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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Trying to figure out what this shows other than GW2 terrain mechanics have always been stupid and the spb had to do like 10x the work lol
  2. WvW is too volatile in terms of gear, food, utility, etc. to do this. It's basically slightly competitive PvE--there is no prestige here. Even devil's advocate, a high-ranking guild of like 5-10 is going to do nothing against a zerg with a rating of 0, because numbers always win in WvW. You'll also get that same high ranking guild of 5-10 being high ranking because they just comp down PUGs all day--there is no skill there only coordination vs. no coordination. You'd be better off brainstorming ways to make the sPvP rating system better; for starters, not so reliant on random teammates / lucking into a single or double duo per team / actually matching with people of your rank / etc.
  3. Right, but I think here it may be a targeted desynch (i.e. lag switch). As you can see from the video, my WH #4 worked and tracked fine--it normally will not if say a yak desynchs--which happens far more than it should. It's only after the WH #4 that the desynch starts to happen to me and everyone around me; the thief also comes back a few min later and is perfectly fine to hit them. Given the nature of the guild in question and profession it causes me to wonder what 'tricks' may be employed here.
  4. Eventually being the key word--which is a problem considering the capture/hold nature of the mode. By time you eventually get one to low HP you most likely either get +1'd by a DPS or they stall long enough to accomplish the goal of wasting time. The real issue is, even when you are fighting there's a good chance you can die to these bunkers too--because a bunker can do decent damage as well as have insane sustain. The only thing to stop them is the meme one-shot builds, which just creates a terrible balance scenario. Not really sure how to fix this given the nature of how all boons are just available to everyone and now all weapons across all specs--would need a complete overhaul but they just double down on chaos = balance approach for years now.
  5. Basically this--I've seen AFK when the first mid push even sorta goes wrong, which is ridiculous. Lost a game today because 2 went far, 1 home, and 2 of us to mid--the two that went far died and afk'd while we won mid, we ended up losing because the two afk were convinced the game was 'over' as they got bodied far where they should have never been. Like, that split is fine if you know what you are doing but not in your average g2-g3 match it isn't. I think afkers are the "special" ones--why would you waste 10-15 min of your life standing at spawn contributing nothing and learning nothing? If you need blood pressure meds to play a game probably sPVP is not a great place for you....
  6. Your topic literally references the pet 'needing to be stopped' as if it is some unstoppable force, when in reality we get things like untamed controls to move it forward as they can barely walk on their own 🤣
  7. Binary questions aren't very 2023, just saying.
  8. Bro, even traiting BM, siege turtle which has the largest HP is only 31k HP. Since, I seriously, SERIOUSLY hope you aren't dying to siege turtle--we can look at smokescale that has ~24k HP traited BM and ~23k without, and god forbid someone run something like Iboga with 15k HP which absolutely explodes vs. anything lol. Hyperbole isn't helping that you get wrecked by braindead AI that can't even path up slopes/stairs/slightly non-flat surfaces properly.
  9. 40 seconds, lol. Every other projectile denial field of its type is on a ~30s CD (siege turtle bubble, mech barrier signet, guard shelter heal, etc.), so 40s is just math out of nowhere. Closest is probably smoke screen on 45s CD but that's a smoke field that also pulses blind which is a LOT more useful than just a dome that conditionally inflicts chill if CC'd and does utterly negligible damage. You should be asking for nerfs to Doylak Stance, the 'do everything' button--not putting together a bunch of things and calling it OP when in reality the use case is very limited. Maybe Dolyak Stance should be 60 seconds using this logic? Defensive utilities that are primarily used offensively are pretty unhealthy. Also, kind of contradictory when I believe it was you that said the LB/GS Untamed is still the 'most busted' variant---so all this talk about staff and axe....why....?
  10. +1 They need to fix the overall pet delay they introduced with EoD; many, many times pets will not respond because they cannot self-cancel actions anymore, must wait for skill queue. I believe this is probably what contributes to the delays in the new pets too, as there is some code in there waiting for a response and so the pet does nothing in the interim. If they are going to make time to continue nerfing soulbeast they need to fix these pet responsiveness issues; if not, I assure you SoTO will be the last xpac I buy, because as a dev myself, I'm done supporting devs doing nothing.
  11. I think they do actually--unless I'm mandela effect and its only conquest / 2v2 they allow duo in the solo lane
  12. Next xpac, all elites will be detached from their spec
  13. Maybe it looks like this? I can't explain this, I kept being forced to about face when using the sword skills as if the downed player was behind me. Looks like it also happened to the spellbreaker besides me (looks a lot like Taunt but thief has no access to Taunt that I know of?); if you look at arc my ping is only 47...
  14. Anyone noticing an increase in number of times matched against double duos? I'm g3 atm but literal queen's, dame's, and knight's of the arena everywhere in the match I just played: https://imgur.com/a/4x1nYYs Matchmaker plz
  15. Only hacks I've seen are downstate, under the floor in towers (clip hacks), and flying. Rest seem to be lag or trait interactions people are unaware of. It's also very hard to tell now if something is a bot without leading it around.
  16. I think we've both been here long enough to know this is what the forum always complains about..
  17. That's actually the point I'm trying to make. It isn't a discussion of 'OP' or not as I hate that term--more of a discussion of what it actually does to the mode. One shot / meme builds shouldn't be a thing because they are useless outside of that specific purpose, and that specific purpose ends pretty quickly into gold. This also includes the ranger variants (as I know coming from me some people are going to question that)--I don't think Dolyak is healthy (which is lynchpin for almost all braindead soulbeast builds) and should have been nerfed instead of OWP (because the elite is for burst so balance around it, not butcher it), etc. Essentially anything that contributes to on-point fighting is much better. Sure, there are crazy boon bunkers now because of all the balancing decisions, and not saying those are good either--just better than 'lol one shot, oh I missed, time to run' builds, because it's sPvP not WvW (where ganking can actually be useful).
  18. Not from the video you posted it isn't. Only watched the first encounter but it shows the build is pure meme and you had to literally run back to spawn when no ally around / encountered something to challenge the build, because as you pointed out it has no defenses. This is what I mean by unhealthy, as someone will get killed by this and ragequit the mode, while in reality it does nothing at advanced levels of play. Every class has a degenerate build though, Warrior has quite a few from condizerker to undying bladesworn builds--at least with these you aren't running off to spawn / eventually only winning because team comp carried.
  19. If you are even halfway competent at PvP it shouldn't be an issue. For the past decade I've only played ranger until I needed League Professional for Ascension--just played Deadeye and Bladesworn as well as my main and ended up in Top 250 that season even after starting out like 2-10 because of multiclassing.
  20. Yeah, group fights are hard because of all the damage output going around atm, and ranger sustain is tricky, so on point fights are actually pretty difficult right now. Even more difficult because the current suggested builds are full melee and that raises the skill floor a bit outside of burst soulbeast. In fact, the reason soulbeast works as full melee is Dolyak Stance which is pretty loaded in all honesty. Now, if they'd actually fix the shortbow ambush not to be utter kitten, then something like Dagger/Wh + Shortbow could be interesting for a condi Untamed build.
  21. All cantrips is extremely limiting. Condi Untamed would/should get bodied by a good condi Druid...too bad there are like 3 of us left. Also yes, I can regularly pull top dmg with 15+ kills on my Druid in g3--so untamed is more of a sidegrade for me than anything. Either spec melee dagger is super limiting, teleport is worse version of sword, and it can hit hard but staff disengage is subpar to what Druid gives for same weapon (i..e have to take smokescale due to no celestial shadow). The double #3 on pet swap has been there since 2015. In total, Untamed may be strong, but this isn't it. Power untamed is still the thing to run, just like power soulbeast.
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