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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. I assume you mean HoT as in Heart of Thorns (the bigger area is called Heart of Maguuma). The expansion areas were designed group content in mind, so even some Hero Points can be hard to solo. In this regard PoF areas are much more solo friendly. Still, most champion mobs are meant to be killed with a group, so if you get frustrated easily I would do them with more players. However there are builds that can solo most open world content in the game: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Category:Open_World_Solo_builds There's also Condi Tempest build in the list.
  2. For me the best solo build is likely still Condi Renegade. But it also depends on the player and their preferences - for some it might feel too complex. If you want great low intensity build then I'd suggest Reaper with Minions. The necromancer also has great support/heal specs with the scourge elite.
  3. And how do you know how much they helped in the end? Maybe Soo-Won gave Joon some advice too, just as Navan adviced the imperial family for decades. I doubt Joon invented every piece of tech herself and without Soo-Won's magic there would be no jade batteries or other jade tech at all. Seems you too easily push away the fact that canthans had multiple saltspray dragons and the mother of elder dragons helping them. Edit: just to add; since Navan's true identity and Soo-Won reactor room were both closely guarded secrets only known by few, they had to tell everyone that Joon invented everything.
  4. Don't forget that they also had Soo-Won and Kuunavang (Navan) helping them.
  5. Yes, and I'm guessing this limitation on free accounts is to prevent gold seller spam. There was a time when those whispers were quite constant. Investigating the reported cases likely took too much game master hours so they needed less time-consuming way to deal with it.
  6. Great QoL addition! Was instant buy for me. As for the "one character use only at a time" thing: I do most of my fishing on one toon anyways so to me it doesn't matter that much. Don't want to carry all them bait stacks on multiple toons and too lazy to bank/withdraw every time I want to go fishing, much easier just to relog.
  7. This new skiff skin looks amazing! Love the details and the futuristic steampunky look. Much kudos and thank you to the designer(s) and everyone else involved. ❤️
  8. I can try to help. My ranger and necro are well geared and able to do some decent dps. However sadly I do not have lot of time to play during my work week (mon–fri). My gaming times are also bit weird since I play from the EU. During weekends I'm able to be online more.
  9. I'd suggest trying the guardian. At least to me the condi firebrand feels a lot like playing caster class. Another one but harder to learn: condi tempest.
  10. Agree that there could always be more variation but I still manage to find fitting pieces. What I usually do is find a "center piece" to my look, often chest or head armor or sometimes weapon. Then I build look based on that by going thru the wardrobe piece by piece. If I'm feeling lazy I might use good looking outfit, customize the colors and add proper backpack/weapons/infusions. Esp with outfits I usually turn the headpiece off and find a fitting head & hair for it. And yes it takes time and is often forever ongoing process. I'm fine tuning my looks almost every time I log on but that's what the fashion wars is for me.
  11. I'd say either minion master necromancer (greatsword reaper) or revenant (condi renegade). Engineer has strong builds too, especially the new mechanist spec.
  12. I have tier 1 cores on all my toons (you get free one from the story when you get to Kaineng) and one tier 10 core in shared inv slot. You can swap it without using the workbench. So basically using them same way as the glyphed unbreakable gathering tool set I use for all toons. I do all my fishing with one dedicated toon who has all the lures and baits needed.
  13. Started with Ultima Online in 1998 on official servers then switched to free server that didn't have skill cap and later joined another that did have the cap. When WoW came out I hesitated but the UO server slowly withered so in 2005 I also switched to WoW. Played it from vanilla to Draenor and stopped before the next expansion. For GW2 I preordered the collector's edition and started playing week or so after launch. I've had many long breaks but always seem to come back to it. Other MMOs I've played: Eve Online, SWtOR, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan and Warhammer Online. For my time spent playing ranking I'd say WoW > Eve Online > GW2. Nowdays it's just casual GW2 gaming and I might log in to GW when I feel like it.
  14. I don't have issues with the effects but I do have a desk lamp behind my monitor for lighting balance (which helped a lot with eye strain) and the ingame postprocessing option turned off. At 40 years old my visual acuity score is still near perfect. Quite possible that these things are related since I do try to preserve my vision. I've learned that usually it's up to me to find a solution to my problems.
  15. Since I don't do fractals, raids or wvw/pvp most of my deaths happen in metas and other open world boss fights, usually caused by taking too much AoE damage or taking big hit I failed to avoid. Altho more often than not I'm one of the players who doesn't get downed. Can't remember the last time I died doing story or just exploring in open world so it's rare. I'm a casual player but I do know the builds I'm using, most enemies I face and I try have my toons well geared. I mostly play with condi soulbeast and GS reaper but lately been also enjoying the mechanist. And if going gets too rough I might embrace that noblest of p̶i̶r̶a̶t̶e̶ hero traditions: fight! ..to run away!
  16. That could be the case, so it might be a toon parked on a node. Player logs in, starts to harvest and drops below ground level. I've seen this many times in Orr areas, esp in Straits of Devastation and Malchor's Leap, but it has never happened to me.
  17. I've seen few suspect cases of harvest botting. Usually they are hard to report since they appear on a resource node, drop below the ground level, gather it and disappear so you'll see their name only for a second or two. But I've also seen some "afk" farmers argue about the best farm locations in map chat so clearly they were not afk at that moment. I'd guess the reason why their numbers might be up is because covid caused many people to work from home so they "afk" farm while they work. As long as they can reply to a game master inquiry with precise answer to prove they are not afk and/or bots then this passive gameplay activity is allowed.
  18. You likely mean map instance and not server (aka world as it's known in GW2) because for PvE purposes the NA and EU regions are two big megaservers. For the OP: like others suggested using LFG might be helpful to find organised squad. It also depends on the time irl - best chance to find one would be on the most active hours and/or weekends. You can see when the meta events and world bosses happen in event timer wiki page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers
  19. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogey in it. *bump*
  20. For open world: my main ranger still sticking with the double shortbow condi soulbeast since I love that build. Played necro quite a lot recently but still running GS reaper with and without minions. I did make power mechanist build since it was easy to use mostly same gear from hammer scapper. Does great damage and love the mech, only wish I could dye the green. Planning of making condi (burn!) willbender, condi virtuoso and condi specter but since I'm a lazy scrub I'm taking my sweet time with it.
  21. Map completion (8 of 9 toons @ 100%), story, masteries, achievements, occasionally metas & gathering, fashion(!), chilling and chatting.
  22. I know what color theory is and there are lot of different design approaches to go for. So there's no single rule "do it this way or it's bad". (I studied graphic design in my youth.) I'd say that in EoD they used the complementary color model quite a lot, as in use opposite colors and maximize contrast to make em stand out more. Some like it, some don't. I'd say that they took quite a risk with this.
  23. I like the area design and colors esp in Seitung which I think looks gorgeous. Note: I play without postprocessing since I do not like the bloom effect and in prolonged use these effects really stress my eyes. My negative connotations: • Few bugs here and there • Somewhat lacking rewards • Feels like there's less content than in PoF • The dawn/dusk very limited fishing time is not good design
  24. This news article dated 17.04.2022 I found might be related: "The Asia Pacific Gateway (APG) undersea cable, which connects eight countries and territories in the region, is facing problems with its S1.7 section, about 910 km from Southeast Asia. The fault was detected at 9 pm on April 15, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) said on April 17, noting that there has been no information about the repair work from the operator so far. The APG cable... runs 10,400 kilometers (6,460 miles) under the Pacific Ocean, linking Japan with Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam." Source: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/faulty-undersea-cable-to-slow-internet-speed-in-vietnam/225159.vnp
  25. I'm having the same issue. Been unable to buy gems at least a week now. When I select paysafe and hit 'pay' nothing happens when it should open a window in my browser. Same with online banking option, it does not redirect anywhere.. just a blank page. I've tried clearing cache and changing/updating default browser, but the issue persists.
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