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Everything posted by Vinny.7260

  1. I mean, honestly? CPC isn't that bad. It recently came into the meta because they wanted to anti-nades, now we have Prot Holo to prevent Thieves from backcapping while the team is busying trying to kill the Support Guard x Scourge combo. I personally find it hilarious since I always used CPC on Scourge lol!
  2. Scrapper's issues are stemming from so many previous attempts at manipulating previous traits that allowed the class to perma CC, DECAP SCRAPPER. I think Anet is hesitant to even attempt to give back Scrapper some sort of self-sustain. It's capable of doing it, but it's just inferior to Holosmith right now. Sun gods bless.
  3. Swirling Winds has an audio cue at least and the AoE is double the size. I think CPC has a sound effect but it's drowned out due to sounding like the WoC/Ghastly Breach. Nothing sounds unique to it so I suppose giving it a visibility update or a big "UH OH" AoE would make it better. I personally would do just a different sound, perhaps a man screaming "DO NOT USE PROJECTILEEEEEEEEES!" I don't know, just my flavor of a heads up.
  4. Unfortunately they don't do balance patches a week after doing an update previously. They'll probably do something next week. Can't promise it's a balance patch though! (Maybe a gemstore balance patch.)
  5. Honestly I like the idea but I still like how Conjures are, their concept, etc. Specifically the Magnetic Shield Conjure is becoming a staple utility for Weaver/Tempest/EVEN Core Elementalist (In PvP due to Barrier/the protection.) Technically only 2 of the Conjures are bad, and a lot of it has to do with horrible tracking in my opinion. Frost Bow auto attack can heal A LOT per autoattack, but it doesn't even track and moves incredibly slow. The 2 skill can do a lot of damage but it's really slow, the 3 skill hits HARD and can boost a Condi Reaper's damage SIGNIFICANTLY. The 4 skill is a relic of the past and could be removed/changed. The 5 skill as well. Flame Axe is great for might generation and can hit pretty hard, at least in PvP, but it struggles to actually hit its mark as well. The 4 skill has been bugged for YEARS ever since Dagger 4's version of the skill got changed to not inflict as much burning. The skill still inflicts 3 stacks per pass-through! The 2 skill is a low cooldown blast finisher, the 3 skill is just a copy-paste of Staff 3, etc. Flame Axe/Frost bow are the only two bad conjures right now across the board. Frost Bow is an identity crisis as someone mentioned above. I think the targeting/pick-up animation are both cumbersome and could just make it get placed at your feet and have an instant animation, but make it so you can't pick it up while CC'd.
  6. Unfortunately Elementalist's damage is definitely benefitting from the burst damage from Lightning Hammer 4 and FGS 5. The damage is just that good to not pass up... Theoretically you could try using Elementals but the damage isn't worth it plus the constant management. (You'd have to hope they don't die in AoEs.) Plus you have to make sure you're always keeping them up since they expire after a certain amount of time. You could also use Glyph of Storms since it's a low cooldown. I'd use Firestorm exclusively since the cooldown is SO low and you'll get burning which increases your damage by 10%! For maximum damage I'd recommend Elite Fire Elemental for burst damage and all Lesser Air Elementals. I'd also recommend using the Glyph trait for reduced cooldowns to have 1 additional Elemental. But for maximum damage period (Elitist high-end), you'd be better off learning to use Lightning Hammer just for 4 and GS for 5 (and 4.) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAUmAjiVxuYk4orc22A-e (Here's a base template of what I was thinking, I haven't played with PvE meta in a while but I figure this would work!) Hope this helps!
  7. First and foremost I should mention these are just pipe dreams and I don't expect anything to actually happen. I figure you all would agree with some of these though given points I'll bring up. A lot of this is focused on the PvP side of GW2- I might mention small amounts of PvE from previous experiences of messing around in Raids. Additional information, such as about WvW, might be from previous posts I've seen circulate and/or just hearsay. First of all, let's talk about Tempest's own traits. Over the years Tempest's traits have been touched only a handful of times compared to various other specializations on other classes, Berserker has been reworked, Daredevil got its traits organized/changed, etc. I did not like Speedy Conduit(SC) getting merged into Harmonious Conduit(HC), I didn't like losing Imbued Melodies(IM), and I did not like getting the trait Gathered Focus(GF). Losing SC caused PvP Tempest to be forced to use HC to be remotely viable- granted we got new traits like Smoldering Auras to compensate for the fact we couldn't use Invigorating Torrents with Cleansing Water- which was nice but also kinda unfortunate to lose giving Vigor/Regeneration on Aura. While in some ways it did improve Tempest to be able to heal more, it strayed away from Tempest being flexible with its trait into being stuck with 2 traits and technically the same 3rd trait due to SC being merged with HC. Now, I'll mention that Smoldering Auras also got a lovely boost of making use of the new functionality 'Transmute' which would allow for the Elementalist to remove/detonate the Aura to deal a different effect. BUT no other trait has any sort of synergy of that kind and makes Smoldering Auras the default winner in all situations of Supporting in PvP. Then we've got the trait IM that was pretty quirky/unique in that it passively activated and boosted the duration of boons on allies by a couple seconds, internal recharge time would be reduced by Earth- etc. However, it was an alternative method to supporting in all ways, slap the trait on in raids over Elemental Bastion and now you give your group a small boost in duration to Quickness/Alacrity for free just for being slapped (LOL). Anyway, I could get on a tangent about things I didn't like with Tempest changes (rather minute, etc). Let's talk about things I find kind of odd and want to see spread to other traitlines when it comes to 'On Overload' traits. On Overload Traits: Fire has been a great example of something that should be happening to various other traitlines. We've got a trait called Sunspot that gets upgraded by Burning Rage to inflict Burning. One thing to mention on how unique this is, is that Sunspot activates on Overload- meaning that Burning Rage will also activate on Overload. This is the ONLY traitline that offers other options to improve Overloads of a specific element outside of Tempest!! Let's take a lot at traitlines like Air, Water, Earth, and even Arcane. We've got Electrical Discharge that activates on Overload, but traits that activate on attuning to Air don't improve Electrical Discharge, pretty strange given traits like One with Air and Fresh Air exist. Granted one of them could be SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than the other. Why not make Fresh Air and One with Air activate when using an Overload? It'd be a small change that would make all the difference! (Although One with Air would probably need to be weaker if Overloading instead of attuning because that'd be pretty strong in PvP.) Now how about Water? We've got Cleansing Wave, which seems like a repetitive use of the name given we've got a Dagger skill named that- anyway. That trait activates on attuning to Water, but does not improve Healing Ripple- therefore it does not activate on Overload. While this example is a bit less extreme, it'd make for some solid consistency when it comes to improving Tempest Overloads. Ready to rumble, it's time for Earth's traits. We've got Rock Solid, which activates on attuning to Earth but does not improve Earthen Blast. Would seem simple enough to allow Tempest to share Stability on Earth Overload- but it doesn't improve Earthen Blast. Small change to keep the consistency up. Finally Arcane, I feel like there could be more done with Arcane overall to give it better fluidity with Tempest's playstyle, they did finally make it so Elemental Enhancement reduces the recharge time of Overloads- which took a while quite frankly. I believe traits line Arcane Prowess, Arcane Restoration, and Elemental Attunement should all activate on Overload. Elemental Attunement specifically because it'd allow for Tempest to share more boons and improve the overall value of even using Arcane- a traitline that has been streamlining all of Elementalist for years. (You would probably have to reduce Elemental Attunement's Protection Duration on Overload in Earth since that could stack to be quite a bit in PvP.) Anyway, those are the traits that interact with improving attuning that should improve Overloads as well. (In my opinion.) On-Aura Traits: Once again, Fire has been a great example of what on-aura traits should be doing now with Smoldering Aura having an addition effect on Transmute. We've got Zephyr's Boon in Air, which could do something on Transmute, maybe Quickness (might be too strong LOL) to allies in the radius? Not entirely sure. It should do something though. We've got Elemental Shielding in Earth, which could grant Stability on Transmute or move it to Master line and make it so Transmutes break stun to allies? That's a far fetched one but I think Stability would be reasonable personally. Finally we have Invigorating Torrents, which I mentioned previously in my rant. I believe this trait could borrow the idea from Latent Stamina and grant endurance when transmuting. (Of course, then, you'll need to remove Latent Stamina and come up with a trait that people might even glance at.) There are MANY more things I want to mention but I believe just this will stir up people into agreeing/disagreeing and thinking. Maybe get a dev to look at it for a moment, I don't know. I just don't like how traits interact on Tempest right now. Personally I'd revamp Tempest, Earth, and Arcane as a whole. (Mostly rearrangements/merging for Arcane.) What do you guys think? Does Tempest need some love?
  8. They've massively overlooked some things. A lot of their changes seemed focused towards PvE- but also critically affected PvP in a negative way. One thing that comes to mind is just how incredibly resilient Renegade is going to be to condition damage in PvP. Resolution + Righteous Rebel is going to give Renegade a huge sustain boost, on top of naturally using Shiro + Jalis. (Jalis offering an additionally amount of condition damage reduction.) -33% (Resolution), -37% (Righteous Rebel), -20% (Jalis Hammers). We need to also talk about how they just killed Mallyx's entire purpose as a utility set on Revenant with the Resistance changes and no compensation. They've basically forced Revenant to not use Mallyx anymore since it has no purpose over the mobility/sustain Shiro offers. One thing I will mention is that they've killed off the Resistance/Revenant Rune meta with this change, which will also increase the amount of condition damage builds/reduce power damage for more cleanses. Thief getting Deadly Ambush (Formerly Bewildering Ambush) is going to massively lower the skill ceiling for condition damage Thief. 3 stacks of Bleeding, 6 stacks of confusion and a free +25% increased bleeding damage. (I suspect it'll be lower in PvP, but point still stands.) Lead Attacks (+15% condition damage / +15% strike damage.) It's reducing the need for risk on condition damage builds- and Thief already had a fairly new player friendly build with that setup to begin with. It's also further increasing Thief's requirement to HAVE TO use Trickery- further reducing diversity. They seem to be once again encouraging Mesmers to play a very, very, VERY, passive role as a sidenoder with Chaos getting the changes it did, additionally with Staff getting the changes it did. Confusion on an auto attack is NEVER going to be okay. While I appreciate that it's after the first bounce, it can just bounce off illusions and hit back to the enemy. Additionally increasing Staff's projectile speed and attack speed is GREAT in my mind, however they shouldn't have changed the conditions as well. Mantras getting changed for Firebrand is necessary in my mind, however the changes for Mesmer should get looked at with traits like Mender's Purity (Trait) and Restorative Mantras (Trait) with Mantra of Restoration (Power Return). I hope recharge times do not stay the same- with skills like Mantra of Pain (Power Spike). These hopes for recharge time changes also apply to Firebrand with their Mantra of Truth (Echo of Truth) and Mantra of Flame (Flame Rush). I'm very interested with the changes to Virtues on Guardian and Longbow changes for Dragonhunter, although I suspect it won't massively change anything. (Although Vigor uptime could be permanent now with that recharge time being reduced.) Virtues giving a free 90 condition damage to Carrion amulet is going to neat I guess. The changes to Eternal Armory were long coming and the Symbolic Power nerf was nice too. But I suspect Trapper DH will still function perfectly fine. Scrapper getting that lil bump in Quickness sharing is nice- but it isn't big enough to shift the meta. The change to Applied Force is going to increase use of Flamethrower + Juggernaut synergy but reduce the amount of Quickness they have. Cool overall. Elementalist/Weaver/Tempest basically unaffected- none of the stuff they used got touched in competitive play. The change to Call of the Wild on Ranger is going to not really do anything, maybe increase Druid CCs? I don't see much happening. Although- depending if they change Lesser Call of the Wild or not, it could be useful for getting away. Necromancer basically got Superior Runes of the Sanctuary as a trait now (Blood Bank). Mark of Evasion having no ICD is going to increase the likelihood of Spellbreakers shutting down Scourges/Reapers more. More regeneration access as well. Curses got a 2s torment increase. Game changing. Speaking of Spellbreakers they're bring back Banners apparently in PvP? They gave it a pulsing Light Field- which means Warriors can just use their Warhorn 4/5 in it once again instead of looking for a field to blast in hope. Rifle got buffed. A small nerf to Spellbreaker's Attacker's Insight (35 Power/Ferocity instead of 45 Power/Ferocity.) Anyway. I basically give this patch a 4/10. These changes will only see use in PvP.
  9. I'm sorry to have to say that you're wrong here. The issue is not LF generation, LF gen is high simply because the necromancer need LF for both damage and defense. To work properly, the necromancer need a relatively high LF gen just like the warrior need a relatively high rage gen. If you consider that the increase of survivability is due to damage being gutted, what the necromancer need is a reduction to it's LF pool, not it's LF gen. Because reducing the LF pool effectively reduce the number of hit he can take while in shroud. While reducing the LF gen effectively impair the necromancer's ability to go through it's skill rotation. The focus of what you suggest is equivalent to focusing on elementalist's attunment CD to balance it's survivability. Yes, by increasing it's attunment CD you'll end up reducing it's survivability but you'll also hurt it's whole gameplay dynamic. In many ways I agree, but it's more likely that what I had said would happen than the actual thing of 'scaling down the LF pool.' My suggestion is the more realistic end-goal although I would love to see the pool scaled down a little bit instead. Also bully barrier on things like Weaver because that gets kinda old especially with upcoming MAT using it.
  10. I didn't read any of this. I already knew most of it was going to be dumb- just honest. Main thing I'll say Necromancer needs reconsidered in Life Force generation, it never got considered in instances where damage was gutted across the board. Skills like Spectral Walk, Spectral Armor, Grasp, Reaper's Touch, etc. The numbers could be toned down a little bit. Other than that. This is a L2P issue, simple as that. Ranger has the ability to punt with instant-swap to LB 4 (especially with Revocation sigil) and remove Stability to punt anyway. Yeah, Reaper could dodge, but you could dodge too. Vicious circle of fighting and trying to win, almost as if intended. Edit: Oops, wrong formatting.
  11. Fire Support Tempest (D/F with Radiance, D/W with Dwayna) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAFgsFaYZEMLWHzjhij90ZbH-z5AXGZWBdnCiMABasically the metabattle build with my own preferences for playstyle/usage.) Water Tempest http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEYCNssAmHbj1wKx096qtB-z5AXGZWC9mBiMAAimed towards more passive recovery and water fields for allies to blast. Don't get that classic AoE heal but instead overload more often. Earth Tempest http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEYCNssAmHbj1wKxzf6stD-z5AfGZqE6VG4wBAimed towards bullying Renegades and their aggressive abuse towards anyone who hiccups without a block or reflect. LR Weaver (D/F with Superior Elements, Sw/F with Master's Fortitude) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGABg2x3lZwGZZMPmJW0XavMA-zZILkMrgeTguDBRGABoth focused on the goal the meta CC Weaver and how it plays. Sword offers more cleaving downs and 1v1ing, but sucks at team fights... Dagger offers more teamfight but less sustain. Fire Weaver http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAw2lZw8YZMJmJOSXAvbA-z5YXGJUARmAOMAFocused towards sidenoding/1v1ing to keep the node busy while staying up. Strong cleanse but sucks against competent players at the end of the day. Can use Blinding Ashes instead for more sustain and less might/damage. I have a lot of builds honestly. A lot. These are just the first few I'd publicly recommend.
  12. Depending on the gamemode, elites all get used in one way or another. PvP:Rebound is a decent clutch-survival utility and grants useful auras if it times out OR activates the safety net. Weave Self is used for LR Weaver (D/F or Sw/F) as an alternative to be a bit more of a bruiser instead of the standard alternative. Tornado is used both offensive and defensively. It's used for decapping/burst damage with Tornado 5 and 4 which can do gnarly damage as LR. Fiery Greatsword was used originally by Fresh Air Core and Fresh Air Weaver as a means of AoE damage, evading, and mobility. It was Elementalist's way of RPing their mobility on par with Warrior with a GS. Nowadays it's kinda eh. Glyph of Elementals is great for Core D/D, D/F or really just anything core. It adds a burst heal/knockback via Water, weakness and protection via Earth, a short cooldown stun via Air, and a solid AoE burn/power attack. Granted, this can be pretty squishy against condis and power, they're strong when you're stacking them all together. Best two IMO are Tornado and Weave Self since they both provide a noticeable difference to the class, a close third being Rebound for the team support with A.E.D lite.
  13. Honestly you'd think it wouldn't be hard to reduce the after-cast on Phantasm skills. I'm pretty sure that's what the issue is, with aftercast. Then again, I've seen Phantasmal Swordsman take ~instant to 2s to despawn lol.
  14. RotGD's main selling point is that it shares that 50% damage reduction. It can be set with a trait to reduce 50% power and 50% condition damage. It doesn't need any changes, especially since Revenant is given many options, as said above, to reduce incoming damage anyway.
  15. People seem to underestimate the role of what that Rune is for. It's to give Might a longer duration and a 5% kick. Not be an end-all damage boost. Scholar is always the winner. :tongue:
  16. Nah, I think it's funny that it ruined some Tempest mains. They deserved to get the bullying session. :tongue:
  17. Nope, I have been playing Tempest for 3 or 4 PvP seasons and I am 100% sure that you could initiate the casting of an skill and use Mist Form and the casting will still keep going. The only circumstance it would get canceled was if Mist Form ended before the skill casting, now when you use Mist Form while casting an skill it cancels the casting. The whole point of making Obsidian Flesh a casted skill was to give it a proper trade off, you get invulnerable, can't take any damage, but you also can't do anything. Take Guardian Renewed Focus as an exemple, you are invulnerable for 3 seconds, but you also can't do anything, that's how all invulnerabilities should be. Since you mentioned Mesmer's Distortion not having a trade off. Think of the fact that they're dependent on their clones to get a proper duration. They can only generate so many clones at once and can only generate so many in general. Using your clones, a resource on par with Energy on Revenant, to be defensive is fair on top of the recharge time it has. Let's also mention that Mesmer's Distortion is easy to manipulate into being panic-pressed, clones getting killed to only get a 1s invulnerability. Mesmer's Distortion has multiple trade offs. Sure, they can cast while doing it, but they sacrificed being able to daze, blind (if Dueling and using Blinding Dissipation), and just going on the aggressive.
  18. Elementalist doesn't need to be a res danger anyway. We have other ways. Armor of Earth gives 10 stacks (over kill) in a meta where boon rips come from CCs or steal (which you can just abuse no port spots for.) We're still able to do things, just think. Mist form was a bug (NOT INTENDED) and other classes like Holosmith had the same bug with Elixir S allowing them to heal into invul. Just because it's not Holosmith doesn't mean it wasn't busted and unfair.
  19. I may be wrong but Dragon's Jade weapon skins might be Saltspray dragon themed. Although, even if it is true, more skins would be awesome. <3
  20. Elementalist because I loved the charr lore pertaining to Flame Legion and stuck him in that corner for time-out until I could come up with some sorta lore for him. 2020's here and I have a brief idea but yeah. Elementalist Charr because Flame Legion.
  21. CCs and Disabling conditions -> Tempest/Firebrand/Scourge.Power Pressure -> Reaper/Necromancer/Mirage.Condi Pressure -> Herald/Holosmith Ignore: Selfish Sustain such as Water Weaver/Protection Holo/Ranger
  22. Let me just list off some things that currently harass PRevenant since people are on a tangent of either it's too weak, too strong, or perfectly fine. I'll list some things that people do that kinda just shutdown Rev in multiple ways. Just some basic ideas to try: Bait Infused Light activation via graphic animations or known burst skills and stowing them last-frame. Side-stepping Deathstrike. Jumping onto pillars or ledges to negate Unrelenting Assault. Or about-facing to get just out of range at the beginning of their cast. Shocking Aura.Spectral Ring, Line of Warding, Unsteady Ground to interrupt teleporting skills. A majority of these bandwagon Revenants aren't aware of just how easy it is to lose all their burst potential until they suddenly get shutdown. Then we'll see a post about 'Buff Revenant.' So it's basically going full circle again, too hard to understand for condi users that you should not dump all your skills until you know they don't have IL anymore so you actually have something to fight back with? It's not like they can clear any condis at will anyway, you'd know from the very base design of Revenant why they get heavy damage reduction and not more clears. Players are the one making it easy on Revenants by facerolling, (Nothing new really) Mallyx was nerfed out of existence because of the same reasons with Resistance. Can't people play at all with some thinking for just a few seconds? Nope, don't think so. We had players crying out loud for bunker meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for condi meta, never happened. We had players crying out loud for CC spam meta, never happened. Meta is still power but on a healthy level with a lot of playable content. Aside stuff like Condi Rev core, herald, renegade that got absolutely nerfed in every aspects because playing around predictable sustain too hard, too much torment, can't just wait until burst is over to clear which I can halve the damage by standing still as there's one primary condition to worry about. Now because Revenants are basically able to "kill" as Power we can't have it either, how dare they be able to kill anything with power with berserker stats, revs should just be full on Ventari node bunker with nothing else to accomplish. Already they can't stunbreak as much without spending half their entire utility, it's not enough, IL too stronk. We have players for all sort of complains that just can't accept it. If you die, it's because they are OP, not because you cannot evaluate all the possible situations at your reach. You'd probably get more people to agree with the other stuff if you weren't defending stupid levels of resistance uptime and 30s cd invuln. I don't even have a problem with rev, but that stuff is pretty obnoxious.Resistance got their durations slapped into uselessness, don't talk about old stuff. Resistance Runes and MAYBE Ancient Echo are their main sources of 'stupid levels of Resistance' now. The heal is perfectly capable of being useless if you just keep pressuring anyway through it and cause them to double-take on their choice of running through AoEs, purposefully taking aggro, etc.
  23. One has infuse light, staff invuls, heavy armor,nearly 18k base hp(herald minor trait), and very high prot uptime while the other has 11k hp and light armor.What does this mean? It means that Weaver needs to run marauder amulet to make up for it's base HP, while power rev can run berserker amulet instead due to having more base HP and armor. This means power rev gets +25% damage from amulet over the weaver essentially for free. For this to be balanced, weaver would need to do a LOT more burst and dps than power herald - it doesn't.Your post actually explains why balance is bad. Weaver isnt a teamfigher at first instance , weaver is a sidenoder wich can do decent at teamfight . Power revenant isnt a sidenoder so both roles are not rly comparable Weaver isn't anything, it isn't played in AT's or ranked except by the few elementalist mains. One has infuse light, staff invuls, heavy armor,nearly 18k base hp(herald minor trait), and very high prot uptime while the other has 11k hp and light armor.What does this mean? It means that Weaver needs to run marauder amulet to make up for it's base HP, while power rev can run berserker amulet instead due to having more base HP and armor. This means power rev gets +25% damage from amulet over the weaver essentially for free. For this to be balanced, weaver would need to do a LOT more burst and dps than power herald - it doesn't.Your post actually explains why balance is bad. Berserker is better than Mara on Weaver :) That just means Elementalist is even worse off, as it has to run around with ~13k hp(divinity runes?) while rev gets resistance runes, nearly 18k hp, and heavy armor. Not sure the point of your post besides backing up what I'm saying that Elementalist is not good.Weaver doesn't need Marauder, unless you're REALLY wanting to overcap your critical chance from having an extra 3s of Weakness. Master's Fortitude + Divinity + Berserker gives you about 17k- almost 18k. On top of swapping to Earth on occasion, you're going to hit just about 19k. Yeah, Weaver won't be able to get benefits from Resistance Runes, but realistically you don't need 4s of Resistance since we're complained about having so many evade frames. :wink: If you're going Dagger/Focus I could possibly see your point with Marauder but even then, your purpose of going Dagger instead of Sword is to be AoE control instead of a single-target take-down kinda setup so losing damage and going more sustain is reasonable. There are other things I could nitpick as someone who has played since 2012 as Elementalist but it's not quite fair to do something like that. Personally, I find Berserker more profitable even with a small health pool but it's a preference/ability thing.
  24. Wrong. Warrior's purpose is to sidenode, although just like others, there is another class that can do it better in this current meta such as Ranger or even Guardian. Warrior is definitely in a rough spot compared to how it used to be but things are slowly falling down to its current level. You realize warrior being forced as side node is because all it's skills except full counter and dagger is made to hit AIs right?side node forces people to fight in the small circle so warrior finally able to hit something.when it's 2v2 and 3v3 without small circle but a bigger map, warrior becomes completely irrelevant and even more trash then conquest. even tho 2v2 and 3v3 maps not even that big.and side noder literally is the eaisest role to fill in the entire PvP roster, that's why all warrior mains competed in ESL were multi classers and only played when it is OP and beat everybody else on side node. Axe/Shield and GS are perfectly capable of working in a competitive environment via Strength/Tactics/Discipline- yeah the Axe 3 wiffs often due to poor projectile physics and Rush has a rusty tracking script but most TOP end Warriors are able to bully people even with those weaknesses. Similar to how Weavers can use Twist of Fate (75s CD for a 1s Superspeed/3-4th evade/stun break and still dominate people. I don't know about 2v2s and 3v3s there. Spellbreaker as a Support was actually really strong in those. The barrier application, cleansing, might, and various things like Elite Banner gave it a strong role in stomping/ressing allies as well. 5v5s though, yeah Warrior is stuck filling a role that can be filled by most specializations, but it does it well and owns it if the player is competent, there is a skill gap with Warrior in that regard at the moment. Sidenoding is kind of a preference thing in that regard but Warrior is capable of it pretty well. You don't put a Thief on side-node duty because it has to stealth often/is too squishy to take a hit or two without being punished heavily. Keep in mind what I said originally, balance is been pretty good so far, I didn't say it was perfect nor did I say it was flawless. It still needs work but people can absolutely manage a competitive environment in these current times. LOL core tactic is a joke, it is only semi working in ranked, If you actually want to compete with top players, you will get trained down in seconds in organized play.i don't blame you you probably never touched any organized matches.really tho, even if you just do ranked as long as you compete in top 100, you should realize spellbreaker it is the only thing that has a chance to be meta solely because full counter, at the current stat of the game. healbreaker is played in 2v2 and 3v3 because warrior can't hit a thing without small circles LOL, specially core tactic, in 2v2, it is completely ignore-able, i've won every single 2v2 against core tactic by completely ignoring it.solely being kinda hard to kill by yourself doesnt make you desirable in team games.I don't think trying to attack someone is a valid way to argue- and frankly immature, but let's carry on anyway. Organized play would mean your team is aware of you being focused as a Warrior, thus your team could compensate with a Holosmith sitting aside between Mid/Home or Mid/Far to accommodate that focusing. Similar to how Tempests can try to body block/Tornado to bring focus off of, say, a Reaper. There could be more put on this since Organized play is significantly different in terms of mindsets and playstyles since everyone's role is actually important instead of rolling dice in Un/Ranked. Core Tactics/Strength/Discipline is mandatory at the moment since Defense is dependent on building Adrenaline, which is lack luster due to the dependance on Rampage. Additionally, Defense lost its main perks which were Stances, Last Stand and Defy Pain now having a 300(240)cd kinda killed that line. Strength Spellbreaker lost its edge due to Magebane's losing that 3 might per second, instead now being 1 might a second. On top of that, they got their MMR regeneration cut in half, or just about. Defense Spellbreaker is currently stronger for Rousing Resilience or Cleansing Ire and overall sustain increases with the passive healing from FC landing or landing Dagger F1/GS F1 being much more profitable. Both Core Warrior and Spellbreaker serve a similar purpose ATM, which I do think is a bit of a problem, but they both are good for different situations. As for 2v2s/3v3s, Support Spellbreaker is what is used commonly not Core Tactics for the exact reason you mentioned. Support Spellbreaker is able to irritate/boon rip on top of previous things mentioned. The Spellbreakers you must've seen were clearly not doing their job properly and using them as a sample group is in my mind an outlier... Then again, most good players in general ARE the outlier. Point is, Warrior is definitely substitutable with other classes, and other classes can be substituted with Warrior. Moving on.
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