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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Being called "frontline" doesn't mean literally be in the actual first line clashing, the spec has access to AoE dmg with teleport and range, something the ranger desperately needed Also but hey....I told you so! now it's more appropate than ever, me and few others have been campaigning for a non-pet centered elite for EoD, years before even its announcement but hey....you lot wanted the bunny thumper and pet master Now the ranger community can enjoy their bunny thumper..sorry pal! I already have a specific playstyle so I won't complain much, the rest of you..got exactly what you were asking for
  2. Huh? The Untamed has AoE reflect, AoE KD+immobilize, AoE cage, AoE boon rip/conversion to condis, controlled access to pet healing skills and much more, not forgetting the so necessary AoE dmg with hammer and unleash skills....to each his opinion but still...you're completely off the mark and you completely forget all the interactions with other weapons/pets P.S nobody cares about the pvp subforum! It's populated by individuals you can kill in game while dancing around naked and playing with a single hand, I compete in pvp currently on a core d/d ele, I have zero concern about current pvp population...no amount of nerfs would ever make me worry about anything, considering level of skill....also...in the pvp subforum they cry 365/365 days on 24/24 hrs, full of snowflakes who get mad when they realize they're not even half as decent as they thought
  3. In light of the recent observations regarding the usage of the pet during zerg fight, I propose to Anet to change Natural Fortitude to Feral Resolution: Pet gains : +40%-HP , 30% dmg reduction and condi duration while in Unleash mode. -During Unleashed Mode, the pet skills are replaced, this would serve as sort of "compensation" but also makes the pet more manageable during zerg fights. Thoughts?
  4. Bears have 30k HP, drakes and moa 23k HP , bears have endure pain, moa have the heal and you can still use the jacaranda which is ranged pet and this time refrain from using the melee attack as you fully control the pet, the call lightning is 1200 range..not even need to engage with jacaranda, push with hammer while the pet unlease hell from distance
  5. 1) Pet Health- We just use different pets accordingly, bears and dragons for wvw pushes, all pets get same unleashed attacks, so..no problem for me 2) Perilous gift - See point 1 3) Lack of condi cleanse - hmm no..you can still run survival skills on top of the full condi clear every 30s, also during team fight you won't be the only one pushing, your allies will still clear condis for you...there is really no issue here, that utility alone will be great for initial push The rest, I can work around it. Overall this last round of elite restored my faith in the company...in good portion, enough to now pre-order the game. Untamed may not be the perfect scenario that most players wished for but it is also much better than worst case scenario, design wise it's solid, the concept idea behind it , works and it makes sense, we have an identity which is the most importan aspect for an elite to at work decently. The rest can be added, modified later; as a ranger main I am very happy for the moment, luckily this was not another catalyst Remember guys....there are specs like willbender and catalyst.....we should consider ourselves lucky that Untamed needs only small changes on top of number changes...instead than requiring a complete re-design like those 2 elites
  6. Where is the drawback? Dunno if you've noticed but there is no soulbeast pet ress, meaning this is a core ranger 2.0 at best, when your pet dies is a hefty cd to wait
  7. We're getting cantrips as utilities and even then I wouldn't use trooper runes, just go survival skill for 2 condis removed
  8. For new players and old ones who may not know....Jon Peter is the guy who..... 1)Made d/d playable when it appeared right away, elementalist would suck in GW2, he buffed d/d around 2012 Oct/Nov 2)Added Stone Heart/ Pre-nerf Diamond skin to help eles against the abuse of thieves and necromancer dhuumnabs Basically if you had fun with your ele till the release of HoT ...you have this guy to thank, bless him He was along with Jonathan Sharp the only dev with an actual interest in balanced gameplay, the only reason you have stuff like scourge, scrapper, firebrand, renegade...it's because these 2 devs left and nobody ever replaced them
  9. Simply speaking, Anet uses a different approach when dealing with elementalist , where with other profession Anet is all about :"what can we give to make it powerful?", with elementalist the opposite always happens for some particular reason, like deep hatred or something, when it comes with eles, the approach is like :"let's try this ...but let's add this to make sure it's not too good" Anet specifically doesn't want ele to excel at anything , they have this idea of ele being "jack of all trades and master of none", so they balance the class accordingly...the problem is that they ended up buffing/changing other professions to a point where they are "jack of all trades and master of everything"...like : scrapper, holosmith, firebrand, scourge etc etc etc There is a cautious approach on everything about ele, where the idea of making it fun to play rarely reaches the discussion phase...with ele is everything about this so called "balance", for everything given to ele....2-3 must be taken away and this doesn't happen with other professions With professions like necromancer, Anet moves things around with a truck...when it comes to ele, they use a tea spoon: with necromancer you can get skills/traits like 10s instant effect on a 25-30s CD while on ele will be 5s every 40s+ under specific conditions, like blasting a field or something and with min a 1/2s cast time. You will never have anything fun to play with that kinda of approach, once again I suggest people who log in to simply have fun, to go and change their main....I still play ele from time to time, when I feel pissing people off with using a tanky condi healer in wvw equipped with stone heart.....but when I want to have actual fun..I jump on ranger/warrior and enjoy that little time I have during the weekend. Just think about it....you putting actual effort to accomplish even simple tasks in a videogame, not worth it man...I'd rather now play another class...press 1-2 buttons and having a laugh, nobody pays me to play, I am done sitting here pressing 20+ buttons just to deal as much dmg as the next guy who press a single button from distance without even looking at the screen. I stopped having fun with this class around 7 years ago, started to play other professions from that moment- best decision ever made (especially after the only dev who ever gave a crap about this class left for Amazon..I miss you Jon Peters). and don't regret it
  10. 1) The pet will have enhanced mode during when infused with energy, we don't know what that will mean 2) We don't know how the cantrips or traits will work yet 3) The pet and ranger respectively gain a new set of skills while infused with energy 4) The spec has been described as melee brawler , the one style still missing from ranger( more or less) "" The untamed and their pet juggle control of a raw, primal power to defeat their foes. Their pet weakens their prey before the untamed reclaims that vicious, raw power and delivers the final strike. The untamed is a melee brawler with the ability to shift from an aggressive damage dealer to a defensive bruiser. This transition is enabled by their Unleash ability, which passes a powerful nature magic between the untamed and their pet. Pets in this unleashed state gain access to new abilities that disrupt and debilitate nearby enemies. Additionally, the untamed's bond with their pets grants them more direct control over the default abilities of each pet, ensuring that they'll always be ready to strike when the time is right. The hammer wielded by the untamed is also affected by their Unleashed state, allowing for an adaptable playstyle depending on the situation. For their utility skills, the untamed gains access to the cantrip skill type. These cantrips create various defensive and crowd-control effects, giving the untamed the tools they need to thrive in melee combat. ""
  11. Honestly ...the type of players you should be aware of....rarely if ever post on the forum, about the rest....you can beat them in game while playing double devourer....stowed/defense mode pet...or even on a druid, you really have nothing to be concerned about at this point. I beat/hold people of in game...on a core d/d ele, that should tell you everything you need to know ...ha and these people most times have got these fancy titles from pvp...go figure
  12. Those are rookie numbers...my build has pets doing 200k dmg on each swap and each of them can tank a whole 50 man zerg in WvW, also if I want really to put effort ..I switch to a build where I directly command the pet to go and cap the whole eternal battleground, no siege required P.S with my build each pet has around 1m HP...so gl trying to down it xd
  13. I will call my pets :"Despair"...."Infinite Sadness"......"No remorse" and..."Feed me"
  14. The pet will instadie...around the end of the video you can notice how the Bolstering mechanic ends on the tiger while staying on ranger, chances are we're talking about a resource management mechanic that will most likely run out during a zerg fight. I pray for an "on and off" instace like soulbeast mode..what I expect is a resource managemet like druid in which case...yeah it will fail in wvw zerg fights
  15. So a perma stealth-barrier granting kitten coming soon to WvW.....
  16. PvErs and roleplayers play in an environment where what you do or play doesn't matter much if at all regarding to other players, you can run skills with 5s casting time and nothing would change...PvPers don't have that luxury, there is nothing offensive about the truth...it's childish to think otherwise, but go on and report me if it makes you feel better...I don't see how that would detract anything from the truth. Also, nobody serious here on this forum speaks with the illusion that Anet does what they say, a company will do what necessary to survive, they will release something that can be exposed to as many players as possible...regardless of what is being said here. Here we're talking about preferences......imagine trying to win an argument..like you win something in the end..even more over the internet...amusing as I have stated.
  17. You jump from subforum to subforum trying to lecture people about subjects....you think to know about, in the end you're just a necro main from what I could gather, trying to trigger people into having a pointless and childish discussion with you....this is amusing to say the least
  18. Soulbeast is basically what GW1 ranger was but with a twist, GW2 core ranger is actually a downgrade from the previous iteraction of the class, having a mechanic that literally drags you down most times than not
  19. A single effect/condition every 30s requiring hard CC on top? At melee range with traits literally offering no extra sustain?...I'd rather play an e-spec with super nerfed pet mechanic, it'd be more useful and playable than what you're proposing Are we playing the same game? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scrapper Just read what the wells do.....nobody sane of mind would play or even consider bringing something as bad as you suggest....a single boon removed every 30s with hard CC....lol yeah sure, even at 15s cutted CD, your typicall wvw spec for zerg can gain up to 10 boons and the average AoE CC on average 20s CD..........like who are you kidding now?
  20. The only people asking for a pet elite are open world pvers and roleplayers....places where what you run matter very little if at all. As it has been stated hundreds of time already, any "dps" pet gets obliterated by nerfs due to a combination of whining and entitled community....and devs far too eager to please... It is a miracle really to have the smokescale, most ranger builds would not work without that single pet, the few other playable pets are barely available in specific situations, generally the pets are so nerfed dps/utility wise that a ranger can kitten himself while using what's supposed to be core mechanic We seen pets being nerfed 4 even 5 times (bristleback-smokescale) , other being made utterly useless (bird dps so low now....that glassiness is not justified) and other are so slow(cats -drakes) that only ...urgh.."some players" get hit by it consistently. We need something that actually works in all game modes like soulbeast..but differently and efficiently. We seen already what happened to "pet specs" , druid would like a word with the OP..... Ranger was originally petless in GW1 with choice of using one or not
  21. Welcome to GW2....fair balance is not really up their alley, the sole reason I ask for no pet elite is because new pets always end up being murdered by nerfs as whiners do what whiners will do...whine
  22. It's not bloody hard to "fall in love" when your class becomes meta everywhere since its inception is it? -First released and they were power heralds everywhere...then a tad nerfed but they then super buffed sword off-hand -They then buffed mallyx adn ventari, the first brought super tanky condi users in wvw...the second to make some meme healer -During all this we had hammer rev dominating wvw....supplementing staff eles because 100% less risky, party buffs, 100% better -We then had renegagde, with MAT teams winning while using 3-4 renegade for another bloody 2 years -And then there is now..... For all I care, keep your toys , I only want people to stop using this joke :"my class takes skill"....give me a kittening break now, not only this game is casual friendly and easy to grasp but also rev is one of the better designed specs....so stop crying for god sake and spare me the BS :"Revenants have stuck with the class since it was released"...this class has gone from OP to strong to O....and back to strong...so spare me the fake tears If given the power, I'd force every account of a player crying about his class...to force play core ele for a whole year...then we can justify your tears
  23. Honestly...change class man...like today, delete ele and don't listen to all "but if you build this way...." Imagine playing a class which is good only with a specific type of gear and played the same way, you can see already from this that the class concept is trash and you're wasting time Go necro, everything works there from core to the future elite...every single traitline is good/amazing...to a point you'd wish you could use more than threee Trust your common sense...it's 100% right...run from this class and subforum
  24. I love ranger pet and even more playing around them but...good lord...every few months there is a new nerf trend about some pet that unfortunately managed to do dmg on a player, it has been for years now, this community cries its eyes out if they get killed by a ranger. God forbid you kill somebody in wvw/pvp with a ranger....soon enough later there will be some passive aggressive nerf threads on reddit, followed by some more on the forum. It is a good thing that these devs keep track of class gameplay ratio and they see how this class doesn't succeed above a certain level ( average player), after which it becomes rather...."ok", it doesn't get abused like holosmith/scrappers/firebrand/necros of all sort/thieves and ofc revenants of all shapes and forms. The truth is this class at equal skill level, gets outsustained and outdamaged by holosmith/scrapper/revenants and even thieves with the right build, guardians with the right set up (like dh) are a pain to deal with, given the near lack of unblockable on this class(outside the meme oneshot that HunT signet is useless) Despite all of this, I still enjoy this class...it's more than decent, not the top dog class but not even the worst out there.....now back to the main topic: the elite, we now are guaranted it's a hammer elite (juggernaut here we go) so: 1) Hope it is an AoE based spec, PBAoE hopefu;lly for wvw zerg fights and small group contribution 2) I pray it is a brawler spec like scrapper/holosmith , we have enough duellist specs but..yeah....I won't hold my breath about this one 3) No pets based..just because...I can't deal with another 4-5 years of "whhaaaa the XX pet bited me and it hurts!" Those are my main hopes, I can deal with kitten traits and utilities as those can be changed...it's the concept that must be solid, my last hope for EoD..the rest I am not interested
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