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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. You finna be real happy when spear out full time
  2. So yes...in theory. In reality though, you don't want this--for instance Hammer #3 is either a daze or a blind, you don't want to use the daze against an opponent with stability, blind is much more useful here. Quickness also isn't quite as useful in competitive as it may seem either, as you need to survive too. So really, the stability (and barrier) is what will save you a lot of times, or instead, take something like unleashed removing condis...this allows you to leave aside other condi clear options for giving up a little quickness. It's a complicated class, for sure. Also: Right click them, you can set any of them to auto-cast.
  3. It's balanced as everything you type here sounds like hyperbole. On EU I only know Boyce, does this cat person have a stream? Yeah, would be a good start to actually learn what's wrecking you. There's a reason you see a vindi in nearly every plat game, along with creaper. Because they're weak, that's it.
  4. Almost 100% and 'rather fast' mean it's a balanced matchup then, the only other factor being skill, and they obviously are outskilling who they are fighting. Vindi is not like say thief to me...a good Ranger should be able to win against thief nearly 100% of time, even DE, as can simply just kite it and attack when they unstealth. This is the case even if the thief outskills the ranger, as ranger is almost a natural counter, even more now with upcoming stealth access. Instead, Vindi is a lot like Mesmer in that when you do see them, they are going to be a very tough matchup for Ranger. As all three specs have enough 'carry' portions to make them rather equal, especially in duels.
  5. I have no idea what an El Gato is outside recording software. If they are annihilating people on Ranger then they would be doing same on Vindi, is the point.
  6. Wow, who could have seen this one coming? "Alliances" where people are trading up to better community guilds, and support not even checking? No way.
  7. Mace already got nerfed. The next FoTM will hopefully be spear. I would like to see you duel a mace ranger on a meta vindi build, it should be very close. I find that if Ranger doesn't outplay by a large margin they lose, especially with all the free obfuscated damage on dodge Vindi can pump in melee. Pretty sure that's all anyone here is talking about, not the off-meta core rev hipster builds that are around. They don't care about these as if you run them, you are an active detriment to your team, no matter how much you enjoy them.
  8. Each season it gets weirder despite 'no changes' to the algo. This season (and last season) I will get placed on a team and opposite team seems far too coordinated, even with one or no duos present. Not sure how to explain this, but its to the point to where 1 bad player on a team means you lose, and that was never the case prior. I'm stuck at like 1300-1320 now even with 52% winrate, as literally every game is a 50/50 or streak of them (I see people near plat with 52% winrates which is why I bring it up). I guess I didn't place high enough in the qualifiers (placed 1360 I think with 7 wins 3 losses lol), so am just stuck in perma g2 for another season. I mean, playing the builds I play I don't think I would get to plat anymore, but at least 1380-1450 I'd deem 'normal' doing solo only. Games 50-60 points below that are far too sweaty now, and sure lot of it is probably pop shrinkage, but it really is starting to feel like a gacha game now on what kind of teams you even get.
  9. Exactly--well it DID have chainsaw sounds but they stealth nerf it and make it so Steve wears them instead of revs em up every 10-15 seconds 😂
  10. I was sad when they nerf his chainsaw sounds lol
  11. Not really. If pet is on point or somewhere in the middle of a group of people, it's just easier to tell by looking at them what's going on. Never really a reason to take visual cues away, other than the competitive scene is long gone and the PvE crowd wanted fashion, I guess. Untamed is the only ranger spec like this too--Druid you glow blue in CA form and Soulbeast has the aura + you are merged, so it's pretty obvious at a glance. Untamed is the only one where it looks entirely normal in either state, outside of the skills, which again the other specs also have highlighted skills and a visual tell.
  12. Can we get this back, at least as an option? I understand that the pet skills are green when it is unleashed, however it's hard to tell in the middle of fights sometimes what state you are in, where before it was pretty obvious as the pet was glowing green. Would like this as a toggle.
  13. Wait, are people getting wrecked by roaming ranger in 2024? On NA all I see are thieves, WB, ele, and the occasional rev. Not to derail the discussion about real numbers and whatnot, but what part of ranger sustain needs nerfed? In two month's will you be back complaining about ranger stealth needing nerfed?
  14. Ah, color me surprised as double thief is typically a death sentence in climbing / non-comp'd games. Here it didn't work too well either, I don't know enough about if that's an NA problem or whatever, just saw the blowout and went 'welp'. Pretty sure I've q'd with you a few times, btw.
  15. Ok then, what aspects of that haven't been nerfed? For a starter, we have OWP, Boar, and Prelude Lash doing most of the work. Maul looks like it doesn't even hit until afk guy is already downed.
  16. It needs not catering to RMT. Adding new prestige titles to a heavily RMT impacted mode helps no one, it just keeps anet in the good graces of the 3 streamers that are still around. I mean look at the NA June maT, two thief comp vs. Naru premade--yeah adding titles, gold, whatever there is really going to help grow the mode.
  17. More AT changes but no access changes as to how they are viewed and also no changes for the pvp normie that just wants to queue. I don't understand who this is catering to. Actually, I think I do, but stockholm is making me not want to admit it. For WvW, guess three EWPs could be fun, probably a step back in the defender direction after the utter nuke that was repairing. Also like the tapping change, at least we know a thief has glitched into the keep/tower now instead of wondering if it was a guard tap.
  18. *sigh* Important bit is after the 'Protect Me!', watch the Rugged Growth ticks. I roll twice to extend the protection duration (and try to demonstrate the spillover effect) but end up with 9 ticks of Rugged Growth anyway--my base duration on protection is 4.75 seconds from Protect me, and 2.25 on both rolls from Companions Defense, meaning 9.25 seconds. It rounds down, so I end up getting 9 ticks of Rugged Growth. At the very beginning you will see a whole bunch of numbers around the pet ending with an extra '4'...those numbers are strictly from my pet getting healed with Fortifying Bond, which also show as green numbers on screen. This is why I feel it's important to do an isolated test with combat log showing to weed out any extraneous numbers popping up (as you can see them 1 for 1 in the combat log). I'm not sure how to make this any clearer.
  19. Literally 0:00 in your video: major ranger bug — Postimages (postimg.cc) Two (and a half) 'little green numbers', one for Regen and as suspected the 60/59 pair are from Rugged Growth due to the way boons work. If you don't believe me, go find Justice's super long book about it and why boons and boon sharing are utterly broken. Anyway, it really doesn't matter after this, as we can discern everything from 1 frame, even with very obscured numbers due to you running into 5 guards and showing no combat log, instead of you know using one of the many ambient creatures around and combat log to test with. Anyway, I honestly was trying to be objective and wasn't kittenposting before, but I seriously might start referring to you as Trevor Howard with this kind of math / analytical discourse. Anyway, have fun with your frames--as someone much smarter than me said, being excited with concepts without full proper understanding is going to be leading you to seeing inconsistencies with everything, everywhere.
  20. First, Evasive Purity was reference to earlier when cripple was cleared, and the 'impossible' 900/s HP regen. It is possible because of EP + the above math. Second, for combat log, it's not the timestamp to the second...that doesn't matter--it's the number of times something is proc'ing within a given range. You are going off 'little green numbers' when literally the combat log shows you exactly what those are. For instance, I've just tested it in PvE, Protect Me with 4.75 seconds of protection, yields 5 ticks of Rugged Growth as it should (as it rounds up). Regen ticks are irrelevant here if you can view the combat log, as you will see them overlapping, or simply just don't give yourself regen (can just trigger prot in multiple ways to see how RG is working). I'm not doing it as I could care less and 99.9% believe it is working, but if you want to, you will need a vid with combat log shown under these conditions: Prot Only (RG only) Prot + Regen (RG + RE) Pet set to passive, merged, whaetever (so only you are getting hit) Also need to display and go over your prot durations to get a closed ended time range--like I did above with 4.75 protect me and 5 stacks of RG to prove 1s interval. By this, I mean there is a non-zero chance that the extra stack of RG is from rounding error, this works like this on I'm pretty sure every boon / boon-like effect.
  21. Jumped in game to test this, and you're right--I didn't know that. Probably a good thing as buffs are already out of control, can only imagine what 25 might would do to that trait 😂. The numbers still seem to check out though. Trev, you really need to get Arc to test some of these theories out IMO. As tbh, right now 900 HP/s isn't out of the realm with the math above and including Evasive Purity...your 'major ranger bug' vid isn't even showing the combat log lol.
  22. Based from where? I've always understood to only have one MMR, and if you've never ranked it just puts you at gold or whatever.
  23. Aside from dood standing / afk on a roof and entirely misreading what was about to happen...yes every aspect of that burst soulbeast is gone. But the stealth field is the least of the problems (which is why it wasn't touched), I mean didn't even need it there, could have just walked up and pulled him off the roof 😂 We can argue about which direction ranger should go in, but either direction will get insane complaints on here, even with a literal top 20 ranger in the topic giving pretty valid opinions.
  24. I have no horse in this race that reminds me of another race where there was also a duel and transfers involved... anyway, some quick notepad math: Taking these two figures from above and assuming RE = Regen, EP = Evasive Purity, and RG = Rugged Growth: +277 RE + 438 EP +572 (RG+RE) Focusing on the +572 number and disregarding Evasive Purity as it is irrelevant (only used that figure to get the Regen number), we have: +572 (RG+RE) Regen +277 (from above) Rugged Growth = +295 (remainder) = +295 = +196 + Healing Power * 0.122 +99 = Healing Power * 0.122 +811 = Healing Power If that math is right, then all we need to do is get to +811 Healing Power for the rest of it to make sense. I think in this massive trainwreck I read Exotics somewhere; so, using the wiki and doing a 2-minute verification against my legendary (ascended stat) gear in game, I come up with: Celestial Exotic Armor = +28 Healing Power * 6 = +168 Healing Power Celestial Exotic Weapons = +112 Healing Power Celestial Trinkets = +56 Amulet, +84 Rings, +70 Accessories = +210 Healing Power Celestial Back = +14 Healing Power Total: +504 Healing Power Since Evasive Purity means Nature Magic, going to guess that also means Wellspring... Wellspring = 7% of Power to Healing Power Total Power: 1000 + 504 =1504 * 0.07 = +105 Healing Power Total Healing Power (ghetto estimate) = 504 + 105 = +609 So, at +609 Healing Power without factoring in might (which would increase Wellspring amount), runes, sigils, or relic...or any other traitline besides Nature Magic. Without going down a "1x1=2" rabbit hole, it seems well within the possibility you could eek out at least +202 healing power somewhere. Numbers seem to add up unless I'm way off (and I could be as really not wanting to put too much brainpower into this) with the doubling up being likely display bug or who knows what with the glorious 12+ years of codebase.
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