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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. The change I'd personally like to see for Watchtower is to make it an effect you have to actually have to activate (like EWP, Chilling Fog, etc) that lasts for X amount of time with a cooldown. Perhaps it wouldnt be worth to even use at this point, but IMO it brings far too much impact in its current iteration. I would also like to see the same thing done to Cloaking Waters.
  2. Lol I actually feel the same way as you, OP. I love the class but have never been a fan of the red and black aesthetic. I started out playing the class primarily with Ventari/Glint builds and disliked how much most of the weapon animations clash with those color palettes (and the fashion for most of my Revs). Over the years I have gotten better at ignoring it.
  3. Dude what? That gif is from nov 2020 made by me. I was just too lazy to make a thread that no dev will care about. There were 0 changes to CoR since.And yes i play on insta cast cause anything else slows you down by a lot (imagine playing anything else in pvp) and you clearly can see second casdade missing completely so its not out of range either, the animaiton pop right up on the mob Okay fair enough, I didn't notice the date on there. But yeah, there are still bugs with it and it is frustrating to deal with them, but the skill still functions better than it used to since when they first changed. When I use it in WvW it goes through ~80% of the time whereas when the patch first hit, it would be closer to ~20%.
  4. To be fair, you posted a GIF before they improved it a bit. Does it work flawlessly? Absolutely not. But it works better than it used to when it first got reworked. So either you are posting an old gif or you don't play with AoE indicators. CoR would still hit hard. I would still consistently hit 11.5k+ with it (with Firework runes on because I am too lazy to change them out when I swap builds). The weapon was still very good at spike damage, although yes, the inconsistencies are very frustrating. I can see why they changed it how they did: the 10s CD made the weapon feel bad when the AA's are so slow--there was too much downtime--so now you can pump more out there while not as potent as before. With that said, it does bother me how hyper-specific of a niche the weapon has. I absolutely wish it was more well-rounded so it could be used legitimately in other game modes. At least for the meantime I can meme people with shortbow 3.
  5. Honestly I really love weapon traits, especially ones like Necro's GM trait that actually alters scepter 3. I wish something like that existed in Salvation, for example, to help make it a better support weapon. Also in the horribly hyper-niche spot hammer is in, I think a trait could benefit it too. The shield trait also gave it a wonderful purpose of helping with condi management.
  6. i suggest complete removal of the rune from the game alongside with other 'sleeper' game breaking runeshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Airhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Infiltrationhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Eaglehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Centaur there are far worse ones..... -one of the root cause problem in all of this is, it is the ongoing continual repetitive problems of Stacking. Ranging from Professions stacking, rune stacking, sigil stacking, armor stats stacking, mechanic stacking, skills stacking. Its just too much of staking happening all at the same time, which is the source of all the problem- Example- Thief Profession, Guardian Profession can stack condition damages over conditions damages over condition damages all at the same time Stealth- Stacking Stealth on top of Stealth=Permanent Stealth, why? Like the Op states, groups are running the same runes and the runes are stacking on top of each other and creating a massive widespread affect of a Mountain of a Powerful Skill, all at the same time Superior Rune of the Golemancer- stats---Ferocity stacking on top of each other, why?? Stacking is the core problem.... it is just too much happening, combining stackings all at the same time, why is the need to have so much of it? -Suggestion- set a limit= (Cap+Lock) Rune of the Centaur game breaking? Am I missing something?
  7. If that is true, sigh. I would be more okay with this philosophy if they actually targeted the nerfs at the elite specs, but history will repeat itself and we will rinse and repeat through the same BS, and the same overperforming specs will remain such for the majority of the expac. PoF was enough to swear me off of PvP for good. Couldn't even bear finishing the first season after it dropped because of how horrendous balance was. Seeing how specs like core Engi and core Mes get butchered because of Holo and Mirage makes me worry for the future of other classes. I am excited for new e-specs simply because it is new content, but I was hoping CMC would be the voice of reason to help keep the e-specs more in check. We will see I guess. I'm still a little foolishly optimistic.
  8. That is essentially the playstyle of any tempest. Scepter / x. Where x is currently Warhorn so ranged both... BUT... the F1-4 overcharge abilities are all melee, and the rotation is all about spamming Overload Air on cooldown. So... it's essentially playing a ranged weapon in melee with 'no downtime when forced to dodge out'. My problem here is doing that another scepter user would feel repetitive. I'd rather they just give two new weapons built to be paired. Scepter / Focus or Scepter / Warhorn.Summon legends or Calldown Legends. The off-hand would give an ability based on the legend you have equipped but NOT active (better: based on a legend you do not have equipped, but then I'm not sure how they would pick which legend). And both 4 and 5 would be 'blast finishers' designed to hit where scepter 2, as a combo field - went off. The trick then would be ensuring this was superior to pairing it with Mace.Warhorn summoning an echo of the legend sounds so cool. Would love to use Verdarach on Rev. Still a big fan of focus for Rev too.
  9. I am not a War player, but I main Rev. The Wars that do the best seem to be the ones who understand when to CC me with burst available to follow up with it. Power Herald in particular (which I am sure you are referring to) is vulnerable to CC if you are able to pressure it properly. The Wars that are hyperaggressive towards me make it really hard to recover from and kite properly. IMO, pressuring a power Rev after they swap to Shiro is an effective way of forcing them to blow their Riposting Shadows, which will leave them very vulnerable to CC and counterpressure. If they don't have enough energy for another Riposting Shadows and their stunbreak is on cooldown, then it can be a quick GG. There are also things you can do to surprise Revs, such as timing a Bull's Charge or other CC as they Phase Traversal, or just as Unrelenting Assault ends. With that said, it's a losing matchup for you :(.
  10. I think the trait is pretty cool. I am not a Necro player, however I really love playing support Scourge. The biggest thing in my eyes that makes the trait less appealing is that it competes with Desert Empowerment, which feels a little bad if sharing barrier is your goal.
  11. The entire point of elite specs is to fill in gaps in the core class and add new playstyles. Core doesn’t need to be viable for all things (plus Condi core rev is still decently viable even without renegade; it’s just a step down to run it when you can just run Ren instead). I couldnt disagree more on literally everything you said. Unfortunately for you it doesn’t matter if you disagree with me or not. This is Anet’s stance on Elite Specs and has been since Heart of Thorns I agree with your previous quote. Although I would love more weapons, my biggest issue with the core class is Ventari and its ability to perform as a dedicated support role (which extends to both e-specs as well) especially post-big balance patch. As a pretty diehard core Rev player, the base class is pretty great in most regards. Ancient Echo and an additional core traitline puts it at a totally respectable spot. Yeah I agree ventari needs work to be truly viable in Competitive. I think it’s generally good/okay in PvE. A bigger heal radius would be nice and if that isn’t enough then maybe some sort of fundamental rework. I agree core is in a good spot too! I only wish we had an extra core legend or set of “invocation” utilities, but even that is more of a “want because I think more options would be cool” than a “the class really needs it.” Yeah I have always thought such an idea would be nice, but when I imagine an invocation line I actually immediately think of Shiro, lol. Riposting Shadows and Phase Traversal kinda fulfill that mist-traveler fantasy to me. To be fair to ANet, I'd say all of the core legends are pretty diverse in their application and their role usage aside from Ventari. That's why I've had a change of heart and am in favor of a total rework to Ventari. Still keep it as the most supportive legend, but de-emphasize that role a bit more to make the usage more diverse in other builds, and transfer some of that supportive focus to the weapon skills. At this point I think that would be the healthiest and most hopeful path as much as I hate to admit it.
  12. The entire point of elite specs is to fill in gaps in the core class and add new playstyles. Core doesn’t need to be viable for all things (plus Condi core rev is still decently viable even without renegade; it’s just a step down to run it when you can just run Ren instead). I couldnt disagree more on literally everything you said. Unfortunately for you it doesn’t matter if you disagree with me or not. This is Anet’s stance on Elite Specs and has been since Heart of ThornsI agree with your previous quote. Although I would love more weapons, my biggest issue with the core class is Ventari and its ability to perform as a dedicated support role (which extends to both e-specs as well) especially post-big balance patch. As a pretty diehard core Rev player, the base class is pretty great in most regards. Ancient Echo and an additional core traitline puts it at a totally respectable spot.
  13. Enlightening. All this time spent in WvW and I never knew that. Thanks for the valuable feedback
  14. No it does not prove that. Reaper is extremely oppressive in melee, but it is one of the specs that has some of the most counterplay when fighting against it. You cannot expect to trade blows with a Reaper in shroud while in melee. That is why others have mentioned the importance of kiting and knowing when to hit it, and abusing the fact that Reaper Shroud is melee only. Some builds will have a harder time with this, but that is the nature of build matchups in the game. All builds have weak points to them, and it sounds like Reaper is one of those for your build. Counter builds are healthy for the game. If you have that much problem with chill, there is always Svanir Runes and -condi duration food. You also have options in your repertoire to counter chill, such as Bear Stance, Dolyak Stance, Lightning Reflexes, Unstoppable Union, Wilderness Knowledge, etc. Please don't take this as a L2P post. I am not commenting on your skill level. The problem I have with your argument is that you are conflating "It feels like Reaper hard counters my build" with "Reaper is OP and deserves nerfs." If I had to comment as an outsider in on Reaper's strengths, I would say that speed runes is the most oppressive thing about them. But any class has the liberty to take those, and I often do in my own builds.
  15. I would agree with this as well. I am not a Necro player, but I would veer on the side of saying that OP's condi D/D A/T build actually has a losing matchup against most Necro builds. The Necro can take a lot of traits and skills to counter condis, and speed runes make them a lot harder to kite. They didn't post their build beyond the weapons so it's hard to fully say too much. However, OP, you can't use that as a reason to ask for nerfs to Necro. If you really want to counter Necro, play LB/GS power Ranger. You can't expect every Ranger build to counter every Necro build. Sounds like you are used to them being an easy kill, and now that they provide more of a challenge, you feel entitled to demand nerfs. You aren't going to be taken seriously with that approach, especially framing it the way you are.
  16. A similar thread was created back when the big balance patch hit earlier this year, but since quite a bit of time has passed, I figured I'd start a topic on this again. For anybody who has been running support Druid in WvW, what have your experiences been like? I took about a 4 month break from the game but since coming back I have been playing Druid a lot. So far it has been a mixed bag for me and I don't feel like my opinions on it have changed too much: Celestial Force is totally trivialized in some fights (siege-heavy ones especially), but a struggle in others. I have found the best way for me to optimize my Celestial Force gain is to try to maximize allied regen uptime. Sometimes though, there just isn't enough required healing and I can't get CA back up for when I really need it. To try to remedy this, I will at times refrain from even going into CA despite my team needing a certain degree of support, which feels really bad. Also sucks to be desperately autoing with staff to try to get CA back up while your team wipes. Seed of Life cleansing 3 conditions is nice and honestly kinda nuts when you can maximize its value, but it still suffers the same issues of being a small radius with a delay. I can spike to the top of the cleanse meter at times, but in the long run, I can't really compete with the effortless cleansing of Scrapper/Tempest. Glyph of the Stars is still my favorite skill in the game, hands down. CA version gained a lot of value ever since Warclaw stomping was removed, but with all the Burn Guards running around, it makes it harder to always get value from since CA GotS doesn't stop condi damage. Still though, the skill just feels amazing when you use it at a good time, both in and out of CA. Not sure which version I like better. Support outside of CA still feels bad. Staff is my biggest pain point with support Druid, especially Staff 2. I don't think I really need to say much on this matter. I would love a buff or rework to Invigorating Bond. It feels horrible to have a GM trait that has absolutely no scaling attached to it, and no other secondary function. Feels amazing on Soulbeast (ironically), but like total booty on Druid. The healing numbers still feel amazing. The spike healing potential is totally unmatched IMO. It feels incredible to insta bring someone on the brink of death to full health. I mostly play with pugs, and I feel like the build excels its best in this setting since there are a lot of holes in comps. I know you can't really take pug v pug fights to prove a build's legitimacy, but at the very least I have an absolute blast playing it. I don't feel like I am playing some useless snowflake spec, I feel like I am playing something that has a strong impact on fights despite not being meta. I still have my share fair of complaints about it, but I greatly enjoy its niche nonetheless. Just wanted to share my thoughts here and hear others' experiences as well. Who else is playing support Druid out there? I don't see too many out there.
  17. Yeah, that was my key point I took away from this whole thing as well. I appreciated a lot of what CMC had to say and it was honestly nice to hear him say things that I took to show that he does care, it's just that he's bound by a lack of time and other obligations. I really hope that he working on the e-specs will help prevent the absolute clusterkitten that was balance on PoF launch from happening again. With that said, I really appreciate the hosts for taking the time to organize this, and for CMC for being willing to be part of it, especially considering the length of the whole matter. I am glad that they asked my two questions: aura icons' lack of visual clarity (which my frustration sources from WvW, where there is a ton of visual spam on top of aura uptime), as well as 300s CD traits (which I am disappointed to hear his answer for, but understand where he is coming from and would rather they remain dead than resurface to their previous state). I wish CMC was able to get into the nittier grittier balance details, but I understand he is probably unable to do so.
  18. Lol I know exactly who you are talking about. No idea what his build is besides Revenge Counter but yeah he is super hard to lock down/kill. Interesting build for sure.
  19. I agree that the next spec needs to focus on the actual pets, but doing such would probably require a ton of mechanical changes to them and I unfortunately doubt ANet will take the time to do this. I have been playing WoW off and on, and something I really appreciate on Hunters is Kill Command, which actively orders your pet to charge to the desired target. Reminds me a bit of how the Cheetah's F2 functions. It would be nice to have more active skills that directly control the pet and cause it to perform certain actions. Personally I love the challenge of micromanagement and it is a big part of what appeals to me on the class.
  20. Does the skills team have any intention to rework the traits that got slapped by the 300s cooldown change? Can you please for the love of god convince whoever is in power to revert the icon changes to auras?!
  21. Two support-oriented legends yet all Ventari builds are still dogkitten in PvP and WvW. I'm happy if the next e-spec is more selfish if and only if they actually put in some effort to making support Rev more than a meme, and not more garbage ideas like the healing orb BS. Scrap the tablet and start from the ground up at this point.
  22. LOL, funny joke. Tayga is right though. You have access to stab and a stunbreak in Jalis, and if you are taking anything other than Ventari, you will have access to another one. I disagree with the assertion that Rev is vulnerable to CC as this is an overgenerialization that cannot be applied to the class as a whole. If you build for it, you can be incredibly resistant to it, even with stunbreak on swap gone. This goes back to managing your energy properly so you can have the proper amount available for a break, or knowing your swap is off cooldown soon so you can dump all of your energy for an easy stunbreak in your next legend. Charged Mists is a game changer for this. I fail to see what is a funny joke about having long AoE pulsing stab as part of what is to be considered when managing your stunbreaks and CCs. It is legitimately extremely strong. Seems like people like to forget that all classes got their stunbreak and stab access nerfed in the big balance patch.
  23. I would say that a large part of what makes Soulbeast Sniper appear to be more oppressive is not the damage itself, but its ability to do so at such a far range combined with its disengage potential. Double swoop and Dolyak Stance make it hard to properly counterpressure it. Not to mention stealth and a strong channeled block. Adding (additive!) damage reduction to Dolyak Stance, an already powerful skill, was such an absolutely horrible decision, and puts the build's burst safety net a bit over the edge IMO. With that said though, I don't really think the build is much of a problem anymore. Damage can still be high but the true burst is centered around OWP, which in itself can be easily countered. Signet of the Hunt was nerfed so hard that with all the insane projectile hate in the current meta, it is so easily hard-countered and rendered totally irrelevant. Getting oneshot by any build sucks, but Rangers are probably the easiest to get away with it. Doesn't really make it more problematic though. There's plenty worse cancer out there now in WvW.
  24. I read this thread and it gives me the impression that the class is trash, but the only things that actually feel bad to me are Ventari and not being able to aim during the windup on Surge of the Mists. I cannot comment on PvP, but at least in WvW the class still feels very strong.
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