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Everything posted by Turkeyspit.3965

  1. It isn't always about defending. I've been in many a fight squad that will stack inside the tower, waiting for the wall to go down: why fight in an open field when you can farm bags in a choke? ANET: this person can help your marketing department :+1:
  2. The fact that you are familiar with the "The Thing From Another World" makes you a Sci-Fi 1%'er in my book :+1:
  3. It sure is creepy, and looks like the art / model department have upped their game.
  4. It strikes a perfect balance. Some players have more money than time. Other players have more time than money. Both types of players can enjoy the gem store, just by taking different paths. If players didn't buy gems to sell for gold, players wouldn't be able buy gems with gold.....and if nobody is buying gems with gold, then nobody could buy gems for $$$ and then sell them for gold. Both parties are needed for this ecosystem to work. I'm confident a large chunk of their revenues still comes from those who buy gems with $$$ to then spend on the store, but any way you look at it, all three types of players work to support the game.
  5. Agreed on Shiro, although I think it should give vigor. I think the retal is fine though. Group fury is Herald's niche, Kalla doesn't need to offer yet another boon. At that point Renegade would offer every boon Glint does, plus more. Besides, diversifying retal access in the game is good (even though I wish it'd get hard nerfed in WvW). Those are fair points, but my issue remains that retal is pretty useless outside of mass fighting in WvW. Sure it contributes in small fights or sPvP, but it's way less useful than any of the other boons you get from their respective legends. Truthfully I think retal should just be removed from the game...any game for that matter, and have felt that was since I first saw it in an MMO playing as a Retaliation Paladin in WoW back in 2008. I'm not overly concerned with Renegade being able to give out 'another' boon, and there is really no reason to compare it to Glint since neither is stepping on each other's toes. You aren't running Herald in Fractals, Raids or Strikes over Renegade, and you aren't running Renegade in place of Herald in either WvW or sPvP. They are chosen in their respective game modes for different reasons. Spirit Boon is also competing with Incensed Response in this tier, an effective DPS trait, so even if Spirit Boon gets buffed for Renegade, it is still a support tradeoff.
  6. Or people would just use a Dune Roller to contest the keep for 15mins out of every 20.
  7. Can we change this from granting Retaliation to Fury? Swapping to any of the other legends gives a useful boon in whatever content you're playing; regardless of whether it's solo PvE, instanced PvE, sPvP or WvW, gaining Might, Resistance, Stability, Regen or Protection is always helpful. But Retaliation? Pretty much only of use in competitive modes, and retaliation is already stupidly effective in WvW, given all it takes to activate is to swap legends. I'd much rather swapping to Kalla grant something that would useful in all game modes, though at the same time, we don't want to make it too powerful. My first thought was that it should give Quickness, but as I just said, that might be OP, given Kalla already can give Might and Alacrity. I like the idea of swapping to Kalla granting Swiftness, given how you lose out on ports and swiftness from not channelling either Shiro or Glint, but Rapid Flow technically covers access to swiftness for master trait line, and for Kalla to grant it with this trait, you would then need to rework Rapid Flow. Giving out Fury to 5 players would be a useful boon in all game modes, and in all circumstances; even in high level fractals where players tend to be crit capped, it would be more welcomed than Retaliation. I think Spirit Boon is a nicely designed trait, but swapping to Kalla bestows a boon that serves very little purpose in most of the content in this game, and kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.
  8. Because the Gem Store offerings have been relatively uninspiring. The last spike was when they released the new mount license, and those who needed gems / wanted the license had an impact...and it has trickled down again since. Personally, I'm stocking up for August, where historically the conversion price spikes to about 145g / 400 gems, and rarely drops below 130-135g / 400 gems straight into the Wintersday Sale. Buy them now while you can imo.
  9. and I get to burn an Ascalonian city 5 different times each 15 day cycle.... :grimace:
  10. Warriors are the only ones who stomp with style tho. Actually saw a double banner stomp in 3v3 this morning. I was trying to revive a team member when I also got bursted into downed state just as the warrior finished his cast time...was good for a laugh.
  11. Don't have much of an opinion on the matter, but the OPs effort deserves recognition. Personally, I have my Home Instance toon parked in Rata Sum because I find it the most convenient home instance layout. But as for cities I prefer, I think I dislike The Grove the most, with Citadel at #2, and Rata Sum being #3. None of that really matters for me though, since outside of my home instance toon, every other toon of mine is either parked at a specific farming spot / meta zone, or in the Mistlocked Sanctuary.
  12. That's an interesting perspective, since from what I usually see, it is the larger group that has the people to spare to ride into a fight and stomp those in downed state. And since the Warclaw has 9k health and is CC immune, a warclaw mounted player going for the stomp, as you say "is basically a tactic with no thought, no counter and extremely little risk in 99% of situations". So from my perspective, downed state + warclaw stomp BOTH favour the larger group, and regardless of whatever dreams you have of either downed state or the warclaw ever being removed from the game (hint: highly unlikely to ever happen), let's instead talk about what we have now, and how to make the best of it..and by removing the stomp, we remove one additional advantage the larger group (or the group whose reinforcements show up first) receives. And it isn't about downed state being a 'crutch'. I hardly ever get revived or rally - if I go into downed state, 9/10 times I'm defeated. My issue is that short of another mounted player using a lance, there is nothing to stop a player from riding into the lords room, and leaping into a sea of red circles to finish off 3 downed players, and then likely dodge roll out to safety. Stomps should be worked for or cleaved down. You want to come stomp my team mate, you better load up on stability, blocks or invis, and at least we can try to intercept and prevent it. The warclaw circumvents all that. Arguments can be made about revives being too quick, etc etc, that's a different topic. We're talking about the mount stomp, and all it does is give more power to those with larger numbers, and promotes a cheesy tactic of players waiting in the corridor on their mounts..unlike the clutch tactic you described which at least demonstrates some strategic thinking.
  13. I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to you. Chrono is arguably one of the two most common professions used by a commander (the other being Firebrand) and a single Chrono in a group of 20 players can shift the tide of a fight. Back in the Pirate Ship days they were still effective and seen, but we're in a melee push meta right now. Do you know what works really well in a melee push meta? StealthPortalsCC pulls / Immobs So by all means, declare that I don't understand mesmer. But unfortunately the one here who doesn't understand mesmer in WvW zerging is you. Can you play a DPS mesmer in a zerg? Sure. You'll do mediocre damage and won't really bring any utility to the group, but as an offensive support, Mesmer/Chrono rivals a Spellbreaker in terms of how it can change the flow and tide of a fight....and you think that makes mesmers 'useless'. Mmk.
  14. lol, thanks for the laughs. Just a piece of advice, if anyone communicates that thought to you, I'd suggest you disregard any other opinions they share, as they clearly don't know what they are talking about. Portals, Veil, Temporal Curtain, Gravity Well....if someone says these things are 'useless' in zergfights right now , that person either doesn't play WvW, or plays it very poorly. Damage wise? No, Mesmer isn't there for damage, but just like a Spellbreakers WOD, a properly played Mesmer/Chrono can help wipe the enemy group even while doing very little DPS.
  15. When you port you'll appear mid-air falling slowly with a parachute. You can easily swap to your Griffon (if you have it) and go into a nose dive for speed. It works really well for getting those Cache Champs after the meta: just watch the map for the icon to bling, or where the commander tag goes, port and then dive.
  16. This thread is a great notification for when Siren's Reef is a T4 daily.
  17. True. I bet Caithe could easily out DPS Logan any day of the week.
  18. Well, even if they come back and say the Tengu weapons can be upgraded, give it a few days of player outrage on the forums, and then ANET will introduce a vendor that will let you repurchase Tengu weapons for 10s + 50 war supplies or something.
  19. I 100% agree, make Eternal Armory give them an increased attack speed and burn when they hit. I legit liked having them float around behind me. The command skill for them should still be the ground targeted versions now though. Let Eternal Armory still give the command skill an extra cast before the weapon is de-summoned. It sounds cooler for sure, but were they destructible? In the AoE spam fest that is WvW, Guardian wouldn't be better off with their own version of an engy turret or warband spirit....course then ANET might classify Spirit Weapons as 'wells' huehue Sure why not. Lets make them wells.And then after players get defeated by Guards running Rune of the Chronomancer, we'll see more threads like: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104905/please-remove-rune-of-trapper :trollface:
  20. Remove the finish AND the damage. As the dismounted player cannot damage or CC a mounted player, it just means they get a free 2-4k+ hit...or even worse, forces the dismounted player to burn a dodge. Mounts in PvE have a damage or CC on dismount, and that's great for that game mode, but in WvW, it shouldn't be used to inflict damage or defeat players while simultaneously giving the mounted player immunity to damage and CC. As for sniff...I don't think it's overpowered at all. Players who know how/when to use it will benefit, while those who don't will not. Yes it can spoil the tactic of stacking tightly in a tower to pounce on a group once the wall goes down, but then that also adds an element of risk to such a tactic: maybe the enemy team isn't comprised of potatoes, used sniff to pinpoint your location, and baited you into a trap / stealth bomb. I've been on all sides of that equation: the group who waited and pounced, the group that pounced and got stealth bombed, and the reverse of both...and in none of those circumstances did I ever think "damn, sniff is OP".
  21. The only thing you're likely to run into on Core maps that creates an issue with Mace/Axe are npcs that are fire immune: destroyers, and fire imps to name a few. A decent chunk of your damage on Mace is burning, and seeing that 'immune' notification popup feelsbad.
  22. That's an issue with the design of the game, not elite specs. ANET absolutely needs to address this, but the solution isn't to just remove content (elite specs) from the game. Scrapper isn't relevant only because of sneak gyro anymore than Mesmer is only relevant because of mass invis or veil. That's oversimplification to an extreme. Both professions have roles to play in WvW, and I've frequently seen both run in the same group. That is a fallacy for an overwhelming number of elite specs. Some arguments exist that some elites don't have sufficient drawbacks, etc etc, but to say that elite specs are pure upgrades over core specs is factually inaccurate. Core Ranger, Core Thief, Core Warrior, Core Necro and Core Guard all remain competitive in WvW and PvP. It's a null argument in any case, since not having access to expansions puts the characters at a distinct disadvantage beyond elite specs. Without Heart of Thorns a player has no access to Marauder, Viper, Trailblazer or Minstrel stat combinations.Without Path of Fire, a player has no access to a Warclawetc. If a player is at a disadvantage for not buying the expansions, the solution of course is to get them to buy the expansions...which puts $$$ in ANET's pocket, which is the whole point in them running this game. And there was a major nerfpocalypse a few months back, as ANET tries to remedy this. I maintain they aren't done, and we're only in Phase 1 or 2, or Phase Orange, whatever, but ANET has expressed intention to rollback that power creep in competitive modes and is doing so. Whether a player agrees with how they are doing it, or if they are successful or not, is a different issue. I'm not opposed to having a WvW week event - core specs only, as I think that would be a fun deviation from the norm, but to talk about permanently removing elite specs from WvW as if it were something that existed in the realm of possibility is just silly.
  23. I think the problem would then be people would want to create characters with specific races for just that reason, and I feel ANET want's to avoid that. That is why GW2 has no restrictions on which race can play which profession, or have any unique impactful racial abilities like you see in WoW. Imagine if the Charr were given something really industrial and cyberpunky looking, which would fit someone's theme for an Engineer perfectly....but that player also prefers all their PCs to be Sylvari? And then this creates an issue for existing characters. Some people already have filled all their character accounts. What if someone wanted to create a Charr engy for the reasons above but now couldn't? I think the best we can really expect is to have themed mount packs, like the Exo-Suit Mount pack (arguably for Asurans) or the Shiverpeaks mount pack (Norn).
  24. I 100% agree, make Eternal Armory give them an increased attack speed and burn when they hit. I legit liked having them float around behind me. The command skill for them should still be the ground targeted versions now though. Let Eternal Armory still give the command skill an extra cast before the weapon is de-summoned. It sounds cooler for sure, but were they destructible? In the AoE spam fest that is WvW, Guardian wouldn't be better off with their own version of an engy turret or warband spirit....course then ANET might classify Spirit Weapons as 'wells' huehue
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