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Everything posted by Turkeyspit.3965

  1. Yep, just around the corner... ANET is already laying the groundwork
  2. Laser Trip Mine Trap: This trap applies Crippled (10s) and Burning (10s) to all enemies when activated. Costs 15 supply to deploy. Effect Radius: 1500
  3. Because it only requires a system shutdown for WvW For anyone else, they have 3hrs within which to log out and update their client - plenty of time to finish T4 Fractals, Raids, or ( I assume) the PvP Match they are in. The only complication is they cannot group with players who have already updated their client. So when you see comments in the WvW section of the forums, of players complaining that WvW doesn't matter to ANET, and that developers don't pay attention to them...well, that's partly where that comes from. I guess most (nearly all) don’t even know that this pve-coexistence of old and new system doesn’t apply in all cases. :o Dunno what to tell ya. GW2 is a global game, so there is no 'safe' time period where if they launch an update, it won't inconvenience WvW players. But for that reason, they should be very efficient with releasing these updates, especially if it's not a game breaking bug. GW2 is the only MMO I've ever played where every time they release an update, even if it's just to activate a festival, and not some large content patch, it is always (ALWAYS) followed up with 2-4 more hotfix patches during the same week. It's usually why I don't even bother with new LW updates until at least the weekend.
  4. Runic Armor is also stat selectable armor, not just a skin, so if you've been doing Strike Missions you likely have a few prophet shards kicking around.
  5. Idk since when. Since the 1st one when you got it it also unlocked the collection and I have thrown all 4 before this one out because it is in the collection and once festival of the four winds comes out all will be useless except the invitation to the party one you get when you collect all 6. I bet they still mail these out every year from now on too for new players to complete the collection. Well it do say if you lose it you can buy it back from a merchant so, unsure if you need to keep it or not. Would be funny if you had to wait a year to get your collection done.If you have to have them in inventory to upgrade to the multipass tho. :) Well that's I bet if you delete the Halloween one by accident before Halloweens over. Once the festival is over you don't need that pass for the multipass. The collection I have has 5 of 6 with 4 deleted and on day one of festival of four winds I'll get the multipass and can even delete the four winds one and use the multipass then and forevaI don't even know why ANET thinks we need a multipass. Every festival but the Four Winds takes place in a Capital City, and they was already a free port to the Cliffs from those cities. Even after you replace 6 passes with 1, it's still a wasted slot.
  6. I wouldn't call it bad. I think the Charr / Jormag plot line is way more interesting than Kralkatoric was, and maybe on par with Joko and the scarab plague (Joko was such a delicious villian - even Aurene agrees!) but at the same time, I feel the whole "Norn" thing got left behind with Episode 1+2. For me anyways, the Saga is about Bangar leading the Charr to ruin but chasing after / becoming subject to Jormag, and what Ryland is going to do about it. Braham, his bow, the spirits, all seem rather minor to the story for me. This is about a charismatic demogogue leading his people, and Tyria, into potential catastrophe.
  7. Because it only requires a system shutdown for WvW For anyone else, they have 3hrs within which to log out and update their client - plenty of time to finish T4 Fractals, Raids, or ( I assume) the PvP Match they are in. The only complication is they cannot group with players who have already updated their client. So when you see comments in the WvW section of the forums, of players complaining that WvW doesn't matter to ANET, and that developers don't pay attention to them...well, that's partly where that comes from.
  8. I don't think you can, really, because as you stated, the mechanism of Spirits favors remaining stationary, which just doesn't work in competitive play, but it is perfect for PvE where you stand on a platform and fight an NPC who doesn't move. I'd say the same issue surrounds Engineer turrets, but really they just suck everywhere. Druid is still quite viable as a roamer though, because access to CA gives you crazy burst sustain, and additionally players have been using/abusing vines immob since the Feb patch, both while roaming and even in zergs. Avatar form is no better or worse than Berserk mode, Reaper Shroud or Photon Forge, and Druids were the ~main~ healing support build used in Fractals for a very long time, until ANET nuked Support Chrono and introduced Diviner gear, giving birth to the Alacrigade. If Druid were somehow able to give group quickness (what Chrono used to provide), they would be on even standing with Firebrands today for PvE. And it isn't a sad tale, you just need to realize that some professions and builds will excel in some parts of this game, while being less than effective in others.
  9. You own 34 legendaries, clearly heart quests aren't much an roadblock to obtaining them. :trollface:
  10. Some of the heart quests in LW S3, PoF and LW S4 do make me want to tear out my hair, but Core Tyria hearts by comparison are a joke. Maybe there are 2 or 3 of them that are tedious (looking at you Ash Legion stealth nonsense) but nothing really that onerous.
  11. I think I've seen pretty much every profession used by a tag. Some are way more useful than others of course, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. It's all in how you build it, and what you as the driver want to be able to do yourself What I've seen most commonly: Firebrand (usually support but I have seen Condi)SpellbreakerMesmer (usually Chrono, but Core as well)These are obvious, since a commander doesn't have to call out for Winds or Portals/Veil if they are the ones using it. But I have also seen Herald, Thief, Scourge, Scrapper, and Core Guardian as drivers. I don't think I've ever seen a Ranger though
  12. For me the mistlock has everything: all crafting stationsBL Auction NPCaccess to Mystic Forgeaccess to fractal vendorsaccess to fractalsability to port to any capitol city + special forces aerodome from the same spotYour character can log out in the santuary and then return to whatever map they were in via the portalHonestly, I don't know why anyone would buy any of the other passes over this one, with perhaps the exception of the Armistice Bastion for those more focused on WvW. If you already own some of the other passes, it's a judgment call on whether it's worth buying this one. I'd put the pass on the same level as Copper Fed salvage kit in terms of QoL improvement.
  13. The only reason I can think of why we don't have gold included in the WvW chests is we do get other material rewards by playing the game that PvP players do not. Loot bags, resource nodes, and even the chance for exotic/ascended drops are something WvW has that PvP does not. Just this morning I got an ascended weapon chest when I ranked up, and two months back a Tower Lord dropped a precursor for me. On a regular day, opening up 50 heavy loot bags gives a decent supply of T5/T6 materials and trophies. Now none of this comes close to what you can earn in the same amount of time in PvE, but if we are comparing PvP to WvW, we have to acknowledge that they don't get these types of drops.
  14. The problem there is what we are supposed to be talking about is the mount skin. When I select Gift of Battle as my reward track, does it matter what the contents are for the other tiers in that track? Does it matter that there is an amalgamated gemstone or mystic clovers? No, because that isn't why you are doing the track - you're after the Gift of Battle. The rest of the contents are irrelevant, since if you needed a Gift of Battle, would you refuse to complete the reward track because you felt the contents of the other tiers weren't worth it? Of course not. So I don't buy into this argument, and if players want to use it as a rationalization, they are free to do so.
  15. Yeah I forgot the Eye did that, ran in with my Tempest to overload. It didn't end well.
  16. Have to agree with this, as it's basically a random spawn after defeating an open world champion. Much more of a challenge than one would expect to run into while levelling.
  17. Do activities.Get rewards.Sell rewards on the TP to those convinced it's a good idea to open them. Same as with every other GW2 festival.
  18. Well said. The people who likely need the currency the least are the ones who can get it the fastest, and right now we have two polar extremes: veterans who get max currency but have nothing to use it for, and newer players struggling to get what they need in a reasonable time frame. At least ANET is consistent with WvW, where lack of balance permeates everything.
  19. For me the problem was the reward was nothing more than a re-skin of the Outrider Warclaw, which any player who had purchased the Warclaw Frontline Pack already had. If instead the guild rider reward track gave you the Saberclaw, the Marauder skin, or frankly anything NEW, it would have been a smashing success. But for anyone who already owns the Outrider skin, or who doesn't like that skin to begin with, the reward track is just a waste of gold.
  20. I think that's a sub-folder underneath the main folder "Laying the groundwork" Maybe someone set them to hidden by accident?Possibly? It seems silly to think they would make the same mistake they made with the folder "Nerfs for Guardian", but who knows?
  21. Because I'm there. If I happen to be on a map when a world boss spawns, I'll join in, just as I would a champion, bounty, whatever. But do I schedule my play so I can hit Teq or Behemoth? Not unless there is a collection I need to fill.
  22. I think that's a sub-folder underneath the main folder "Laying the groundwork"
  23. The other day I was in WvW on my scrapper and had to dive underwater, and I noticed my utilities were all wrong. The reason was because my aquatic build/utilities had remained unchanged since before the patch in April 2019, when Gyros were made available for use underwater. ANET has come far, but there are still plenty of utilities that just do not work underwater, to say nothing of how they handle ground targeted AoEs like wells. People don't hate underwater combat for no reason - they hate it because it came out half-baked, and even in 2020, some of the dough is still RAW! (sorry, been watching Hell's Kitchen during the lockdown)
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