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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. The Warclaw still provides a tremendous advantage in the game mode via its free supplemental mobility, evades, soft and hard CC immunity, and extra healthbar, so such a downside to getting dismounted is completely fair and healthy. Best thing to do when you know your Warclaw is about to die is simply to manually dismount.
  2. Well, technically Mirage scepter's ambush attack did port you back a small distance (like a mini staff 2), so I would consider that a partial rework. To be honest I can't really remember all the other stuff.
  3. IIRC the changes were centered around Mirage Cloak. I believe they increased the duration? Can't fully remember. As far as other feedback though: yes. I am almost certain they nerfed Holo's Holoforge damage by a flat 25% damage from the beta, and if memory serves me correct there were quite a few other changes they made. During the beta, Renegade/Kalla's heal was the stunbreak for the legend and I believe by release they changed it. As for animations, they updated all of the summon animations for Renegade/Kalla. During the beta I believe they were just a slightly tinted transparent charr rather than the hypersaturated glowy ones of today.
  4. The problem is that the trident design is overly simplistic. It simply assigns one condition to a legend , applies it to the weapon skills, and calls it good. Imagine playing a condi build with a new trident-like weapon as Shiro/Jalis and you have literally no condition pressure because not only does the legend determine the damage of the utility skills, it also determines the damage of the weapon skills. You'd just be stuck giving people perma-weakness and vuln, which is also poor design. Or imagine Ventari perma blinding you. Conditions were not designed or balanced around giving Revenant legends one particular fit each that you can just copy and paste and have a similarly balanced overall effect. I am not opposed to a new weapon with aspects that are altered by legend choice, but ANet has to be really mindful and nuanced about how they implement such a thing. To simplify, I would say it would lend much better to an off-hand where the emphasis is much higher on utility than a mainhand weapon that is the primary source of damage.
  5. The two "support" specs that work better at dps support than healing support. Rework Herald into a dedicated heal support and I'll be happy, until then I will be hoping for a better support option for the class for competitive modes.
  6. I know this isn't proof of anything and is simply based on speculation, but the bullet icon looks almost too clean/refined to be a Necro e-spec icon. I also see a cat-like iris in the bomb/flask icon and the flame behind it looks kinda spooky so...my gut is saying Necro for it. I am also guessing Necro won't be using pistol quite so literally (plague magic, alchemical concoctions, etc), and the icon looks like a much more literal interpretation of a bullet. My guess is that the bullet icon is for either War or Guard.
  7. Stealth attacks only exist on Thief, so although stealth isn't necessarily a class mechanic, it has a class mechanic uniquely tied to it. Technically speaking I would say you are right, but it is a bit more nuanced than that IMO.
  8. Yeah I get the same vibe tbh. Honestly just imagining the sound effects for a mantid legend makes me want it, but I barely played Factions at all so don't know if there could be any notable characters to use. Though at the end of the day I am with @phokus.8934 that I really want scepter. I know I am a blasphemous Rev main but GS just doesn't appeal to me at all unless they take it down a magical route. Would much rather have dual daggers than GS, but that's personal preference. It's going to be hard for them to top my utter disappointment I got from the Renegade reveal, so tbh I will probably be happy as long as they keep filthy asura away from the class.
  9. More than anything, I have been wanting this e-spec to play with the legend swapping mechanic, whether it be overloading or weaving like Ele, or something different and creative. Fingers crossed.
  10. As badly as I want to see them all right now, I understand why they didn't considering they delayed the release. And as eager as I am to see Rev's stuff, it is fun to be teased a bit. I'm grateful we got the icons to speculate over at least. And Virtuoso gives me hope because it seems like it was designed with PvP and WvW balance in mind, unlike Mirage. Maybe CMC was there to keep the designers' fanciful ideas in check. One can hope it won't be quite the balance dumpsterfire that was PoF. I am also happy we get 4 total beta weekends with only 3 professions at a time. Gives them time for proper feedback and iteration.
  11. Indifferent. I don't really feel any sense of disappointment, but I don't care about fishing or the skiffs and think the siege turtles look dumb af. The new features just don't interest me, but I am still excited to explore new maps, and more than anything I hope the new e-specs are good. The virtuoso looks a bit uninspired but still very fun and the mechanics look much healthier than the abomination that was Mirage. I understand people's disappointment in the new legendaries but I find them very pretty and already modeled a character around them. In general, the announcement didn't really hype me up but I still very much look forward to playing the expac. Loved that they released all the e-spec icons...been having fun speculating with friends.
  12. Looks pretty cool IMO. Animations are gorgeous. Doesn't seem to be too much creativity behind its actual gameplay design but I'm a sucker for daggers and wanted a clone-free spec, so will probably play the hell out of it.
  13. Looks kinda creepy and bug-like, would be cool if it's got a darker theme going. Immediately thought daggers or focus. I agree with you @Buran.3796 that stealth would be a massive mistake for Revenant, but are those leaks not debunked now? We have Mesmers 100% confirmed to have dagger and Necros 90% confirmed to have pistol; the leaks were warhorn for Mesmers and sword for Necros.
  14. Yeah, although I find the healing on Natural Harmony to now be a bit undertuned, I do agree with you that Ventari can be very potent. I am conflicted about the idea of the tablet following the player, though this would obviously be a huge buff to the legend. I would rather see them put in more effort into refining their current concept than to water it down into another PBAoE spec.
  15. I always love reading stuff like this, and I admire the amount of time and effort put into this. Here are some thoughts... - I really love your torch changes. Funnily enough I have thought of this exact change for torch 4 and I think it would go a long way towards making it better, aside from better tracking. Your idea for making bonfire ranged also really increases it's a appeal. Would love to have the weapon be more competitive. - Your ideas for Signets of Renewal, Hunt, and Wilds are all wonderful. Perhaps my fav of all of your ideas. - I think you take certain things overboard. For example, just remove the damage from Lightning Reflexes; it absolutely doesn't need a daze. Ranger should also not get a reveal removal; it is a bad mechanic and Deadeye never should have gotten it either. Ranger having access to an additional smoke field is more permissible, but IMO reveal removal is crossing a line. - I am curious to see your suggested changes for spirits for Druid. I personally really like glyphs for Druid despite some of them being weaker, so I would be really bummed to see them go. IMO the issue with glyphs is not them being glyphs, but the double-gating behind CA and the general weak effect of some of them. If CA behave more like Holoforge, glyphs would feel much more fluent and intuitive. But hey, I guess saying all that makes me realize that they would indeed work on Soulbeast considering you have more control of beastmode than CA. - I don't agree with your Signet trait auto proc effects. ANet already has been moving away from autostunbreak traits so why introduce another? And unblockable passive triggering immediately after having your attacks blocked is another example of unskillful gameplay that we should stay away from. - Really cool suggestion for Muddy Terrain! I still don't know if I would be able to find room for it in most builds, but it is certainly more interesting with your suggestion. Would go more in-depth but I gotta get back to work.
  16. The most frustrating thing for me is visual clarity in larger fights. Firing into a Firebrand reflect bubble that gets culled is not enjoyable because you just straight up can't see it. IMO the change in icon for auras was a step in the wrong direction as the previous ones were much more visually distinct. Personally I wish they would revert the magnetic aura icon change and perhaps introduce a unique icon for when players are standing in Feedback/FB bubbles.
  17. I agree with @Aeolus.3615 that EC should stay in Herald. It fits very nicely with the boon legend and moving it to Salvation would put it at unfortunate competition with the other traits. It being in Herald is not the issue, its somewhat lackluster state is. I do agree that FoN-V could be bumped up though. IMO it was hit far too hard. When it was first implemented and then buffed (because it was lackluster) it was such an amazing buff for Ventari Heralds. To me it really kept the legend going and filled in a lot of the issues it currently faces. Now in PvP/WvW it feels very meh.
  18. This is the build. (Though I have been using doom sigil instead of air lately) It is not a perfect build by any means, but I actually have a ton of success with it. I am a long-time roamer so I would like to think I actually know what I am talking about and am not advertising a bad build. The healing power from Ventari is on the weaker side, but a lot of its sustain comes from the barrier, pure damage avoidance, and the fact that it is Cele, and shortbow is such a strong weapon that allows the build to still bring pretty great damage. At worst I will stall certain matchups if they are also high on sustain, but otherwise I have no issue killing people with it.
  19. Haha I don't mind. Keeps the thread bumped, and realistically my ideas have virtually no chance of happening either, I just hope that a dev takes the time to read some of the stuff in here to identify that there are indeed problems with support Rev's performance, particularly in competitive modes. Sad how the roaming Ventari build I have been playing lately feels more effective than a support Ventari build. I have like 20 hours total on Guard and feel more effective on it as a support than the many thousands of hours I have spent on Rev.
  20. Yeah @Justine.6351 your vids were always a joy to watch. Tbh I have always disliked hammer because I came from maining Thief and was more into the assassin-style playstyle when playing DPS. But now especially it feels disappointing to use. Yeah, it can still chunk, and it is still valued in zerg play, but #5 is lackluster for the animation and cast time it has , and #2 feels like trash with how unreliable it is and the fact that it has a deadzone. Gotta love it when you use it on terrain and it disappears or goes a completely different direction. A really uniquely designed weapon that is the unfortunate victim of excelling at the only niche it excels at in the game. @Shao.7236 I was watching one of your vods and it was funny seeing you delete people with it in PvP, but you can definitely see you are working much harder for your results. The combos and setups were fun to watch though.
  21. Yeah honestly I had no idea what those were ever for so I completely ignored them. I had a convo with a friend and she was just telling me about them and how they are pseudo-timegated, so I started investing in them last night. Thank you for the heads up though 😊.
  22. Agreed. Being able to choose a unique skin for each tab is simply amazing. Overall, I am beyond happy with how the armory has been implemented. I have something around 26 characters and like to swap my gear around them often to keep it fresh. Lately I have been less inspired to do so because it is a pain to restat and refashion them. The armory is such a gamechanger for me...I am seriously so happy with it and can't really give enough praise for it. I have full sets of each weight of armor, a handful of weapons, and a couple trinkets, but this has motivated me more to grind for more, and even for the stuff I would have never previously considered, like the runes and sigils.
  23. You are very right, BE is extremely easy to use, and it has a very low energy cost, but with the torment damage only increasing from when a target is immob'd or stunned, it doesn't feel too bad IMO. And I would say that BE being ranged is very crucial to Mallyx--at least non-Renegade builds--in order to help close the gap and to provide a degree of pressure while out of melee range. I can absolutely see your perspective because the skill is quite stacked, but it doesn't feel like the insta-win key like it used to before the torment rework. But hey, I accept that I could be wrong about this. After all, I haven't played it since the torment rework, so I am only speaking from the perspective of the receiving end. My previous suggestion pre-torment rework was to only have BE as one pulse (removing 3x boons) to reduce the synergy it has with Abyssal Chill. I disagree that EtD lacks burst. It has extremely high torment output potential when comboing with other skills, and if you could more freely toggle it on to line up with burst/combos without having to worry about the disruption of a cast time and a potential interrupt, it would make it too oppressive and take away a lot of the counterplay. I do agree that it feels a bit disjointed from the rest of the core legend upkeep skills in that it is *not* instant-cast, but to me it still warrants it. Had you argued from the perspective of the previous EtD, I would have agreed with you. The current EtD disrupts the combat flow, but I think for good reason and for sufficient reward.
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