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Everything posted by ArthurDent.9538

  1. I guess I could see herald getting a trait rework for burning based on the theme of dragon fire. As it currently stands the specialization provides a mix of power dps, boon support and durability skills/traits. It ultimately doesn't have elements that would contribute to a max damage condi build hence why it's used as a defensive line when condi revs do use it.
  2. At some point you need to look at yourself and say "I am bad at this game and I should work to improve myself rather than blaming all my failings on balance". And this goes to a huge amount of people in this forum.
  3. Tybalt was trash even before the change, use Grymm instead.
  4. If you actually believe that that then I would say you have a very short memory.
  5. Anet has been dumbing down their game for over a year, this is nothing exclusive to rev/thief; these were just classes that had much higher skill floors/caps and the gap has shrunk. Despite all the mediocre players applauding every nerf as people now needing skill instead of being carried by "broken mechanics" the game is way less skillful then it has ever been with a continuously shrinking gap between the effectiveness of the best players and the wholely unremarkable ones.
  6. Hmm those have been discusse they do that low dmg because they cc too. So either remove the cc and raise the dmg or vice versa. Anyways this post is for him to try and make a dps guard build in this meta NOT for other problems in pvp. Why anyone ever thought that the a binary procedure of if skill has stun, knockdown, knockback, launch, or pull then power coeficient = .01 was ever a good idea in a game with so many variables is crazy. That he was made the sole head of pvp balance and people actually agree with him is absurd. There are so many parameters to most skills like cast times, CDs, resource requirements, hitboxes, tons of potential for baked in utility, which should all be considered wholistically instead of the stupidity that has gone on over a year. Maybe we should make all skills do negligible damage if they have any sort of utility tied to them at all, that'll make this game more fun /s.
  7. Because I'm looking ahead.I can see for a fact that things like Inspiring Reinforcement will definitely be slapped with a 12s cooldown, things like CtA also get slapped with a 12s cooldown, and in general they are ever going to balance Rev by slapping cooldowns on things which were designed to run on a Energy cost + small cooldown system. Might as well rework it, because if yu have to keep patching a system with bandaids, the system is the problem.For the love of god, we already have a bunch of Elite skills barely used already due to how cost inefficient to use them. Rev either has to have an Energy rework, or Weapon skills not costing Energy if yu wanna keep the current formula.No other Profession actively kills their own ability to do EVERYTHING by pressing 1 button like Revenant. Don't rework it, just stop letting cmc run his extremely detrimental and short sighted agenda and reassign him to something where he can no longer destroy class identity by homogenizing everything in the name of "balance".
  8. Gone over a whole year of basically nothing but nerfs mainly increased cool downs and damage reductions to bring game play to a slow boring crawl and the plan going forward is to just keep nerfing. Decap meta is a symptom of overnerfing where nothing else does stuff, so you play player vs point instead of player vs player. Lessons have not been learned, you won't speed the game up again until you start actually letting people use their non auto attack skills with reasonable regularity. Really the game is more spammy than ever because you run out of skills to use so fast then just spam whatever comes off cool down first since there is nothing else to chose from other than autoing. But yeah moar nurfs totally making game more fun. Also just cut to the chase and remove all amulets other than berserker and sinister because defensive stats on gear are totally the root cause of the boring gameplay.
  9. Just picking this one up: It is instant. The facet is not instant, but IL is. It can be activated during CC, any AoE, when any unstowable animation is running. Actually, if revenant does not get significant healing from this skill, the revenant deserve to stay in pleb tier. Switch the cast time from the facet to IL and the skill is fine. Bringing it actually in line with Defiant Stance. Yes, defiant stance that skill which despite having a few major advantages over infuse light has always been trash tier and never sees serious use, bring it in line with that. People are doing this all the time, a certain skill on one class that people actually use is similar to trash skill on another class that no one uses, and call for it to be nerfed down to the weaker skills level effectively deleting it. For instance all the people that compare various dps utilities to arcane blast/wave/power, those skills are trash currently, using them as a baseline for balancing dps utilities is dumb, balancing infuse light around defiant stance is dumb.
  10. A support sitting alone on node gets the same value as a dedicated side noder. Difference being if the fight scales up as players rotate in, support gains way more value by not being a selfish tank spec (aka side noder). So the point is is that supports simply have much more value than any sort of dueling focused sidenoder currently.
  11. Herald glassy? Herald is not a problem spec...it hasn't been for quite a long time after the off hand sword dmg nerf, what you're complaining about must be renegade running Jalis/shiro or Jalis/Mallyx for PvP....in WvW we have condi herald which still hasn't received nerfs like the PvP counterpart but.......overall both specs become an issue majorly when in company, they can be dealt with somehow on their own Also you said that heralds are not the problem....did you notice how TOP teams run double renegade and not double herald?....There is a reason for that.... Im not gold, ik what im talking about. If i said herald, i mean herald not rene.Idc about wvw. Main problem is infuse light - full hp back and not taking damage for seconds. Also im not talking about 1v1 but teamfight and too fast +1 (tp through wall) Not interested in your rank.... Smart revs will use IL as a semi-invulnerability during teamfights or to avoid certain death, all professions have that sort of skills, do realize that once a herald use IL and does that at the wrong time, it will have close to no defenses against a sudden condi/power burst ( save swapping to shiro and stunbreak/dodge) Maybe this video will help you out...but I still suggest to make a rev yourself to learn main mechanics/CD...it's just 3 main builds to learn so it's not hard. Don't take me wrong I make nerf threads too from time to time but I always target specific traits/skill doing more than they need to to do for their intended purpose, other than that I play all professions minus thieves and mesmers which I fought to death for hours, each time I log in...for the last 8 years so I memorized their CD/skill/animation by proxy. There are things to tone down on rev atm like renegade and condi rev( few changes to wvw version) but power herald is pretty much where it should be, the difference between a good and bad rev is like night and day Pls understand.... i can 1v1 any rev but if another 2 port through wall to me im dead. If there are 2-3 revs in team you cant have a single 1v1 fight. Herald has better healing skill, better burst, another stun.. thats why herald is bigger problem than renegadeSo in a balanced world how many heralds should be required to kill you? Because this comment seems to indicate you think it should take at least 4 with the element of surprise included.
  12. There are builds that can kill support tempest 1v1. And that is a large part of why tempest has been phased out of the meta.
  13. That's because shiro is supposed to be compatibile with assassin playstyle, which usually isn't exactly aoe focused by design (right?). Seems you just want "everything rev can pick to do everything all-around". I disagree with that justification for buffs. No, not just for rev, but for other classes in general as well. You missed the point which is that if shiro is focused on single target damage, why is it's single target damage barely higher than the single target damage of Jalis (the tanky + aoe damage legend). Shiro is failing to fill the single target damage roll hence why dps power revenant builds have always been bottom tier with only pseudo support builds being competitive. Personally I would rather anet gut all the other dps builds down to be on par with power herald's 32k benchmark than bringing power herald up to their level, but either would be better than maintaining the rediculous gap in damage potential we have currently. Cool, but we also know how rev works, right? So what's the solution here? Buff shiro's single target dmg slightly and nerf other stances it can be paired with? One way or the other, I don't think the solution should be to "let everything do more". No, you don't nerf anything on glint shiro damage wise because it is already under performing in general. This isn't a case of "everything do more", this is just bringing up a heavily outclassed spec closer to the performance level of all the other power dps builds which all do way more damage than power herald often with just as good or better team support and utility. That is balance. This was his argument:"If there is a battle that has at least 50% of the fight more than 1 target, then shiro does less damage with Impossible odds than Jalis with the hammers." So don't tell me "it wasn't about this", when it was about this. And yeah, I guess nerf the dmg of a stance that's supposed to be tanky so it doesn't outperform the dps ones. You keep missing the big picture. The fact that jalis does similar single target dps to shiro is to demonstrate how underpowered shiro is when we consider power chronos, soulbeasts, weavers, daredevils, berserkers, holosmiths, dragon hunters, deadeyes, even reapers all doing 10 to 30% more dps under the same conditions than any power herald variants. Stop thinking in terms of only revenant, revenant power damage is simply lower than all the other than all the other classes regardless of build/rotation.
  14. That's because shiro is supposed to be compatibile with assassin playstyle, which usually isn't exactly aoe focused by design (right?). Seems you just want "everything rev can pick to do everything all-around". I disagree with that justification for buffs. No, not just for rev, but for other classes in general as well. You missed the point which is that if shiro is focused on single target damage, why is it's single target damage barely higher than the single target damage of Jalis (the tanky + aoe damage legend). Shiro is failing to fill the single target damage roll hence why dps power revenant builds have always been bottom tier with only pseudo support builds being competitive. Personally I would rather anet gut all the other dps builds down to be on par with power herald's 32k benchmark than bringing power herald up to their level, but either would be better than maintaining the rediculous gap in damage potential we have currently. Cool, but we also know how rev works, right? So what's the solution here? Buff shiro's single target dmg slightly and nerf other stances it can be paired with? One way or the other, I don't think the solution should be to "let everything do more". No, you don't nerf anything on glint shiro damage wise because it is already under performing in general. This isn't a case of "everything do more", this is just bringing up a heavily outclassed spec closer to the performance level of all the other power dps builds which all do way more damage than power herald often with just as good or better team support and utility. That is balance.
  15. That's because shiro is supposed to be compatibile with assassin playstyle, which usually isn't exactly aoe focused by design (right?). Seems you just want "everything rev can pick to do everything all-around". I disagree with that justification for buffs. No, not just for rev, but for other classes in general as well. You missed the point which is that if shiro is focused on single target damage, why is it's single target damage barely higher than the single target damage of Jalis (the tanky + aoe damage legend). Shiro is failing to fill the single target damage roll hence why dps power revenant builds have always been bottom tier with only pseudo support builds being competitive. Personally I would rather anet gut all the other dps builds down to be on par with power herald's 32k benchmark than bringing power herald up to their level, but either would be better than maintaining the rediculous gap in damage potential we have currently.
  16. Can't wait to see another mat without power heralds seeing any use on competitive teams while clueless people continue to complain about spamable jade winds. Btw dh is still far more competitive at top tier than power herald is, so don't even start with that it's not viable past gold bs.
  17. Get rid of auto targeting. You can try the toggle auto targeting key bind but that's a easy to reach key wasted on something useless and probably will have issues where you lose track of whether it is toggled on or off.
  18. This is straight up a lie. I have videos to show otherwise...do you want force me to upload videos on youtubes after processing them and prove you wrong?a single sword of justice summon can down a light/medium golem on its ownYou need a full FGS rotation to down a medium golem...and we're talking about an elite He said, the sword alone is better damage than zerk fgs. I can guarantee you I'll get more dmg out of fgs in a 16s duration (time to cast all 4 swords) than the burning from sword.Not to mention it's apples to oranges. SoJ is a pure dps utility while fgs has damage + evade + mobility. Also comparing utility skill to elite skill where despite the names, utility slots are generally more important than elite slots. Lastly people don't even use fgs for the most part anyways, saying SoJ is op because it's "better" than a skill on another class which doesn't really see use currently is just stupid.
  19. And I think what you mentioned is the main reason that mesmer is a bad design: almost all the burt: shatters, jaunt are instant cast. If you use your oglers and standard models you will see that fear mark is the only mark that has an animation where staff is thrust away from the necro with their right hand as opposed to the waving offhand gestures of the other marks. There's a pretty big difference of waving an empty left hand and thrusting a right handed staff in a dramatic gesture. I'm not even a necro player I just watch my target. So you dont check other opponents around you? The boons and condis the necro has? And the situations about other nodes in the minimap?You can say this about any telegraph, THAT IS NOT A PROBLEM. Just because you miss something while paying attention to other things is not a bad thing, you aren't supposed to avoid all key skills all the time. If you pay close attention you can avoid fear mark if you don't then you might get hit, this is not a balance problem. If you are in a situation where getting hit by fear mark will get you killed you better pay attention or be smarter and don't get in that situation.
  20. Yay more normalization where choices just don't matter because everything is the same. Puke
  21. Sure here is a video I made recently. exactly 10 minutes into the video I ambushed by an high rank d/p thief. Although I did defeat the thief in both fights, I think its pretty clear that the thief lost almost by choice. What I mean is, the thief is able to reset over and over trying to get a burst. At the same time, on Mirage my clones run around and almost never actually make contact. The actual kill on the thief is very short using confusion, which is NOT easy. Most of the time these fights go to the thief. Exactly 10 minutes into the video my fight with a d/p DD starts. The clip right after is the DDs 2nd attempt which also fails. Are you sure this is the video you wanted to show? It seems to me like it shows that even against Thieves best matchup by a wide margin, condi mesmer (Plasma is OP), the thief had absolutely no hope of ever killing you. The best he could do is run away and survive, and if he stayed to fight, he would always have died, as he did in the end. And thats even against a player clicking their skills, which is highly inefficient to the point of giving the thief a massive advantage he usually wont have in a fight. Now of course, this is in WvW, not sPvP, so thieves advantage of being the fastest decapper and +1er is non-existent, and yeah, thief isnt any good in WvW, hence why despite the inherent popularity of rogue classes, nowadays you dont see a lot of thieves in WvW. I wish I could play the easy mode too but I don't like thief :( I get the feeling you replied to the wrong thing? I mean then again, it seems youre just the newest flavour of burnfall, blind hatred of thief while simultaniously having clearly no clue about thief whatsoever. Again: played thief, left it early on 'cause it was unpunishable and I was disgusted by how deeply easy and with no depth the gameplay was. Thief players on this forum act as if stealth into backstab for 15 minutes until someone dies is high skill cap, I renew my invitation to play a real class -any real class- and see if you can get away with the kitten thief lets you do. Mate I've not even been playing thief in over a year. Im an Engineer player (core engineer specifically, which I'd wager is one of the hardest builds around in general). Thief aint easy. Easier than Engineer, yes, but anything that isnt some ele builds is easier than Engineer. Someone has yet to explain in which universe stealth into backstab for 15 minutes is high skill cap, 'cause for the life of me I can't understand it. Because thats just one tiny thing of the many things thief does? Thats like saying "Someone has yet to explain in which universe Plasma Beam into Arcane Blast and Lightning Strike for 15 minutes is high skill cap, 'cause for the life of me I can't understand it." Or hell, Prestige into Cry of Frustration. Because its a stupid statement meant by someone who clearly fails to understand even the absolute fundamentals of thief. Try failing a burst with a d\p thief, then try failing a burst with a fresh air ele, come back to this forum and report to the rest of the community what happens when you fail and CAN'T reset 100 times. tRy FaiLiNg a BuRsT oN D/P tHiEF anD tHeN Go BuTtOn MaSH oN NeCRo foR 2000% MoRe DaMaGe aNd MoRe SurViVabIliTY, CoMe BacK To ThIs FoRuM aNd RePoRt To ThE ReSt oF the CoMMuNi... CoMmMuni... CoMmUniTttty WhaT HapPenS WhEn yoU faIl and CaN"T ReSet 100 TimEs how'd I do? Imagine thinking necro has better survivability than thief. Good times. You think the class with the biggest health pool + a second health pool doesn't have the highest survivability? Please hook me up with your plug. When we consider the lowest level of play where people don't know how to use defensive tools, sure Necro has more surviveability then thief. Every where else thief is more survivable because it's tools to avoid damage far exceed all other classes, only lacking a way to contest node without giving up it's near invincibility.
  22. There is nothing in herald that would give it more damage than a renegade other than f2 transfer which is situational especially in pve like what op is doing. Ren has more damage, herald has some interesting mostly defensive utility.
  23. ty for advice mister rev or better say " REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DON'T NERF ME REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE " :joy: I didn't give you any advice I just told you about how the meta is for competent players. Like just watch any of the monthly at's for the past 6 or so months power herald simply isn't used by pretty much any of the teams that make top 8 for either region. Condi herald was heavily used a few months ago but was heavily gutted down to a niche pick to counter stoneheart tempest and now burn guard. You can continue complaining about barely viable builds or you can accept that you are bad and work to get better. As for me I only play herald now for fun or to counter stacked burn guards as renegade is much stronger overall currently.
  24. Power herald has been out of the meta for several months now only good for stomping baddies and condi herald is only really used to deal with the burn guardians popping up everywhere lately. If you are struggling against heralds you are either a cheesy burn guard or have big l2p issues.
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