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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. Those health numbers...what even? Was that just pulled from GW2Skills? I can assure you they are way off. Not even Bears get as high as those Smokescale/Gazelle numbers.
  2. I like this idea a lot actually. Maybe give it a unique transmute flipover as well. +1
  3. Yup, I feel the same way 100%. I am totally okay with the trade-off and actually do agree with it. From a thematic standpoint I like it too. I do definitely feel that the problem is in the pets' individual balance (and consequently the balance of the Beastmode skills). One of my biggest critiques when Soulbeast was released was that--despite them spending what I believe they said the most time of all of the elite specs--so much of it was just copy-and-paste. Literally taking the skills from pets from GW2 launch and pasting them onto skills with some numerical adjustments. That's why 3 of 5 of the PoF pets are actually good in and out of Beastmode--because they were designed with Soulbeast/Beastmode in mind (with the exception being both Space Cheetah and Sand Lion because they were placed into the feline category...what a shame), and designed for players and not just AI to use. There are pets like canines that are pretty good as pets and while merged, but their F2 effectiveness varies. I really like the Drakehound's F2 for example, but if I ran power I would rather run a different pet, and it feels suboptimal (and lame) to run a power pet on a condi build. Ice Wolf is fantastic while merged, but its F2 is lackluster for its CD/cast time. I would love to run Hyena on a lot of builds because Prelude Lash is a great skill, but the Hyena Ally disappears when merged....what an utter disappointment and waste of an F2. Classic Wolf? Well that fear can be clutch, but on a condi pet? Eh, limits its build options a lot. The list goes on. Pets like spiders could be cool, but the projectile behavior is so embarrasingly, horridly implemented and it makes it feel just not worth it. Porcines are pretty cool, but aside from Siamoth, their Forage skills are too clunky, lackluster, and/or RNG for my tastes. Moas...still don't have a supportive archetype despite having Harmonic Cry for crying out loud. Birds were dominant previously and are one of those pets that are really awesome to be able to revive because of their glassy damage, but the nerf to Swoop was pretty brutal if you are trying to run a balanced build, and swiftness is often redundant on most Ranger/Soulbeast builds. Bears are boring. Drakes are boring. Jellyfish...I want a red land Jelly. And then of course there is Smokescale. Smokescale remains strong because literally everything is good about it. Not to say that I think all pets should be quite to the power level of the Smokescale, but IMO every pet should be evaluated with the goal of making all of it skills relevant just like Smokescale is: from its primary/secondary skills to its F2. Even its ability to track targets and land hits. Soulbeast 100% needs to be considered when rebalancing these because it is an integral part of the class now. Even a strong HoT pet like the Electric Wyvern feels kinda meh to play because Tail Lash is garbage. If Soulbeast is about gaining access to three new skills, then all three of those skills should be impactful, always, no exceptions. All these outdated filler skills kill pet diversity for the elite spec and exacerbate the impact of having one pet. I agree with you as well on the traits. Leader of the Pack is an interesting trait despite having its group play potential limited, Predator's Cunning can be exciting with the right build, but otherwise the traits are straight up bland. Not to say that they are all bad, but man are they boring and bring no engaging behavior to the class. You have traits like Fresh Reinforcement which were part of creating the absolute utter mistake balance abomination that was (and is to an extent in WvW) Boonbeast, and then at the other end you have the most lackluster GM selection ever if you aren't taking a stance. When PoF was released I dropped playing Revenant for a while because I absolutely hated Renegade. I mained Soulbeast for a while, but I was really disappointed at the overall delivery of the spec despite it feeling absolutely amazing and wonderfully fluid with the right pets. Dagger was (is) lackluster, the animations on the pets' merge skills had (have) no flavor, and most of the pets remained (remain) irrelevant. In theory, the Merge mechanic is absolutely terrific, but its actual implementation feels lukewarm at best because most of the pets are outdated. I truly believe that a comprehensive pet rework would do absolute wonders for the elite spec. Not everybody wants to be a Smokescale main for life. Okay, /endrant.
  4. At this point, I'm just happy there's another expac on the distant horizon so we can hopefully get a new, more interesting e-spec. Revenant is my favorite class with some of my least favorite elite specs (Renegade being #1). I can't say I really care for a rework at this point. @LucianTheAngelic.7054 brings up a good point: it has its roles and it performs those well, and Renegade was a blessing for competitive PvE play. I just don't happen to like anything about how it was implemented. I'd rather they conserve any sort of creative energy they have towards something that actually embraces the energy and legend-swapping mechanic in an interesting way. As for its role in WvW...for a while now I have been dying to try 5x Sic 'Em Soulbeasts with OWP all laying down Barrage & traited Rapid Fires while in Soulcleave's Summit. Just for science. Anyone?
  5. I like your ideas for altering the shatter skills a whole lot. Didn't have time to watch the video so I just read the description in the comments. Are you suggesting to straight up remove the mantra and scepter traits? It so, why? The class still needs its glamour trait reintroduced.
  6. Gizmos are like my favorite things in the game. As much as I want one, they are something I will never get, period. I am simply not good enough to ever reach that level, and I am okay with that. I like that they are exclusive and I think they should remain as such. If they were to do some sort of big GvG tourney I would agree with them being rewards, but otherwise I don't think just playing the game mode for a long time should warrant one.
  7. My point exactly. For such a hard-to-hit skill, it sure feels mediocre. 3 seconds of quickness during which your opponent can kite away to waste the duration because dagger has no other sticking tools and a crappy reach. 1.5s* :) But yeah as much as I would love an evade on this skill, I would be happy if they extended the range a bit and also cleaned up the animation so it becomes better at tracking and pursuing. Feels like I'm playing leapfrog when I use it. Giving it cripple would be really nice too, but at that point perhaps it'd be too similar to Monarch's Leap.
  8. In my eyes, ANet did a good job at giving Tempest a natural reward-for-the-risk tradeoff: if you are able to pull off a long 4-second channel, you get a strong effect. If you get interrupted, you get pretty hard punished. Even if you complete the channel, you still get the cooldown punishment. This is good. The only thing I see as possibly going against their new philosophy is that overloads still act as stunbreaks. But hey, I don't really play Tempest enough to honestly say whether that is truly "unhealthy." Sure as heck is annoying fighting the unkillable Minstrel's Stoneheart Tempests in WvW, but I'd say that is more of an issue of Minstrel's being an overstacked support stat spread than anything. If anything, maybe core Ele could get something shiny like core Rev did (which did absolute wonders for the class and gave it a distinct niche). Not really sure what the heck that could be though. As far as mechanical changes go, I consider both Weaver and Tempest to be very well-implemented and don't think either of them need anything else.
  9. These are fantastic--truly wish they were in game. I always select facial hair on my (human) characters but only stubble/short styles because I dislike how full the classic one is and the PoF styles have a really odd texture. I absolutely love the norn beardstyles because they are so much more intricate, but I don't ever really play norn. Sylvari isn't one I had thought of before, but I love the way you interpreted it and it would be a great way of making them look more diverse.
  10. I still feel like Herald is one of those specs that can get away with running full zerk. If you are playing with friends or poking at groups, I think going balls-deep on the damage is a totally respectable choice. Power Rev can still delete people with its damage, even post-patch. When I roam on power Rev I'll try to hit around 18k health on core, but Herald has the 10% health default and I consider the ability to be able to instanuke the squishies to be of more value when playing in something like a cloud setting (I am on Mag, basically an omnicloud server so it kinda fits with that playstyle) since Infuse Light can still save you if you are smart with your positioning.
  11. Cast time on Surge of the Mists is fine if that is part of their new vision, just make the user able to move during the wind up. Or at the very least, rotate. Not much of an Engi player at all, but from an outside perspective, the self-knockback from Overcharged Shot should be removed, or perhaps given an evade during the self-knockback. Seems unnecessarily punishing to the user.
  12. Glad you like it! I watched a bit of cmc on Teatime yesterday and what I gathered is that they don't seem to attempt to design things with the intention of altering the meta, which I think is fair given how unpredictable that sort of thing can be. I don't really know if any of my ideas here would have the power to truly bring it into the meta in competitive modes, but I'd like to think it would at least make it a more desirable choice. I don't need to be Firebrand 2.0 when playing WvW, but I would like to be something that competes with Scrapper and Tempest.
  13. I guess thematically it is a bit weird, but the slow is so good, and as @Yasai.3549 mentioned weakness can be applied if taking Dwarven Battle Training. Also we have weakness application through Inspiring Reinforcement. I honestly think it'd be a nerf if it applied weakness instead, but I guess it depends on what you are after.
  14. Good list. Are you saying Pulsating Pestilence only transfers condis to one target? I haven't been playing condi Rev much at all since the patch, but if so...yikes. Your Unrelenting Assault change is what I have also been saying they need to change it to for a while. It's gotta be in the top 5 buggiest skills in the game. Feels like the skill fails completely more often than actually succeeding. Legend swap being restricted while mid-air feels terrible. Cannot agree with you more. The only situation off the top of the head that I sometimes like consuming energy immediately is RotGD. It is really nice to be able to swap legends immediately after beginning the skill cast. With that said, it is a stunbreak so would probably need to maintain its current interaction with energy.
  15. At this point I am in favor of them completely reworking the weapon.
  16. Yes, having this as an option would be so nice. I only have Vision, but it only looks fantastic on like 2 of my ~20 characters. Keeping it in the bank because it clashes so badly with most of my looks is a bummer.
  17. Why do people think that a single example of something is proof of some greater truth? Especially using top stats as validation. The biggest indication I see in your post of anything is of your opponents' skill level as you claim to have 1v3'd them.
  18. I would say power Rev isn't as bad as people say it is. It takes some getting used to and the skill floor is definitely higher, but it can still do well at what it has always done well at. I also run core (more traditional Invo/Deva/Ret because Invo is still great) because I like to get hard carried by Inspiring Reinforcement and because taunting people into offhand sword burst never gets old. In my opinion, Charged Mists and Ancient Echo make up for the losses that Shiro suffered this most recent patch, making it feel like a fluent legend again.
  19. Kalla is closer to meta than I would ever like it to be. Would prefer a total rework, but if not I wish the legend would go back to the garbage bin.
  20. Correct But this is wrong. It doesn't matter if you have a target selected or not. You gain stealth AFTER you finish the heart seeker animation. Heartseeker doesn't magically become quicker. Sob) No targetPush 5 = 500mspush 2 as soon as possible = still 750ms Why would an animation with 750ms cast time magically become 100ms-150ms just because you have nobody targeted? I just tested it .The silouett goes invisble mid air here , regadles if the icon showsYou gain the ''Stealth'' message the moment you push 2 , not when you touch the ground ... there some render or delay problems it seems .Or when other person have said that some delayreder problems in WvWvW when you get destealth (from attacking from stealth) It all hinges on the cast time, whenever cast time ends is when you gain stealth. The cast time is 750ms for heart seeker. The cast time for black powder is 500ms. Unless you have quickness the heart seeker/black powder combo is always going to take 1250ms. Doesn't matter if you have a target. Its written in the code. 1250ms. Every time. Input lag, latency or human error may make it seem to be different. But its always 1250ms. You get the ''stealth'' buff/message at the start of the combo . I really do think you are mistaken. For every leap finisher in the game you get the relevant buff at the end of the combo not at the beginning.Other people feel free to chime in.Yeah, almost positive you are right. Message goes off right away but if you get interrupted beforehand you won't get the finisher effect, which will trigger at the completion of the skill cast. Can be misleading.
  21. That's great and all, but a Kalla/Jalis Renegade got 2nd place in the Monthly AT today soooooooEven saw an EU team using 3 Ren 2 FB Lol just watched that 3 Ren game right now. Holy eyecancer.
  22. A couple things I have noticed in case it affects others the same way: It will happen very frequently if I am swapping to or from the third build template. I thought it was fixed for a while because it rarely happens when swapping between the first and second template.It is much much more likely to occur if swapping while mounted. This is in WvW on the Warclaw, but I am not sure if it happens elsewhere.Been happening a lot more since the big balance patch. Tends to be the icons that are bugged too so it sabotages me and makes it appear like things are all good. I try to make an effort to test out my utility skills every time I swap now.
  23. Bump for visibility. Feels so terrible. Sounds trivial on paper but those split-second decisions matter and for a class that relies completely on energy as a mechanic, it really messes with the flow and muscle memory when proper energy management is being denied due to a bug. Maybe I shouldn't be such a dodge jump monkey, but it extends far beyond that. And yes @Shao.7236 it feels particularly brutal for Charged Mists. Here I am trying to spam Inspiring Reinforcement to counter an incoming CC and I see I'm still stuck in Shiro because I was jumping during swap. By the time I swap into Jalis, I have already extended beyond the energy threshold so I only get 50 energy and I cant follow up properly. Just one example of course, but it is aggravating every time.
  24. Thanks everybody for the replies :). Nice to hear that people like the ideas. Yeah, the point you bring up is totally valid. It was definitely one of my bigger concerns when thinking of replacing the pet. Eventually what I figured is that it would share those parallels with Soulbeast. Admittedly this is a bit awkward and unideal, because particularly for Beastmastery, it means a Druid would reap those same benefits as Soulbeast. That is what I was referencing in the bottom of my post about Sic 'Em. I do worry that there would be too much overlap between the specs--especially with the nerfs Soulbeasts have been receiving--and I would hate to see the spec become Soulbeast 2.0 with an additional CA kit. Originally the Natural Stride passive effect I was thinking of was increased damage and condition damage for the solar wisp to maintain an offensive option there, but I ended up scrapping the idea because of the potential overlap and eclipsing of Soulbeast. Sic 'Em is still of course the thing I would fear the most, which is why I suggested it be partially reworked in general and be more aggressively split for competitive modes to preserve the spec's reliance on it for DPS in PvE. Getting back to your question, I do think that is just one of the unfortunate flaws of my idea. There are things that would still be different from Soulbeast's interactions, such as pet-swap traits triggering from wisp swap, but otherwise there would be that same overlap and odd, unpolished interaction that Soulbeast has with the core class. Empathic Bond being one of the worst (best?) examples of this, having no interaction while merged. It would be nice if ANet took the time to polish some of this stuff up, as well as polish core/underused pets and merged skills to better incentivize taking Soulbeast since petswap is removed.
  25. The new expac announcement has inspired me not to conceptualize a new elite spec, but to reconceptualize Druid, one of my favorite elite specs in the game that I feel has lost its way over the years. THERE IS A WHOLE LOT OF TEXT HERE SO THANKS IN ADVANCE IF YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT ALL! I tried to explain my thought processes throughout the post to better frame my ideas. Hope you enjoy : ). PETS ARE NOW WISPS Pets are replaced by wisps. Wisps are passive, untargetable entities that circle the Druid. Wisps have different F2 (renamed "Blessing" skills because why not?) effects that are determined by their archetype, using the Soulbeast's same classification system. You can have two wisps while in combat that you can swap between, but their F2 cooldown is shared (20-25s). Blessing skills are a 240 radius, 1200 range targetable AoE effect that create a combo field and pulse boons based on their archetype. In addition to the F2 abilities, wisp archetypes also determine additional effects from certain staff skills, taking inspiration from Revenant's trident. Wisps gain trait interaction and customization through the middle tier line. The goal is to remove the offensive capabilities from the Druid's pet mechanic in order to enable it to become a more fully-fledged support choice. While the offensiveness of the pet is removed, there is now the alternative option of creating an offensive-oriented (condition damage) spec through staff and the solar wisp. Due to the pet being removed and the wisp being unkillable, celestial force gain from self-healing would be increased due to no longer being able to gain it from healing the pet. WISP BREAKDOWN AND TRAIT INTERACTION WISP ARCHETYPEFIELD TYPEBOON GRANTEDNATURAL STRIDE EFFECTSGRACE OF THE LAND EFFECTSFerocious > SolarFire FIeldMight10% Condition Damage ReductionAdditional pulsing mightDeadly > LunarSmoke FieldSwiftness15% Endurance RecoveryPulsing superspeedVersatile > AstralEthereal FieldVigor10% Boon DurationConverts X conditions to boons upon creationStout > TerrestrialPoison FieldProtection10% Damage ReductionPulsing stabilitySupportive > TidalWater FieldRegeneration10% Outgoing HealingConverts projectiles to healing for X seconds STAFF-WISP INTERACTIONS (See Staff changes for more detail) WISP ARCHETYPEENCHANTED WISP EFFECTSANCESTRAL GRACE EFFECTSSolarBurnAoE burnLunarBlindAoE dark auraAstralSlowAoE boon removal (1)TerrestrialWeaknessAoE immobilizeTidalChillAdditional AoE heal STAFF CHANGES Staff is probably my biggest pain point with Druid. I find it awkward, unimpactful, and outdated. This more than anything needs the most notable changes. And by changes, yes I do mean buffs, even in the era of reducing powercreep. Solar Beam: Now also heals allies in a 120-180 radius around the Druid.Enchanted Wisp: Renamed due to wisp now having an "Astral" archetype. Now a 240 radius AoE pulsing heal that applies a condition upon creation based on the wisp you currently have active.Ancestral Grace: No longer grants protection to the pet since we no longer have a pet. Instead, it gains unique effects if blasting within a Blessing field.Vine Surge: Has a reduced cast time, faster travel time, and is now a conal effect. Sublime Conversion: Has increased length and height so it can more reliably block projectiles from a higher angle. Not really sure if it would need changes after the other buffs to the kit. CELESTIAL AVATAR CHANGES I don't think the CA skills need a ton of changes if Druid as a whole sees overall general improvement. Biggest issues for the kit in my eyes are the difficulty in landing CA1/2. It is unfortunate to feel less of an impact in healing power investment, but I don't really know if any values need to be increased due to all of the other buffs I have suggested in addition to healing powercreep reduction being part of ANet's intended vision. GENERAL: Reduce cooldown to 15s in PvP. Cosmic Ray: Either speed up the skill a bit or give it a slightly increased radius, ultimately with the goal of making it easier to successfully land.Seed of Life: Burst timer reduced by 0.25s while still maintaining the light field for the current duration.Lunar Impact: No changes.Rejuvenating Tides: No changes.Natural Convergence: Cast time reduced by 0.25-0.5s. Stability duration decreased accordingly. No longer pulses immobilize, but instead casts one singular application of it (1.5-2s). Now grants protection to nearby allies (not self) upon successful channel. GLYPH CHANGES Glyphs are where the supplemental support and utility should lie assuming that spirit skills remain in the horrid state that they currently are. My changes are meant to push value for both versions of the glyphs in order to make them more flexible choices. Yes, this means more buffs. Glyph of Rejuvenation: No changes.Glyph of Alignment: Now is a 900-range targetable AoE effect. Glyph of Rejuvenation and Alignment are too similar while in CA and need further differentiation.-Non-CA: Reworked. Now removes 2 boons and applies poison and weakness to foes.-CA: No changes. Heal strength would possibly need to be reduced due to it now being a very potent ranged AoE heal.Glyph of Equality:-Non-CA: No changes. Skill is solid.-CA: Radius increased to anywhere between 360 and 480. Should be more reliable like Eye of the Storm, which currently outpaces it and doesn't require CA gating.Glyph of the Tides: Now a 600-range targetable AoE effect. Cooldown increased back to 25 seconds.-Non-CA: Now pulls foes together.-CA: Now pushes foes away.Glyph of Unity: Cooldown reduced to 25s. Buffed a lot. Worst glyph IMO.-Non-CA: Now additionally decreases damage dealt by tethered foes by 15-20%.-CA: Now additionally increases incoming healing of tethered allies by 15-20%.Glyph of the Stars: No changes. Can't help but love this skill, even though I know I am a minority. Fix the bug that prevents the non-CA version from providing a water field though. MINOR TRAIT CHANGES All remain unchanged. I don't particularly see Live Vicariously or Natural Mender being too weak, strong, or otherwise problematic. Live Vicariously is close in power to Rugged Growth with no healing power investment, which I think is a fair number gauge for reasonable sustain per second. Natural Mender got a nerf as well, but the nerf is not unique to the class and Lingering Light still remains fully intact as a very potent tool for outgoing healing. MAJOR TRAIT CHANGES Each row of Druid's traitline now follows a particular theme or mechanic:I. Enhances Celestial Avatar skillsII. Interacts with the Wisp, the new mechanic that replaces the petIII. Grants unique effects upon leaving Celestial Avatar Additionally, each grandmaster trait will modify how additional celestial force is gained, allowing for a more reliable way of entering the kit depending upon the chosen playstyle. ADEPT TRAITS I. Druidic Clarity: Rejuvenating Tides removes conditions from allies every other pulse.A commonly suggested idea that bolsters Druid's group cleanse potential. While this undoubtedly is a significant nerf to the Druid's self-cleanse, the goal is to push it towards being a more solid team supporter. While every other cleanse may not sound significant, the skill pulses 5 times, so it would still cleanse for 3. There is simply too much synergy with the skill and Quickdraw; the trait would overinflate its group cleanse potential. II. Cultivated Synergy: Heal around yourself when using a heal skill. Using a Blessing (Beast) ability performs a blast finisher around your wisp.While this does remove a heal from the pet's location, I would like to see the healing values increased on the heal since it would be brought down to a singular heal. The trait is not currently underperforming, but I would like to see more interactive play involving the Wisp. Giving a blast finisher that procs at the same time as the Wisp's field allows for some unique combo field/finisher plays. III. Primal Echoes: Staff skills gain reduced recharge. Gain increased recharge reduction while in celestial avatar. Cast Enchanted Wisp (Staff 2) at your location upon leaving celestial avatar after a [0.5s] delay.Primal Echoes has never really been a particularly popular trait, but in my eyes that is due to two reasons: Druidic Clarity massively outshining it, and staff being an overall lackluster weapon. With staff seeing significant buffs with my ideas, I believe this trait would increase significantly in value. Additionally, an instant-cast daze is a mechanic that it appears ANet is trying to move away from. I agree with this vision. Ultimately, I would like for this trait to bolster staff into becoming a standalone support weapon while outside of CA, rather than just a strong kiting weapon that provides mediocre support and clunky weapon skills. MASTER TRAITS I. Verdant Etching: Glyphs gain reduced recharge and cast Lesser Seed of Life. Seeds of Life gain increased radius (240).This change is rather straightforward: simply enhancing the effectiveness and reliability of Seeds of Life (both normal and lesser). Between the radius increase from this and the 0.25s bloom duration reduction, Seeds could easily become a very reliable means of cleansing allies.II. Natural Stride: Gain increased movement speed (25-33%). You gain a passive bonus based on your currently active wisp.As far as I understand, this trait doesn't see much play at all. The core class has ample access to swiftness and the utility from the other traits currently outshine this one. Admittedly I don't know if this would really bolster the trait enough to have it see use competitively.III. Celestial Shadow: Grant superspeed and stealth to nearby allies when leaving celestial avatar.An iconic Druid trait, I did not change this one at all. With that said, this trait errs on the cheesy side and I could see it becoming problematic. Although I did not change this one, a way of perhaps reducing its potency would be to grant stealth duration (0.5s) based on the number of allies affected. GRANDMASTER TRAITS I. Ancient Seeds: Immobilize inflicts damage over time. Natural Convergence can now be channeled while moving. Gain celestial force when inflicting conditions on foes.I admit that the desire to change this trait is partially due to my own frustrations with fighting against it. I have always personally found Ancient Seeds to be the epitome of toxic unskillful trait design. With that said, immobilization is an important component to Ranger's and Druid's identity, so the change to Ancient Seeds was made to push for a more active playstyle. Does this go against their whole vision of CC ≠ damage? Possibly, yes. I could see it being problematic, so I am not particularly confident in this idea. But still, I would like to see building deep into immobilization being a viable option for an offensive-oriented Druid, without the passiveness of the current Ancient Seeds proc.II. Grace of the Land: Your Blessing (Beast) abilities gain increased radius and duration and grant additional effects. Gain celestial force when granting boons to allies.This trait has seen a major rework, completely changing its functionality. While this may be a controversial change to the PvE crowd, I wanted to still maintain its potential as a might-bot trait through using the solar archetype wisp while also allowing for a better diversity in playstyle approaches depending upon the wisp chosen. This is the go-to utility trait and also the one that favors boon generation to help fuel celestial force. Note that duration increase would be field-specific as there are varying power levels (wouldn't want huge smoke field uptime for example) III. Lingering Light: Gain increased outgoing healing while in celestial avatar. Leaving celestial avatar casts Lesser Glyph of Unity (CA, 2s). Gain additional celestial force when healing allies.This trait will remain the go-to healing potency trait and a now more significant sacrifice for utility. Its current blind effect is rather clunky and unfitting for the role that this trait fulfills; adding lesser Glyph of Unity helps bridge the gap between healing while in and out of CA. As it is the healing trait, it naturally makes sense to have healing grant increased celestial force. POTENTIAL ISSUES There is of course the concern of me including far too many buffs. Hey, that's valid, but like I said in the beginning, the point of this was to push the spec in a different direction. It's impossible to conceptualize a perfectly balanced spec. Other issue is that I would hate to have it eclipse Soulbeast in terms of offensive and skirmishing capabilties. Sic 'Em brings up the biggest issue for me, but frankly I'd rather see this skill reworked to become more akin to "On My Mark" while still preserving a damage bonus while in PvE. The solar wisp and Ancient Seeds would allow for a burn-oriented variant to arise, but ideally I would not like it to have any sort of threatening DPS in comparison to Soulbeast. My hope is that the Grace of the Land change would not affect Druid's mightbot capabilities as I would like it to still allow for perma 25 stacks, and have the target cap at 10 instead of 5 in PvE. I originally wanted GotL's astral wisp to offer alacrity, but I did not want to disturb the PvE meta too much as it is admittedly not my game mode of experience. I did not include issues related to the core class because that is a topic for another day. There are certain traits and skills that I believe could definitely be improved upon. I already have enough to digest here though. THAT'S ALL Thanks for reading : ).
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