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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. It is pretty good. It is extremely strong in PvE too. Yeah I actually reinstalled after posting that and have been running power shortbow Rene since. Most fun I've had on a build in a while. Them fixing a lot of Shortbow 2's issues too just last patch has made it even better. Why not run power and condi at same time, u get both worlds in one build?Grieving stats: Power(Main), Precision, Ferocity, Condi(Main) Honestly it is because I just swapped my swords for a shortbow on my power build and called it good. It has been working wonderfully for me so I haven't even bothered trying Grieiving lol.
  2. Why are you even comparing these skills? You say RotGD's "only" benefit is that it shares to allies as if that is a minor detail, but that is what it is balanced around. Expecting a group-oriented skill to perform to the same degree as a player-only defensive is just silly. This sounds like a user error. Jalis needs legitimately zero buffs right now. If you think RotGD is a joke, then you need to spend more time with the legend and managing your positioning, stunbreaks, and energy management better.
  3. Muddy Terrain is fine and does not need a nerf. It serves a niche role and should maintain its usefulness as such. It has a relatively long cast time considering its radius and unless I am misremembering, the immob only applies upon the initial hit. That is enough counterplay, on top of the abundance of clears and access to resistance there are out there.
  4. It is pretty good. It is extremely strong in PvE too. Yeah I actually reinstalled after posting that and have been running power shortbow Rene since. Most fun I've had on a build in a while. Them fixing a lot of Shortbow 2's issues too just last patch has made it even better.
  5. Oooh, is power shortbow Rene like, a legit thing now? I haven't played much at all for the past 4 months and forgot that shortbow 3 got its functionality modified. The damage looks fun. May have to reinstall again to test it out. Hard to believe it's actually a top oppressive roaming build though. Also, how does one get such insane viewing distance like in that Rene montage? Looks like a different game!
  6. I would rather they improve upon Elevated Compassion than rework it. Comical that ANet adjusted the target cap on Shared Empowerment but not Draconic Echo. SE and EC had great synergy in WvW pre-target reduction. And on top of that they nerfed EC still, lel.
  7. Sword 2 was one of the more understandable changes. Both have their positives and their negatives for sure, but I wouldn't really say the previous iteration was better per se. Yes it had its advantages (kiting, fighting vs blind and aegis, better synergy with Abyssal Chill, to name a few), but the previous iteration was very prone to bugs and inconsistencies and it sucked to have the bread and butter damage skill of the weapon be subject to projectile hate. Although I did actually like the skill quite a bit, it did have a very odd design. Truth be told I had more fun with the previous version but I was very pleasantly surprised when the change happened. The consistency and reliability of the new skill is very nice, although it does feel more faceroll now. As for the AoE damage interaction of the skill...I find it to be great for the game and I wish more skills throughout all classes had this implemented. AoE is too overabundant in the game for its current general effectiveness. I don't mind that it is unique to Rev right now; the skill is still good in multi-target scenarios. Edit: Didn't read the previous responses before posting, kinda just repeated what was already said lol.
  8. Nice bait and switch with the wells. Wow.
  9. My apologies, this got posted in the wrong thread. Editing comment out. Screwy phone.
  10. This is biiiiig sad for me. Although I have been in the anti-warclaw camp since the beginning, the stomp (like many others have mentioned) was the one silver lining it had. It brought me countless laughs and just fun plays in general. More than just fun though, it was one of the few tools the outnumbered had to swing the tide of battle in their favor. With it gone, fighting hypercomped groups sounds like it will be a total waste of time as a pug-heavy server. Especially with Scourge revert, I don't think I'll be logging back in any time soon. On the other hand, get kittened balli-hmpers. Maybe fights will evolve less quickly into degenerate open-field balli wars, but 20% probably isn't enough to stop that idiocy.
  11. no I meant the stationary part. Oh well my apologies on misunderstanding that then. Root/immobilize tend to be used synomymously. Makes a lot more sense now.
  12. Remove the root on Natural Convergence? Of all skills, you want to nerf a stationary 2.5s channel with a clear audio and visual animation that only requires a dodge (or just simply walking away) at the very end to avoid the immob? What exactly would be its purpose then? The final damage pulse? XD
  13. Honestly I find the traditional bard fantasy to be incredibly cheesy and stupid when it comes to an actual RPG class. I would be bummed if they took it in such a literal and classical route. However, I do very much like the idea of some sort of spec that manipulates sound and the psyche of allies/foes. Knowing ANet's creativity when it comes to concept design, I have faith that they would make a bard spec more interesting. I am sure I would play it.
  14. Depends on what you are playing as. Some random tips that can help you gain an advantage depending on what class you are on: Avoid their swap burst. Between sigil procs, Song of the Mists, and Invoke Torment, the swap burst can be stupidly strong. Invoke Torment has a delay after swap that you can more easily dodge. If they are running the transfer GM trait this is really important to dodge. Although legend swapping is instant, the more you fight (or play) a Rev, the more intuitive it becomes to feel the swap coming. I have found on multiple occasions when fighting them that even if I feel I am winning the fight, it can be totally swung in the opposite direction if I recklessly eat all the swap burst: I am forced to disengage and recover which allows them to resustain and regain the advantage.Like many others have mentioned, CC chain them. Remember that if you force them to spend a lot of their energy on stunbreaking, they will have considerably less pressure. IMO, it is best to CC them right after they swap into Mallyx. If you can deny them Embrace the Darkness uptime, this is really good because the skill is just insane, as well as its synergy with Tormenting Runes which gives them a ton of sustain. Most Revs now run Glaring Resolve which will give them stability after stunbreaking, so don't waste your CC into that.Corrupting and stripping them is not as effective now because of Fiendish Tenacity, but if you rip their resistance at the right time, it can be very effective still if you are playing a condi build. If you put CC pressure on them in Mallyx they are forced to use Pain Absorption for their stunbreak, which gives them resistance. I have found that alternating strips and CCs can be really effective. If you strip them and they have a condi bomb on them, they may have to use PA, which you can then follow up with a CC. This works vice versa too. The key is starving them of their energy in Mallyx. This is one of the risks in kiting them: the more you kite them while they are in Mallyx, the more energy they will have pooled up and the easier it will be for them to not only recover, but also counterpressure. Most condi Revs I have come across don't actually run Cleansing Sigil, so this can be of big benefit when fighting them. If you are not familiar with fighting Heralds, learn to quickly recognize the Glint heal. Respect this. If you see the cross facet icon on their bar, be prudent with your damage because that means that they can instantly activate their heal while about to eat your burst. Unfortunately in anything that is not a 1v1, there is a big chance that they will full heal from your allies. However, one of the benefits to CC having no damage is that it makes CC locking them during the heal a good strategy. For example I will try to CC them while their Glint heal is up so that as soon as it expires, I can burst them. Good Revs will oftentimes try to hard pressure you while they pop their heal because it makes it dangerous to counterpressure them, so CC effectively shuts this down. Like others have also mentioned, cleansing/generosity/purity sigils are a blessing. Condis are busted right now in small-scale right now so there is no shame in running a higher than usual amount of cleanses. I just recently swapped out air for generosity on my power Rev. If you are fighting one with multiple allies, beware of the Facet of Nature swap. Have your cleanses ready for a big condi bomb (generally high stacks of something like burning or torment as most run without Core Value).Understand that the build is totally busted in small-scale right now and there is no shame in losing to it on most builds. There is a huuuuuge disparity between a PvP condi Rev and a WvW condi Rev. WvW cRev has access to significantly cheaper Mallyx skills, 25 might (via Incensed Response), Tormenting Runes, broken condi sigils, and condi tank gear (Dire/Trailblazer). Its weaknesses are much less glaring in WvW. That's all for now since I have to start work. I used to roam on condi Rev a ton before and after Mallyx's rework so I know the spec pretty well.
  15. Sounds like you misunderstood what I wrote. I was stating that I find it silly that all 3 minors for Invocation are strictly dps-oriented despite it being a largely utility-focused traitline. When I play support Rev, I take Invocation in almost every single variant I run because Charged Mists is just that good, but it is a shame that all 3 minors in Invo are a total waste. Contained Temper is an interesting trait and is nice to fill in fury downtime with for certain variant dps builds, but I'll come out of fights on my core power Rev with like 1min+ of fury after leaving combat. For most builds it is largely superfluous unless you are getting chain-corrupted.
  16. I also would like to have it as the GM minor. When I play heal Rev I have no use for all three of the minors but still take Invo because Charged Mists is so good. With Empty Vessel being gone, I think it's fair to have Spirit Boon become a minor.
  17. Agreed on Shiro, although I think it should give vigor. I think the retal is fine though. Group fury is Herald's niche, Kalla doesn't need to offer yet another boon. At that point Renegade would offer every boon Glint does, plus more. Besides, diversifying retal access in the game is good (even though I wish it'd get hard nerfed in WvW).
  18. The peak joy of downstate is fighting a downed Ancient Seeds Druid with 2 double-CC pets. Bonus points for traited Beastly Warden.
  19. Play Condi Rev and spam Banish Enchantment. Laugh in their face as they get plussed and melt.
  20. As a Rev main who dislikes the aesthetic of heavy armor, I approve this message. But alas, something something silhouettes. Hard to take any sense of visual integrity they claim to have seriously with the way half the skins in the game look.
  21. Remember that this build is one streamer's opinion on what works best. It is harder to quantify a meta roaming build than it is a zerg build. Experiment and find what works best for you. I've played all sorts of different stat variations and they all work fine and have their advantages. There will be times when you are running a more hybrid set that will make you wish you were tankier, and vice versa. Don't lose too much sleep over it...it is roaming after all. I personally like running hybrid more because it is simply more fun, but when I feel like facerolling I'll just run full tank. Condi Herald (Mallyx/Glint) gains significant sustain via both Infuse Light and Tormenting Runes (as well as fair protection uptime), so I'd argue that with power damage down, it is reasonable to invest farther into the glassy realm. Not to mention that Herald also has the advantage of getting 10% bonus health from the traitline which sits it pretty at a respectable 17.5k baseline IIRC. With that said, I do like this setup quite a bit. The stats make sense to me and all the trait choices are solid. Condi Herald benefits from all stats pretty nicely, especially with the still-busted Incensed Response boosting up the hybrid damage with the big might stacks. Even healing power is not wasted for the build. I really feel the threat of a hybrid Herald when I get gaped by a 25-mighted Frigid Blitz into a big condi burst. Cele/Grieving is probably my favorite combo to run on Herald (infrequent as I'm still a core fanatic at heart) because of how well I felt it worked with the e-spec. TLDR: The build is solid, but don't take it as gospel. Have fun and experiment.
  22. Personal wish of mine is for them to do a WvW split on equipment to reduce the number of stats gained from 4-spreads and cele gear, as well as decreasing the numbers on boon/condition duration bonuses from runes. Just like they did in PvP. Doing some more splits for certain sigils would be nice as well. Not sure if such a thing is possible, but it would be nice.
  23. I absolutely love your approach to changing quickness and think it is a particularly elegant way of reducing its effectiveness in PvP/WvW while leaving it intact in PvE. I have been trying to think of a way that tones down the cheese factor of Phase Traversal port-bursting with power Rev while still maintaining the current synergy the stab-consuming effect Brutality has with the various quickness sources the class has access to. I really love this. Give Phase Traversal 1-2 stacks, make SotM-Shiro scale stacks based off number targets hit, and reduce Brutality's strength, and I think the class would feel much more fun to fight against.
  24. That's an interesting idea that I hadn't thought of before. I like that.
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