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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. It's sad that people don't realize the most dangerous thieves are the ones that don't stealth. Like, blind spam thieves are 100x worse to deal with than stealth spammers--because stealth contributes very little outside a surprise attack. Since thief attacks from stealth (i.e., backstab) have been nerfed a million times, it really isn't an issue for anyone.
  2. A month ago we had people salting the earth over Worldly Impact which 'roots' the ranger. Root is an incorrect term though as it implies self-immobilize, so OP's working around that with 'stand still to execute' is way better description. I just call it self-canceling. Anyway, at least for ranger, aforementioned Worldly Impact along with Barrage and Whirling Defense are why self-canceling skills exist. There's simply no way these forums would let those three ranger skills also have unrestricted movement--because one of them, Worldy Impact, DID have unrestricted movement for about 5 minutes in beta. It didn't make it out of beta before it became self-canceling. Setup though, is a Druid's worst nightmare right now because CA #5 also self-cancels and it is the main damage component of Eclipse. Since ancient seeds was removed, it's a lot harder to immob someone into it. In fact, as ranger it's a lot harder to immob anything into your hard hitting self-cancel's because even something like prelude lash had the immob removed because people apparently have the reflexes of rocks.
  3. That's called wanting it balanced lol. Never said ranger is still broken though, only that I wish they'd stop hitting random burst skills and fix pet responsiveness.
  4. Blind is fine on Torch 4 but they won't add ammunition if they do this--see Dagger #3 getting ammo removed because they added slow. For Torch 5 it'd need to be like the others in that it also cleanses conditions--however since ranger has that in abundance, converting conditions to boons could also work.
  5. The fact that people think because they nerfed OWP that Ranger is balanced now 😄 🐑
  6. In English you put what is included after the phrase, otherwise it is excluded. The only thing he listed was PvE changes and then what became targeted PvP nerfs in parenthesis (the ones we got earlier this month)--there is no reason to believe any other changes were coming.
  7. If they nerfed Unnatural Traversal like six months ago because it was instant, I have no idea why JI hasn't been touched.
  8. Legit confused by this--are you saying only core elem has a downstate? Nah, can't be it--more likely you are just omitting the e-specs entirely, the ones that dominate every mAT since forever? Still haven't proved me wrong that vapor form is OP--when I've gave plenty of reasons on page 1 about ranger downstate being fine.
  9. I imagine the Southpark guy everytime I read your posts 😄
  10. The sPvP forum really needs basic reading comprehension as requirement before posting... Does this look like PvE to you? 🤔
  11. This is indeed the big issue that certain people don't want to give up. Much like duo que, pre-match class swapping should not be a thing--for a lot of reasons, the not the least of which is the swapper usually starts the match 10-30 seconds late and throws everything off. They need to revamp the UI so you know which classes are in a comp prior to match start, and then a grace period for switching--just like you have with map selection. Once you are in a match, you are locked in, no ifs ands or buts. This would also alleviate the matchmaker having to try to guess and pair like classes only to have them swapped out when you realize you have two rangers or two thieves on a team--or something like three core guards for whatever asinine reason. I think having rank per class makes a lot of sense, especially since a lot of people only multiclass in sPvP for lege requirement--I know I felt bad on a few occasions playing classes I never had before when I got the backpack, almost all those games were losses lol.
  12. Yes, rangers can shoot through walls and pets are so OP we have entire topics about 'how they must be stopped', however ranger appears in no mAT unless edge case build which forum also complains about. I love bads 🤣 I've already been doing likewise lol.
  13. I'm still not seeing any good arguments to prove me wrong... It's not a big factor, I've already stated that as someone who plays in about the highest non-wintrader rank there is. Damage is so high in sPvP now that the pet rez does less than nothing, and if you can't overcome the pet rez or even let it start to rez then that's a player issue. I get lolz by the fact that ele can move to safety when it should be barred from going in gates and moving back onto nodes to stop a cap. Vapor form is the most busted downstate skill there is with all the interactions it has--that's objective fact. Also, if you go 1v1 into downstate as a ranger you are going to lose to a necromancer and perhaps a warrior too once they use vengeance.
  14. We really crying that warriors have no AoE in sPvP when condizeker, bladesworn, and to a slightly lesser extent spellbreaker exist? lol
  15. Raids are dead, fractals and strikes are nearly dead--with only one new fractal released prior to expansion (silent surf). An expansion based around fractal islands mind you. Open world is where the current focus is, because its where the current legendary armor is, and that takes resources to develop how it looks, how you obtain it, etc. WvW is slightly above sPvP for 'could care less' on the radar. If we leave us jaded old timers out, there is no new player experience for WvW, which is important to keep retention. New players are always confused on why they don't start with a Warclaw, how to get one, and seems like 80% of the time just there for Gift of Battle then back to PvE. I know this because in the past few weeks I've had to sit in chat and explain in great detail to multiple newer players the various systems of what WvW is, from what a tag is, to what keeps are, to what the 'point' is, to why roaming alone is hard, etc. That aside, not having any preview notes at all is more than a bit worrying.
  16. This. Ele's downstate is perhaps one of the best because of mistform---they can go right onto a point and keep it contested, through gate portals to safety, or right back into allies and get insta-rezzed. In fact, there are a LOT of downstates that have a teleport or movement of some sort--ranger has no such thing. Warrior downstate is ridiculous because you can down and kill people while in last stand, which is a hell of a lot more potent than ranger self-rezzing. I swear, all the bronzies who get wrecked by ranger downstate, I really need to see some gameplay footage for good lols. Because as a g3/plat player I can tell you this thread is ridiculous, as zero times has my downstate saved me, because I'm 2v1 CC locked in downstate and dead before lick wounds even becomes available. Even in the most ideal conditions where you get 2-3 CC's off by pet swapping, still doesn't matter as stability is rampant and if no stability, they just wait it out and stomp you anyway. Ranger downstate is a literal non-factor. Prove me wrong.
  17. lol, I can just see Hunter's Shot granting Aegis or Super Speed---forums would lose it.
  18. idk if this was a censor bypass (which may be moddable btw) or a censor fail, but I lol'd.
  19. I wouldn't call Iboga useless...but I leave it up to you to theorycraft why. There's a reason they keep its HP low--still think it should be around 20k now anyway with the powercreep and pet responsiveness issues but I digress.
  20. You can set your pet to target a different target than yourself--it's just 99% of rangers don't do this for whatever reason. Still, the pet will die to any AoE--I can't tell you how difficult it is to use Iboga in PvP, and in WvW it isn't happening unless dueling.
  21. Warhorn animation is weird, guessing it most likely started rendering prior to lag switch flip and just kept rendering because it was already in progress, while everything else got desynched.
  22. Only vuln if you are already CC'd, all the pet unleashed skills work this way (primary effect then secondary if you are CC'd). Basically, if you are getting vuln on you then you are already compromised to begin with--not sure how nefing the skill recharge does anything when 80% the time you are only getting a whole single stack of poison on you. Guess you could also get blind on you if that's traited, but that's about it since the skill does a whole 27 dmg with 0.1 modifier in sPvP so the dmg increase is negligible lol.
  23. Think Ranger GS would miss there too, it's pretty cracked out on what it wants to path to half the time. I'd say if anything, Ranger sword is better at tracking.
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