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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Staff 1 auto hits like a CC skill that was nerfed to .01 coefficient, except it doesn't actually have a CC tied into it. The Staff is actually so bad that it couldn't hurt to toss it a few pick me ups such as:Staff 1 - Turn the damage up a little bit.Staff 2 - Keep it the same but add a 2 stacks of 1s of burn vs. the enemy that is tagged with the skill.Staff 3 - Give it the kitten evade frame back.Staff 4 - Rather than removing immob from yourself with the vines, the vines should bleed/poison/torment/immob for 1s each.Staff 5 - This can stay the same. ^ Even with changes like that, Shortbow stays the superior condi weapon and Dagger/Torch the superior condi swap. The Staff is primarily a survival tool and it doesn't need a ton of added damage, but it does need some damage added. Right now the Staff's damage output is so negligent that it may as well not have damage at all. It's almost as if .... It's designed to not do damage. But having a focus around support, mobility and mitigation. Kinda like Guardian staff. Honestly, I wouldn't hate to see Druid become decent again if the grandmasters all weren't complete cancer to play against. It's either blind spam or pulsing immob, neither is fun to play vs. Full cleanses and stealth reset was also peak gameplay. Agreed, I said it before in another thread, the problem is all supports in this game don't have niches or clear advantages and disadvantages vs each other. Druid should be a fast rotating focused healer/buffer/debuffer.Tempest a slow moving AoE healer and cleanse bot.Firebrand less healing than Tempest, slightly less AoE but brings more boons and active damage mitigation, also slow moving. It'd be hard balancing the latter 2 but Druid should be easy enough. Agree on the idea, but if you read the link in my signature, you'll see why that isn't going to ever happen for competitive modes. They would need to do a complete overhaul & rework from the ground up on Druid, if it was to be able to keep up with FB or Tempest as a viable combat support. The suggestions made in my signature are the closest thing you're going to find that would work, to turn Druid into fast rotating focused healer/buffer/debuffer. This is what I mean though, about Druid suggestions coming from players who do not play Druid. Everyone throws these philosophical based suggestions around the idea of "Making Druid the support it was supposed to be" and that's great but there is an incredible lack of understanding of how Druid actually works in those kinds of suggestions. It's kind of like if someone said: "I want a Thief that plays like a Necromancer" which for that to work, would require an entirely new specialization line with a lot of very weird utilities & weapon added, or a complete rework/overhaul from the ground up on one of the existing elite specs. So if Arenanet is not willing to overhaul the entire elite spec, it's time to accept what Druid is, and that is a 1v1 duelist or side node bunker. If you notice, all of the Druid players are looking at this differently than non Druid players. For the most part, Druid players are looking at it for what it is, and simply requesting that it is buffed out of the current state of complete ineptitude that Arenanet has left it in. An overhaul would be cool, but at this point Druid players are tired of wasting time with theorcraft reworks, and are settling on asking for well deserved buffing in small areas. It's almost as if the first iterations of most elite specs were janky and all over the place and missed their mark completely. If you think saying "druid should be the healer it was supposed to be" is in any way comparable to saying "I want a Thief that plays like a Necromancer" it only shows your complete lack of understand about mechanics. You cannot make a thief into a necro easily because of the mechanical difference between the two (stealth, mobility, 2nd health bar to name just a few blatantly obvious ones), you can however make a ranger into a healer, in fact you can make most classes into healers as it's a much broader category. Ranger already has great mobility, CA already heals with every skill it has, gut the disgusting parts that no-one enjoys and make it not able to 1v1 without losing like all other supports. Staff needs a tune up and the problem of "Invest into pet and self healing" to generate CA needs addressing but you don't shy away from the right choice because it's hard Mr Boyer, that's what cowards do. The problem with listening to Druid suggestions from ranger players is their AI isn't coded very well and gets stuck a lot. On the contrary, that is what I meant in my original response to you. Having hopeful thoughts of the Druid becoming a team support competitively isn't possible because it shares the same kinds of problems that a Thief has trying to be like a Necromancer. You aren't understanding that the mechanics of Core Ranger and how Druid is currently designed, doesn't work out for competitive mode support play. If you haven't taken the 3 minutes to read through "why" in my signature link, you should. It explains everything, which is why I wrote it, for the event of someone wanting to discuss this exact topic. So instead of taking the apathic route and continuing to argue with everything the Druid mains say as a non Druid player, you should take the time to read that link. You'll understand where I'm coming from and what Druid mains are saying when they are trying to point out that Druid needs slight buffing in small areas, not a huge massive overhaul. Most Druid mains are fine with the way the class works mechanically/functionally. Some of us LIKE the way it works and do not want any overhauls. When we suggest small buffs, we are suggesting the idea of keeping Druid the same but making it viable again for what it is. Discussing class overhauls is another issue entirely. Some of us would love to see a major rework, but that is in the immediate, not what Druid mains are asking for. We are simply asking for small buffs in the immediate, so the class can work again. Two separate discussions, buffs vs. overhauls. This thread was a discussion about buffs not overhauls. Kind of important to point that out. Why would I click your link which no doubt contains some 2,000 word explanation when I already think most of your replies aren't worth reading and skim through if I need to for context? You don't have any insights that I consider worthwhile looking at like how you were making claims about ranger vs necro which were outright wrong which for a ranger main and memeber of the "enlightened community" only reinforces that idea. Druid mains like it now but who else likes druid and has ever liked fighting druid? AngelLovesFredrik.6741 said it best with "Honestly, I wouldn't hate to see Druid become decent again if the grandmasters all weren't complete cancer to play against. It's either blind spam or pulsing immob, neither is fun to play vs. Full cleanses and stealth reset was also peak gameplay." Which is the problem, druid has always been unfun, first it was insta rez with SaR, then reset every 10s with CA and CS and immob spam from AS until it was nerfed hard enough but the traits still remain ready to be unfun again. Funny the title says "Pokes Devs Can we help druid out?" I don't see anything that precludes reworks, yet again you miss the mark and reinforce what I said. Just remove Ancient Seed and celestial shadow..done, no ranger will miss them because Druid was supposed to be a support spec and it's not 100% viable atm, would that suffice ? That's one of the problems actually. It was balanced so heavily around Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow for so long, that those two trait selections are now completely mandatory for the Druid to be able to engage in combat at all. No joke here about this. The Druid is not functional without the 13 condi clear and stealth/super speed disengage between these two traits. Without the 13 condi clears it can't support enough personal sustain, and without the stealth/super speed the CA Kit actually does not work in competitive skirmish styled combat. Druid can do without Ancient Seeds, and it certainly can do with buffing to other traits, but it needs DC/CS to stay the way that they are now.I well remember this ideology because I was the one who made that 300+ posts thread where I suggested to remove Celestial shadow and Ancient seed, the logic behind my suggestions still stand : you cannot have skirmisher and support with the same build...all other builds offering a similar option have been heavily nerfed in the past , look Tempest and scrapper,whose dmg got cut heavily with time. Leave Druidic Clarity as it is but remove CS and AC and in their place add traits that yes improve the self sustain of druid to facilitate the role but at the same time we can't allow a druid to duel as good as a soulbeast or core ranger No Anet or the community will allow for the return of bunker druid and god forbid..I don't need any more dmg nerfs on pet or ranger itself ( already expecting nerfs to birds though )
  2. Regardless of who says it, the point still stands on its own: classes balanced to be viable without stealth shouldn't have access to it. Half of mirages selling point originally was the detarget mechanism built into some of its support skills. 'Like... come on people, look at how awesome it is, you can detarget yourself like once every 20 second, how cool and powerful is that?'I mean its almost half as good as equipping your DH/ranger with trapper runes, only it also comes with mobility and stealth(really makes you want to play mirage doesn't it). It devalues what mirage should have been, and it also totally breaks the theme for a class like guardian to stealth up every 5 seconds during combat. If a thief could spam aegis/protection as much as a trapper DH can stealth, wouldn't you say thats weird and not fitting for the class? Out of all the "delete this, delete that" threads which I usually disagree with, this is the only one I saw so far that's acutally justified. There are runes granting protection..should we remove those too if a thief starts using them? It's not a problem for DH to remove those runes...I have a big problem with these "remove this and that" parroting , I had enough of this BS trend now. The principle behind the thread is completely unfair but we can't deny the logic is based on..that's what I think. You could solve the issue by adding a 20s or so ICD ...that's all , no need to further limit the creativity of people in this game...or limit the runes to PvE only, it's time to stop removing stuff from the game and it's time to start fixing stuff which is long overdue
  3. Staff 1 auto hits like a CC skill that was nerfed to .01 coefficient, except it doesn't actually have a CC tied into it. The Staff is actually so bad that it couldn't hurt to toss it a few pick me ups such as:Staff 1 - Turn the damage up a little bit.Staff 2 - Keep it the same but add a 2 stacks of 1s of burn vs. the enemy that is tagged with the skill.Staff 3 - Give it the kitten evade frame back.Staff 4 - Rather than removing immob from yourself with the vines, the vines should bleed/poison/torment/immob for 1s each.Staff 5 - This can stay the same. ^ Even with changes like that, Shortbow stays the superior condi weapon and Dagger/Torch the superior condi swap. The Staff is primarily a survival tool and it doesn't need a ton of added damage, but it does need some damage added. Right now the Staff's damage output is so negligent that it may as well not have damage at all. It's almost as if .... It's designed to not do damage. But having a focus around support, mobility and mitigation. Kinda like Guardian staff. Honestly, I wouldn't hate to see Druid become decent again if the grandmasters all weren't complete cancer to play against. It's either blind spam or pulsing immob, neither is fun to play vs. Full cleanses and stealth reset was also peak gameplay. Agreed, I said it before in another thread, the problem is all supports in this game don't have niches or clear advantages and disadvantages vs each other. Druid should be a fast rotating focused healer/buffer/debuffer.Tempest a slow moving AoE healer and cleanse bot.Firebrand less healing than Tempest, slightly less AoE but brings more boons and active damage mitigation, also slow moving. It'd be hard balancing the latter 2 but Druid should be easy enough. Agree on the idea, but if you read the link in my signature, you'll see why that isn't going to ever happen for competitive modes. They would need to do a complete overhaul & rework from the ground up on Druid, if it was to be able to keep up with FB or Tempest as a viable combat support. The suggestions made in my signature are the closest thing you're going to find that would work, to turn Druid into fast rotating focused healer/buffer/debuffer. This is what I mean though, about Druid suggestions coming from players who do not play Druid. Everyone throws these philosophical based suggestions around the idea of "Making Druid the support it was supposed to be" and that's great but there is an incredible lack of understanding of how Druid actually works in those kinds of suggestions. It's kind of like if someone said: "I want a Thief that plays like a Necromancer" which for that to work, would require an entirely new specialization line with a lot of very weird utilities & weapon added, or a complete rework/overhaul from the ground up on one of the existing elite specs. So if Arenanet is not willing to overhaul the entire elite spec, it's time to accept what Druid is, and that is a 1v1 duelist or side node bunker. If you notice, all of the Druid players are looking at this differently than non Druid players. For the most part, Druid players are looking at it for what it is, and simply requesting that it is buffed out of the current state of complete ineptitude that Arenanet has left it in. An overhaul would be cool, but at this point Druid players are tired of wasting time with theorcraft reworks, and are settling on asking for well deserved buffing in small areas. It's almost as if the first iterations of most elite specs were janky and all over the place and missed their mark completely. If you think saying "druid should be the healer it was supposed to be" is in any way comparable to saying "I want a Thief that plays like a Necromancer" it only shows your complete lack of understand about mechanics. You cannot make a thief into a necro easily because of the mechanical difference between the two (stealth, mobility, 2nd health bar to name just a few blatantly obvious ones), you can however make a ranger into a healer, in fact you can make most classes into healers as it's a much broader category. Ranger already has great mobility, CA already heals with every skill it has, gut the disgusting parts that no-one enjoys and make it not able to 1v1 without losing like all other supports. Staff needs a tune up and the problem of "Invest into pet and self healing" to generate CA needs addressing but you don't shy away from the right choice because it's hard Mr Boyer, that's what cowards do. The problem with listening to Druid suggestions from ranger players is their AI isn't coded very well and gets stuck a lot. On the contrary, that is what I meant in my original response to you. Having hopeful thoughts of the Druid becoming a team support competitively isn't possible because it shares the same kinds of problems that a Thief has trying to be like a Necromancer. You aren't understanding that the mechanics of Core Ranger and how Druid is currently designed, doesn't work out for competitive mode support play. If you haven't taken the 3 minutes to read through "why" in my signature link, you should. It explains everything, which is why I wrote it, for the event of someone wanting to discuss this exact topic. So instead of taking the apathic route and continuing to argue with everything the Druid mains say as a non Druid player, you should take the time to read that link. You'll understand where I'm coming from and what Druid mains are saying when they are trying to point out that Druid needs slight buffing in small areas, not a huge massive overhaul. Most Druid mains are fine with the way the class works mechanically/functionally. Some of us LIKE the way it works and do not want any overhauls. When we suggest small buffs, we are suggesting the idea of keeping Druid the same but making it viable again for what it is. Discussing class overhauls is another issue entirely. Some of us would love to see a major rework, but that is in the immediate, not what Druid mains are asking for. We are simply asking for small buffs in the immediate, so the class can work again. Two separate discussions, buffs vs. overhauls. This thread was a discussion about buffs not overhauls. Kind of important to point that out. Why would I click your link which no doubt contains some 2,000 word explanation when I already think most of your replies aren't worth reading and skim through if I need to for context? You don't have any insights that I consider worthwhile looking at like how you were making claims about ranger vs necro which were outright wrong which for a ranger main and memeber of the "enlightened community" only reinforces that idea. Druid mains like it now but who else likes druid and has ever liked fighting druid? AngelLovesFredrik.6741 said it best with "Honestly, I wouldn't hate to see Druid become decent again if the grandmasters all weren't complete cancer to play against. It's either blind spam or pulsing immob, neither is fun to play vs. Full cleanses and stealth reset was also peak gameplay." Which is the problem, druid has always been unfun, first it was insta rez with SaR, then reset every 10s with CA and CS and immob spam from AS until it was nerfed hard enough but the traits still remain ready to be unfun again. Funny the title says "Pokes Devs Can we help druid out?" I don't see anything that precludes reworks, yet again you miss the mark and reinforce what I said.Just remove Ancient Seed and celestial shadow..done, no ranger will miss them because Druid was supposed to be a support spec and it's not 100% viable atm, would that suffice ?
  4. HAAAAA Well would you look at that guys? Stealth class be like : "rune of the trapper allow dragon hunters to hide important animations diminishing counterplay and I am like : " wasn't losing to stealth builds just a huge L2P issue accordingly to thieves and mesmers? " The kind of irony you only find within @Crab Fear.1624 threads.... Such hypocrisy ...it's a L2P issue as long as you're the one abusing it am I right?
  5. I don't like thieves, I don't like their design and most of their specs...got killed several times by P/D or P/P on occasion with all that said...can we please stop deleting specs/playstyles from the game? Apply changes where necessary...don't delete!-If it's instant...add cast time..don't just delete from the game-if it's too much dmg...lower it-too much condi burst...lower stacks and increase duration.... Just stop already with this "delete" mantra, I'd like to play this game for as long as possible
  6. Every iteration of Soulbeast from Sic 'Em snipers to the ridiculous bs that was the abomination of Boonbeast were truly awful. Boonbeast might very well hold the spot as the least balanced build the game has ever had. There has been a single set of Mesmer builds that were not completely unfun to play against since the game launched, and that's the various shatter burst builds. But since core there were the apex cancer PU clone death builds, then the esports killing chronobunker, condi mirage pre-nerf and then the return of chronobunker. I'll give you Warrior tho. The only times it's ever been out of line has been the condizerker skullcrack build we had a for a brief time in HoT and Rampage being too strong for a long time. The solution to all of these has been nerfs. And it is the right choice. Because buffing things to try and bring other builds up to the level of the mentioned builds at a large scale is just downright stupid. "Unfun" to fight against does not mean broken or overpowered. Anet needs to take off the baby gloves and force players to actually adapt. Some builds deserves to not exist in PvP because of their sheer design. Symbol-based guardian specs, scourge, renegade, perma stealth thieves and various immortal bunkers to name a few. Those builds for how annoying they are...they have weaknesses and while they may need some changes...they don't deserve to be deleted. Playstyles should be adapted not deleted, that's no way to balance a game! I mean do you want a single build for each class? Nerf where is necessary but don't destroy!
  7. Good Luck trying to make understand this to the whole "but but...that streamer run this build" generation...
  8. A bunker build that uses the adren health bug on longbow. Gee thanks. You shouldn't have. Huh? The bow burst has been there since launch along with hammer burst for adrenaline usage , the tools are there...use them!
  9. It does not! Yes warrior can win every single 1v1 if built for it ofc and when not it has the mobility to disengage....and yeah I do play warrior both in pvp and wvw
  10. I believe the complaints start when there is effectively nothing on your class that can help against a specific enemy, not necessarily the same build that worked against others...just the lack of tools overall to deal with another problem altogether
  11. Sometimes we get builds that make the game unfun for everybody but those using them, the end result of losing players it's exactly the same
  12. Condi builds tend to be more successful at lower levels where people merely copy/paste builds and don't actually learn their class...making it easy for condi burst to trash them around
  13. You might be right about that. Perhaps I'm screaming into a void, but it is as they say, nothing ventured nothing gained. I've spent a good part of my life playing games competetively, and along the way, I've learned a lot about myself. I've had to swallow a lot of hard facts. I'm glad I went through that though. It's helped me improve, not only at each respective game, but it helped shine light on the way I approach life. My experiences helped me improve as a person, and as a bonus, I made a few friends along the way. I'd like to share a bit of that knowledge that I gained with anyone who's willing to listen. If I was able to help even one person, perhaps someone who is on the fence and not quite sure where to go, then the 30-some minutes it took me to write this up were worth the investment. CMC is doing good work, but we need more people to chime in and give their input. Experienced players who know the ins and outs of PvP. We saw a bit of that with the interviews CMC took part in. Hopefully we can see more of that in the future. It helps to have a second and third opinion from someone who knows what they're talking about. Unfortunately, I don't know what can be done about player bias. Perhaps it can be used as a tool to gauge how frustrating or fair certain mechanics "feel" to play against. I'm no developer so I can't say how this information should most optimally be used. What I can do is speak on what I do know. How to keep a healthy competetive mindset. Experienced players are not less biased than the rest..actually they tend to be much more biased, their vested interest in the game is well known between streaming and tournies, they'll do and say whatever necessary to be on the winning side...
  14. What you find toxic..may just be what identifies the class in this MMO, in the end this is a game with 9 different professions and what you may find "toxic" to play against may well be what makes your opponent class interesting to play. People tend to think selfishly at their own fun...what about other players who bought the game like you? Let's say you play a class with high HP which allow you to play a certain way, now your opponent plays a class with less base HP and ofc for compensation this class will have strong defensive mechanics that you may find...toxic to go against, if your opponent class can't stand a chance against you while putting equal amount of effort....well the game will stops being fun to play for your enemy, don't you think that's unfair?
  15. That's like ..every GW2 player ever, put them at the receiving end of the builds they use while using a different profession or build themselves..and they will change their "music list" on the forum
  16. If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. These are facts. @Thornwolf.9721 said: If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. Warrior has more tools, and is more reliable. It also has strong CC and can easily our pressure a revThis is an opinion.@Thornwolf.9721 said: If infused light gets nerfed, defiant stance better as well since they are literally the same skill just about..War has 1 healing skill, revs has 2. Infused light is rev's best heal because the others are kinda bleh most of the time. (This wouldn't be an issue if rev had more weapons they could reliably use.)Infuse light is only the best because it s broken. Infuse light on berzerker could rival with kalla heal on mender.The average healing skills on 30s cd are around 5k heal. "The others" heal for 5k-6k. They re not "meh". They re just being outshined. Lmfao alright so I swapped to warrior a while ago, and I have no issue stomping revenants. And I use defiant stance. I also use shake it off and basically just out box and overpower them. Its not opinion you're just unwilling to let your specific narrative rest, because im all for removing Infused light completely and replacing it with something more fun. As a spellbreaker/core warrior Rev's are not an issue especially when you know how they play, plus I can out burst them with duel axes any day as well use shield for reliable blocks, or warhorn for buffs. Duel daggers shut them down with boon cleave and interrupts and paired with my CC and Condi-cleanse condi rev is a clown on legs. And power rev is a baby me with less tools, so again. They have two heals and two sets of utilities MOST of which are garbo, and most of their heals are garbo with their weapons being primarily garbo and they all run about the same thing because its all they really can run. So being pigeon-holed with no choice in your utilities and your utilities most of the time equating to joke skills that honestly don't compare to the impact of other classes half the time and there ya go. Infused light is not the problem, the problem is people being unwilling to learn the class and its weakness's/strengths. And the propagation that they are an issue when you have other classes out there who literally do everything they can do better. I feel guardian is BY far the biggest offender of being broken with tons of Aegis and tons of other tools, they are bloated out the window and can run just about anything. Rev needs some reworks/fixes/changes and I mean the only reason condi-mallyx is being played as much regardless of if its core or herald is because its kind of easy to understand. And its efficient at its job and can do good work, where as power right now feels horrible and lacks a lot of fun and is more of a meme of what "balanced" means to be fair. So get out of my face with your bias, I was a rev main and now that my fave class is in this state im going back to other classes who can do what they do better and honestly there are quite a few. (Its also why im not playing a lot right now, because its just not fun..) Plus infused light only works because YOU KEEP HITTING THE DANG REV. It turns all the damage you receive into healing which is the exact same skill warrior has in defiant stance, both of which only work if you keep hitting them.. So when you see the strands of light swirl into them and notice that they are healing stop wacking them and get away. Can't heal if you're not hit. war is the weakest class in the game, rev is potentially the strongest Warrior is by far not as weak as ppl want to make it. Some other builds need nerfs which share same role in conquest but Warrior is far away from any need of buffs.Buffing wars would be so wrong on so many levels, for once I agree with you
  17. When you say stuff like this it becomes apparent you speak on things you don’t really know about. Sure! It's not near the staple in meta teams in high tier play cuz it's in such a great place. Thanks for setting me straight.It is....simply because you can't play it, doesn't mean much
  18. I hope the message helps you out, there is more if you want to know
  19. Being able to play more than one class is the way to the top.....playing a single class only lead to personal bias
  20. I like posts like this, spreading misinformation about 'nother class outside a thread's context. You clearly have no idea about ranger's rotations. He's not wrong entirely : I have 9k hrs on ele and 3.5k hrs on ranger and I can easily say that ranger is way easier to get results with as I can get results from any fight in any way I want, if I am losing mele..I can range with pets or axe-bow and win for example. In WvW the discrepancy between ele and ranger is much less apparent even if still present while in PvP....if you're good with ele, you can go far even plat with not many problems....but if you've just started no....I would not recommend to play ele..no point whatsoever in PvP unless you're ready to put down real effort
  21. Guardian has blocks that enhance the lifespan behind the 11k HP wall while thieves have stealth and 1200 range insta teleport disengage..ele has....heals? And please don't start mentioning "evades" like every weapon skill on ele has evades in it or every ele traitlines is weaver. On ele you will end up facetanking a great deal of dmg, because it can't either be avoided or your couple of evade skill or long CD block utility are unusable
  22. -offers the most hybrid solution as you can use 3 traitlines as you fit, your pets have no penalties-Sb can be built more tanky or more mobile compared to core while being less flexible-Druid..only really usable in wvw because both CA and AS got unnerfed CD, with that said, it has less mobility and durability than core/sb but offers biggest condi spike thx to AS so perfect for insta doom as +1
  23. No need to imagine, you can create a Druid and try it for yourself. I will have to disagree with you..-we use a full minstrel scrapper like metabattle http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlNwcYesH2JeyTnNAA-zVJYjRBfJ47A-w-the we use a full minstrel druid using same stats http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POQAYhNsFYSthC-zVJYjRBfJ47A-w-finally let's use a full minstrel tempest http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAg2eASItfA-zVJYjRDfJ47A-w In terms of raw healing numbers, the druid is far ahead tempest and scrapper , the problem with druid is certainly not the healing output but rather the utility they bring and how they are held back by the pet dying all the times during zerg fight, if only anet could solve these issues...oh my ...druid would be magnificent
  24. The main difference is that a druid can survive on his own outside the zerg if caught off guard...while a tempest/scrappers won't be as lucky, I'd argue that they can heal better , but to each his own
  25. 4 pages of this thread is just 3 people going at each others..lol..
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