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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. What sort of WvW/PVP amulet stats are you looking at? Plaguedoctor ? Sage amulet? Mender's and Marshal's will be removed tomorrow. Healing on a condi weapon is a bit awkward I admit, but considering Revenant doesn't really have a go-to support mainhand weapon, the suggestion to change the functionality of Mace 2 was my attempt at making a feasible mainhand weapon for support builds. And I chose mace because of the fact that it has access to a triple blast finisher (and it can be paired with shield on Herald), which is really wonderful to have and has a natural synergy with my proposed Mace 2 suggestion. It was not by any means an attempt to make a hybrid condi-heal weapon, although I suppose that would be the outcome (at the cost of no burn application, which is pretty significant). Ideally we would have an additional mainhand weapon implemented dedicated to support, but alas that is not a thing. I disagree that it would fit better on Renegade as the core class is what needs the most help to its support potential. Renegade doesn't really need much in its kit specifically; in WvW the 10-man Alacrity is already a great addition and incentive to bring the e-spec. As mentioned in the post, my intention is not to try to shift the meta, it is to provide more options in build diversity and to make support Revenant as a whole more viable. And yes, RotGD is very strong but it's possible that something like a Glint/Jalis heal build could find a place in zergs, with no Ventari, as your heal sources would be: Staff 2, Staff 4 (x2), Mace 2, Shield 4, Purifying Breath, and Elevated Compassion. Considering that kit in addition to the wonderful goodies of Jalis, it could be respectable. I did watch a handful of the games on the most recent Teapot tourney and saw that there was a large Revenant showing. Ventari Herald was present on some of the games I watched, but from what I understand its primary role is decapping and stalling, and they already hit its blind spam and knockback's decap potential, and in addition to them removing Mender's amulet, I don't really think it would pose much of a problem since bunker Rev gets significantly less value from offensive stats in comparison to say, a Tempest. Ideally it would be great if bunker builds do not emerge, but again I am no longer fluent in the PvP gamemode like I used to be, and there is a potential for that of course. I tried not to include too many numerical details, and of course these are only mere suggestions and ANet could always address outliers if there were any issues.
  2. Yeah, the title may be misleading. What I meant by putting in PvP/WvW is to highlight the intention behind the changes, but aside from Blinding Truths I'd want them to hit PvE too.
  3. Been a while since I have made one of these, but I suppose enough time has passed by now. Feeling inspired to waste my time with this. These changes have a slight WvW focus but they would still affect all game modes. SUGGESTED CHANGES TRAITS Blinding Truths ICD increased to 3-10s in WvW. See changes to Ventari's Will Vital Blessing is replaced by Harmonic Conversion Searing Fissure (Mace 2) is now converted to Restorative Channel. Renewing Wave (Staff 4) now has 2 charges. Restorative Channel: Bless the ground with your mace, causing water to flow from the Mists, pulsing healing to allies. The first strike of this grants regeneration to affected allies. (Now a water field. Energy cost, cooldown, and radius all remain the same as Searing Fissure. No longer damages or burns foes) While perhaps a rather oddball change, this is intended to make mace the go-to support mainhand weapon. Being able to provide a symbol-like support skill would be huge for a class that has an abundant access to blast finishers. This absolutely has the potential of being too strong, so I could see it requiring some adjustments. Words of Censure is replaced by Resonating Echoes Executing a blast finisher removes 1 condition from nearby allies. Blast finishers gain increased radius (50%). Not sure what the ICD would be. Revenant has a very high access to combo fields and blast finishers across multiple weapons and legends. This aspect should be greater highlighted in the vein of Engineer's Soothing Detonation. Non-healing builds that take Jalis, Mallyx, Kalla, mace, staff, and hammer could all profit from this. Selfless Amplification Now also increases the radius of all direct, non-pulsing heal skills by 60 units Affected skills: Ventari’s Will, Natural Harmony, Envoy of Exuberance, Mender’s Rebuke, Renewing Wave, Call of the Centaur, Burst of Strength - Centaur, healing orbs Song of the Mists Call of the Centaur: Radius increased to 300 Call of the Dragon: Reworked. No longer chills enemies. Now instead converts 1 condition to a boon on nearby allies. Allied radius is now 300. Elevated Compassion Healing modifier increased by ~20-33%. Additionally converts Elemental Blast to Purifying Breath. Purifying Breath: Consume Facet of Elements to cover the target area in magical dragon breath, pulsing healing to allies and cleansing conditions from them.(All 3 pulses heal, 2nd pulse cleanses 1 condition, 3rd pulse converts 1 condition to a boon. Range, radius, and cooldown all remain the same as Elemental Blast.) Elevated Compassion is a bit lackluster for a trait that does not affect oneself. This change would make it the defining support trait for Glint, giving it a more active way of supporting while within the legend as well as an alternative playstyle for other builds. WEAPON SKILLS Mender’s Rebuke Slightly reworked its functionality. Now heals immediately and deals increased healing to allies only if no enemies are hit. But why? This is intended to provide the player with a choice on how the skill should be used. The skill is quite good if an enemy is hit and there are nearby allies, but the required conditions are very restrictive for WvW. This not only makes it a reliable support skill, but also decreases self-sustain potential while also removing the clunkiness of the heal trigger location. Envoy of Exuberance Mechanics have been reworked. Now a frontal conal skill that immediately heals and provides protection to affected allies. 600 conal effect just like Guardian's Shield 4. Additionally, extends boon duration on affected allies by 2-3 seconds. Now affects 10 targets. Energy cost increased to 15. LEGEND SKILLS Ventari’s Will Cooldown reduced to 2 seconds. Natural Harmony Delay reduced from 1s to 0.5s. Now provides an AoE visual indicator for self and allies upon skill activation. These changes are both intended to make the legend feel more fluid and the tablet more navigable and reactive. The healing power of Ventari's Will is at a low enough level now to the point that being able to cast it more often would not cause it to overperform in PvP and WvW, and the ICD on Blinding Truths is carried over to WvW to help prevent PBAoE blind spam. These changes combined with the radius increase on Selfless Amplification would make Ventari dramatically more reliable for supporting allies. Burst of Strength: Effects are now based on your secondary legend you have equipped. Shiro: Current effects Jalis: Grants barrier to allies per strike. Decreases incoming strike damage on self for X seconds if an ally is hit. Mallyx: Bleeds and damages foes on each strike. Increases outgoing condition damage on self for X seconds if an enemy is hit. Ventari: Heals and revives allies per strike. Increases outgoing healing on self for X seconds if an ally is affected. Burst of Strength is currently a very inflexible skill with a clear bias for power builds, and needs to promote better build diversity and synergy across legends. Between my suggested weapon changes, the Elevated Compassion change, and this change, Ventari/Glint Heralds would make extremely potent healers with a true focus on healing and would no longer suffer from being locked out of its significant healing output while in Glint. Furthermore, Revenant is the only class in the game that has no access to any sort of trait or skill that boosts allied revival--some even have multiple choices. This would finally give Revenant access to such a valuable tool without overbloating the kit for non-support Revenants.
  4. Quickness on a 1200 range unblockable port was not their best idea, but IMO it was a PvE-oriented change so they could tweak IO to make it more relevant for endgame content, so I doubt they would ever put it back on IO. Also, IO is actually really good right now and absolutely should not have both the additional strikes and quickness. I do miss the versatility of the old IO though.
  5. Honest thoughts. I main Rev and have played a lot of Ventari over the years but don't really run in squads so my perspective is a bit limited. Ventari feels pretty bad ever since the big balance patch, and it didn't have a good rep before that. Its healing got hit really hard and that was its main schtick, so on top of having to deal with the tablet mechanic it has very little appeal. Superspeed uptime has made micromanagement even harder. Bubble spam is nice in smaller scale and its cleanse is actually pretty good if you can land it. I used to be very passionate about it but now it just feels like it's generally not worth the effort. If I want big heals I play Druid. When you compare it to meta supports like FB you provide better healing potential but at such a huge cost, and Scrapper basically just does everything better with 10x more ease. ANet gave our bubble a 240 radius, but the only other bone they have thrown the legend is healing orbs, which turned out not to be a bone, but a meme that nobody asked for.Heal Herald is still a decent healer but it doesn't do much else. It no longer has 10-man boons, Facet of Nature-Ventari was bootied, and that's about all you do. No stab, one stunbreak, and common boons. Feels okay I suppose. You can run without Glint if you want, but the only reason IMO would be for the Jalis F2; otherwise you are better off going core or Renegade. It gets a 4/5 on Metabattle which is WAY overestimating its worth. I would give it like a 2.5 or 3.Minstrel Renegade feels more impactful because you can provide 10-man alacrity to your allies, which I'd argue is of greater benefit than Herald now. You miss out on shield heal and being able to freely cast weapon skills in Glint without much regard to the energy costs, but axe is still really good. You can run Jalis or Mallyx; both have their advantages. Actual heal support feels on the weaker side but it works okay I suppose. Alacrity makes the legend feel a lot more fluid as you can move the tablet and cleanse more often, not to mention quicker access to skills in other legends. Personally I think is the best choice for mid to large scale now. If Purity of Purpose ever gets addressed, it would probably see more value (though I wouldn't be surprised if ANet took away 10-man Alac)Core Ventari is fun but a bit memey. You have access to a ton of energy which makes it more realistic to get off a lot of heals, and the core lines are all really good depending on which niche you want to fulfill. You don't have access to many boons as core though. If running Jalis I would still run Minstrel but if running Mallyx I'd go Apothecary/Plaguedoctor's depending on how deep into damage you wanna go. I kinda like running this best for small scale because you can never trust pugs to actually do damage, and the boonripping and CC chains are really nice.Not trying to dissuade you from picking it up whatsoever, as you should ultimately just play what you enjoy, just giving you my honest biased opinion. You can still make it work and have fun with it. I will link you some builds if you are interested. For all builds but Herald, take Rapid Flow if your group has poor swiftness uptime. Heal Herald is basically what is on Metabattle that @"Nydo.3406" linked you (here's the working link), but I would still recommend going with Minstrel's since Draconic Echo is nerfed. IMO take Elevated Compassion, and you can swap for Hardening Persistence if you want the extra cleanse (though Shared Empowerment is a reliable way of proccing Elevated Compassion in Ventari so will net more healing).Ventari/Mallyx Renegade Renegade or Ventari/Jalis Renegade. Alternative rune: Altruism (if running Mallyx). You can swap the 2 first Salvation traits for mid & mid if you want more sustain (I swap to those in small-scale)Core Ventari/Jalis Rev. Leaving the runes blank because IMO there are a lot that can work: Flock, Rebirth, Monk, Herald, or Durability would be my recommendations. First two traits in Salvation are flex too, as they generally are since the healing modifiers got gutted.Core Ventari/Mallyx Rev. IMO the only reason you would go core with Mallyx is if you want to do some damage too. The GM in Corruption is more of a personal choice depending on what you want to go for; they are all good I am just really partial to the transfers. You can make the build a lot more aggressive if you want, but at a certain point you have to ask yourself if it is even worth running Ventari.
  6. What sort of thing fits your fantasy? Legends? Weapons? Damage type? Are you only wanting to commit to one set of gear or are you able to invest in multiple?
  7. Revenant already has 2 support elites. why do you want a 3rd one? Calling them support elites is an exaggeration. They are both able to perform a variety of roles depending on how you build them. You can't call specs like Firebrand or Tempest strictly support elites either for the same reason; they are built to enhance multiple aspects of the core classes, which are all inherently hybrid/role-diverse in nature. Anyway, I will keep on hoping for an actual legit support PvP/WvW build. IMO they need to work more on Ventari and lending Glint better towards active support, but until then, I will continue to hope that the answers are somehow found within a new e-spec.
  8. Bought the Tundra Grimalkin and the dye channels are almost perfect for matching it to one of my cats. Has been making me laugh whenever I use it. Totally great skin!
  9. Omg those changes hurt my soul. Good thing I don't PvP anymore. 10 extra energy on swap for having to properly manage your energy, or powerful instant effects for literally just legend swapping. What a hard choice to make. Makes me more grateful that they don't give a kitten about WvW balance.
  10. Yeah, having IB rely on the F2 does make it awkward when not using a pet that has a supportive F2 skill. It also makes it even less valuable in WvW because of how easy it is for the pet to die. A group heal is nice but there really are so many more creative options they could do with it. I agree with you @Soilder.3607 that having an iconic impactful trait such as those you listed would help carve a niche for the class. I think a group cleanse-related trait would be the best path to go down, but I have run out of creativity to think of anything worthwhile that isn't horribly powercrept.
  11. Are you sure? That hasn't been my experience, ever. By no visual indicator do you mean there isn't the combo field ring? I have tested this numerous times and use the skill all the time and can't remember a time when it actually worked. Possibly that I'm just completely missing something. Here's a quick vid I just made. Not sure how else I can test this while solo but I have Clarion Bond traited which procs a blast finisher. I don't see any water blast finisher animations or ticks in the combat log.
  12. It's like getting stunbreak > going into animation cast (which is kind of like another stun) > can be stunned again and cancels the cast, eats energy anywayRather it just take Energy immediately, and casts instantly/has CC protection for the cast. Glaring Resolve exists to help remedy this. RotG is fine as is and you have enough stab from roads/Spirit Boon/True Nature (if running Herald) to help cover the cast time.
  13. The Soulbeast tradeoff was one that, while it definitely made the spec feel less fun to play and hit build diversity for off-meta builds, I do believe was the right choice (as far as its impact in PvP/WvW). The spec was such a blast to play and so insanely fluid, but being to run a smokescale in addition to something like birb/siamoth/etc made it too much of an upgrade from core, and almost too versatile in a lot of respects. I do miss playing with pet swap on it quite a lot, but Soulbeast still does have the advantage of being able to revive the pet via merging, which Is something that cannot be said for core and Druid. Would be pretty cool if they could disable it in PvE though.
  14. Can this trait please get an update? Doesn't feel good to have a grandmaster trait not scale off of healing power unless you run Soulbeast. Even the life siphon traits have better stat investment than this. It feels like it is stuck in the past and could really use some love, whether it be a complete rework or some improvements. Just some simple ideas.... Simply make it scale off of the playerHave the trait cause the pet to share the player's healing power so that it actually scales properly and gives a boost to the pets' own heal/self-heal skills (ex: Moa's Harmonic Cry, Fern Hound's Regenerate, etc.)Give it a condition cleanse componentHave it instead grant AoE barrier (that scales)Nature Magic is the go-to pseudo-support line for the core class, but with spirits being a poor choice in PvP/WvW, it makes the options in the GM line feel lackluster.
  15. I like the idea of a pet-centric spec, but it does scare me a bit because the last thing we need is another minion mancer-esque spec in the game to exist, or a spec largely dependent upon poorly implemented AI. If they do decide to give Ranger a beastmaster spec, I would like to see at least the utilities done in the vein of spirit weapons, but with animal visuals. So basically removing the AI from the equation while still looking cool and thematic. Though to be honest though I still wish core Spirits would be given the Spirit Weapon treatment so they would be given some more relevance in PvP/WvW.
  16. Almost two years later and this skill STILL DOES NOT HAVE ITS WATER FIELD. Either fix your skill or change the tooltip.
  17. I would personally be okay with this but it would raise a big stink with smallscale/roaming Druids as well as PvP Druid players. Probably more digestible if the CD on CA was reduced to 10-15s in PvP.240r or a lesser delay would be wonderful. It is actually insane how many condis you can cleanse in a controlled environment, but the combined delay and small radius really hurts its actual practical application. I think this would be fine. To be honest the blind feels like an afterthought and like a flavor touch. Wouldn't mind seeing the blind replaced with something completely different tbh.I disagree with this one. Celestial Shadow is a really really strong trait for smaller scale play. While admittedly a bit cheesy, I really think it should stay.I disagree with this one. One of Druid's strengths should be ranged healing/support. The skill could use adjustments to the cast time and delay to make it more reliable, but I really dont like the idea of making it PBAoE. I would much rather that staff 1 also pulse healing in a 180 PBAoE radius.Anything would be better than the current garbage that is Astral Wisp. I like your suggestion but my preference is for it to be a 240r AoE with 1200 range that blinds on impact and pulses healing over 3 seconds (to emphasize staff being designed to excel at generating celestial force). That or at least make the skill castable on oneself if no target is selected.There are a lot of changes that I think the spec could use, but the biggest ones for me would be to simply make staff 1 and CA 1 & 2 more practical/reliable, and to rework staff 2, which I honestly think is one of the absolute worst weapon skills in the game in the context of WvW.
  18. Hell kitten no. I like to play support but almost never join tags because I like to play my own builds on my own terms. Ungrouped pug fights are a huge aspect of WvW and to force giant squads sounds absolutely horrible. I would consider quitting the game completely if this happened. This is a very peculiar ideology. Ungrouped pug fights are in no way shape or form suppose to be a huge aspect of WvW. They are the primary indicator that the mode is dying. WvW is not a sandbox, it is an RvR designed to pit 3 teams against each other. Individual players showing up to play how they want and not coordinate with others is as baffling as it would be to see a soccer player sitting in the corner of the field only participating on their whim.The game mode is an open world PvE/PvP environment so I don't understand why it would not be a huge aspect of the game mode. 3v3 RvR is correct, but there is very little structure that indicates how it is "supposed" to be played. You can't really call WvW'ers soccer players when there were never (many) rules, tryouts, or signups to begin with. As baffling as you may see it, there are many players that play WvW specifically for the lack of heavy structure and because of its casual nature. I am not going to bring my support Druid or Ventari Rev into a group and expect accommodation, but those are the support builds I play the most because I enjoy them the most. I find the larger pug fights more enjoyable because of the greater chance of volatility and spontaneity. I also like to mix it up with roaming, and I am not going to join a squad knowing that my playstyle will interfere with the group's greater goal. Call me a bad servermate, but we all have different goals in the game mode.
  19. Hell kitten no. I like to play support but almost never join tags because I like to play my own builds on my own terms. Ungrouped pug fights are a huge aspect of WvW and to force giant squads sounds absolutely horrible. I would consider quitting the game completely if this happened.
  20. no they can't. There is something in this game called 'cc'. Mistform is easily immobed. The part that makes it tricky is the invuln window in WvW. Delay the ability to enter downstate by 0.25s-0.5s and I would agree with you, but 'easily' is a bit hyperbolic.
  21. This was a really great video. I have only tried to pick up FA Ele a few times but I am so bad at it. Editing was really great and effective without being overly excessive too.
  22. Too lazy to get out of bed this morning, so here are my thoughts in no particular order: Guardian: I would like to see a total rework to Firebrand tomes so there isn't such a huge skill bloat offered for just one elite spec, and would then like to see the espec rebalanced. Burn Guard's trait synergy combined with skills like SoJ is such an abhorrent cancer that I would love to see nuked from orbit. It could use some buffs to make it a more well-rounded condi class, it just does what it does way too well. Revenant: Jalis is too strong now, but I am not sure how the best way to nerf it would be. Condi Rev is horribly oppressive in small-scale and needs some nerfs along with a total rework to Tormenting Runes. True Nature - Demon needs to be reevaluated. Ventari could use some reworks: bubble uptime is stupid cheese but its overall ability to support is rather poor and impractical.Hammer is both very oppressive in its tiny niche and absolutely horrible otherwise; I'm in the camp of reworking it at this point. Shortbow is low effort with high reward. My main class so I could write a whole lot more here. Ranger: Dolyak Stance needs to have its damage reduction removed. Ancient Seeds should just be straight up reworked. Druid could see some overall buffs to its support potential (mostly making staff and CA1/2 slightly more practical). Self prot uptime potential is arguably problematic. Otherwise eh, I think the class is relatively fine. Strong roamer with effective snipe builds. If I had my way I would like to see arcing on all projectile skills removed, but that is moreso just bias speaking and is most noticeable with Ranger longbow's inherent long range. Thief: IMO Shadow Arts is probably the most standout problem with the class. Stealth uptime is far too high. I also think Swipe being unblockable is a mistake; would like to see it given 900 range with unblockable removed. Dash is arguably too much value for its investment, but I am not a Thief player so cannot really comment too deeply on this. Beyond the stealth cheese, the class seems a bit undertuned. Downed Deadeyes should automatically spawn siege blueprints on top of them and cause all enemies within 240 units to jump repeatedly. Elementalist: Core needs big love for sure. Weaver IMO is fine. Tempest's ability to disrupt small-scale fights is pretty insane. Honestly the biggest thing for me would be to restore the old aura icons so it is easier to differentiate them. Magnetic and Shocking aura need to be instantly discernible in any scale of fight, and the icons were the best way of recognizing this. Otherwise, support Tempest's potential to survive is probably overtuned, but not really sure if in need of nerfs. #JustMinstrelThings Warrior: Oh dear, I am not really sure how to approach this one. The class is clearly one of the weaker ones right now, but Full Counter still stands out as overtuned and propping up the class more than it should. Core feels too weak and Berserker is absolutely horribly designed and needs a rework to not be such a one-trick pony gimmick. There are weapons that still stand out as dated (offhand mace, offhand sword, longbow come to mind). Buff core War in a way that makes the class more viable without returning it to pre-balance patch stancemonkey Defense builds. Mesmer: Class is generally suffering right now, but Mirage Cloak is still inherently broken at its core. Reevaluate Mirage Cloak and restore Mirage's second dodge. Power Mes is a one trick pony that is nothing without its burst. Clones die insanely easily in the game mode. Continuum Split is a questionable design choice considering its potential impact, but at the very least requires finesse to pull off. Invuln uptime potential (mostly for Signet Inspirarion Mirage builds) is way too high even with just one dodge, but shouldn't be looked at before the class in general gets some buffs. Honestly the class seems really badly balanced in general. Heart goes out to you all, unless you main condi Mirage. Engineer: Core, like Ele, is undertuned and needs some big love. Purity of Purpose should be restricted to self-only. Scrapper Support feels too easy to play, if that makes sense. Scrapper's damage-to-barrier mechanic is pretty broken for power builds in terms of WvW. Explosive Entrance/Flashbang and Nades are all overtuned, but even with all of that, core is still C-tier. Not much else to say. Necro: I wish support Scourge was more of a thing, but the spec has received so many nerfs because its design is so unhealthy for the game mode. I would like to see quickness uptime on Reaper's Onslaught brought down. Shroud uptime is probably overtuned on some builds, but not really sure it needs to be addressed in the context of WvW. The class needs some of its boon-hate restored. Not sure what else to say here.
  23. Generally Rev has pretty clear animations, but True Nature really stands out for me as needing a clearer tell considering its potential impact.
  24. Still waiting for support/Ventari Rev buffs for WvW, but beyond that I think the class is terrific and generally has a lot more build diversity in PvP/WvW than I believe it ever has.
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