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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Yes, I did bring up sharpening stone as a counter to the 'damage and utility' point above. As I believe staff auto has great utility with its AF generation and the ability to apply bleeds at range without worrying about reflects, which all other ranged options that ranger has suffer from. For sharpening stone specifically, it clears two conditions and can stack 10 bleeds instantly if you use axe, or if you use shortbow it can help rack up bleeds insanely fast if you are flanking. Couple that with skirmishing line, krait runes, and something like trailblazer and you have a formidable target to take out if you don't chain CC it.
  2. That was just hypothetical...the actual schedule is literal month's: Beta Event 1: August 17—August 21 Beta Event 2: September 21—September 25 Beta Event 3: October 26—October 30 Beta Event 4: November 30—December 4 So if you are spec 9 you won't know until around 11/30 what it actually is 😄
  3. If they do by armor weight and one a week, it definitely will be months if you are the ninth profession. I'm in the same boat as I really, really want to know about ranger considering how they've handled the pet mechanic thusfar.
  4. The current generation doesn't do machismo lol. If Rambo were remade today he'd be firing unicorns out of his machine gun...
  5. For WvW.... You're thinking way too power minded, can already see it. Spend some time with condi druid and you'll see why you should use sharpening stone with staff. Also I'd love to see 'always a full bar when it comes off CD' if you are doing something like WvW roaming. If you are using passive procs to build CA and not using staff to kite I guarantee a good druid is going to eat you alive.
  6. Did you think anet robbed you of your legendaries? 😂
  7. I'm not sure on the definition of meta, but at least for WvW the good immob druid is all ranged (staff + shortbow); so it should be meta IMO. It's good at controlling objectives (harassing invaders or soloing lords), good at +1 (immob + stealth + small group heals), great at kiting.... At the very least that's the build I swap to if I never want to die again 😄
  8. Did you interview all 10 people? This ain't fortnite, lore is important in the GW universe.
  9. Not really true in my case--I never got any of the super grindy titles in GW1 (like GWaMM) and I played that game on and off what was it 6-7 years before GW2 came out?
  10. Wonderful counter-argument there 😄 I have legendary armor through WvW and my world rank prior to joining a guild this year was somewhere around 600. There is no grind, just playing the game on and off (sometimes with year long breaks) over the past 9 years. If I was more active, sure I would have gotten it a lot sooner. But yeah, GW2 combat is something else. We may all complain about the balancing, but you can't complain about the spatial movement.
  11. I mean you quoted me and I'm only here because you keep going lol... Anyway, for the final lap of the circle, my stance is melee is the worst option because you must switch from a ranged approach to a melee one to counter, when every other option listed allows you to stay ranged and does not force a switch. Not sure if you are PvE or competitive, but this matters, especially in modes like WvW where kiting will keep you alive more than anything. Switching a weapon set just because someone pops a reflect is one of the worst decisions I can think of at the moment... So while your 'counter list' has no explanation, mine is literally ordered in what I feel is best to worst. Of course if you would have read the post you partially quoted then removed the rest of, you'd know that. But alas, none of this has to do with removing reflect anymore so I'm not sure why you are still debating with me 😄
  12. You do realize the above list is ordered for a reason lol--you don't just attack someone and they pop a reflect then you go melee and---gap close? Why? The implication is that you are far enough away to be ranged....talk about not making much sense. Anyway, sorry to break it to you, but ranger is most affected by reflect--we even make the wiki entry: Reflect - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) In addition, half the pages on this topic are arguing over rangers and LB; feel free though to keep spinning however you want as long as it makes you happy.
  13. 1. Stop attacking / Kite 2. Use a spammable skill (like shortbow) 3. Use an unblockable of your own 4. Go melee Anyway, we aren't arguing over removal of reflect--in fact I never have been in this topic, just that reflect is a bad mechanic with counters that shouldn't be counters, and finally that 'go melee' is a pretty bad option for me when I can do so much else before I need to do that.
  14. Not attacking the reflect is more reasonable then switching to melee. So ya, kind of ridiculous when melee is the third or fourth best option to deal with something 😂
  15. I'll try to break this down one more time for you... Reflect specifically hurts LB ranger, even more now that the unblockable sources LB ranger has are essentially non-existent. Thus the opening posts specific mention of ranger. Distilling the problem down to 'use melee' is the ridiculous suggestion, because it provides no fix for balancing reflect vs. longbow. To prove my point that reflect is specifically harsh to longbow, I provided an example of a ranged case (which reflect is supposed to counter) that is not countered at all--shortbow. So either reflect isn't working well enough or certain ranged weapons like longbow need changing to give them options around being hard countered by a widely available mechanic. You are assuming traited, meaning you have to take marksmanship to get that 32s CD. That's too much of an investment just to use a secondary effect of a useless signet, since 25% increased movement speed hasn't been relevant in many years. Reinforcing my point of if you are going to do all that just run shortbow--no traitline or utility waste needed.
  16. My replies are limited to ranger though--I would ensure you are reading posts thoroughly before replying.
  17. Speaking of being on-topic...go reread the opening post that specifically mentions LB ranger. Also then reread how reflect isn't a problem for ranger as a whole (i.e. just LB ranger), and that melee weapons are the solution on paper (i.e. by those who don't play the class) but you can also use ranged weapons and not be bothered by reflect depending on build. Oh, who am I kidding you are just post count padding again aren't you...
  18. Staff auto can be used to build astral force pretty quickly and also apply bleeds at range for a condi setup--it's not all bad imo.
  19. This is true for me. I was trying to use WvW reward tracks to get the currency as grinding in PvE is a no-go for me; glad to see can just get them through these new achievements though. I hope the same holds true through season 4 of the living world as heard those currencies are annoying to get...
  20. I mean if we're being pedantic LoYF is an effect not a buff lol, but I get your overall point now.
  21. Well considering WvW has stagnated for close to 6 years now, I don't think the devs are great at working on multiple content types at once.
  22. Basically this...why do people play WvW for bags? They're possibly the least worthwhile thing you can get on a drop outside junk like spikes.
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