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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Only one half of it is--they could give the 'ranger unleashed' version two ammo I'd think. For Untamed, if you'd unleash the pet after using Thump it'd just go on CD as normal. Also, as more devil's advocate--the #3 skill is a double CC and can be chained into the #2, so a double CC on #5 wouldn't necessarily be out of line for the weapon. But yeah, somehow, I see double barrage quickdraw builds crashing WvW at some point. Will be hilarious but can't say we didn't see it coming.
  2. This is why we need the alliance part to work. The 'community grouped mega guilds' idea doesn't work and will never work. At a high level they cut their own revenue stream out with server transfers this way and we still have no idea how anything is getting grouped together outside of our guilds (or how they are grouping guilds together). Guild bug is also interesting, as you think they'd have a metric for the guild you spent most time with in WvW and set that to default, so even if you select something different and it didn't work, you'd still have a high chance of ending up with who you play with most.
  3. Someone actually came up with this idea and they are putting it through on the balance patch. Your 'answer' to pets getting nuked and only double bear / turtle Druid being allowed in ~70-80% of WvW content (comped or just squad content) is....arrow cart ranger. Like, why not give Thump two charges? Or do something else? As Barrage is probably our most ineffective group skill, used 99% of time for selfish tagging.
  4. Also, I just noticed: "Condition-based quickness untamed is another build that's overperforming in terms of damage and is getting a few adjustments to bring it more in line" More in line to what? It's already in line with most of the other quickness builds with ~2k difference to power quickness untamed, and also harb/herald builds. The GS changes are just going to buff power quickness untamed to be around what power quickness berserker is...so what is the actual point here? Would also seem power soulbeast is going to go to at least the ~45-~46k mark with those GS changes--so in March are we going to see nerfs to soulbeast to 'bring it in line'...of course we are ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  5. Been broken since weapon master--don't think there are enough roamers left for them to care. Or knowledge? It's odd to me it wasn't mentioned at all in the balance update--they just nerf DE in PvP at random.
  6. Guessing that is on purpose, both from a PR standpoint and a load test one.
  7. Thank you OP for reminding me why I never join voice comms. No offense, but whoever talking sounds like cross between a radio host and a chain smoker, and the 'motivation' / abuse they hurling at the squad would annoy me greatly.
  8. The guild selection screen is blank for me now--assuming I selected the right one almost all the other ones I have are dead, but guess weeelll seeee....
  9. Oh definitely; hopefully one day they will turn our pets into siege weapons (outside the turtle of course).
  10. Quickness Untamed in PvE is going to be a monster. But, I'm mostly competitive and I have to second the 'lol' at double ammo barrage in WvW. I mean, definitely will take it, but feel like there's going to be a lot of new meme builds to come from this. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  11. Yeah, it's definitely effected by precision/ferocity--quick tests on a PvE golem confirmed what I have been seeing in PvP. If used on a condi Druid with 1k power, it might hit for 3-4k dmg, but if used on full on power untamed, crits for 10k (~7k in PvP). They do, it's called a 'slam': Call Lightning (Ranger) - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Notice it even says 'storm spirit skill', as the 'slams' are secondary skill they use after initially giving an effect (for storm its daze and vuln). Think the overall here is storm spirit is crazy powerful, so let's not mess with it.
  12. These 'roaming guilds' just go up to nc and farm hapless WvW players that have no idea what CC is. Seriously, I watched it happen two nights in a row now with a certain GoM guild that has a pension for chasing noobs around DBL nc--they would 'farm' 5-10 people at a time, but all said people were spamming 1, not cc'ing, and not focusing any of them. I killed the wb of the group with some cc, but was not about to be bothered to chase the two thieves with them. WB then comes back as untamed, which is easier kill--down them again and walk away--then they bring a spectre and some spellbreakers. Have to be smart enough to know to leave them then--eventually another boon 'roaming' guild came and they fought each other for like 15 minutes. The tldr; is unless you PvP and understand positioning / cc mechanics, just ride by on your warclaw or use one of the two exits they aren't at. Haplessly fighting and dying is the most ridiculous case of insanity to me.
  13. We get it, FB is the red-headed stepchild of Guard. Back to the Guardian forums with you!
  14. I typically only play ranked, and really never see the kind of ๐Ÿง‚that others talk about; decided to play unranked--as don't really care for the 3v3 mini-seasons--and immediately get some of the funniest rage ever (a 100g duel and an RP walker/stalker lol), both on Khylo for some reason: While funny, unsure if I have the mental stamina for this kind of lunacy on the regular--so may just wait until the next season starts to PvP again ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  15. Who says duelist beside you directing it that way? An example, Scourge in a teamfight is going to be more effective with condispam / burst than any sustained power damage from say power FB, power Tempest, or power Druid support. As again, one stat versus three... I mean, we all know that burst isn't just burning anymore. With Demon Queen, poison bursts are a real threat now, and we've always had things like chill and blind that are strong no matter where you are on the map besides maybe afk in spawn...
  16. Wizard Vault is now disabled. So, guess we're two steps back and waiting for the one step forward?
  17. What if someone goes over the AA cap for daily? As IIRC you can only overflow on weekly, so would you be unable to claim dailies until they fix this bug?
  18. I remember, but attribute that also to everything had a role, without being hardlocked to trinity. I agree about hard carry builds now, but think the experience point may be more relevant. The game is a decade+ old and the people who maintained pvp are long, long gone. It is very similar to something like Half Life 1 DM right now--you have people that never stopped playing 25 years ago and then people who saw a steam sale and tried jumping in only to get wrecked in milliseconds. They then leave because the rest of the game is dated too--like with sPvP. There's nothing to keep people interested outside of a heavily manipulated leaderboard, no wonder the population is gone.
  19. Would tighten the curve up though. There most likely haven't been bronze players for a long time, mostly just silver 2 - gold 2 as high g3 has been top 250 for over a year now on NA. This is the first time I remember it being so low, prior to this week, top 250 was actually around 1380. EU also may have less alts clogging up the top 100 portion. This will also drag MMR down as if you have multiple alts, no need to sweat them all up to plat--just leave them g3 for better / easier farming. In that light it is funny when we have topics like this as if rating means anything anyway. It's been said in several topics--one which may still be on first page--that the top 250 in NA is really the top 50 (maybe 100 if generous) and then 2-3 alts a piece.
  20. No spellbreaker? Was thinking more of spellbreaker vs DH atm--or even power soulbeast vs Druid / condi untamed--eventually those condis wear a power build out....
  21. Would be interested to know which are like this? The opposite is say DH, can burst you with condis and be a duelist or team fight if they carefully place the traps because it gives them built in node denial--all with a condition slant. High pressure to me implies on node or in a team fight, and I don't know the last time a power build was threatening there. For me, if you avoid the burst then that power build has to rotate--not the same for condi builds which can burst, duel, and teamfight with the same setup.
  22. Genious! Can't wait to see 'double bear trap disarmers' in ranked now. Once both bears die, they afk---it's a lose lose for everyone!
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