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Everything posted by Jijimuge.4675

  1. I agree - it's far too garish and cartoony for my taste. I definitely think it's worse art than previous legend swaps. I've included that in my feedback (non-bug)....but I'll flag up bugs where I find them 🙂
  2. I think I've identified the bug with the scale of the animation based on camera zoom level - I've created a post about it in the Vindicator bugs forum at -
  3. The legend swap animation (the picture above the head of the revenant when switching legends) for the Alliance legend scales in a different way than the other legends with camera zoom level and can lead to the Alliance animation covering too large a screen area. With the camera fully zoomed out, the Alliance picture isn't that big - no bigger than Shiro's or Jalis's. However, the more one zooms in before switching legends, the image scales exponentially in size, whereas, for Shiro, the image scales very little, no matter what one's current zoom level. Having done further testing, it seems that the initial animation size is set by the current camera zoom level when activating the legend swap, and that it's something in the coding of this which is off. There is effectively some scaling down applied to the initial image the more one is zoomed in to the image for all legends but Alliance. N.B. One can manage to get any of the legends' images to scale to huge proportions by zooming in *after* the animation has started. One can also get Shiro's animation to be tiny by swapping when fully zoomed in and zooming out whilst the animation is ongoing.
  4. "Eternity's Requiem" has a skill fact of "Duration: 9 seconds", and "Number of Impacts : 24", but it certainly doesn't seem to last that long or have that many impacts (unless I'm missing something) "Death Drop" - the "Forerunner of death" description in the trait selection screen describes it as "15% damage" - is this strike damage or condi damage or both? Additionally, the buff one receives reads "Outgoing physical damage is increased" - not sure that this is a relevant damage type - does this instead mean "strike" damage? Edit: Have just checked Meteor Shower, and it looks like the skill facts have been copied from there. Meteor Shower lasts appx 9 seconds and has 24 impacts as far as I can tell, unlike "Eternity's Requiem"
  5. I'm not a rev main, but the spec was interesting. Pros The greatsword skills. I know the animations are used elsewhere, but I found them OK The lore The idea of having a hybrid spec (area dps/healing) is a nice one, IMO, though the numbers may need to be tweaked to get this to work correctly (hopefully it can work that way). Cons The F2 and the switching mechanic It feels clunky to have to use the flip skill (or to flip it using the F2). Rather than having a hard lock on the skill type one likes, I'd have favoured some kind of "soft" lock i.e. maybe something like not flipping each skill on use, but making the energy cost go up as one uses it each time until one uses the F2 to flip one's skills to the other hero e.g. the first time one uses Scavenger Burst, it costs 10, then 15, then 20 etc. until one uses the F2 to flip all the legend skills to Saint Victor. Some kind of change is needed at any rate, as the flow of one's utilities here feels too rigid IMO. I'd often find myself using a legend skill not because it was useful, but just to make sure I had access to the one I wanted - felt weird... Alternatively, instead of an "F2", maybe have an "F2" for "Invoke Archemorus" and F3 for "Invoke Saint Viktor" to flip all one's skills to that hero's set? With long enough cooldowns (and energy cost) on them of course to encourage hybrid play. Some aspects of the dodge/jumps The idea is quite fun and the leaps are dramatic, but the endurance requirement on "Death Drop" is very punishing. From a dps perspective, I'm not sure it's worth it given how long the leap takes. Would it also make sense to have some kind of stun on "Death Drop"? That would allow the rev to capitalise on the buff from "Forerunner of Death" Should the landing "impact" art be different for the 3 different dodge styles? Currrently they all look the same and given how different they are in function, I think they should look different . The "over the head" art for the switch to Alliance stance - the colours are too intense and it's done in too cartoony a style IMO - not a fan of it. The 2 heros of the Alliance should have accents of their signature colours, but to be exclusively in those colours just looks garish to my eye The elites The art for "Spear of Archemorus" is nice, but the skill feels lowish impact Re "Urn of Saint Victor", the description is very odd - "Become" the urn? Surely something like "Take up" would be better here? Given the "bundle" skills in GW1 that rit used to have (that prevented attacks), it feels weird to have the urn levitate in front of one with one still able to attack, but w/e The "urn" of Saint Victor is also not an urn, looking at the art - it's apparently a chest/coffer. Although the art is nice, it doesn't depict an urn.... As I mentioned in an earlier post, as "Spear of Archemorus" requires a target, one's only way of switching to the Urn when no targets are around is to either use one's F2 or to brutally assault a nearby rabbit or other critter with Archemorus' full power (!) Edit : Forgot to mention that the F2 outside of Alliance Stance feels really low impact - 25 energy and 20 second CD on Alliance Tactics for just 50 endurance is just awful (that's 1/3 of the endurance needed for "Death drop"!)
  6. Not a rev main, but something odd about the flip skills is that the elite skill "Spear of Archemorus" needs a target to be able to use it so, if one wants to get to "Urn of Saint Victor" and there are no targets around, one's only way of doing so is to use Alliance Tactics - seems a bit clunky.
  7. Having thought about the catalyst a little more, I get the strong impression that it's the result of 2 quite different concepts having been merged/mashed together. I suspect a decision may have been taken to try to combine the best ideas of 2 quite different concepts. Thematically, the trailer mentions how the catalysts' art is "ancient" (which matches the celestial spirits which sit in the F5 area) but also sets it up as being "technological" by using a jadetech sphere, which immediately feels a bit disjointed to me. Functionally, the F5 is stationary, which would be a lot more workable if the spec were ranged. The hammer "3" skills (the circling orbs able to be flung at an opponent) would also fit well with a ranged playstyle. On the other hand, many of the hammer skills are melee or mid-range. My guess is that early draft ideas for the concepts were roughly - 1 - a melee spec using hammer and themed around the celestial spirits 2 - a ranged spec using jadetech gyros and fields (perhaps even with the field able to move in the manner of Ventari's tablet?) However, the catalyst as it stands is thematically rather a jumble, and some of its functional elements synergise poorly with each other.
  8. Some early audiovisual feedback - the sound effect on the hammer earth auto (Stonestrike) is quite loud, and it's also pretty visually repetitive with a ring of rocky spikes appearing about one. This would be fine IMO if it weren't on the autoattack, but the sound and sight get repetitive quite quickly for me.
  9. It looks like the burst mode is the "dragon trigger" thing that allows one to load one's gunsabre with "magically imbued cartridges". I suspect that the gunsabre itself is basically a photon forge mode.....will be interesting if warriors also have to balance heat.
  10. FWIW, the thrust is pretty similar to a move one could pull in the real world in HEMA with a hand and a half sword. By briefly switching to a one handed grip whilst doing a thrust (or even a lunge), one can get a bit of extra reach.
  11. This isn't entirely right. The druids predate Ventari, with the last of them having been seen in physical form about 100 years before Ventari's time....so also greatly predated the Sylvari. My understanding of Ventari is that his teachings are more about pacifism and nonviolence. The druids seem a bit different, focussing more on nature than on nonviolence. The druids of GW were actually Krytan humans at one time and it's speculated that they were devout followers of Melandru. Link- https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Druid That said, the Sylvari do clearly have an affinity to Druid spirits as evidenced by the racial elite skill "Summon Druid Spirit". So I could see it being quite lore-friendly for a human (esp one devoutly following Melandru) or sylvari to want to tread the ancient paths followed by the original druids. Perhaps Druids (as a spec) would be most naturally favoured by Humans or Sylvari, though there's no reason why someone of any race couldn't follow that path. As an aside, IMO a Sylvari who has a preternaturally strong connection with Ventari might simply become...a revenant. Then they'd channel Ventari's qualities more directly...
  12. Yes, it's a bug....and it seems exclusive to engineers. My opinion is that it indicates that the new Engi spec will be a pet class....golems I bet, based on the icon. Some coder probably forgot to add an additional conditional statement in the code requiring that the character not only be an engineer, but also have the new specialisation as a trait line. FYI, it doesn't seem to matter what one's skill in the F4 slot is as far as I can tell. Regardless, this topic is already being discussed at -
  13. I like the idea and see where you're going with this, but IIRC Rurik wielded the fiery dragon sword Sohothin; the sword in the picture is quite different. As I recall, his flaming sword was quite iconic for him. There's a little wisp of fire around the sword....I would have expected more if it were intended to evoke parallels to Sohothin. OTOH, the sword in the image is golden and quite ornate, so looks like the sword of someone with wealth and status. So perhaps the new legend is of someone with some kind of royal status? In the real world a sword with that much gold and ornamentation as well as the (somewhat impractical) spikes would be a dress/ceremonial blade....but of course GW2 allows a lot of leeway re using impractical weapons.
  14. I like the visuals on the whole, especially the F2 and Thousand Cuts. I think the F1 is nice too. IMO Thousand Cuts has a great animation and am glad to see it's not been overdone. To me, that's just right. I agree with Za Shaloc that the crystal orb (for the block) on the F4 is fine, but find the circling blades too much. IMO I think the blades should be toned down a bit. However, the visuals on Rain of Swords and Sword of Decimation are way too much clutter for me...especially when they're other players' effects. It's really the "sky circles" that I find most intrusive. I also think the animations are a bit too similar for these 2 skills.
  15. The way normal alacrity works is that, for every second with alacrity, skills recharge by 1.25 seconds whereas, with improved alacrity, skills recharge by 1.5 seconds . I think it's easier to look at some examples. You apply 6 seconds alacrity. This means that, over the duration of those 6 seconds, your skills will recharge by 7.5 seconds (=6 x 1.25) In the normal case, the 6 seconds of alacrity would gain you 1.5 seconds of recharge (=7.5 - 6) If you had Improved Alacrity, you'd only gain ~4 (=6 x .67) seconds of alacrity, but over that period the alacrity would recharge your skills by 6 seconds (=4 x 1.5) In the Improved Alacrity case you'd have gained 2 seconds of recharge for the same boon application as opposed to 1.5 without Improved Alacrity. So even in the base case, Improved Alacrity does provide a benefit to the chronomancer. Note that it will have no effect on the boons you give to others. However, the -33% is applied to you as a change to boon duration and is additive with boon duration from concentration etc, so the effect of this reduction becomes relatively less significant as you gain in boon duration. To revisit the case above, let's say that the chrono has an extra 100% boon duration (so 200% total) and applies the same 6 second alacrity. If they had normal alacrity, their alacrity would last for 6 x 2 seconds = 12 seconds, which translates to a recharge saving of 3 seconds. With improved alacrity, the alacrity would last for 167% of the normal duration (=100% + 100% - 33%) which ~=10 seconds. With improved alacrity that would translate to a recharge saving of 5 seconds.
  16. A resource that I've used re the pact supply merchants is at http://gw2timer.com Usually it will show the items being offered by the pact supply networks at a glance so that you don't need to run around on foot checking the various merchants. It's not loading that section for me at present, but it looks like the last update was yesterday, which may go some way to explaining, as it's a community run resource. Looking at the "history" section there, they have stats for 2015-16 - it looks like it came up on 10 occasions over a 296 day period...so it looks like it's appx a 1 in 30 chance of it being on one of the merchants in any day (so maybe appx 1 in 180 chance of being on any individual merchant)
  17. On the first use of Thousand Cuts in a session, it sometimes briefly displayed a "standard" AoE ground targetting reticle or did some oher strange things. It's not restricted to this skill, but also applies to the focus 4 skill "Temporal Curtain" as well as others. On further investigation, the game initially displays the reticle one has used most recently for the first use of the game session (presumably the image cache needs to be loaded) . If it's the first ground-targetted skill use in a day, there's a very brief interval where no reticle is shown. So, if one's first GTAoE skill use of the day is (say) "Rain of Swords", it will display no reticle momentarily, then display the correct circular one. If after that one uses "Thousand Cuts" it will briefly display the circular reticle for "Rain of Swords" before switching to the correct "line" one. If one then uses "Temporal Curtain" (focus 4), it will briefly display the linear reticle for "Thousand Cuts" before loading the correct "curtain" one. Subsequent uses of any individual reticle (presumably the image cache has loaded the required image) seem fine I suspect that this isn't limited to mesmer skills, but have only experimented with mesmer I'm using the "fast with range indicator" option for ground targetting.
  18. I wouldn't use harbinger as a healer. Their life force can heal *themselves* over time just fine, but they have no meaningful ability to heal others (outside of core necro). For a healing necro you'd want a scourge.
  19. Harbinger will have minimal team healing ability from the harbinger-exclusive traits/skills and no barrier. The main team healing ability they'll have will be from core necro abilities/traits. They can share a short regeneration boon with others via their elixir skills with a particular trait...but the other boons they can share are much more significant. To answer the main question...yes, it is mostly dps (lots of torment, some poison and OK power damage) and boons (with quickness seemingly a special focus), but there's also some decent CC (a 10 sec CD AoE daze, a 12 sec CD AoE Stun and 20 sec AoE float). It also has more mobility than core necro, but looks to have less "bulk" overall in its healthbar due to the blight mechanic. As for the chairbringer spec....I think that's been....um....benched... 😛
  20. For me, the colours shown on my screen are - Jalis - Mid-blue (a kind of "afternoon" blue) Shiro - Green (rich emerald) Mallyx - Rich purple Ventari - Yellow with orange highlights with a few extra leaves Glint - Turquoise with subtle yellow highlights Kalla - Red (rich scarlet, with perhaps some "smoky" flickers to the end of the scarlet flames) Whichever colour one picks for a new legend it needs to be able to be distinguished from the others. As Mallyx uses a dark purple, I think a pinkish magenta could work...purples tend to stand out to the eye, being infrequent in nature. Blue is already well covered with 2 legends using different shades of it, so one can't really use another blue Green can be problematic in art, with it easily dominating if one isn't careful, so I think that another shade of green could be difficult to distinguish from Shiro's emerald green. A lighter orange would be possible....but if too light would be confused with Ventari or, if too dark, with Kalla....I think it would be tricky in practice. White could work, as could black Brown could also work as long as it doesn't move towards yellow or red And finally one could use multiple colours (as Ventari and Glint in fact do)...but that still leaves open the question of which colours to pick...
  21. So the changes to confusion...are themselves confusing! How very meta (in the "self-referential" sense)
  22. Runes of Tormenting will be absolutely bonkers with this too!
  23. The diamond in the middle isn't just a 2-d "initiative" diamond, however. It's quite 3 dimensional in its appearance, having 4 distinct quarters/faces, so I reckon the "diamond" represents a dragonjade crystal. IMO that still leaves it open which spec ends up with the flame icon, but I can see either Engi or Ele working.
  24. If you have weapons that you regularly switch to you within in your inventory (e.g. my chrono usually uses Sw/Sw, but switches between Sw/Fo and GS for 2nd set) then it could be faster and more convenient to have the weapons in your inventory than to use the legendary armoury system. Sure, you can use an equipment template for that, but that may not suit you or you may not wish to buy extra tabs if you're already using those you have. I can't see any obvious reasons to keep extra armour around except perhaps for the convenience of the appearance and dye job you've done if you're inclined to switch that and don't have enough templates? Only reason I can think of to keep asc. trinkets around is if your legendary setup is stuck with the swirling orbs above the head and you want to turn them off.. As mentioned by Link, there are a few things like the Tempered Spinal Blades backpack which you'll need to retain if you wish to later convert it into the Dynamic (or Static or Synergetic) Spinal Blades. That's all I can think of off the top of my head...
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