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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Might isn't the problem on celestial, boon duration is. If they remove boon duration / expertise again I doubt anyone will play cele all that much. Because without that extra boon duration you can't maintain might.
  2. Wish granted... Let's all read the wiki so no more of these topics pop up: Entangle - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) Will also put a link for stability, so some can get educated on the whole three ways ranger had access to it prior to Untamed: Stability - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)
  3. I'm a ranger, so yes? You have off the top of my head, Lightning Reflexes which removes it, Dolyak stance, Vine Surge, etc. etc. May just be ranger bias as the only pissing and moaning going on about immobs always revolves around ranger, and ranger just happens to have the most ways (seemingly) to remove it. You also didn't state any opinions here about Entangle--the majority of the topic seems to think it is OP, so if you share that opinion may need a 4th wiki page open for ways to remove immob (as there are a kittenload of them).
  4. One dude on a golem is not gonna stop your group of 5 spamming boons and running over things 😂. But agree to disagree. I can agree with this. Think downstate should be flexible in general anyway, should get shorter the number of people you have and go away completely at a certain size. But would settle for just a flat buff on outnumbered, as at least that way you can put up a decent fight.
  5. I mean, it's only on outnumbered maps. If all such maps are outnumbered you are losing anyway as you can only 'golem camp' in one place at a time. Also for your example, not much different than a perma-stealth thief. One could argue easier, but again, you can only be one place at a time; chances are if you have multiple groups to take things like that, you aren't outnumbered. Finally, you'd have to get out to cap, so if the group that capped the structure left a thief of their own you'd still have to fight them.
  6. I think all friendly siege should become invulnerable on outnumber maps. Just need to stop golem contesting point capture and think rest should be fine.
  7. They would have to rename it to Power of Extortion first
  8. Ah, right; Doylak stance does and forgot that it removes immobile in addition to adding stability. In that line of thought, there are a lot of traits that remove immobilize to begin with. I still question who gets caught in it anymore without being chained.
  9. Don't think it matters, as for competitive, pets aren't used for anything on Druid besides CC to chain into Ancient Seeds. If PvE, then pets are more breakbar breaking tools, that's it. The thing with Druid is its role was removed after PoF. Had Firebrands, Scrappers, and Tempest supports running wild for the past 5 years but Druid gets nerfed for being 'too sustainy'. I say leave it alone, as especially after this spirit rework don't need more random nerfs because sPvP cries again.
  10. You can teleport out, it can be blocked, and blinds also make Entangle behave weirdly (have had it work after a blind and other times blind nullifies it outright). There's also resistance and stability boons to stop it. Before Harbinger only necros got caught in it--but now Harb has stability access, so I don't know who outside of noobs get caught in Entangle. I see a lot of evidence here of people getting caught after CC chain, but you would have died after CC chain no matter what.
  11. Yeah, think I'm just stuck on all the utility a druid brings for most game types; not as high of damage as SB in PvE but does give you pet access, shortbow, bleeds everywhere, CC everywhere, instant cleanse, stealth (if need to escape)--etc. etc. Which is why I kind of envision a celestial hybrid for Untamed if going conditions, that way could get the most out of shortbow through conditions (as shortbow power damage is awful), and still bring hammer to get cc's and direct damage in. Guess you could do shorbow/GS as a 'better' alternative but I for some reason really like hammer. Anyway, just my two cents 😃
  12. This is the problem with untamed, because the entire traitline caters to hammer with how much CC it has. The problem is GS is the second-best defensive weapon ranger has imo (staff being first). So, you're stuck dropping hammer, trying double melee, or just sticking with GS as your defensive weapon. I have problems with all three at the moment.
  13. I'd just make a druid if you want to go the condition route, as at least then you can build around ancient seeds. In all honesty, I'm not sure how you'd build a condition based untamed as everything it has at the moment is geared towards power. What I'm considering trying is celestial as then you can hybridize.
  14. Since we're straying into WvW territory, I'll say I don't see the point for hammerless builds like this when you can just run druid for way better results. Trying a true untamed build (with hammer, cantrips, etc.) in WvW is turning out to be an exercise in pain, as even trying to find a hybrid solution is difficult. Secondary pets are an issue too because smokescale outperforms by a country mile, and the EoD pets have the responsiveness on swap issue. Some of the CC pets (E. Wyvern) would be amazing if their skills wern't slow and / or glitched out.
  15. They're aware, which is why things like warrior banner and ranger spirits are getting a look at. Both are core features.
  16. They could still remove participation from vets and add it to other sources. Flipping shrines and repairing should grant participation, and increased rewards should be given for escorting yaks and the like. That, or as others have said, expand the vets it applies to. That shouldn't be hard at all.
  17. Which untamed hurt you and where did they touch you
  18. Hell ya, I mean Warclaw isn't nearly enough mobility for thieves, or nike builds...we should have a super-fast roller beetle. Maybe can chain mounts too, so you can roll out into someone, gank em, and then hop on your warclaw to go tap a keep!
  19. Not really F2P unless you like losing access to 90% of the game. Anyway, if the home BL were closed during 'off hours' (which what does that even mean) it would just encourage the side that has the most players to spawn camp EBG. There would be no fights for the losing server as they don't have manpower to leave and would just log off. Better solution may be locking EBG itself off after a certain time if one server cannot compete. Then you'd still have the HBLs and not have to worry about SMC callouts every 10 minutes if it can't properly be defended. Also eliminates the spawn camping issue as HBLs don't suffer from that like EBG does.
  20. Need more 1H power, so either MH Mace or OH Sword.
  21. You should also use two bears, both because they are the tankiest pets and you'll be helping preserve culture.
  22. Did you really necro your own 5-month-old thread to agree with yourself?
  23. What is an immortal condi ranger? If we're still complaining about Druids when cele Harbs and condi Virtuoso exist then all I have to say is, there are too many noobs in WvW.
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