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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Can somebody care to explain me how Lyssa is part of the current living story?
  2. Problems start when you allow builds to do everything from teamfight to support ending in sidenoding , people have stopped trying to fight as a team and instead they stack these "Rambo" builds and zerg from point A to B, when that happen ofc there will be no build diversity....why try to counter that build when you can play a certain spec on a certain class and achieve easy victory by stacking it?
  3. Ever heard of the Discord Shadow Meetings ? Ever heard of that quote from a dev : Revenant is a class played by the best players and best players tend to win? ......1+1=2 What you propose has already been happening for years, statistics and winrate got very little to do with the actual balancing because again...here another quote from the dev...:if we look at the winrate by class...then DragonHunter would have been....yeah.....he meant to say gutted, something that never happened So yeah they do not balance based solely (if at all ) on statistics...they "mostly follow suggestions" from those same "elites" you describe.... P.S if you think players of any shape or form can balance a game...then you're sadly mistaken, at best MMO players can point the devs in the direction of a visible exploit or broken design...nothing more than that, anything more would simply be biased banterPersonally I can try to see things from a broader perspective when asking to nerf things..but I think that as a player that's not possible, even the devs themselves can be a "tad biased" on their end....the idea of really considering the balance "suggestions" of a player should be carefully executed..always
  4. Pls...this forum has been crying "Power Creep" since the game inception....as long as somebody dies to something....it's always powercreep
  5. To address the tankiness of ranger, yes they are. From the PvP background a ranger is able to put out an insane amount of self sustain through boons that seem to be endless in duration. They are able to do this while still maintaining a source of reliable damage. Warrior by comparison is not able to do so, to have the same sustain the warrior loses all sources of damage (almost becomes a tickle fight). Boons should not be underestimated in this game, there is a huge connection between the hardest to kill and the ones with the most boon uptime. Not to forget Ranger with soulbeast does also have the poison heals trait (Making the ranger stupidly hard to take down in the PvE enviroment). If the class was to be made into a high health class, much of its sustain would need to be chopped away, be it boons, heals or even overall stats (pet or class). When you face somebody built for dmg...boons mean nothing at that time you will need dmg avoidance like blocks or hard heal burst and as a matter of fact...I fail to see how high HP professions in this game lack sustain compared to ranger and how low sustain specs excel in sustain over high HP professions. Low HP professions(ele-guardian) must invest heavily into healing power to have any sort of serious self-sustain where professions like warrior (core and spellbreaker) and necro( core -scourge ) can be naturally high sustain, both necro and warrior can "facetank" dmg literally speaking where a ranger will survive solely if he manages to avoid dmg and stay at distance , something ranger excel at and something players always hate Warrior and Necro don't lack sustain...that's a lie and you know that....what they lack is a proper Ranged Option and that should come with a drop in facetanking ability ofc. Many war players refuse to run something like this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKAEmA4Y9A8gB-w The build has a defensive trait line, a sub-defensive line and a strong elite trait line and can be compared to typical "sustain" ranger running : Wilderness-Beastmastery and whatever; on the other hand war players running :http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKAEmA4YdB8gB-w Don't have any right to complain because you're running the equivalent of a Beastmastery-markmanship-X ranger in terms of sustain.... Look I am not stating that warrior is easy to play on the contrary of it...I played it for a little over 1k hrs where I spent 4k hrs on ranger and then other professions, what I am trying to say that ranger now is not like before : much sustain and dmg has been taken away, the class is still very good if you know how to play to an average level but there is nothing more (good riddance) like Boonbeast and the one shot meme builds...can be replicated on basically many other specs, you can make a full zerk rifle warrior with Defiant Stance and Endure pain then play hide and seek in a tower like the meme 1 shot rangers.....or you can make a zerker deadeye with double rifle....a zealot DH True shot and so on.... The protection boon simply add a 33% multiplier to armor value and therefore a medium armor target would simply have 400 more armor than a warrior and we're talking with no toughness applied in both cases.. for example .a glass light armor with protection doesn't automatically become more tanky than a warrior with no toughness that's impossible The regeneration boon is healing over time requiring both healing power and boon duration to amount for something In the end rangers survive by avoiding dmg and add value with healing over time where warrior while facetanking has access to healburst to a moderate level...you can't facetank on ranger like you can do on necro or warrior...maybe in PvE but that's it P.S in PvP only de-cap druid exist...in average MAT teams who never reach the final stages, any other ranger spec get blown off in secs by heralds/renegade/holos/reapers etc etc etc...you can try to perma prot all you want ...if you can't avoid dmg properly you die rather quickly on ranger
  6. This is pretty much it. If anything, there should be more mechanics to punish spam, not less. The people whining about these things are usually the people who can be found playing some rotation-based build, like Vanilla condi nec, and then they get upset when their aoe condi spam suddenly starts healing the enemy for some reason leading to ZOMG NERF NOW PLEEZ PLO0X!! I stop attacking rev when he uses IL, but my teammates (in rank/unrank, not ats) dont stop. How to deal with that? This is a very weak argument. Your team fed and you can't do anything about that, just like you can't do anything about bad teammates not rotating properly or running into teamfights one at a time and dying on their own. Bad teammates are bad teammates and will always make the game a nightmare. They cant nerf rotations but they can nerf skills, am i right?For how superior herald is atm....I still prefer to fight it over some other more "obscure" builds, compared to you...I choose the minor evil, if you ask me between nerfing revenant and buffing other professions like thief ( as you suggest in other thread )...I take the nerfs to herald ty
  7. Pray that the class/spec you love to play is always hated by others...it means it's still worth to log in.....instead if nobody complain about your favourite class (or worst people on the forum consider it BALANCED) then you may really consider to either uninstall the game or change professions asap...not I am not joking It's good that some people still hate on ranger...it means the class it's still playable and fun to use in its own terms
  8. ...no sane person would ever opt to fight against a thief rather than a revenant , let's not consider only the current situation...but the entirety of the history of GW2 : -considering from launch till now.....so not just current iteration -HS spammer?-"immortal" s/d?-d/p?-p/p power or condi?-condi trap perma stealth?-PI spammer?-PW spam?-DE? There has never been a single instance in the history of this game where thief was "fun" to play against even more compared to revenant considering its current state (broken condi herald and renegade pewpew), buff thief if you must but...let's not pretend like thief has even been fun to fight against but again.....not being fun to fight against is the main req for a spec/class to be playable right now in GW2
  9. There is a reason why the number of people choosing this class keeps decreasing........
  10. My money is on : Shield -Following the rules they initially placed : druid got 2 hand, Soulbeast got main hand....EoD elite should get off hand-They will want to avoid a defensive off hand to avoid a GS/x-More defense kinda of builds......so Shield while favoured is unprobable and all other possible bases with shield are covered by other professions....and yet Shield is a thematic off hand for Rangers, so far Anet has followed the classic ranger archetype for the weapons and fighting styles so yeah, the D&D ranger includes : longbow/shortbow/axe/sword/dagger/staff/warhorn/Greatsword...and Shield slo who knows-Then : Scepter and Focus which are both possible,the spellcasting abilities of ranger are not limited to druid but ofc not as expanded as a mage,,another who knows-Finally we have Mace....another possibility but yeah getting a 2nd two hand weapon like hammer is very unlikely. Personally-I pray for hammer (AoE ranged CC/dmg non projectile : my dream plus amazing looking skins)-I will be content with shield (a brawler spec )-I will frown if we get scepter or focus (like c'mon....)-I will cry with Mace (I see no purpose plus....worst list of skins in the game)
  11. That isn't what I demonstrated at all. I say 15s, from SoTP, and another 15s from Dolyak, and you say "5s+5s". You're totally ignoring what I'm saying and just imagining something else that is more comfortable to your ears. This is going way too far off topic, so I'm stopping here. The fact that you can't use ranger optimally or understand its mechanics isn't my problem. Here come the personal attacks...didn't take long... You proposed that guardian needs "hollow ground" to have stupid amount of stability....with a proper META spec I shown everybody otherwise....and guardian your main...Yeah You come with a non functional build soulbeast.. using jacaranda where you use heal skill + stunbreak - proposes that you have 5 sources of quickness and other goodies....in the end you use the elite followed by the stunbreak(out of the 5 sources of quickness you state to have.....it's the only one usable off combat) and finally the heal skill to reach the fabled 15s x 6stack stability from just the elite...Yeah...Of course you went and say to L2P..sure...typical last sentence to "win" the argument but can we have you play this 15s stability build in actual combat? I surely can show and play the META firebrand build I posted...fact vs fiction It would surely be interesting to see this 15s SoTP followed by another 15s dolyak stance Finally you claimed that guardian your main but you didn't know how much easy stability the class has and nobody needs Hallowed ground for stupid stability uptime...then I suggest to check again how much actual dmg the symbols can do..
  12. You literally used a benchmark golem build blowing up half the bar just to get a 5s+5s stability to prove..my point...that ranger has low access to stability but you still wanted "to win" the argument
  13. If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. @Ragnar.4257 said: If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. @Ragnar.4257 said:@Arheundel.6451 said: If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. @Ragnar.4257 said: If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. @Ragnar.4257 said: If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness No. I've literally just done it in game. Go and try it yourself before arguing further. Essence of speed doesn't add additional stacks, it extends the duration of existing stacks. And with Merge/We Heal As One/Fortifying Bond..... if I have a 6s stacks, I let it run down to 1s left, then merge, which gives me a new stack for 5s, so the total uptime of 10s. No, it's not the same stack, but I've none the less extended stability uptime.A claim of 15s duration is 15s..not 5s now...then another 5s later, you have first claimed it was 15s...now down to 10s after blowing both sources of stability sitting on a 60s CD each and in the end...the boon stacks in intensity and not duration as I have explained already while you've claimed that you had a continuous 15s stability duration with no interruptions just from the elite
  14. If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. @Ragnar.4257 said: If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire. @Ragnar.4257 said: If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s. Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration Yes, just tried, no issue getting over 15s from a single SotP. Rotation isn't exactly as I wrote there, but it still works. You don't just press all the buttons at once, you use things like merge just as your current stab is about to expire.I think you're confused between stacks and duration which remains at 6s even after renewal by merging with the pet or using WHAO or quickness
  15. If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access. Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities Its very simple. Take the initial 6s from SotP, boost it to 8s with 1 application of quickness, then boost it again after 5s to make it 10s, then merge with Fortifying Bond to get up to 15s. Didn't even need to use We Heal as One, which would let you get up over 20s.Did you actually try in game?...I really think you should https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability you increase number of stacks..no duration
  16. If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong. I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Yes, essence of speed needs quickness. Lucky, this build has 5 different sources of quickness. No, the duration would not be 5s max. You could in theory take one application of 5s and drag it out up to 15s or more. If you stagger dolyak stance and SotP so they're 30s apart, then you're approaching 50% stability uptime. Zero-condi clear? 2 separate sources of resistance, which can again be extended to 10s or more. As well as dolyak stance cleansing movement conditions, cleanse sigils, and a 2-condi cleanse on 20s CD with the beast ability. That's pretty decent anti-condi. Look, I'm not here to argue that boonbeast is secretly amazing, I just made a comment that ranger doesn't actually have awful stability access.Where are you getting these numbers from? From 5s to 15s..that's like 200% boon increase...and 5 sources of quickness?...1 requires you to be at 50% and the other needs a pet swap, lastly there is the stunbreak..so where are these 5 sources of quickness? 50% stability uptime...just what are you talking about? In the end I only corrected a poster about the need for ranger stunbreak access and low access to stability...I dunno there is even need to prove it, your "build" wouldn't work anywhere not even in WvW with the unnerfed version of the utilities
  17. If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime I mean, I'm not ranger expert, but something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWoMDWIrj9wQxk7a9lPi5A-zZJ8MyUK0rKQoDA Would be able to keep stability up for a very long time by juggling with We Heal as One, Fresh Reinforcement and Fortifying Bond, and extending with Essence of Speed. Is it meta right now? No, but 2 years ago people were basically running this build and it was dominating hard, so its not a totally ridiculous idea. Pre-nerf boonbeast basically had 100% uptime. You can't do that anymore, which is entirely appropriate. But you said "almost no stability access on ranger" which is just wrong.I was answering to somebody stating why ranger has short CD stunbreaks compared to ele....comparing anything to ele is already bad but anyway.....first of all ranger is not the only class with short CD on stunbreaks, I mean guardian itself has several stunbreaks on same or lower CD so.... Then I stated that ranger "has almost no stability compared to even an ele which is true...as I have been playing both professions for years now like guardian btw; finally your build doesn't work as you think. -essence of speed needs "quickness"-given the CD of stability utilities...you still would suffer from one application to another by around 60s CD on average between each other..and the duration would last only for 5s max...using we heal as one, fortify bond..whatever you want in PvP-There is like..."zero" condi clear in your build...that's not what boonbeast used to be What even is the point of talking about something from 2-3 years ago? Why do you make wild claims when you don't even play the class?, it's the same question I ask to people like the OP who claims about Unicorn lightning orb, I'd like to see him and others like him playing ele warhorn in PvP....with a marauder amulet in order to deal dmg
  18. If a boonbeast is properly juggling boons back and forth with pet and beastmode plus nature-magic and we heal as one, then yes, the stability uptime gets kinda stupid. Boonbeast..with nature magic ...and heal as one...why don't you show a build link with this "innovative idea",.....so show us how you make boonbeast work in PvP P.S and remember you use Nature Magic I see no meme build here and I need no "Hollowed Ground"http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWAUMMYm4RNl++B-z5AfCecA Do please show us this nature magic boonbeast with incredible stability uptime
  19. Then are yu sure yu should be directing yur ire at Revenant?cough Staff Daredevils cough I never said that such a thing was good for any class. In fact, I've said nothing but the opposite. GW2 is a silly game, and anybody who takes it seriously or defends its merits as a skill-based environment are deluded.For once I can say....well said...I would add extremely ..
  20. Do you guys think...any dev will take you seriously? Should any skill by itself alone be allowed to do quite literally damage that can kill someone in 2 seconds? That's the argument here but all we're getting is "just dodge lol". People want gameplay that's not braindead yet we're okay with having a single button capable of ending the fight this easily? I'm not sure we're on the same page here. Not saying that pressing 5 buttons hard here, just think about how one button shouldn't be able to do so much, that's all OP is asking for and I'm just dipping in the fact that Symbol of Punishement whether you can step out of the AoE or not, being able to kill someone with one skill is not okay. Dealing 15k+ damage with one skill is definitely overdoing it. The fact that people complain about Sevenshot being able to do 5k damage every 7 seconds while this stuff exists shows the inconsistency in complains rather than reliable evidence of overperformance because "just dodge lol". 10k~ Damage is about as good as any power skill should be depending on CD, follow ups and excluding conditions because playing Hybrid to buff damage further has it's costs in stats. If we can't agree with all that and we're dumbing down gameplay then why did we nerf Sevenshot, just dodge lol. (As the rev main I can attest that I'm glad they nerfed it because it was definitely OP.) As little reason there is to not play anything else but Renegade still, let's not make it even more mandatory by restoring what it used to be because we can just dodge, there's way more to it that just what OP just showed Lighting Orb to be doing to him.Really? You guys ask for nerfs....but you never bring any evidence.....can we have you playing a marauder warhorn ele in PvP ranked? A video of you dealing this....15k dmg with lightning orb..... Not xd before that I want to see you and the OP playing a tempest marauder with warhorn...the truth is not you or the OP even know where to start with ele.....let alone a marauder ele..with warhorn ..I'd pay to see you guys playing marauder warhorn ele in Ranked
  21. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability Ranger stability...my bad....I guess that "Strength of the pack" counts as great stability uptime for some people.......let me throw in also "Dolyak stance" People try to be funny..on the contrary though I find nothing of it as funny.....
  22. All they have been doing each patch is nerfing to the ground one or two specs...and replace them with couple others doing same things possibly in a far worst manner as not only they nerf some specs...they also buff others ...why?! They designed the professions in a certain way but the game mode requires certain roles, no matter what : you must survive long enough on a point to make a difference, there is only a finite number of roles that professions can cover in this game and that's all due to them dumbing down the game to attract a larger audience, they removed all the initial complexity and now we have professions that...do it all, from controling side-nodes to teamfights passing also as +1. -At launch you need fire fields to generate 25 might...now professions produce might passively on their own-Professions initially designed as burst with low sustain...get buffed to such an extent or gain powerful elites that remove those initial weaknesses, what's the point of designing elementalist described as "jack of all trades master of none"...when you end up buffing other professions to be jack of all trades and master of everything ?-They then created broken support mechanics like : barrier, massive condi conversion, boonspam..an now these "jack of all trades and master of everything" professions get to literally walk around as an invicible army....(WvW boonwalls are horrible in all aspects) It all started when you decided to dumb down the game to attract bigger audience...which would have been fun and all if the devs would have stopped "trying to balance" the mess they created , the Feb patch was a complete disaster, if you want to un - dumb GW2...you need to remove all elite specs...too late for band aid fixes..you only make it worst
  23. They go around and around saying how GW2 should run and how a profession should not do this and that...how too much sustain one class has...how much dmg another has. They then start dropping nerfs with disregard ...there is no direction or vision for the professions; some of them have got multiple builds across core and both elite specs...others barely have a working spec ......worst balance I ever seen in a MMO
  24. The skill floor and ceiling reached bottom level when they released HoT expansion.....the first elites were already as dumb as they could get.....PoF elites only proved there is no end to human ingenuity
  25. Do you guys think...any dev will take you seriously? Should any skill by itself alone be allowed to do quite literally damage that can kill someone in 2 seconds? That's the argument here but all we're getting is "just dodge lol". People want gameplay that's not braindead yet we're okay with having a single button capable of ending the fight this easily? I'm not sure we're on the same page here. Not saying that pressing 5 buttons hard here, just think about how one button shouldn't be able to do so much, that's all OP is asking for and I'm just dipping in the fact that Symbol of Punishement whether you can step out of the AoE or not, being able to kill someone with one skill is not okay. Dealing 15k+ damage with one skill is definitely overdoing it. The fact that people complain about Sevenshot being able to do 5k damage every 7 seconds while this stuff exists shows the inconsistency in complains rather than reliable evidence of overperformance because "just dodge lol". 10k~ Damage is about as good as any power skill should be depending on CD, follow ups and excluding conditions because playing Hybrid to buff damage further has it's costs in stats. If we can't agree with all that and we're dumbing down gameplay then why did we nerf Sevenshot, just dodge lol. (As the rev main I can attest that I'm glad they nerfed it because it was definitely OP.) As little reason there is to not play anything else but Renegade still, let's not make it even more mandatory by restoring what it used to be because we can just dodge, there's way more to it that just what OP just showed Lighting Orb to be doing to him. Since when does symbol of punishment down someone in 2 seconds? Figure of speech, in it's entire existence one of these can still deal up to 15k~ damage fairly often, even seen 18k. Being 4 seconds and all the other added factors. It's still not far off the 2 seconds mark on average. Do you guys think...any dev will take you seriously? Should any skill by itself alone be allowed to do quite literally damage that can kill someone in 2 seconds? That's the argument here but all we're getting is "just dodge lol". People want gameplay that's not braindead yet we're okay with having a single button capable of ending the fight this easily? I'm not sure we're on the same page here. Not saying that pressing 5 buttons hard here, just think about how one button shouldn't be able to do so much, that's all OP is asking for and I'm just dipping in the fact that Symbol of Punishement whether you can step out of the AoE or not, being able to kill someone with one skill is not okay. Dealing 15k+ damage with one skill is definitely overdoing it. The fact that people complain about Sevenshot being able to do 5k damage every 7 seconds while this stuff exists shows the inconsistency in complains rather than reliable evidence of overperformance because "just dodge lol". 10k~ Damage is about as good as any power skill should be depending on CD, follow ups and excluding conditions because playing Hybrid to buff damage further has it's costs in stats. If we can't agree with all that and we're dumbing down gameplay then why did we nerf Sevenshot, just dodge lol. (As the rev main I can attest that I'm glad they nerfed it because it was definitely OP.) As little reason there is to not play anything else but Renegade still, let's not make it even more mandatory by restoring what it used to be because we can just dodge, there's way more to it that just what OP just showed Lighting Orb to be doing to him. I am not sure whether Symbol of Punishment or Sevenshot are even halfway comparable to Lightning Orb... Nobody uses warhorn in PVP for a reason. I would still be in for a change: Make it similar to Sevenshot, a lightning orb over the top of the caster shooting lightning at the enemy. Because the energy situation is different for ele, make it a 10 second CD, same damage - vulnerability instead of torment application. That would help tremendously - the rest of warhorn is still slow garbage though, but they could rework it once they're on it... IMO Ele general needs it's utility cooldowns re-considered so reaching out for damage isn't asking to be stupidly glassy in any situations. Tired of only seeing conditions and weaver being the only viable options because the utilities of this elite are in practice better. They should take notes from how often quite literally all classes but most notably Ranger get to have so many stunbreaks on low CD but because Ele gets 4 weapon skill bar it can't even have a decent amount of utility? Yeah, it's no wonder. I used to main ele fyi and I feel you on the level of it, I tried to enjoy my old core recently and it's quite a mess to try and be anything decent outside weaver in close combat. Also wouldn't in a lasting fight combining pre Lighting Orb into an Arcane Immobilize give a deadly amount of damage like shown? By that I mean, can't sustain forever as eventually there's bound to be someone that can't clear or dodge so a well placed setup could result as something like it.Because there is almost no access to stability on ranger even more than ele which has already some of the lowest access to stability. it's no secret that balance of ele is borderline offensive, huge CD on utilities while weapon skills suck outside 3-4 good skills....I will personally never play another game made by these devs...no chance in hell I would
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