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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. s/d is still good, in fact it might be the best thief build in the meta rn, since it kitten on condi revs, guards and necrosbut s/d takes some more brains then d/p so we dont see it Apparently it dosnt, spam s/d 3 and return at will.S/p with Improvisation is one of the more enjoyable thief builds due to its creativity and flexibility at creating setups. If you see a "spammer" they're doing it and I question how they aren't a free kill for you. I was 1v2'ing regularly pre-Feb 25th with the build. Love it, always will.
  2. Sword thief got gutted for having potential for half the damage this presents. Then again, rev is a class played by best players, and best players tend to win.
  3. Ur post basically says ur bad at thief, sry. Wars are not hard to dummy on thief whatsoever unless they severely out play u. Indeed. Pre-Feb 25th you could severely pub on a warrior as thief as long as you knew what you were doing. Nowadays, unfortunately, thief's power damage has been kitten so hard that unless the warrior is a total dummy, you're not killing them 1v1. Unless they run a very greedy zerker setup. I donno with pd the blinds and kiting with stealth makes war pretty easy to play with lol. Just keep shadow step handy and avoid magebane and eviscerate and ur good.Ah, right. I don't play the stealth spam builds.
  4. Ur post basically says ur bad at thief, sry. Wars are not hard to dummy on thief whatsoever unless they severely out play u. Indeed. Pre-Feb 25th you could severely pub on a warrior as thief as long as you knew what you were doing. Nowadays, unfortunately, thief's power damage has been gimped so hard that unless the warrior is a total dummy, you're not killing them 1v1. Unless they run a very greedy zerker setup.
  5. It does not matter. No other weapon in the game has this much utility. Couple this with the recently changed protect me. A skill that breaks stuns, grants protection and a barrier of 3,973 on top of it. It becomes ridiculously difficult to take down a ranger. The ranger GS and the protect me skills transforms a DPS ranger into a tank with DPS. Not a good thing! The game should separate DPS and sustain builds not merge them into one. Say that to necro will ya? Or engineer? or revenant? or guardian with FB? Why won't you say that to the rest of the game?? Biased much? The only class which can't tank and DPS is elementalist since launch, the rest get a free pass on sustain...especially necro These classes do not have an escape that the ranger gets with gs swoop. Swoop, block, barrier, then with longbow or smokescale it can even go into stealth. That is insane. Swoop's easily interceptable, though; even more so with Smoke Cloud as a setup. The only thing I agree with in this thread is changing Protect Me! back. It was a dumb change.
  6. I have no idea why it got changed. It went from a versatile, skill-testing version to a generic noob-tool. Does anyone here know?
  7. I could play a dozen games in a row pre-Feb 25th. Now I can barely manage two.
  8. I recall that Guild Wars 2 wasn't originally about elder dragons, but about 'judgement day' -invasion of winged, angelic being. Could be connected to the Six.
  9. LoL @ damage over time with no burst and low defense. Just say what you mean: I hate condi and I don't want to deal with it in my meta at all. We know how you feel. Just say it!Ok so you think beign able to burst with condis+having the follow dot dmg from the insane stacks also last longer than the one second (what would be balanced for a burst condi spec) is balanced, my bad. And no i am not driven by any bias, i play all condi specs in the meta (Necro, Condirev etc.) i am just driven by simple logic. @Arukayos.1798 said:Last I checked, hybrid builds do deal less damage than pure glass cannon - so I'm not sure what this thread is on about. Dire/Trailblazer will statistically deal less damage than Viper for example, in any situation, more so if Rune of Earth is taken into the equation. Valkyrie will always deal less damage than zerker. Does that mean it shouldn't blast your full glasscannon zerk one shot meme deadeye after you eat every AoE to the face? Of course it should, that's what makes your build fall into the "glass cannon" category. Seems like people here want to play high risk builds sans the high risk component. Which is kind of ironic, considering posts like these: Take two seconds to consider this post in a practical every-day scenario. A high risk build (let's say, power holo) meets an extremely low risk/low skill build (let's say condi rev). Who should be favored in this matchup if both players make a lot of mistakes? Obviously the low-risk build, that's the whole point of high risk - you're taking huge risks and get punished if things don't go your way. Which is why you'll see your average low-skilled power holos getting stomped on by your average low-skilled condi revs. However, when an insanely high-skilled power holo meets a condi rev, it's a whole different story and the holo can easily kite/kill the condi rev - in fact, it's a favored matchup for the holo. If anyone wants to take me up on this: I'll gladly fight their condi rev or any other "low-skill" class of their choice with a non-trailblazer, non-viper, non-condi, pure power based class which is supposedly underperforming (can do most power classes) - feel free to hit me up ingame. Don't QQ about low risk when you play high-risk and get obliterated for making mistakes really. That's the point of your choice, and your build. Lots of people in the community suffer from severe dunning krugger where they believe they're mechanical gods, play the most mechanically intensive builds in the game, and then cry when they're unable to pull it off despite the fact that it's the literal definition of "high risk". Just play low-risk/low-skill like everyone else then, you'll probably get better results. Or play glass cannon and then keep crying about your class being squishy when it's supposed to be squishy to everything in the game, including tanks ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Current Holo builds (like power explosive Holo) are far away from high risk builds, everything based on that assumption has a hard time to be right already. Holo is actually one of the prime examples for way too much dmg for the sustain/ resustain it has. Also you use risk and reward different to what i mean. What actually is true in GW2 is, that high risk builds have low reward even when played well. And even worse: Low skill requirement has too high reward even when played bad. For a high risk build it means when you make a mistake and you fail ofc you do not get the reward, that is part of the high risk and also you might die fast when doing mistakes in your defensive rotation, that is also part of the high risk but in GW2 it is like you hit everything perfect and also play with your defensive cds perfect and the low skill reqirement build/ low risk build simply can facetank 200 of its own player mistakes, still makes overall more dmg and still win the fight by doing 20 times more mistakes. That is the imbalance, i am not complaining that high risk builds have high risk lol. The whole meta is insanely noobfriendly also post patch, simply because the basic balance issues did not get solved at all. Sindrener and others will do a break for exactly those reasons. But i get that depending on the insane low average skill lvl we have in this game now ppl are happy with the facetank +still high spammable impact (dmg and cc) meta we have (actually since years) and arguing against that is like talking to a wall. And no squishy high dmg targets and tanky low dmg targets (which we do not have in Gw2 in meta, we only have tanky but still high dmg) should have the same chance of killing each other, what is not the case in GW2. The squishy target will eat way more dmg from the "bunker" (better say bruiser becasue we have no real bunker with low dmg in GW2) while the "bunker" can literally facetank most stuff. That is exactly the point. Sure a bunker can kill a squishy when he tries to facetank on point and plays bad but the bunker also should be able to die to the squishy the same way when doing mistakes and eating the burst. And the second point is not given atm. The game barely distinguish between very good, good, average and bad player. And a good player on a high risk high skill requirement build needs not only to play 2 times but 50 times better to win. I agree at 80% with this post because....there are no squishy high dmg targets in this game, sustain is not just heal burst, that's a convenient way to describe sustain in a MMO but the truth is that : blocks/evades/stealth/teleports/leaps offer the same opportunities to players as much as heal burst which is **to stay alive*** I know what you play so obviously you will disagree but the truth remains : you either are able to tank dmg or you get to avoid dmg altogether and in this case you get to try again and again till you succeed . Realistically : Side A should not be able to tank as much dmg and likewise Side B should not be able to avoid dmg as much as now, try to look at things from a different perspective : If I can't run away and can't eat as much dmg as now while you're free to avoid all my dmg while still able to run away ...where is the balance? There is a difference between active sustain and mistake friendly facetank sustain. Second one is still too high while ofc also some classes have too low cd spammable active sustain. There are also big differences between skill requirements, where higher skill requirement do not lead into decent higher reward when played well. Those are gamewide balance issues and not linked to a specific class. And i am multiclass player btw, i have no main, i am not biased towards classes i try to get a game with all classes being skillful to play. A game where bad players die fast and good player do not die fast, also not to low counterplay non reactive and with that also low skill requirement gimmick oneshot builds out of stealth. This ^ unfortunately gw2 right now is literally going in the opposite direction than u described Yes unfortunately, even though the overall big patch philosophy gave hope back then, but only until they released details rofl... But as you can see, ppl you never saw anywhere in PvP come to forum and claim that there are no big problems. Just a l2p issue overall. That i can facetank 2 ppl for ages with my Condirev and with my Necro, while i can pull out tons of condis with literally spamming one single skill (Rev) must be my l2p issue, oh wait no, it must be that i just face bad player (literally true because that is what is left in the game currently, 95% of the playerbase at least), most of the few good player left in the game will do a break because of the boring bunker meta where side noders can't kill each other etc. ATs/ plat 3/ legend even there you are not safe to meet bad player, at least that is true. Anyone who claims this is better is literally one of those players who couldn't make a dent before. Yes my thoughts when i saw his post exactly :joy:I mean before we had the same problems, too much dmg pared with too much sustain (in particular facetank sustain, often even added with too spammable active sustain and resustain, i mean Holo for example stealthing and heal back up to 100% after facetanking everyhting is not a passive form of resustain, it is absolutely active, it is just too much, too safe to do (low risk resustain) and makes the build a bit too forgiving because of that). In particular sad for Holo, who has the potential to be a high skill requirement spec by its basic mechanics. But yes before big patch the power creeped dmg at least were punishing mistakes harder than today. It was faster paced and with that clearly less noobfriendly than any bunker meta ever will be.Faster pace awards players who think quick on their feet. Whereas the slower ones will make mistakes and potentially die regardless of the amount of sustain they have access to. This opens up room for more creative plays and craftier use of terrain to block LoS among others. I was also not a fan of reducing CC-skills' damage to zero. That just makes gameplay more linear.
  10. LoL @ damage over time with no burst and low defense. Just say what you mean: I hate condi and I don't want to deal with it in my meta at all. We know how you feel. Just say it!Ok so you think beign able to burst with condis+having the follow dot dmg from the insane stacks also last longer than the one second (what would be balanced for a burst condi spec) is balanced, my bad. And no i am not driven by any bias, i play all condi specs in the meta (Necro, Condirev etc.) i am just driven by simple logic. @Arukayos.1798 said:Last I checked, hybrid builds do deal less damage than pure glass cannon - so I'm not sure what this thread is on about. Dire/Trailblazer will statistically deal less damage than Viper for example, in any situation, more so if Rune of Earth is taken into the equation. Valkyrie will always deal less damage than zerker. Does that mean it shouldn't blast your full glasscannon zerk one shot meme deadeye after you eat every AoE to the face? Of course it should, that's what makes your build fall into the "glass cannon" category. Seems like people here want to play high risk builds sans the high risk component. Which is kind of ironic, considering posts like these: Take two seconds to consider this post in a practical every-day scenario. A high risk build (let's say, power holo) meets an extremely low risk/low skill build (let's say condi rev). Who should be favored in this matchup if both players make a lot of mistakes? Obviously the low-risk build, that's the whole point of high risk - you're taking huge risks and get punished if things don't go your way. Which is why you'll see your average low-skilled power holos getting stomped on by your average low-skilled condi revs. However, when an insanely high-skilled power holo meets a condi rev, it's a whole different story and the holo can easily kite/kill the condi rev - in fact, it's a favored matchup for the holo. If anyone wants to take me up on this: I'll gladly fight their condi rev or any other "low-skill" class of their choice with a non-trailblazer, non-viper, non-condi, pure power based class which is supposedly underperforming (can do most power classes) - feel free to hit me up ingame. Don't QQ about low risk when you play high-risk and get obliterated for making mistakes really. That's the point of your choice, and your build. Lots of people in the community suffer from severe dunning krugger where they believe they're mechanical gods, play the most mechanically intensive builds in the game, and then cry when they're unable to pull it off despite the fact that it's the literal definition of "high risk". Just play low-risk/low-skill like everyone else then, you'll probably get better results. Or play glass cannon and then keep crying about your class being squishy when it's supposed to be squishy to everything in the game, including tanks ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Current Holo builds (like power explosive Holo) are far away from high risk builds, everything based on that assumption has a hard time to be right already. Holo is actually one of the prime examples for way too much dmg for the sustain/ resustain it has. Also you use risk and reward different to what i mean. What actually is true in GW2 is, that high risk builds have low reward even when played well. And even worse: Low skill requirement has too high reward even when played bad. For a high risk build it means when you make a mistake and you fail ofc you do not get the reward, that is part of the high risk and also you might die fast when doing mistakes in your defensive rotation, that is also part of the high risk but in GW2 it is like you hit everything perfect and also play with your defensive cds perfect and the low skill reqirement build/ low risk build simply can facetank 200 of its own player mistakes, still makes overall more dmg and still win the fight by doing 20 times more mistakes. That is the imbalance, i am not complaining that high risk builds have high risk lol. The whole meta is insanely noobfriendly also post patch, simply because the basic balance issues did not get solved at all. Sindrener and others will do a break for exactly those reasons. But i get that depending on the insane low average skill lvl we have in this game now ppl are happy with the facetank +still high spammable impact (dmg and cc) meta we have (actually since years) and arguing against that is like talking to a wall. And no squishy high dmg targets and tanky low dmg targets (which we do not have in Gw2 in meta, we only have tanky but still high dmg) should have the same chance of killing each other, what is not the case in GW2. The squishy target will eat way more dmg from the "bunker" (better say bruiser becasue we have no real bunker with low dmg in GW2) while the "bunker" can literally facetank most stuff. That is exactly the point. Sure a bunker can kill a squishy when he tries to facetank on point and plays bad but the bunker also should be able to die to the squishy the same way when doing mistakes and eating the burst. And the second point is not given atm. The game barely distinguish between very good, good, average and bad player. And a good player on a high risk high skill requirement build needs not only to play 2 times but 50 times better to win. I agree at 80% with this post because....there are no squishy high dmg targets in this game, sustain is not just heal burst, that's a convenient way to describe sustain in a MMO but the truth is that : blocks/evades/stealth/teleports/leaps offer the same opportunities to players as much as heal burst which is **to stay alive*** I know what you play so obviously you will disagree but the truth remains : you either are able to tank dmg or you get to avoid dmg altogether and in this case you get to try again and again till you succeed . Realistically : Side A should not be able to tank as much dmg and likewise Side B should not be able to avoid dmg as much as now, try to look at things from a different perspective : If I can't run away and can't eat as much dmg as now while you're free to avoid all my dmg while still able to run away ...where is the balance? There is a difference between active sustain and mistake friendly facetank sustain. Second one is still too high while ofc also some classes have too low cd spammable active sustain. There are also big differences between skill requirements, where higher skill requirement do not lead into decent higher reward when played well. Those are gamewide balance issues and not linked to a specific class. And i am multiclass player btw, i have no main, i am not biased towards classes i try to get a game with all classes being skillful to play. A game where bad players die fast and good player do not die fast, also not to low counterplay non reactive and with that also low skill requirement gimmick oneshot builds out of stealth. This ^ unfortunately gw2 right now is literally going in the opposite direction than u described Yes unfortunately, even though the overall big patch philosophy gave hope back then, but only until they released details rofl... But as you can see, ppl you never saw anywhere in PvP come to forum and claim that there are no big problems. Just a l2p issue overall. That i can facetank 2 ppl for ages with my Condirev and with my Necro, while i can pull out tons of condis with literally spamming one single skill (Rev) must be my l2p issue, oh wait no, it must be that i just face bad player (literally true because that is what is left in the game currently, 95% of the playerbase at least), most of the few good player left in the game will do a break because of the boring bunker meta where side noders can't kill each other etc. ATs/ plat 3/ legend even there you are not safe to meet bad player, at least that is true.Pre-Feb patch: rollercoaster thrill ride. Post-Feb patch: chug-chug kiddo train. It'd ridiculous that you could kill 3 bad players in a 1v3 before, now it's essentially impossible. Anyone who claims this is better is literally one of those players who couldn't make a dent before.
  11. Anet intentionally adding a system that punishes a large portion of their active PvE player base? Ye I could see that happening /s.
  12. Give her a break. She went in blind and managed to clear on the first try.
  13. Where da complaint at? Just pointing out a funny lil' hypocrisy that exists currently. you know whats hypocrisy ?mesmer getting 1,5s prot from dodge and ranger getting 2s.thats hypocrisy.what you are doing is comparing 2 different things.ill give you another one.weeee my scepter blocks 1 attack and ranger gs blocks for 3s weee what a hypocrisy weee skills are the same right? RIGHT?its not like they do different things.It's almost as if you're trying your hardest to misunderstand. Not like I should act surprised with my experiences regarding this (PvP) community.
  14. Sometimes the lesson is not to enter a fight if you've got no clue what's going on. No one's holding a gun to your head. Timing, particularly as a thief, is of the essence.
  15. Where da complaint at? Just pointing out a funny lil' hypocrisy that exists currently. I don't see how its hypocritical or how the two things are related at all..Also bit disingenuous to say you aren't complaining , be it indirectly.Thank god you aren't in the balance team.
  16. Where da complaint at? Just pointing out a funny lil' hypocrisy that exists currently.
  17. Not really. More like getting 10 people together, and have each of them regard their playmate's skill level as 'acceptable'.
  18. ... Engi is free to spam blind with Explosive Entrance. SeemsGood.
  19. I am reminded how many steps the game's taken backwards. And why I should stay in PvE and WvW now. Actually so bloody sad.
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