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Everything posted by Turkeyspit.3965

  1. For the moment if you're just looking for map complete, ask if there are any thieves or mesmers on the map willing to port you up. But yeah, I would think ANET assumes everyone has all the base mounts (Raptor, Springer, Skimmer and Jackal) with full mastery unlocked by this point. Technically speaking the Griffon, Roller Beetle and Skyscale are 'optional' mounts, so aside from 1 destructible wall that needs a Beetle to open (but there is nothing behind it except a Norn chest and some nodes) there shouldn't be anything on the current LW maps that require those mounts.
  2. I normally only do the story once. When they update the episode to include voice overs, I'll probably go back and do the story again on a second character. But I see no reason to wait, as the achievements etc will be much easier to complete when the map is heavily populated (as it is now) then trying to do it in 3 months.
  3. Anyone else remember the same arguments/complaints being made during the last Boss Blitz event, where we had mats raining on us from the heavens? The game still appears to be here...
  4. And? The siege is already in my bag...they give it to me as a reward, why spend war supplies for things you don't have to? This morning I dropped a ram at a gate, and before my UI refreshed another player had already jumped on it. This is just another typical oversight: a simple thing they didn't think of, but at the same time, given all they had to do was copy/pasta the code from the WvW siege, I struggle to find an excuse for it.
  5. Yes. There are lots of features such as thick health bars, etc, that you would use in instanced content (like fractals/raids + PvP) but would create performance issues when doing OW metas, world bosses or WvW with big fights.
  6. Oooh..that's a good reminder, at least to sit on copper/silver ore, etc.
  7. The current king of roaming is: your preferred class + 2 friends. To be truly dominant though, bring more friends.
  8. Everyone is on the map right now, to get the long list of achievements done. Once that's over with, the population will diminish and prices will creep back up, not counting whatever else ANET adds to the game. I completed both the Tengu and Stormcaller weapon collections. I crafted 100% of the Tengu weapons and 10 of the Stormcaller weapons, and for the first time in years, I don't have max storage on Orichaclcum, Ancient Wood or Bolts of Gossamer. Watch ANET add some armor set or whatever that requires iron/steel ingots, and prices will jump again.
  9. If players don't rage loud or long enough, how else do you expect us to get ANET to dole out free mount skins? Get. With. The. Program.
  10. I don't have a key bound to dismount, I just use the 1 skill key. This works fine for every mount except the Warclaw, which for some reason, tends to bug out so even after pressing the 1 key, I remain mounted.
  11. What back packs are you seeing this on? For me it's only on Warbringer, which is only displayed on a Charr character. It happens alot in WvW, but even sometimes in PvE during meta events (like Pinata). Very annoying, as you can imagine how much of my character IS that backpack, for it to then disappear at times is bad.
  12. Kinda was thinking the same thing lol. Can't really grumble myself, been spending more time in 3v3 and Drizzlewood than WvW this week. Guess we'll meet up again after reset lol
  13. Amazing what can happen when someone accidentally misclicks their mouse. Good news is that winning/losing in WvW is meaningless, so the swap doesn't really matter.
  14. ANET has been experimenting with mini-seasons in sPvP, maybe now they are trying out the same for WvW :lol:
  15. Geez...how hard did we PPT these last few days that we jumped up to T1? :trollface:
  16. If you actually read the other posts, other than your own, you would see that is exactly what was being discussed and what I replied to. Sorry if you feel that not enough attention was being paid to you, but /shrug
  17. Hammer Guard is present in the current 3v3 mini-season. According to some on these forums, that makes it good apparently . Condi Rev in 3v3 is Axe/Mace + Sword/Shield right now. Didn't you know it was good???? It's why these forums are best used for entertainment, not information.
  18. With the current price of Supreme Rune of Holding, its almost more cost effective to just buy a new bag slot. You can expand a 20 slot bag to 32 slot and gain 12 extra slots at a cost of approx 127g (at current prices)~or~You can buy a new bag slot (400 gems = 120g) , put in a 20 slot bag (20g in mats) and gain 20 extra slots at a cost of 140g (at current gem conversion prices) 8 more slots for only 13g? And I've always been one to criticize the way bag slot expansions worked...., but with the prices of Supreme Rune of Holding right now..yikes.
  19. You're talking about an 8yr old game...and people in general were a lot nicer in 2012 than they are in 2020. Taking it a step further, people were a lot nicer in 2008 than they were in 2012, and people were a lot nicer in 1999 than they were in 2008. At each 'milestone' in my online gaming experience, it hasn't been lost on me that people online, in general, have been going downstream.
  20. 1) All your screengrab shows is the number of Heralds in the party. It doesn't tell us if they are Power or Condi, using Hammer or not. A Condi Herald running Glint/Mallyx using Mace/Axe + Staff is a common sight in zergs these days. 2) Let's make it simple though, and say all those Revs were Power Heralds...it still doesn't tell me they are using Hammer. They could very well be running Sw/Sw + Staff or even Axe/Mace + Staff. This is a melee push meta. 3) Let's make it every simpler though, say all those Revs were Power Heralds AND they had Hammer equipped. Nothing there to show me where their damage is coming from. Is it from Hammer? Or is it from their offset weapons, Sw/Sw, Axe/Mace, or even Staff? In all likelihood their #1 source for damage is Inspiring Reinforcement. Why list these points? Because before the last patch, Hammer Revs were meta in zergs, and capable in roaming (though sw/sw Rev was better for roaming obv). They were always Power, and their #1 source of damage was always Hammer. They could run Glint/Shiro if they were more aggressive, or Glint/Jalis for additional support. Today, you cannot 1v1 with Hammer. A Hammer Rev is always running Glint/Jalis, and spends most of their time in Jalis....because Inspiring Reinforcement is their top source for DPS, and with the CC spam we have today and FB nerfs, Revs are seen as secondary stability-bots. Hammer is only of use when your group coordinates phase smashes, which requires targeting and pulls/CC, the above mentioned "Rev bomb"..which suggests a Revenant's main DPS contribution to the squad is a single attack every 12 seconds? Coordinated Phase Smashes were always a thing, but back before the patch, Hammer Revs had at least CoR with which to do damage...now they are relegated to spamming their auto-attack which in most cases just gets reflected back. So, please tell me, someone who has played Rev for quite a while in WvW, both before the patch and after, that Hammer for Rev is fine, and needs neither buffs nor nerfs? That a DPS build that brought some boons has been reduced to a boon build that now brings some DPS is a positive thing in your opinion? I have no issues with Rev getting nerfs like everyone else back in the patch, but ANET went too far in the wrong direction - rather than just addressing damage coefficients, they played around with cooldowns and mechanics. Before they shut it down, Vabbi's website listed a Hammer Herald build that replaced Staff with Mace/Axe, because the 'changes' ANET made to Surge of the Mist were that horrible. A build that was known for stacking might and fury to 10 players by channelling Glint is instead now sought to fill gaps in stability by channelling Jalis so players aren't constantly ping ponged. But so long as we have people like you telling ex-Herald mains that everything is ok, I guess it must be, right?
  21. Having multiple difficulty options could easily solve this kill proof situation. Possible for a company like Blizzard, where they have resources and steady revenue stream, but likely outside of what ANET can deliver at this point.. Do date, there are only 2 fractals that have true CM modes, and while they announced the new upcoming fractal will have a CM mode as well, it may way launch with WvW Alliances for all we know. And no, T2-T4 does not equal higher difficulty modes, since the only thing needed to enter T4 is a credit card to buy the materials necessary and get full ascended gear + 150 AR. (and judging by some of what I've seen in LFGs of late, that is definitely happening) ANET went the easy route (aka what they can afford) by adding a kill timer to Strikes, rewarding 'better' loot for those who kill it faster.
  22. IMO GW1 barely qualifies as an MMO, since the only persistent 'world' was in the towns - everything else was instanced content. I had the same problem with D&D online. When only your non afk/social gameplay is 100% instanced, having NPC followers makes perfect sense, as there is nobody else on the map to render assistance or join your group, like you find in GW2, WoW, etc etc etc.
  23. The mount is available now for 2000 gems, but I have a whole host of other store items that are higher in priority, like more shared inventory slots and maybe another bank slot or two. The Choinkernaught will just have to wait I'm afraid...
  24. What the OP is trying to express, but failing, is that the new map offers a huge variety of loot. All of it is valuable, all of it is salvageable, tradeable or vendorable...but since there is so much variety (T2-T6) it doesn't stack neatly the way it would if you only saw T5 / T6 quality loot. Challenging? Sure. But a problem? Far from it.
  25. https://wvwstats.com/timezones According to this, SoS is #1 for OCX on NA servers, while FS carries #1 in EU, and I believe the metric they use is activity.
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