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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. I have previously suggested that there could be a trait from Salvation that decreases energy cost/upkeep of heal skills by 100%. They have shown they are willing to add energy-manipulating traits via Charged Mists and now the reworked Replenishing Despair, so I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility. I would rather this than completely removing the heal because the heal is still very potent in PvE and you don't always want to blow 20 energy on a burst heal when you just need some heal padding via Ventari's Will. Could break the legend but eh, despite the lower legend costs, I actually find Ventari to be very energy intensive if you are actually trying to hard support somebody now. The 5 energy every 2.5-3s adds up a lot. Having Natural Harmony pulse at both the player and the tablet is an interesting idea. Not fully sure how I feel about it but it would definitely be a huge buff for its usability. Pre-patch I would have said no because of how potent its heal is, but between the 1.0 modifier loss to the skill and the 27% outgoing healing modifier loss via Salvation, the skill definitely doesn't feel like its former self. For WvW, they have stated that they are moving away from 10-target skills/traits, so I am not sure how that would play out exactly. At this point I would like for it to at least be more reliable, whether that be through a shorter delay, a faster travel time on the table, or both. I don't really think that Purifying Essence needs to trigger at the Rev's location honestly. It's a great skill and its heal value has remained the same from the patch, so it is of significant value if you are actually getting 3 cleanses off. 30 energy and a stunbreak and call it good. Very underrated skill, especially post-patch. If I had it my way, I would completely remove all healing orb traits. I would rather see alternative ways of supporting allies and not have 4 traits based around a gimmicky pick up mechanic. Just some ideas off the top of my head: Renewing Wave (Staff 4) now has 2 charges. Using a blast finisher cleanses 1 condition from allies nearby the finisher (10s ICD). Using a heal skill grants regeneration to nearby allies (360 radius). Reduces the energy cost of heal skills by 100%. I don't really see it fitting any other skill honestly. Putting it on an upkeep just seems rather awkward and also unlikely because of it costing such little energy to activate. Putting it on the elite could work I suppose but 10e for a stunbreak is too cheap and up to 100 for one is too expensive. I agree with you though that they would potentially raise the energy cost too high. People have previously suggested having the elite toggle on a non-tablet kit and perhaps that is where a stunbreak could fit. Would also be cool to get a movement skill for it :>.
  2. +1000000 One of the more frustrating changes they have done honestly. Not knowing immediately when a shocking or magnetic aura in particular is up is very frustrating.
  3. You can go to an unpopulated map (usually Desert Borderlands) and do stuff like cap camps, sentries, and kill dolyaks for participation. If perhaps at a tower or keep, if the walls or gates get closed before you can get in, you can kill the guards and get participation without actually being present in the ring for the cap. Participation doesn't reset if you hop maps. Also don't be afraid to ask on Teamchat (/t reaches all maps) to see if anybody can help with caps you need for the achievements. People are oftentimes pretty helpful with this. Usually Desert Borderlands is best for this. Otherwise perhaps try to get on a map at reset tomorrow where most likely a tag will at least be able to cap a tower and keep. If you are still trying to collect the pages throughout EBG and find yourself getting killed, I'd recommend you try on a class like Thief that has ample access to stealth and mobility. There are things you can do to get what you need, it just isn't very clearly spelled out for new players.
  4. Relatively speaking, I find shield feels better than it did pre-patch. At the same time, the damage from offhand sword feels more necessary with damage in general being lower. The 1s extra prot duration is quite nice on it, tbh. At this point, I just wish shield 4 was more reliable as a ranged ally heal. Rev gets all this mechanically janky stuff like Ventari's tablet, healing orbs, and shield 4 that make it hard to actually properly support allies in a lot of situations. Not to mention shield 4 still gets destroyed by enemy aegis last I checked, despite it being "unblockable." Not to mention the pathing issues it has on return.
  5. It would be nice if Serpent Siphon became a more reliable source of group barrier as it seems to me that the barrier is its intended niche. The biggest problem I have is the pickup mechanic. I would be happy with anything that granted a better source of AoE barrier to supplement the rest of the kit and to make it a solid choice for support Scourges, whether that be through an idea like yours or simply to make it apply AoE barrier. Perhaps up the base barrier by 1k or so, keep the scaling as is, and have the serpents travel back and apply it to 5 allies in a 360 radius PBAoE. I greatly dislike any sort of pickup mechanic as they are unreliable for most situations in the primary game mode I play: WvW. With all this said, I am not a Necro main like most here. Just my passing thoughts.
  6. I don't think I'd like this for the simple fact of it consuming energy on cast. It is an important skill to be able to stow and is easy to interrupt. I think it will be great because on 50> Energy yu can precast and PT, or precast and Deathstrike with 50 Energy.Precast? Is there something I am missing? How do you precast before a port on Rev? Both PT and Deathstrike have cast times. I still think it automatically consuming energy upon cast start would be a huge nerf. Being able to stow Jade is extremely important if you see somebody dodge or pop stab last minute. Also just imagining fighting a Thief and getting stolen on while casting it sounds horrid. I think it's fine at 50e. Only thing I think needs changing for it is for some of its damage to return when they re-evaluate CCs. It is one of those high telegraph, high impact CC's like Chilled to the Bone and Prime Light Beam that could use it. Edit: I think I see what you are saying, I must have misunderstood your proposed functionality. Are you saying it would still have a cast time (not channel time) and after the cast time it would begin to pulse the vuln and then stun at the end? If that's the case, it seems like it would make it harder to actually land the CC if it had a cast time, a delay, and the pulsing vuln as a further indicator that a stun is coming.
  7. I don't think I'd like this for the simple fact of it consuming energy on cast. It is an important skill to be able to stow and is easy to interrupt.
  8. Logged on tonight (pre-reset), popped my EBG queue, and was experiencing skill delay in spawn while the fight was at SMC. Losing motivation to play this game when I can't even use my skills. The lag has been absolutely horrid. This is not just an EBG thing, not just a zerg thing, it's happening almost everywhere I go. Can't even comfortably roam on a half-dead BL. Been logging off in frustration lately more than I ever have before.
  9. Here's a hint use an unblockable or time AOE for when the skill is over. 'Remarkable' healing is 2.4k over 4 pulses LMFAO. It is hardly ever worth it to even use this skill unless help is for sure coming by the end of it. You missunderstand im not referring to the amount it heals im saying the fact it does heal you at all is just point blank silly whilst being "invunrable".By that logic all blocks are "invulnerables." The tradeoff for it being immobile is the pulsing heal.
  10. 2 and 3 are both unreliable skills in PvP/WvW. 4 and 5 are solid but can be a bit awkward to use. With 2 generally being the primary bread-and-butter dps skill on most weapons, it makes shortbow have rather poor burst due to it being hard to land and an unimpactful condition. The weapon also lacks an evade, block, or movement skill. Best thing about Shortbow in PvP/WvW IMO is the autoattack and its synergy with Soulcleave's Summit and Impossible Odds.
  11. What other Legends would you rather see? To be honest I'm not too savvy on Guild Wars lore. I played it but I was quite young and played very casually, so I don't really have much input in that regard. I've said this many times here before, but what I want from a new elite spec is primarily for Arenanet to take a more creative route with legend swapping. I find it a bit boring that so far, we just get 2 additional legends that don't really add anything to the core mechanic of the class. I would like something to make the legends feel more cohesive together, such as an actual legend-weaving mechanic that gives us new skills based on the two legends we have equipped. It gets a bit stale to have the same utility skills, and even though there is build diversity on Revenant, it doesn't feel as deep or complex as it does on other classes. Due to the core of Revenant's design, I'd say the new elite spec will have to be able to fulfill multiple roles just as Herald and Renegade have, and I think this would be a nice way of honoring that without trying to have it reach too many roles simultaneously like both Herald and Renegade kinda do. By all means I want a new legend, but I want the core of the class built upon more than it currently is. As far as weapons go, I am pretty open. I just don't want rifles or pistols honestly. Personal preference.
  12. What not to do for the next elite spec: an asuran legend.
  13. I've been playing with a kinda similar build lately. Glad to see you are using Altruism runes. They are superb on Ventari--truly awesome synergy. I don't have ArcDPS installed but I've been curious about my cleansing numbers. Unfortunate to hear that transfers from Mallyx don't register. Do you know if transfers from Altruism runes do? I'm running Salv/Invo/Rene atm with a bit more boon duration than I'd normally go for (~90% with food/utility/bounty stacks) as it gives perma 10-man alac and good uptime on retal, regen, and some really great resistance uptime too (perma on self). I don't really like the idea of just spamming the elite but I definitely do use it a whole lot. Sadly I find I use Natural Harmony the least of any of the Ventari skills.
  14. Delay from Natural Harmony combined with the travel speed of the tablet. Either you gotta be grouped up in comms, snuggled up in a chokepoint, or fluent in the art of prediction. Lack of stunbreak. On paper it makes sense why it doesn't have one. It is truly a big benefit to be able to operate the tablet while CC'd, however when putting into perspective that other support builds (let's say Firebrand) have potent instant cast skills (mantras/shouts), its tradeoff feels less justified. This suffers a similar problem as what I bring up in the first point: it makes sense on paper but not so much in practice. It's singificantly worse now with no stunbreak on swap or stab on evade now.Heals being hyperconcentrated within the kit, as @ScottBroChill.3254 mentioned, causing an awkward balance between the legends while also making the legend unviable for non-support builds. Changing this would require a huge rework to the kit though.Now what could happen? I'm not gonna make yet another Ventari suggestion post, but here are some ideas: Remove healing orbs and all associated traits from the game, period. Instead, introduce supportive traits that aren't solely focused around healing, such as cleansing, combo finishers, on-heal skill interactions, and boons. When three of the traits are orbs, 1 is a PBAoE blind, and two are self sustain, we aren't exactly teeming with support build diversity within the line. Give us some actual practical options that are more usable in WvW. I am still not over how much of a horribly insulting slap to the face the healing orbs was to the class. One of these new traits could be one that gives Ventari (or the class as a whole) more access to regen, which was a big loss when it got removed.Bake a new staff trait into Invoking Harmony that gives Renewing Wave 2 charges. Both Tranquil Balance and Invoking Harmony are lackluster af now. Increase the travel speed of the tablet by ~33%. Give Selfless Amplification a 60 increased radius to tablet skills. I previously suggested this a while back but and think it is a good idea again considering that Natural Harmony is significantly weaker now, so the increased radius is more permissible. We aren't exactly shitting out 12k heals with it anymore.Give Purifying Essence a stunbreak. It's not that complicated.Keep Renegade's traited Alacrity at a 10 target cap. Sometimes, 10-target skills are okay for the gamemode. This one, IMO, is one of them.Reintroduce the 10-target cap to Shared Empowerment. Keep the duration at 4 seconds. Why this trait? It had exquisite synergy with Elevated Compassion. The nerf hammer will hit Draconic Echo as it is probably the most egregious 10-target trait in the game when running Glint. This will help give Elevated Compassion a bit of a push towards viability.I could go on into more ideas, but those are just some off the top of my head. -
  15. I honestly really love it as a map to roam on, but yeah, it is just rarely ever populated enough to spend time on. It is a shame because I do enjoy it. Mounts make it a lot more tolerable. It's always nice for an easy daily tower cap though.
  16. I don't even like ~~ fighting~~ Thieves but my god this feels like the biggest facepalm change since Revenant got healing orbs. Sorry for all y'all, this change legit upsets me and makes me fear for the future of your weapon skills and the entirety of the initiative system. Hope you are ready for Dancing Daggers to cost two extra initiative for one extra bounce.
  17. I would rather have 1 stunbreak on Legend swap instead of legend skills.Being unable to use abilities because stunbreak drains a third of your energy is terrible.On Legend swap at least, you would have more energy for other use. You can make that argument sure, but on the flip side that means in order to access your stunbreak you need to leave your current legend's kit. Ventari has experienced this from day one: want a stunbreak? Say goodbye to the bulk of your heals. It just doesn't feel good. Just legendswap to Ventari to heal up your team? Oh what's that, a 3s stun? Just gotta sit there and take it or blow your energy keeping yourself alive. I highly prefer the current implementation. It promotes and enables more adaptable and more skillful play and rewards proper energy management.
  18. I have been enjoying watching your videos lately. Nice stuff. I do like your build a lot. I do agree with you about the superspeed bit for dagger 3. In WvW I actually tried using Zephyr runes for that very reason to supplement the lack of distance traveled. It did help, but it was still a really niche rune that is not available in PvP, and requires fields to set up with.
  19. I agree with @LucianTheAngelic.7054. If you are having with CC, you have options: Trait Charged Mists. Works great with anything but Glint builds.Use Jalis.Go core for a bigger energy pool.In general I'd say the class is at a pretty good spot right now. Empty Vessel being removed definitely disrupts the flow, but the class is more fairly punishable now and fewer available stunbreaks is something that all classes are having to adapt to. Keep in mind that other classes do have to play defensively still as their stunbreaks generally have medium to large cooldowns. If you blow your stunbreaks on another class, you are forced to wait for the cooldown to drop. Ventari though? I agree with the others that it needs a stunbreak.
  20. Choking Gas. 7 initiative. What the kitten? Why did ANet think that putting an unblockable AoE daze on a skill was even a good idea to begin with? Seems like Thief is getting the Rev treatment: powercreep the skill and overinflate the cost. Meh. Not a fan.
  21. 100% favorite class fantasy is Nightblade from ESO. Not even for the assassin aspect, but the stealth and blood magic aspect together. I have always really loved the idea of life/essence manipulation, and particularly when able to orient it towards a way of supporting allies. Not just that, but skills like Dark Cloak and Refreshing path that restore health through shadows/darkness. I have always been oriented towards playing healer classes and from a fantasy standpoint, I really appreciate the moral ambiguity of a theme like that much more than something like a traditional Paladin. First MMO I played was Planetside, and in that my favorite thing to play was a stealth medic/engineer/hacker. Niche and truly a bit snowflakey, but some of the most fun I have had in a game. Tried Planetside 2, was not impressed in the least. Back when I played WoW (basically classic to BC), Resto Druid was my love. For similar reasons: having access to both stealth and healing. I also really liked the class fantasy despite the Tauren cat form being the most godawful fugly thing around back then. In City of Heroes I played basically any Defender and Controller set, but I remember Kinetics being the absolute most fun one to play because BOUNCY! God that was a fun kit. I really loved the Illusion Control set as well.
  22. @Yasai.3549 Interesting build, I am going to have to give that a go actually. I tried making Shiro/Mallyx work pre-patch a few times, but it felt too squishy. Have you tried with Resistance runes? Can't go wrong with Dura of course, but seems like it could work nicely with -condi duration ascended power food. Worth proccing EtD if just for the rune proc.
  23. If you are going for fun factor, by all means go for it. It is in my eyes the most fun legend combo. You can always supplement it in WvW with good ol' TB/Dire. I roamed on it for over a year and had great success with it. Kinda stopped playing condi Rev since the big patch, but it felt fine the few times I tried it out. You stick on people like glue. If you want to ruin a double swooper Boonbeast's day, it is a great spec to play.
  24. IE can gank just like any guild, but most of them leave me alone if I do the same to them. I mostly just hate being matched up against them because I get triggered having to spend an extra 30 seconds on my Warclaw walking from spawn when I die since the keep will be guaranteed perma tapped. I would say more than anything they are probably just bored and trolling for fun.
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