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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. It's not just the F2, it's the interaction with merging and then use of WHaO: Fresh Reinforcement - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) "We Heal As One!" - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) As only in PvE do you play entirely merged and forget about the pet--you also have to consider competitive where you should be using the pet in some capacity. You also are skipping the entire part about Dolyak Stance yielding 6 stacks of stab and also stab on pet swap via Shared Anguish, the stab you can get from Rampage as One, the stability from Centaur Relic... Stability is anything but a rare boon for ranger, especially soulbeast.
  2. That's exactly the point--if anet puts meters in the game they are promoting elitism, if they let it fly, they can't help what others are doing with a third party tool.
  3. That's great; now explain why Doze is six ranks lower than Grim This is a huge issue because it is what fuels all of the alts and also gaming the system through decay (only playing once every 3 days).
  4. At this point arcdps might as well be officially supported. They will never update the ingame combat log for fears of elitism, so you will be waiting long time if not just using arc already.
  5. Playing long enough is tantamount to luck as you can grind 500 games and end in plat or higher--that's not how a leaderboard should be working if it was healthy. It's not uncommon either, a lot of the plat+ players on the leaderboard right now have records similar to like 130-140 or something crazy, which is actually below 50/50, meaning the only reason they are in plat+ is number of games balancing out the loss streaks. Just taking an actual example, grim at the moment is rank 6 on the leaderboard and 433-197 which is ~45% loss rate, so kitten near 50/50. All this while Doze is number 11 at 198-86 which is ~43% loss rate, yet almost 6 ranks lower---all due to number of games and volatility on how many points you lose due to a loss. I don't know how much either of them off hour dodge, duo, or other leaderboard tactics either--so if they do partake in one or more than your average joe is really screwed, even if they have like a sub 30% loss rate but only close to the 120 required games...probably would still end up only like around 1480.
  6. If you make a character name like "asdlfkjgh" and are found pvp'ing while naked or doing other shady kitten you should just get auto-banned. Also, no F2P accounts in PvP until they can figure out the smurf/alt situation. Or make a separate ranking for F2P accounts--I don't care if someone says it's 'pay to win', if you want to legitimately PvP then you can at least buy the core game. As PvP atm is starting to feel very F2P KMMO--stupid imbalances and a dev team / company that seems utterly unenthused about fixing it in the slightest.
  7. Basically this. That and smurf alts throwing matches. I'd say there probably is a difference between bronze and silver in terms of play, but not really between gold and plat. As any plat that isn't throwing, wintrading, or perma duo-Q right now is probably there by luck because of the matchmaker. I know this because this season specifically I've had an inordinate number of naked alts show up as well as double duos where I'm the only single and some weird stuff always goes on there. Even trying to carry matches it's hard because g2+ players know to just avoid me and kill the mid-zerger's and then I'm left in a 3+ on 1 situation which you can only just kite and that doesn't do much to win games (outside of not giving +5 score). It's crazy, normally I wouldn't go conspiracy theory, but something now is actually wrong whether its low pop, the matchmaker, outside manip, or everything all at once. I'm only at like 70 games but I'll get literal streaks of 10 good and 10 bad almost like clockwork, where before it was hard to pin that down.
  8. I still would never discount BM outside open world as you take BM not for the stat increase but for the CD reduction and pet speed increase, as it's hard to play around for new rangers. Comparison logic is hard too because for competitive WS > NM (outside of pure support obviously) so you take WS nearly always and then whatever else you want. Anyway, I agree that if you want to play core just play Untamed. None of the core traitlines are powerful enough to replace the e-spec ones--and you also lose all control of your pet outside of F2 which is not a great feeling (as stupid would be the nicest thing you can say about pet AI).
  9. Problem with this is Soulbeast is the spec that would abuse it, and Soulbeast already has the most overloaded stability-based Ranger skill in Dolyak Stance. So, you are really asking to nerf Dolyak Stance, and they can't do that without massively overhauling pet responsiveness--not just in cast time but in literal reaction time to commands, as right now they can delay for 3-5 seconds before doing anything or be stuck in the 'casting' state. Aegis on White Tiger and Siege Turtle bubble are indeed useful skills--just don't think they can expand that to stability without really wrecking balance because of Soulbeast specifically.
  10. The problem is either full damage immunity or no damage immunity. They need to just make block reduce the amount of damage you take, like protection and similar effects do. Then just get rid of unblockable entirely. For WvW this still works, because if you are in the middle of 15 people you should die and not be able to just escape because you have a block. I say this as someone that sometimes likes to prelude lash random PUG into Axe #5 and then run off with GS...it's stupid.
  11. First, you have to balance around plat+ because any lower is just going to get you skewed because of people that don't understand mechanics. Second, when is the last time you've won a game with two thieves on your team? I had one with two on my team last night (against an anet bladesworn ironically)--I had to hard carry mid until I couldn't anymore, and it was blowout as the two thieves either perma side node or try to spawn camp. Absolutely trash at holding or actually winning the game. https://imgur.com/a/7olQGdc
  12. Nade engi is a FAR more egregious misuse of stealth than anything thief can do, but anet still doesn't touch it. Probably because topics like these are ultra focused on thief which stopped being a threat years ago.
  13. Only if the lord is a ranger and has the bugged immortal pet rez
  14. Only if you can complete the planetarium thing with conflux should there be an additional PvE trinket
  15. YB was linked with DH last time--always stuck in T1 because of ties
  16. Those aren't food groups tho--they are both part of a food group, but not separate food groups.
  17. Maguuma, Yak's Bend lol, YB stuck in T1 hell for eternity whether it be due to forced ties or now being linked to everyone's favorite server
  18. So you can react to it--same reason they added one to Untamed's Unnatural Traversal. Instant / non-telegraphed ports are not too healthy--and they should look at reworking all of them to have some sort of startup time.
  19. Still getting wrecked by staff ranger even after removal of ancient seeds and most things that made condi Druid good... Wow.
  20. I've had similar happen even on a loss; it does show in match history but no points loss despite no d/c's or anything weird that I know of:
  21. Pressing X to Doubt on g3 if you are getting confused by clones.
  22. I'd disagree, as shortbow has poison, method for swiftness, soft CC's, and a daze/stun (hard CC's), all on one weapon. For OP, if camping means just spamming 1, then be prepared for a lot of grief coming your way. Better off making at thief to Dreamer troll if that's what you're after.
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