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Everything posted by Rasimir.6239

  1. Since it came up in another thread: anybody else besides me that doesn't enjoy playing world bosses and map meta achievement and rarely if ever play them? Personally world bosses and map meta events are probably my least favorite content in this game, sometimes to the point that I go and play something else if I happen to stumble into one. If a collection or achievement requires them it's often the one requirement I do last (if ever ... I still haven't finished the achievement for the Tarir meta nor the one for East Bjora). It's a mix of prefering to play on my own schedule, prefering content where my actions have a more visible impact, and the often repetitive nature (like having to defend Tarir 100 times) that makes me not enjoy them.
  2. I choose my mounts, skins, whatever based on what I enjoy and feel comfortable with and what suits the situation at hand. The raptor has its uses just as much as any of the other mounts.
  3. I rarely (if ever) have read a suggestion thread where I had a single response to all of the multiple suggestions made, but in this case to each and every one of your points: NO The beauty of this game is that it offers so much to do outside of grinding instanced group content for bigger numbers and bragging rights. If competition with your fellow players is what drives you, then go play spvp or smallscale wvw to prove to yourself and your oponent(s) how good you are. If judging people by arbitrary numbers like stats, dps, or kp is your thing, there are tons of games out there to scratch that itch. Personally I'm sick and tired of people mis-interpretating numbers in other games and bothering people without a clue what they're talking about. I've had my share of random people (in other games) lecturing me on why my build, stats, whatever are wrong while just blindly following some meta without even understanding why that meta works the way it is or how to adapt it for the current instance, or kicking people for not providing certain kill-proof totally irellevant to the content at hand. For many players this game works fine not just without providing a ton of arbitrary numbers (dps, stats, kp, whatever) but precisely because it dosen't provide them (easily) and thus keeps a lot of the competitive-minded players inside their own circles, not bothering the rest of us. I'd rather play content I enjoy with the relaxed company of others, not minding if they are "pro" at the content or new or simply not good at it, as long as they're nice company.
  4. For a non-weekly vendor (I know you didn't ask, but I'll still answer :p ) I'd love to see more minis, underwater weapon skins, and some kind of consumable pet (like the ogre pet whistle, fire elemental powder and similar you can get around the game). SAB flute as novelty instrument would be awesome, too. But first and foremost on my SAB wishlist will always be new maps and worlds to explore, preferably around the 1-3/2-1 level of difficulty at most, to keep normal mode accessible for those of us who just can't get precision jumps off thanks to bad connections or poor reflexes (with myself being among the later). The waterfall passage at the end of 2-1 already is a chore for me, there's days when I just can't pull it off, so anything more difficult/needing better reflexes is beyond my level. Personally I learned jumping thanks to the first SAB releases back in '13. I remember being home on sick leave and spending 6 hours non-stop trying to reach that one last shop in 1-3. Nothing else in this game has got me even close to that kind of dedication. I'm still a lousy jumper but decent enough to get through most of the normal levels ok, so if anybody on EU is looking for company for casual, relaxed adventures inside the box (infantile and normal only, I gladly leave tribulation to the younger people ;) ) feel free to get in touch with me!
  5. As for rare/expensive drops there really aren't a lot of them in this game. We regularly have threads both from people complaining about their cosmetic item of choice being expensive as well as those who live for the chance of rare loot and think there's not nearly enough of those in this game. If the item you prefer is among the few tailored to those players that like to "play the lottery" then you have to decide whether it's worth it to you or be content with the 2nd best (that's easier/cheaper to aquire). Shutting the "lottery fan" type of players out by getting rid of the few ultra rare drops doesn't look like a valid alternative to me.
  6. I guess it all depends on whether players play them in the long run or not. Both dungeons and raids seem to have been popular only with a rather small subset of players that were/are difficult to get into for many. If strikes keep being popular with a larger audience there's a good chance we'll see new ones regularly.
  7. I prefer to play what I have and enjoy now and just look forward to getting new and enjoyable content to discover whenever it drops. I'm in no hurry to "finish" or "win" a new content drop, so preparations aren't needed either. This game has so far been great at allowing me to play what I enjoy without needing a lengthy preparation beforehand, and I don't see any reason that another expansion would change that.
  8. Personally I'd rather not have another shopping list checkpoint on the way to a maxed character/account. I love this game precisely because it gives me the freedom to play the part(s) of the game I enjoy with a maxed character moderately easily. I play to enjoy myself, and this game is sandbox-y enough to allow me a lot of freedom to choose the content I want to play. Specific progression systems that railroad me into playing what the game chooses for me rather than letting me choose my own path to fun are ok in moderation, but personally I think we already have more than enough of those and don't need another one.
  9. From your posts I'm still unclear about why you feel the need to delete and remake characters so often, and what you do with them to want them all at 80 straight out of the box. I could understand it if you were a mainly wvw player, but if that were the case you should be drowning in tomes of knowledge anyway. You also do get birthday scrolls for every character birthday up to and including year six, so if you have 24 character slots that means up to 24 scrolls per year (unless you keep deleting all of them before they reach their first birthday). From year 3 onward the scroll even increases by 10 levels per year to a max of a level-to-60 scroll at year 6. Just running around the world unlocking some major waypoints should give you enough experience to get a character from level 60 to level 80 without even trying. For the record, I love playing different characters, have 30+ character slots unlocked (across two accounts) and buy new ones occasionally as well as sometimes delete characters that don't "click" with me, but I've still got dozends of leveling scrolls of all sizes as well as several stacks of tomes of knowledge (even though I only dabble in wvw occasionally and haven't been to pvp in years). Don't get me wrong, but I'm having a really hard time to understand why leveling is such a problem for you that the tools we already have to shortcut it don't work.
  10. If you play wvw or pvp, the Istan reward track also gives a generous amount.
  11. I'm in the camp of asura lovers. They do have the best animations of all! The only reason why my asura warrior doesn't get much playtime is that the class isn't one I'm overly comfortable with ;) . Personally I'm not fond of the female norn animations or sound effects, while I really enjoy the charr (although most of mine wear the monk outfit to avoid the headache that is charr skin selection ;) ).
  12. This game is great in that it additionally offers you ways to convert one currency into another (e.g. spirit shards to gold), but at a price (since gold reward is not the currency's primary purpose), whether it be time, other materials, or other currency needed (or all of them). Some people don't care much about the things they can do with any one specific currency. Those that don't go for legendary equipment, frequent stat-changing of ascended equipment, or certain special weapon skins don't have much use for spirit shards. Those that don't buy much PoF-related vendor items have piles upon piles of trade contracts. One friend of mine often jokingly complains of drowning in karma, since he plays a lot of wvw and rarely pve, so his karma income is considerably higher than what he uses up. Another one has no use for the different kinds of magic, since he's got everything of the living story vendors he wants, but isn't interested in converting it via material chests. As I said above, this game is great in that it offers you to convert excess currency that you don't need for your playstyle into different stuff (and materials, too), but that doesn't mean that conversion has to be quick or easy, or that you are entitled to be rewarded with the currency (or materials) you personally find most useful. If you don't want to use your spirit shards that's your choice (and mine ... I currently have more than 10k spirit shards and 100k unbound magic in my main account's wallet ;) ), but seeing how there are enough players in this game that are constantly low on those currencies I still think they are in a good place and don't need any more sinks.
  13. Most of the season 1 achievements happened in open world PvE. From the trailer, it looks like what they will release are some of the (possibly reworked to include some of the surrounding story) solo instances from season 1. There's a good chance they'll be adding achievements that mirror the few that were available in those instances during season 1 (as well as a bunch of totally new ones hopefully), but I'd still expect them to be new achievements like they did with some of the festivals (that ended up having achievements exactly like the previous, no longer available ones, but if you had the old achievement you still got it "twice" in the end).
  14. I've not been to that map yet, but if it's set-up like the Mistlock Sanctuary you can use the "change layer" tool of the map to switch to the regular world map and use waypoints.
  15. Imagine being whispered by a character name where you know one of your buddies has a character of that name, asking you to quickly send them and they'll send it back as soon as they get to a bank. Right-click + send message and you're quickly out of your resources because an impostor created a character of the same name. Worse yet, you innocently create a character with a name you like, then get into all kinds of trouble with your fellow players because you unknowingly choose a name used by another player that has gotten into fights with others. Characters in a game such as this, that serve as avatars of the player, need to be clearly distinguished by other players, and not just for technical reasons. Personally I use other people's character names a lot because they are much easier for me to remember than the account names (especially the numbers part). I use them for whispering or sending mail, putting people on my friends list, joining or inviting to parties and similar stuff. If names were no longer unique, it would make interacting with my fellow players a lot more confusing and complicated and a lot less convenient to me than it is now.
  16. You can reset your WvW ability point anytime you want for a negligible cost in Spirit Shards. You can reset it but if u want to upgrade warclaw max? And I can jump towards only two times.Two dodges from full endurance is the max now. It was changed with the latest patch.
  17. WvW, the only thing in game that really depends on your home world/server, lives and dies by the number of players playing, much more than by the skill of said players. Despite the transfer costs guilds and even larger groups have time and again skewed the balance between wvw servers by overstacking a single server and steamrolling any oposition by coverage. Without transfer costs keeping people from switching and stacking on a whim, the gamemode would've died log ago (as in really died, like a hundred times as dead as it appears today). As for alliances being shelved, does anybody have any link to that? Last I heard (a couple of months ago) they said alliances will be using the same tech that was developed for pvp swiss tournament at that time, thus alliances won't be finalized before swiss is released (which it was in the latest patch I think?) and they had time to evaluate if that tech works as expected. Personally I don't expect any news on alliances until several weeks after the pvp changes have been released and proven to be working and stable.
  18. Sometimes I wonder if we're even speaking the same language ... Of the 6k ap retired over the life of the game, many were designed to only be available for a limited time, while others were replaced by new ways to gain a comparable number of ap. This is not a design error, it's working as intended. This is an ever-evolving game, not everything in it is persistant, whether by design (like the yearly festifval achievements) or because an update down the line has consequences that weren't anticipated when the content was first introduced. The ap reward system was built so that it's robust enough to deal with these cases. Even Season 1, which unarguable turned out less of a success than was hoped for, wasn't a design error as such. It was designed to be time-limited, non-presistent content, up to and including rewards and achievement points. It was later determined that this way of presenting content, while unarguably exciting and truly innovative, had too many drawbacks to continue that way, but all following systems, including the one for achievement rewards, have been built to include the fact that parts of season 1 were non-persistant and to make up for it in other ways. What you percieve as objective, provable truth hinges on assumptions that are not objectively true at all, but very much subjective. The system does not strive to give everyone the exact same way to get to the exact same end goal. It is a living, changing system that gives people comparable (but different) ways to progress along at different times, and that does not have any one specific point that is meant to be reached by everyone eventually. No matter what snapshot you take, it doesn't work as basis for arguments of equality since the system is not built to support such a snapshot to begin with, and this is by design. It may not be the kind of design you prefer, but it designed that way, and a very robust design that doesn't get broken by unexpected changes in content delivered, including content that does make previously delivered content obsolete. Any static system would either break with more progressive updates or put very strict constraints on future content development to preserve previously built content. Sometimes change is inevitable, and the current ap reward system works very well with change. It may not be to your liking that things change (including avenues towards goals we've set for ourselves), and not all changes are to my liking, either, but change is not only a result of design errors, but more often a healthy thing to improve what's there. As long as the ap reward system is open-ended and reacts to changes in a way that opens new avenues to ap gain where old one closes there is no practical problem in this system. Your theoretical constructs fail to acknowledge that the system is non-static and open-ended, and that's why they fall apart at the foundation (at least according to how logic works in my parallel universe ;) ).
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