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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. There are scenarios when you have to make decisions that have some players leaving, no matter how you decide (or even if you don't decide at all). As hard as it is, sometimes trying to keep a certain player (or group of players) playing the game is more expensive than accepting the loss of said player(s). So cut off all the raiders, cut off all the fractal lovers, cut off all the WvWers, cut off all the PvPers from hoping for new content to make cosmetics which just becomes some skin to a collection? That's a brilliant strategy for a well thought recipe that promotes failure! Anything that stifles development in a mode is effectively bad, for one thing I was disappointed that we didn't get a new open world map and instead got an instance last patch, just for the sake of strikes? Now there's a new element to focus on, so we have strikes, pvp, raids, open world, wvw, and fractals to focus on. WvW already attacked by a rocket launcher so...............Read what I wrote. It depends. It depends on a variety of factors.There are many shades of grey between black and white.
  2. There are scenarios when you have to make decisions that have some players leaving, no matter how you decide (or even if you don't decide at all). As hard as it is, sometimes trying to keep a certain player (or group of players) playing the game is more expensive than accepting the loss of said player(s).
  3. To me that's what puts GW2 above its competitors: this game offers me a lot of different ways to have fun without forcing me to do any specific content. I don't need to play contend I don't enjoy just to be able to access content I do enjoy. I can pick and choose what to do purely on the base of what I enjoy. I can even choose the challenge level I feel like tackling. This game holds a lot of content I can tailor to my needs by imposing my own challenges. To take this into the realm of 10-man content, if what's there isn't enough for you, you can join public strikes and see how good you are at working with strangers who might have different knowledge, skill level, or even prefer different strategies to tackle the instance. Put up a raid lfg and learn to adjust your strategy to a mix of playstyles rather than being a one-trick pony that can only succeed in a pre-built setup that requires participantes to perform a preconceived ballet of fixed moves and rotations they have learned by heart. The real challenge this game offers is in cooperating with others and adjusting to different groups and setups, not learning just one meta choreography deemed by one of the prominent raid guilds to be the be-all and end-all of doing said content.
  4. 28+5 chests here (main+alt account), 2+0 skins. Drop rate seems ok, high enough to have a chance to get one, but much higher would quickly turn them into useless junk.
  5. They need to catch up so they also can get some rewards and skins from the chests. Not being able to catch up might discourage new players from starting the game. On the other hand not increasing the cap is not a big deal since most players play it for fun and the few players that want the cap incresed would only login for their daily. (And not really actively playing the game anymore.) I haven't seen a valid reason for increasing the cap. (But just too many reasons against an increase.) I mean "cuz I want it" is no real reason. I want tons of legendaries for free and I'm not getting then and I'm still playing the game - for fun. (Instead of making a thread to ask them to give me stuff.) Those players basically are like "I need to prove myself to others online by showing them my increasing AP numbers. Give me an easy reason to further increase them cause I'm too lazy to actually play the game and do the real permanent achievements." Instead of being grateful that there have been some dailies that allowed them to get 15k AP by just logging in for 15 minutes. As a workaround previously in the thread I suggested to add a 2nd AP count (without cap) that could increase the total AP used for the toplist - while not counting for the achievement chests (and skins and gems given out there). I did not get many comments on that so far though. That would satisfy the "I need to get more easy AP to show off" people while still others could catch up on rewards and the rewards after 15k AP wouldn't be given out that cheap. Should satisfy everyone since I personally don't care about the numbers but the rewards associated with it are a problem. Just for showing off the numbers it is okay to give it to those people that need it to feel good and happy in life. Increasing the cap is still increasing the cap, whether it is 1, 2 or 10.Plus the skins in the ap rewards are not "end" rewards. You get a new chest every 500ap, and the more ap the top players have, the more rewards, including new skins, will be introduced. Increasing the cap will do nothing but inflate the rate of ap gain of the top players, thus introducing skins that are even more out of reach of newer players (by requiring them to grab even more daily ap before they reach the "end").
  6. Honestly, dailies already give a bunch of goodies beyond ap, and the daily ap cap already is very generous. There's lots of daily activities you can participate in that give different kinds of bonus rewards. I see no reason whatsoever to attach more "motivation" to some of the most mundane activities this game has to offer, especially if it leads people to grind this over actually playing a variety of content and picking up permanent ap along the way.
  7. Not if you want to be able to get the Furniture Coins or the new Glitch.The glitch (and the furniture store it's right next to) can be reached easily via the shortcut eagle. Just jump off the cliff once the eagle deposits you on top of the bell, and you'll respawn at the checkpoint before the shop/glitch, skipping most of the zone.
  8. Plenty of people have gotten the torch to drop, but as always, it's random. Looks like you were extremely unlucky this time around, but the general droprate does not seem to be different than other blc exclusives.
  9. That...would actually make a weird kind of sense, which is pretty much the only kind of sense you'll get in SAB. The scene through the glitch portals definitely looks like the cavern with the genie in it which used to be a World 3 preview, so it seems likely they're coming from World 3. Whether that hints at more is hard to tell, but it would be a strange thing to add if it wasn't building to something, it reminds me of a lot of the Current Events stuff which tied into living world releases.The one thing that irritates me about this theory is that the miners are choya. We had the w3 preview back in 2013 with the Back to School release, but didn't encounter choya until years later with Path of Fire. Of course it's alway possible that part of the assets (glitches, crystals) were prototyped for w3 back then, and they threw in choya because of Gourdon becoming the festival mascot, but at least to me the choya hint at the fact that at least part of this is a much more recent development. Maybe the idea for the storyline existed as a draft back then, and they've taken it up and fleshed it out with new assets just now? I'd love to have the storyline back (preferably replayable, so I can see it again after so many years) and expanded upon, so if this is the way they want to go, I'm in :) .
  10. As such, it will harm the "casual or average" player. It will tilt the distribution of rewards, even if just in a tiny way. It will lead to more people speed-running dungeons, jumping puzzles, whatever, and those people will interact with the ones just there to enjoy the scenery, ignoring those who have fallen to their death in a jp, or being unfriendly towards the inexperienced in their lfg dungeon run. To many of us competition is a part of everyday life, and we've chosen to play this game instead of other, similar ones partly because it does an awesome job at keeping competition out of a large part of the game. We can choose where and how we challenge ourselves, instead of being forced to compete with others. There are leaderboards for adventures and races. There are people that enjoy comparing their fractal or dungeon clear times. If you want competition, find like-minded players and compete with them. You can already do it, there's no need to formalize competition in this game, nor is there any need to move away from the current system that rewards everyone for playing to a competitive system that rewards the "top" competitiors over the rest of the participants.
  11. Nice! That will save me a ton of time... I wonder if you can do something similar for w2z3? Maybe take the easy paths all the way to yeti then backtrack?You can't take the easy path, but you can reach the glitch easily in infantile mode. If I have enough time, I go through both worlds in normal mode, picking up the first five glitches (plus the bauble bubbles for the weekly vendor), then quickly do w2z3 in infantile for the glitched chest afterwards.
  12. You can however make things easier if you go in as a party. One person keeps hitting the crystal to keep the planks up, while the other one jumps up. That's how we managed to reach all of the glitches last night (not sure if it was lag or simply me being too slow again, but I couldn't do it solo either).
  13. The warning not coming up when you use the pass seems like a bug (or at least an oversight). Did you put up a bugreport for that? You can also try contacting support and asking them for help since you didn't realize that using the pass would wipe your boosters. It's no guarantee they'll help (or reimburse) you, but they do have a track record of trying to help with honest mistakes/oversights if you ask nicely.
  14. I see. F*** my life since I hate W2Z2 so much.Are you on EU or US? If EU I'll gladly team up (tonight or tomorrow night) and grab the song/open the way to the glitch (not sure if I have the song unlocked on this account, but I definitely have it on my main account).
  15. There is a small workaround to get it.Use the eagle shortcut, were you will end up on top of the last bell structure.One the right side there is a cloud that can help you go back to the trampoline area. Use it and try to go as close as possible to the pagodabefore the trampolines. You will fall down eventually and that will ress you dirrectly on checkpoint 11. from there you can contine normally with the crystalYou don't even have to backtrack but can jump down into oblivion right after the eagle deposits you on the other end of the shortcut. We did that in previous years to grab the furniture coins from the shop next to the glitch.
  16. Alright, I was at the right spot, but my flute does not open anything :( No wonder I could not get it since my flute does not work.Did you learn the correct song? Just playing the notes doesn't help if you haven't learned the song yet. You can check GW2 Efficiency if you're not sure about it.
  17. I feel pretty stupid, I just don't get it without a picture. There are a lots of closed mouths I can't open.Try this explanation over at reddit. The second picture was the one that helped me find the right place.
  18. I don't have any idea where that place is since I never finished W2Z3 fully. Is that before the Yeti?It is, but you can go there in infantile mode. Look out for a place where the rainbow ends and a path of clouds (the non-rainbow way) comes up from your right. The closed mouth is just past that point.
  19. Having to farm specific bosses, dungeons, whatever for the chance to get the equipment I'm looking for is actually one of the main factors that turns me off playing ESO every time I try that game again (which usually is several times a year ... I've been playing on and off since beta). I'd rather play a bit of everything I enjoy and craft/trade for the exact equipment I want with the loot I've collected, than run around the same set of delves/dolmens/world bosses in circles because that's the only way I even have a chance at the piece I'm looking for.
  20. In addition to that each player that identifies unidentified gear has an extra chance (this one not affected by mf) to up the rarity of the equipment, effectively adding to your chance to get exotic loot. The change from individual to unidentified loot effectively increased (slightly) everybody's chance to drop exotic pieces, not decreased it. The only thing they did nerf (and not stealth-nerf but nerf on purpose) was exploiting the original implementation of unidentified gear by temporarily stacking unreasonable amounts of magic find before identifying, which did shift the value of loot towards the few willing and able to micromanage identifying (and even able to reach the top magic find numbers) to the detriment of those just trying to sell their regular drops.
  21. My interpretation is: this game has managed to add something really unique to the "regular" MMO content, unique to the point where people enjoy it enough to make it stand out big time. Personally I play this game for a variety of reasons, not the least being that as an MMO it handles a lot of things more to my liking than its competitors, but if I had to single out one piece of content that I am looking most forward to each year it would still be SAB. There's just something fun and relaxing about jumping through the colourful box with its happy music that puts a smile on my face and makes me feel good whenever I think of it. Just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean that the rest of the game is bad just because some of us love the box above everything else.
  22. Four weeks of SAB!!! does a happy dance It's exactly the kind of light-hearted fun I need right now =) On the topic of the trailer: there's a model of a blonde girl with pigtails and blue sweater around 0:20, does anybody know where that is from? I can't place it from memory. The background looks like either the hub or w1z1.
  23. Other than that what everybody else said: ammunition for (certain) ranged weapons is more of a nuisance than anything else as it forces you to spend time grinding for materials to craft ammo that then cloggs up your inventory and forces you to return to town regularly to stock up again. No thanks.
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