of next week working on a good WvW support build. I actually see some potential in it and am excited to experiment. A few things I'd like to know... For the Saint Viktor elite skill (urn) - Does it decrease or increase movement speed? Decreased movement speed would be pretty bad. - Does the pulsing self-damage get reduced by damage reduction? If so, could be cool to go into it after a Jalis elite. - Is the pulsing damage fixed, or does it scale with power? With healing power maybe? - Does the urn follow you around? Really hope so. How much healing power does he have on his character? If I had to take a guess it'd be 0, and if so, the heal dodge seems *extremely* strong. Regardless that'll prob be the default for PvP/smallscale WvW because 150 endurance for 1 dodge on the top GM is huge; 50 for the bottom GM is way more manageable. Can you gain boons/affects from allies while you are in your dodge-state? Hope so...based on where your AoE marker is.
  9. Honestly the spec looks really great and I am excited to try it out. Way more creativity than what I had expected tbh.
  10. Glad to see that legend swap is staying if the press release thing is correct. And honestly it makes the spec sound much more interesting to me. The legendary duo sound like a bit more of an active take on Glint's facets I actually really like the Daredevil-esque GM trait structure we may be receiving and the fact that there may be some support potential built in makes me excited. Definitely have some more hype for the breakdown tomorrow now that we know a bit more about it. The dodge mechanic does sound a bit concerning, so we shall see how it is implemented.
  11. I am.genuinely surprised they gave it another melee weapon. I am not upset by it, but I would have thought the obvious would be to give it another ranged option given the state of their ranged options. With that said, I have never played Ele for the "mage" fantasy, which I saw referenced in some other poselts in this thread. In fact, I have never really been much of a fan of that fantasy in general. I like that GW2 approached Ele differently...really fell in love with how dagger/dagger felt back in the core game, and Tempest is one of my very favorite elite specs in the game. I am excited to see what this e-spec brings to the class.
  12. Regarding the visuals: it is that impressive? Nah. But honestly I am glad it won't be a visual eyesore like Renegade (at least from what we have seen so far). VFX being more tame isn't really a bad thing as it can create better clarity on the battlefield. It's frustrating not being able to read animations amongst a sea of visual spam. It seems like ANet is trying to take a bit more of a modest approach in comparison to PoF (Virtuoso is a bit of an exception IMO), which I think is a good goal. But yes, hopefully the gameplay is good.
  13. Is it underrated? Sure I would say it is, because most view it as absolute trash. My beliefs lie more in the middle--I think it is underrated but still quite noticeably underperforming. I don't think it excels well enough at the niche it occupies. I also don't think the issues of support Rev are strictly related to Ventari and think that the biggest things Ventari needs is increased "ease" of use to make be both proactive and reactive with (faster reaction/response time). I am all for them improving the current version in just a few areas for it to have a noticeable improvement, but I also do believe it can be argued that the tablet functionality holds the legend/class back for the sake of uniqueness. The suggestions in the OP were ideas of how it would function as a more normalized legend rather than having to micromanage the tablet, which can feel a bit odd when it only exists within one legend (personally I believe the tablet functionality would have served better as an e-spec so it could exist as the class mechanic rather than a sole legend). (I'm a huge fan of the knockback on the tablet and think it cleansing also has wonderful practicality, but I think it definitely errs on the side of cheese due to its spammable nature. What do you think it could be changed to? Personally I think it doesn't really need any changes. And yes, Ventari was a pacifist, but it's also hard to implement a fully "pacifist" them in a game that is based around combat. The knockback makes sense and doesn't really stray from this theme, as it is meant to keep enemies away from a particular area.)
  14. Unfortunately I dont think you are alone with that sentiment. Wish more people appreciated it but I get why not.
  15. I think something like that would certainly make it a lot more useable. Would be quite cool to have such a functionality, even if just through a trait. Haha. Go off dude. Just throwing out ideas does not mean I don't know how to play it in its current iteration. I clearly mentioned that I tried to imagine how it would look without the tablet, not that it needs to happen. But please, keep stroking your own ego some more. Forgive me for wanting a more competitive build that actually sees presence in PvP and WvW as a solid support.
  16. To be fair, Willbender sounds dumb in English too. 😄
  17. After the disappointment of Willbender, I am refraining from making any sort of major judgments. I don't feel any particular way yet, so hopefully Friday will paint a much clearer picture. I don't mind the recycled Gravedigger animation because it is epic regardless. Color palette of the animations makes me think Exordium would look gorgeous with it.
  18. Ventari's tablet is one of the most unique class mechanics in Guild Wars 2, giving the support Revenant a special playstyle that cannot be found elsewhere. It is the sole reason I started to play the Revenant class and a reason I keep coming back to it. However, over the years, it has failed to excel in competitive content, and even in its greater moments, it has shone not as a strong support, but for degenerate reasons such as knockback spamming in sPvP. There comes a point where I have to wonder: is the tablet mechanic its own worst enemy? The legend itself feels very disjointed from the rest of the class, and while more iteration could help solve its weaknesses, I do think there is still a great potential benefit to normalizing it to function more similarly to not just the rest of the legends, but also the other supports in the game. Figured I'd try to imagine what the legend could look like without the tablet while still trying to preserve the essence of who Ventari is and his impact on Tyria. The most clear examples of this normalization are making the heal (#6) skill the true heal skill, and incorporating a rez skill/trait to the class. There are a couple standards that all legends have to abide by: an upkeep skill and a CC skill. Both are incorporated here in very different ways from their current versions. The legend was also given a stunbreak as it no longer has a tablet that it can navigate while being CC'd. These are of course just ideas so don't take numbers too seriously. I could have gone way more in depth with traits but I decided to keep it more succinct. ~~Legendary Centaur Stance Changes~~ Heal Skill: Caledon’s Hope (5 energy. 1s cast time. 30s CD) Inspire nearby allies with the tenets of Ventari, applying a blessing to them that heals them over time. (Caledon's Hope: Duration 3s. Heal 1500 (0.35). Pulses: 3 [Essentially functions like Troll Unguent]) Radius: 360 Utility Skill #1:Trampling Charge (20 energy. 1s channel. 10s CD) Call upon the power of Ventari to rush you forward, gaining stability and launching any enemies in your path. Stability [x3]: 2s (PvP/WvW) / 4s (PvE) Travel distance: 900 Launch distance: 180 Utility Skill #2: Purifying Essence (30 energy. Instant. 5s CD) Break stun on yourself and cleanse conditions from nearby allies, healing them for each condition cleansed. Heal per condition cleansed: 325 (0.2) Radius: 300 Utility Skill #3: Protective Solace (20 energy. 0.5s cast time. 6s CD) Bless the targeted area in a protective dome, shielding allies from projectiles and granting them regeneration and vigor at each interval. Regeneration: 1.5s Vigor: 1.5s Range: 900 Radius: 240 Duration: 3s Interval: 1s Combo field: Light Utility Skill #3.5 (flipover for Protective Solace): A Life Retold (10 energy. Instant cast) Recount the life of Ventari, releasing the energy of the dome. Grants alacrity to nearby allies and blinds nearby foes. Alacrity: 4s Blindness: 3s Radius: 300 Combo finisher: Blast Elite Skill: Vow of Peace (5 energy, -6 upkeep. 0.5s cast time, 3s CD) Enter an enlightened stance, increasing your outgoing healing and healing nearby allies over time. Grant barrier to nearby allies when you use a legend skill while Vow of Peace is active. Outgoing healing bonus: 20% Healing: 200 (0.1) Barrier: 500 (0.3) Radius: 300 Interval: 1s ~~Miscellaneous Changes~~ Ancient Echo (core Revenant F2) Ventari: Casts lesser Caledon’s Hope on nearby allies (50% potency) Last Breathe replaces Blinding Truths in Salvation Cast Protective Solace when reviving an ally. Protective Solace now revives allies over time. (1% in PvP/WvW, 7% in PvE) ~~ That is all! Let me know what you think. Note: I unfortunately have no idea how to format posts on this forum, so please bear with the lack of customization.
  19. I think this is a pretty fair take tbh. Sevenshot was true garbage before it got reworked but they brought it from like a 2 to a 10 and made it too easy to use for its strength. I agree that it is too strong in WvW but there are also a lot of other outlier skills that have evaded certain damage passes. I think it would be warranted if they also revisited some of the other stuff at the same time, such as Engi's Grenades or Necro's Lich Form. Hard to say what exactly their vision for WvW balance is tbh (they probably don't have one).
  20. @Xenesis.6389 gave some really good advice. Are you hanging out in EBG the whole time? Because if so that may be why you don't ever see anything get flipped. Beyond what has already been said, it is often good to play on reset because all the structures are paper (T0) and easy to cap. You will also have a lot of people playing on your server so it shouldn't be too bad to find something. Just hop on one of the borderlands and see if there any active tags. Also it doesn't hurt to ask for help in map/teamchat. There are multiple times I have seen people asking for help for their keep capture achieve for the Warclaw, and people have often responded positively. If there is a T0 enemy keep on non-prime hours it is generally very feasible to cap. Take the initiative to put some superior or guild catas in your inventory so you are ready when the situation arises. A lot of people wait for someone to actually take the first step.
  21. It was for sure Virtuoso for me. I genuinely enjoyed my time on Virt and wish I could have played it longer. There is a *ton* of critique I have for it and I think it needs a lot of work, but regardless I had a blast with the actual playstyle itself and hope that 6 months' worth of time to polish and iterate on it will do it some good. It just seemed to click for me and if the remaining especs turn out to be lame, it will likely become my main.
  22. The general theme is really cool. My fav "archetype" I have ever played in any MMORPG is a Nightblade healer in ESO, so I would be ecstatic to get that sort of concept for the e-spec.
  23. Yeah, feels bad. Been waiting for Legendary Seahorse Stance since HoT launch.
  24. Sword 3 leap is really awesome for kiting in PvP/WvW. If they made it a shadowstep instead, it'd likely require a target. I'd prefer they just clean up the bugginess instead.
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