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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Literally impossible. Something tells me this is strictly a L2P issue, as I know for a fact off the top of my head condi virtuoso is a nightmare fight for Druid if the mes actually knows how to play their class. So I'd be careful, lest we rangers start complaining that mesmers have too much evade access now...
  2. You'd also have to fix when you are on a team with people that try but are so far under your skill level it becomes meaningless. Until we have a solution for being forced to carry noobs, we cannot have a solution for people who early exit or afk. As there is no incentive to carry, lose 490-500 and still lose ~18-20 rank points, might as well just leave when its 100-300.
  3. It's great it happens, a lot of things happen in unranked and no one listens to those opinions as the skill level isn't there. Hard counters are a part of every competitive game, for great examples look at fighting games. Plenty of characters hard counter other characters, and skilled players work around that without asking the developer to nerf the hard counters. Once you get the requisite skill level you will be able to work around them too--but it would be ludicrous to say that a group of mechanists, deadeyes, and LB rangers should have the capability to dominate a match at relative safety.
  4. Diamond would be fine with me. Just anything at this point really...
  5. For non-memes, power soulbeast or power untamed would be your strongest roamers currently. Condi druid get CC locked too easily and there's too many sources of stab now negating the immobs. For memes, yeah probably cele trapper as you'll be tanky and can giggle while you gank the newbies.
  6. Why on earth is unranked being mentioned? If you want people to listen to you, get into ranked... Projectile block is only a thing if your entire team keeps dying at mid and doesn't actually play the game--which considering you mention unranked and PUG so much is kind of obvious that it's a L2P thing. The point of a lot of those hate bubbles btw is so you don't get insta-deleted by something like a rifle engineer just pressing '1' at 1200. Competent players will throw a projectile block up, close the gap, and get +5 points for their team. EDIT: Also, for melee--you aren't just discouraged from mindlessly jumping into traps/wells. If you do jump into them it's almost certain death as you'd have to blow defenses to get out when avoidance is preferable in almost all situations.
  7. Ranger is a high skill ceiling class. I'd advise learning the mechanics of it and being able to navigate through the PvE maps before setting foot in sPvP or WvW. If you are set on conditions, then I'd look into Druid. You still have a pet, have access to the best bleeds and some of the best CC's that ranger offers, and can build with trailblazer / apothecary to essentially not be able to die (at least in open world PvE). You can then take that knowledge and build a support version if you want to do fractals or raids.
  8. Don't think that will ever happen due to how powerful some of the pet bursts are. The most they could do with it would be on Untamed, if you unleash the pet it would get powered up scaled off the ranger stats. Even so that's kind of counter-intuitive as the 'pet unleashed' state is way more a defensive tool than offensive, so increased stats for pet would do little there. Ranger has always been balanced around PvP though. Mech on the other hand is a LI build balanced around PvE, it is absolutely trash in WvW and 90% of ranked sPvP. Which is why I don't personally opine for ranger to be 'more like mechanist' as its only good in one mode and partially because of rifle buffs.
  9. Prior to yesterday you would have had to select your guild as your battle guild in the WvW interface window. If you didn't, then you most likely are matched randomly with other guilds for the entirety of the week as there is no way to switch battle guilds in the middle that I know of.
  10. Also the fact that reddit is more of an 'official forum' than this. My guess is the achievements hopefully should be retroactive; so if you played at all they would count once enabled.
  11. Maybe in T1. Really the beta can't be compared to anything as we have no idea how they grouped the guilds together as there obviously is no functional alliance portion yet. Guessing they have few metrics for guild size since they struggle with world size and relinking; its more than likely either this is random and we're getting an unbalance in guild sizes or I'm wrong and they actually do have metrics and did this purposefully.
  12. This isn't sPvP, who is creating F2P accounts for WvW? Wouldn't you be locked out of mounts, gliding, and all the other expansion things along with being limited by nature of free account? There's nothing to gain from this...
  13. I'd say move it to beastmastery but then we could argue if the pet stat / speed adjustment should be baseline and also what would replace the boon share in nature magic. It might be fine as-is because nature magic is arguably better than wilderness survival for pure defense due to the role boons play in the game now.
  14. After playing sPvP for a while I finally understand the logic to WvW as it's the same but on a larger scale. No one defends, everyone runs around solo and gets stomped then respawns and keeps feeding, no tactics or player logic applied, then everyone blames something other than themselves. Mag has a toxic culture but shouldn't be this impactful because the skill level is so bad. I think it's a combination of opposing player skill lacking and anet meme'ing to give them great links each time to keep them anywhere near T1 or relevant.
  15. That would be good and fine but the nerfed seed of life in the process anyway, by removing the extra condition it did apply before. Essentially this can be viewed as a double nerf (halving duration of light field and 1 less condi removed) for the bonus of having the skill actually be usable. I'd be happy if they put the field back to 1.75 because that'd allow you to blast it without introducing this backward pre-casting deal. It's just that we rangers always have to adapt and sometimes adapting is too far in my book...this is one of those times where it'd be helpful for the community to make noise. I'm not betting on that happening, just putting it out there...
  16. Yep, super effective energy nerfs and these are SO fun to fight:
  17. I mean maybe this is why ranger is never balanced right, but I'm not sure how much clearer it can be that casting the blast before the field is awful design. If you took the current skill and made the resulting light field last 1-2s like Smokescale smoke field, E. Wyvern lighting field, hell any normal field, there would be no issues. The entire issue is pre-casting your blast before the actual field to get the desired effect. It's increased APM for entirely zero reason and out of line with literally every other field I can think of.
  18. Yes, and people do world record speedruns all the time without issues because they are good at frame counting. My point is defending an obviously backward mechanic is a very bad thing for the community. You use blast finishers to blast fields, not fields to blast finishers.
  19. The odds of actually pulling this off in any meaningful scenario look terribly low. I mean it literally looks frame perfect or near, because you have to time the field to hit the blast and that field only lasts a few ms at best. It literally runs counterintuitive to the entire 'field' concept, which I don't think is acceptable and something they should be looking at for the Nov. patch.
  20. I think they need to show ranks (as in actual like 'p2, g3' not just 'plat/gold./etc' in the match lineup screen, that way if you happen to be the sole like bronze against a bunch of high gold / plats then you can choose to just take the dishonor, and that dishonor would be slightly less based on how outmatched you are. This is interesting. I've always wondered what the 'X of the arena' stuff meant and how I'd see it ranging from my time in silver 3 to gold 3. Now it kind of makes sense, but they always seem to be not the most skilled players either so it baffles me; I mean not always, but just because you have one or two on your team doesn't mean a slaughter, I've lost like 200-500 plenty of times with 'high title' players on team.
  21. I think that achieve can be done all unranked right? And just have to play 10, not win? If so, just run whatever you do in PvE as it literally won't matter.
  22. Yeah, outside the camp I was more concerned with getting footage of it (at a lot of points I'm typing lol), as it was clear after escaping my condi bomb twice in the camp there was no way to defeat them on my immob druid. As for roaming, it's practically all I do--just in recent times been more used to sPvP thieves actually building to hold or decap and not troll WvW ones running through the open fields lol. Thanks for the breakdown. Also will look into this, thanks:
  23. Came across a thief that had mad stealth, but build is unlike any I've seen. Like, I've seen stealth but not while jumping in the air (usually see dagger combo with black powder)--and they had a ton of cleanse as well: I get some of it was stealing off the Gryphon's, but how do you build steal to go that low? Improvisation + something in Trickery to reduce steal CD?
  24. 1800? Gotta have a Twitch stream then, what is it? I'm interested now...
  25. I mean, yes and no. Bladesworn only got Tactical Reload nerfed and the single stack of stab on entering Dragon Trigger removed. So, Bladesworn should still be broken as nothing happened otherwise to break the metabattle build other than 'Shake It Off!' getting reduced ammo count. The real truth is Bladesworn is really only broken at I'd say mid-gold and down, much like Mechanist. On the upper end of things people know to target focus and melt you with condis because BS has no real good condi clear, and is worse now with the 'Shake It Off!' change. So you'd just get DH, Harbs, Core Necro, etc. camping points because BS is all melee and have to burn a lot to get on point where they burn nothing to camp it with condi bombs. So yes, the Warrior community (much like all of them) has the drama queen / gloom and doomer's, but it isn't exactly false to say Warrior has it a bit rough.
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