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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. I've never seen this, but just now had a ranked game where neither side lost a player due to ragequit or d/c, but received no rank loss and it was a blowout. Asked one of the people on my team about it and they said maybe the game detected hacks so threw out the game...is this a thing? If this is a thing, should I report the screenshot with everyone's name in it? I tried to get a video but wouldn't record (cue Trevor et. al conspiracy theories on that one 😂)
  2. idk, I'd rather have an angry person manning a treb screaming obscenities than just straight up AFKing, because they have a slight chance of being useful on the treb...
  3. He does indeed have videos, all of them are him getting stomped in like silver 3. I'm not sure who are more rabid though, his fans or swifties...unless you are both, we may need a Venn diagram 🤔.
  4. Possibly, but they could at least fix obvious response time issues like the Land Shark. I realize EoD pets had this issue and were fixed like six months later, so tentatively hopeful its fixed in the Sept. patch if not the next balance cycle. Interestingly, the latest soulbeast nerfs didn't target the useful pet in smokescale but the FoTM one in Boar (just like before with Drake). So the devs are either learning to let some pets be or are just simply ignoring some of the salt.
  5. I suspect Mace mainhand will be power, as we only have sword for 1H power (dagger is condi and axe is hybrid). Mace offhand should be support in terms of block/blind/aegis or something. The offhand would also have the CC capability as that's the case for all other ranger offhands (sans torch).
  6. For the first, remove it from most places that aren't Fractals since the main idea behind it is agony slots. For the second, you can salvage acended for research notes but that's a pretty bad ROI in comparison to all the other ways to get those; the wiki has more ways--I remember instead salvaging certain exotics and food when I made the aurene bow a few months ago.
  7. The effectiveness of Untamed won't matter because silvers are unable to play it due to its complexity. If silvers don't cry, then it isn't overperforming. It might be fine against other ranger specs in FFA but on an actual serious note, I don't see anything overperforming about it either--let loose is fine but the other GMs are also just as good; regardless, the chances of meeting someone who knows how to use an Untamed from release until now is super low. We'll have to see if someone like Boyce brings Untamed to AT or if he keeps using Soulbeast, or if Ranger is just straight out of AT now because the burst is about 20-30% less than it was.
  8. I wouldn't go that far. For instance, half the soulbeast threads didn't describe any problem, which is why they just nerfed soulbeast specific things instead of balancing the class properly. I say this because soulbeast still does a ton of damage and the rest of the ranger specs are still overly difficult to play at value, but people are quiet now as they saw some random butcher knife nerfs go out and went away. We could solve this by putting a players maximum lifetime rating on the forums or have some way to display current rating (would be harder due to the decay dodgers), something to weed out the vocal minority who can barely find their keyboard from the few competent people that still remain here. Without that we'll just get the blanket nerf threads en masse about whatever kills people the most.
  9. Assuming we are talking about being grouped with 4 randoms in solo q... That actually makes things worse, because instead of the typical rush to mid, you have spread out team that is just going to push far or try all three nodes at once, and then shortly get spawn camped. Fights in the aisle are actually oftentimes useful for the one or two roamers on the team to do what you suggest, and that's grab nodes. Don't want everyone with the grab nodes mindset though or I assure you, it will be a 200-500 game fairly quickly. This is the reason I cringe if I see a team with two thieves on it, as you will get a constant cap/decap game and no holding-these are very hard to win.
  10. Guilds and alliances are not identical--guilds are a grouping of players, alliances a grouping of guilds. I guess you could say alliances are a superset of guilds, but this is not the same as a 'placeholder guild' which is still just a guild and in no way related to the concept of alliances. At this point I'm not sure if the remaining player base is desperate or ignorant to what these systems actually are, but spinning half shipped products never ends well. Losing server identity is enough to get players to leave, and not even replacing that with any identity at all is ridiculous. There literally is a reason EOTM was always dead, and back when more than 3 people at a time actually used it the major complaint was anonymous teams--there was nothing to fight for. You need servers or alliances, something with actual organizable identity. By spinning things and trying to justify this half-baked 'anonymous beta system' you are just helping create Drizzlewood Coast with PK's enabled--it's just 🤢.
  11. You have no idea if this is even true lol. Alliances could come with tools to let you see what alliances have what guilds, where a placeholder guild is...just that, a placeholder guild. You join your mega chur--err guild and then get randomly paired with other guilds based on what go--err Floyd wishes. Once you are paired with those guilds you are SOL in many ways, not the least of which is there is no current way to see what guilds are in an alliance. Placeholder guild after five years of alliance talk is wholly unacceptable though.
  12. As far as PvE goes, there should be no 'overperforming' builds because it's PvE and they can creatively adjust mechanics to match the power creep. Problem is game is too large for that at all levels, so you get things like Svanair Shaman (and other starter zone world bosses) being stupidly annoying to fight now because he they are just dmg sponges. Raids and to a lesser extent Fractals still seem fine from my limited perspective. That is, the mechanics there cause people to fail enough that DPS really isn't an issue.
  13. You really have to learn the difference between 'spec' and 'class', otherwise you are just confusing yourself and the rest of us. I also don't know what tier of sPvP you play in, but I currently only play Druid in g3+; I can hold g2-g3 with Untamed as I don't really have a build in mind to stay g3+ with Untamed--working on one though. As far as WvW goes, soulbeast is a complete non-factor. I constantly roam in T1 NA WvW and have never been troubled by a soulbeast because armor stats and defenses make the soulbeast burst pretty worthless at current time. Anyway, to clarify my earlier point: What I meant is not that soulbeast is OP and outperforms, rather that its mechanics make it outperform--chiefly removal of the pet. Nerfing soulbeast or not does nothing to change this, they need to rework pets to make the other specs viable. They won't do this as it requires actual dev work unlike number changes.
  14. Randomizing would be bad because they already face a coverage issue, which is the whole point of alliances. Basically, if you randomize a large link against two smaller ones you just created a week where no one has anything to do and also created an uncontrollable issue because they can't relink to fix this imbalance as the tiers are random now. You'd also mess up server transfers as part of the reason people do them is to somewhat rig what kind of playstyle they or their guild wants. If I transfer over to Mag or BG on NA then I know I'm in for a perma t1 experience (blobs), if I transfer to say Dragonbrand on NA will be a perma t4 experience (depending on link).
  15. It pretty much forces a creation of a new guild to do what they should be shipping, is the problem. Right now, with the linking system you can have seperate guilds play together by being on the same named server; it doesn't solve the issue of guilds being spread over multiple servers but does at least allow you to play together. If they put the beta system into effect, there's no grouping mechanism players can do outside of breaking up longstanding guilds into new ones for the purpose of playing together or face an unknown matchmaker arbitrarily pairing guilds together. This kind of makes guild management a nightmare as you have to ensure your members are registered to at least two separate guilds now if they do more than just WvW. There's also nothing to enable avoiding guilds you do not want to be allied with, which is perhaps the bigger issue due to griefing potential that some guilds have. At this time if you have a bunch of guilds you don't like, you can always server transfer. It is interesting they blame this setback on UI, as the UI for alliances is already very rudimentary but should work; as there was a tab on the WvW window to let you at least pick a grouping (like Moogaloo or whatever) in addition to a WvW guild, which is essentially alliances. I don't think it ever worked fully or really at all though. The long and short is I am in agreement with not changing the server system at all until they are ready to fully ship alliances. Half measures never end well, and while the linkings oftentimes are nonsensical they are at least a 'devil you know problem' as we've had it this way for years.
  16. This is true, as I have ~700 sitting around at the moment and I'm sure a lot of other longtime players do as well. If not an increase, then more useful things to do with them, or ways to convert them to something else should be in order.
  17. It happens every so often with prophet shards, nothing says they can't rework a few of the currency systems to yield less ascended. Oh yeah, that was specifically towards the 'don't fix what is broken' type arguments because they don't contribute anything, so it made me laugh. Changing the reward structure is more a counterpoint to the argument that sellable ascended would cause a crash because they are mat sinks, even though many of us have way too many ascended sitting in inventory not because we sunk mats but because they drop from all the places they shouldn't. Shouldn't have to use a 1g salvage kit to get maybe 30s out of something; there needs to be other ways to get rid of ascended items (that have value; inb4 just delete them lolol).
  18. Right, which is why they need to take out a lot of ways to get ascended then make them sellable. This will both reinforce prestige of ascended and give even more value to crafting / mat sinks. The problem is all the free ways to get ascended, not that it is craftable or could be sellable.
  19. Legendary items are a much bigger sink thank ascended, and as mentioned before both Gen 1 and 3 weapons are tradeable, with select Gen 1's additionally being offered in the Wizard Vault (about 60% completed). Example used earlier was Bifrost, which is still 1.5k sell price on the TP. It had been 2k forever and tradeable forever, it was only when Wizard Vault practically made it 60% complete for doing noting it lost 500g in value. So here it would seem making ascended easier to acquire ruins their value (i.e., adding them also to Wizard Vault), not making them tradeable--because otherwise market prices will ensure they aren't worthless just like with legendary.
  20. Only this forum would get a 2-year-old incomprehensible necro in all caps from an account named 'noob master sixty nine'.
  21. It kinda already is valueless, because the massive oversupply exists whether we can sell it or not. It's just sitting in our inventory. Of course, if you make it sellable you also remove some of the sources of it too outside fractals and crafting. This would balance its worth out with the 'prestige' it supposed to have but doesn't because there's many, many ways to acquire it for nothing. The value argument is lost too because the legendaries that are both sellable and have precursors in the vault rn (like Bifrost) are still holding value, despite having the path to get them made vastly easier. If ascended isn't sellable, then they really need to find more things to do with it--because seriously, salvaging exotics is more worthwhile than ascended, which is a big problem.
  22. I mean can still build a tank with Dire or Trailblazer, doesn't have to be cele. Maybe it's just the low skill floor of WvW roaming, power doesn't seem to bother me nearly as much as like condi mirage spamming clones, or the burn / slow / random condis from WB (cele or otherwise) or condi zerker. I'm in T2/T1 NA and I come across a condi build 5x as much as a power one, which annoys me because I also run a condi build so it can lead to some long fights...
  23. You're the one that suggested removing agony which is a BIG change considering what the infusions sell for. Also, you are not solving my specific problem of having useless ascended junk in my inventory because I have all legendary items and salvaging them for ~60s of stabilizing matrices is so lucrative. Stopping crafting legendaries or gambling amulets for a single 300g item are also not valid reasons to keep ascended. If you want to gamble, gamble exotics in the forge for chance at the same 300g+ precursor. By keeping ascended you are just creating a forced tier of gear new players think they have to get because it has pink coloring when reality is exotics are fine for 95% of the game (anything that isn't a CM strike, raid, or > level 20ish fractal). Also, by deleting ascended you get rid of the Bitterfrost farm, and think of how much time you'd save those poor souls that choose to do it over literally anything else more productive. tldr; think we are coming to a solution here to delete ascended (and agony of course as you suggested so fractals don't literally become unplayable lol).
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