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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. It's just stupid...you must either revert part of the dmg nerf or substantially nerf sustain of condi rev-necro
  2. Ele virtually does zero dmg outside burning...they have nothing left as they nerfed even arcane skill already low dmg, now you deal 600 dmg with utilities meant for dmg while a ranger pet deal 5x more dmg...yet people want more nerfs on ele...the class can't kill anything outside silver at this point
  3. I pray that won't be the case, I sincerely hope necros will remain as strong as now..if anything with the necessary changes, I am tired of seeing classes butchered because of unnecessary nerfs, I look at my ele and realize that nobody should go through the same levels of frustration and anger seeing all your investments go up in smoke
  4. Sorry to break your bubble but...they nerfed everything on weaver that allowed to kill people ... ...they removed the passive toughness minor when switching to earth ( while the same concept has been left for guardians and warrior ..biased devs)....they nerfed fire traitline by reducing to 1 Burning rage spike.....they increased CD of riptide ( while decreasing healing ) and earthen vortex...they nerfed dmg on flame uprising the only "hard hitting" skill on the whole sword...they nerfed lava skin dmg....they nerfed primordal stance dmg...they nerfed Twist of fast by increasing the CD tenfold.....and they nerfed every damn thing on this class that allowed you to kill anything outside silver/bronze heroes
  5. I won't miss the staff camper while clones do all the work gameplay, say what you want..it was easy peazy gameplay with maximum reward and every one and their mother unable to win the normal way would do the same thing over and over : switch to condi mirage to win duels and now you're trying to tell me those individuals capable of winning only on condi mirages and nothing else( they could not even run power shatter without being killed)....were in truth skilled individuals...give me a break already! P.S The playerbase would campaign for the removal of Infinite horizon if the dodge drawback get reverted
  6. Sadly there are still few try hard who play ele so the message will never get across...the best shot at good changes would be if nobody plays ele anymore at this point...but alas, the try hard with their burning heal bot are here to stay
  7. Shortbow is far from being trash and conid ranger is viable now more than before thx to direct dmg nerf....so condi ranger is viable ...the OP is wrong. Shortbow wasn’t viable before the balance patch and it also saw nerfs so it’s not viable now. I fought a trapper Druid using a shortbow inside an enemy camp and the guards were more of a threat than the player, thats how trash the weapon is.Your anecdotal experience does not count as evidence, I fought and beaten all rangers SB or core using exactly trapper druid after the patch, it's a matter of gameplay and personal skill..guess the druid you defeated was as good as the core/sb I fought
  8. Shortbow is far from being trash and conid ranger is viable now more than before thx to direct dmg nerf....so condi ranger is viable ...the OP is wrong.
  9. People have been giving ideas for the last 8 years...you get laughed at....but you still hold faith in this company.....the class is a complete joke
  10. We should lower everybody sustain and dmg till thief mains can go in and kill everything by simply looking at them
  11. Core engi is one of the worst core alongside core ele and maybe core mesmer, all the rest have fairly strong core options, so much they can compete with elite versions
  12. Stealth is equally as OP...DE still around but people will call you out with L2P comments
  13. If not for condis....the same OP would come here asking for nerfs on glass burst..wanna bet? From the looks of it, players here either ask to nerf condi dmg or power burst accordingly to what their build is weak to . Given the reduction in direct dmg I would expect every thief to jump guns on the very thing which still pose a threat to them...condi dmg
  14. You have been whining about : ele-guardian-rev-necro-ranger for now...do realize that here the only problem is you , stop making whine thread every time you die in pvp, how many more whine threads will you make before you decide to put some effort in getting better rather than expecting everything to be handed on a silver plate and spoon fed to you? you made already half dozen whine threads give it a rest already!
  15. Well over 130 hits from condi dmg...do you know where the dodge button is? Can you actually link the build used in that match?
  16. Is "a single pet" even a valid trade off?.......Really ranger mains should politely leave the room...to go and pray to the Dev at Anet who honestly just love the class. The class is freaking amazing right now compared to others like ele, warrior, engi.....you have it good guys, just be silent and try to get as little attention as possible
  17. A sensible remark from well known ranger main...it's surely welcome
  18. The base HP is not even the problem, I can play a 12k core guard with zero problems...because I have the gameplay options to support it! I have that level of dmg mitigation I need to play with that little HP, something like that it's completely missing from ele. As @rng.1024 said, you need heavy stats investments on ele to accomplish anything but you can only do one thing at once...you either survive or you do dmg but on all other professions I can do both, it's like the class is stuck at 2012.
  19. I want to say that I played ele for well over 8k hrs , in the past I was an avid pvper and managed to obtain few exclusives titles from ranked; I duelled extensively on this class from pvp to wvw but that's not what I am for. Your assumption that somebody need to be "good" to full enjoy a class....would be correct in a game where you're rewarded for your efforts , but it's not the case in GW2, on ele you have access to less boons and conditions than other classes, lower dmg coefficients and at the end of a combo chain you're "rewarded" with as much dmg as any other class pressing a single button from safe distance. Before even setting my foot in a pvp/wvw environment I need to make sure that my healing power/vitality are at least enough to secure valid gameplay...let alone doing enough pressure to do anything. The whole premise of the class is BS
  20. Stop embarrassing yourself with these thread about soulbeast already and learn to adapt...the class is plenty strong and you have no room for complain when you have the tools to avoid the fight and run away, swallow your pride and lower your ego, do realize that not everything walking in wvw is there for you to prey on. Happy ranger player here, just try to look outside your pewpew and run gimmick...and you'll see the tools to survive the encounter are there
  21. What's even more astounding is he's on multiple occasions been upvoted heavily on the ranger subsection, notably when soulbeast was OP while defending it. Notably when I've commented about skilled play or the lack thereof. Not only is it pretty obvious he has almost no basis of argument, but that a LOT of people seem to as well. The Ranger sub is the worst victim echo chamber on this forum. I doubt if anyone that posts there regularly has ever suggested something might be over performing or in need of adjustment. I used to main Ranger some time ago and I learned to avoid that sub because it never seems to have anything constructive to discuss outside of occasional build threads. Multiclass player here with 3.2k hrs on ranger. Yes the ranger subforum is still exactly as you describe and I am one of the few who ever dared to challenge their vision of "balance" and specifically with two threads : one was about druid being OP at the times and another one later about Boonbeast, in both I was advocating for nerfs in sustain ( which eventually came as I predicted ) with that said...you're not less biased than ranger players by suggesting to nerf troll unguent from 8s to 6s, not only we're talking about a heal for second heal ( which can so be easily neutered by burst dmg ) but also it had its CD increased just days ago. Other than main heal, a ranger hasn't got any source of heal burst like say a guardian or warrior or even revs , the class relies on a synergy of evades and couple sources of low regen, without those...ranger would be basically a free kill , I mean on core guard or some DH variant I can already give a run for their money to above average rangers, while massacring bad/below average ones. I have always advocated for a closure of the official forum, the devs should rely more on in house testing and beta access to selected and trusted individuals
  22. Heard about the bug...you need around 500 healing for that 600 hps....nothing to worry on ranger even after that get fixed
  23. ....Soulbeast is fine, a more tailored gameplay style using different pets and weapon combos, core and druid are played differently
  24. That's why ele is a shit design still promoted by its playerbase. Nerf everything down to ele level....aka reduce everything to what? : healbot slow dance with some condi dmg as it was during high cele era and recently revamped condi dmg? or one shot air gimmick dance? Ele has conceptual problems and surely OF is now what made the class unplayable suddenly....always was unplayable, but players were blinded by the glittering of their condi healbot to fully realize that
  25. This is the pvp forum..majority of people voting in this clown fiestas are a little above silver in terms of real skill N.D I have picked core necro but really it can be a tad oppressive atm when played by exceptional individuals with knowledge of other classes..outside their necro and even in that case they can be dealt with or at worst he will win with very little health to spare, so nothing to write a book about...s.ame with FB, majority are mantra spammers hoping their axe pull works...again nothing that cannot be dealt with when used by average ones..which is all I have encountered so far, I may lose to great FB but again...I don't delude myself in thinking I can win every duel or battle I fight
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