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Everything posted by Biziut.3594

  1. It's a new item so I am afraid that when they will throw it into statuette shop it will be for 60 of them for a really long time, judging that some of the older items that exist for a few years already are still in the 2nd tab with 45 statuettes. So for new item to drop to the 3rd tab will probably take 2x as that. Only my speculations tho. 😕
  2. Some of his soundtrack for Guild Wars is nice, but it's a minority for me. I would pick Jeremy Soule soundtrack over his any time.
  3. If there would be ow/5man content lege armor, I would never be encouraged to give raids a try, I wouldn't fell in love with them and I wouldn't meet many great peoples, especially from my static. So I am glad it is the way it is. On the side note I just want to mention that Raid armor is also OW armor since it requires HoT mats and metas.
  4. I am fine with research notes. I finally have a reason and tool to salvage all those ascended items that were crowding my bank.
  5. I put a lot of time and effort into my fashion wars, so I do not really like idea of both inspect gear and stats feature. If someone want to steal my fashion, let them at least struggle for it a little, or ask, for I would never deny someone information if someone would asked (This way I know my look is liked too). As for gear, as long as someone do good numbers, I do not care what they run. Maybe in game arc dps could be ok, since we already use one from off-site anyways.
  6. Meh, I would be satisfied with normal wing + A-Net would need to addjust squad options only so this one instance can fit in. Also it would be kinda pain as I usually run with a static, so eighter pug 5 ppls for a full clear or get rid of 5 ppls after clearing "your" wing.
  7. You weaved a beautifull vision over there. I am with you bro, and hope that any and all of this ideas will come true at one point or another.
  8. You can stop hoping, if anyone still have any doubts it is fully 100% confirmed, that Soo Won variant is comming. I've even seen the leak of this variant model. Belive me it is worth to wait for. Edit: I do not know about Void tho, probably not since it's not tachnically a dragon by itself. It would be like making a variant of Kralkatorrik's Torment. Unless Void would turn out to somehow be a second domain of Soo-Won since we still do not know her secons sphere of influence, so I doubt that a little. On the other hand, Arena likes to surprise us, maybe this will be some secret variant, or Soo-Won's one will turn into Void one at night like some other leges. Void or not, no matter for me. I'll repeat myself but belive me. I've seen Soo Won variant, and It really is a beautifully designed piece of graphic. Big Kudos to designers.
  9. I am afraid that even few lifetimes won't be enough, if you won't finally take dictionary into your hands. More like the monologue, judging from both reasons, that your text is like REALLY hard to understand, and that your so-called "rig-leaders" (like who even is that xD), don't even exist... not in the plane of existance I live at least. I guess they will, but the question isn't, "Will they read it", it's "Will they understand it", and judging from the sentances like this... ...I am inclined to give it more than a hint of doubt.
  10. You can start making sense any time now... 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛 😛😛 😛😛 😛😛
  11. It's not sarcasm, but it does have some hidden meaning. (Existing LFG do not allow me to get carried, I want end-game items for free/afking on world boss and last but not least, even easier mode coz I do not care to learn mechanics od the game, and Emboldened still force me to do so).
  12. You need to look at this with His own eyes, than You will see. In Tyria there once was a kingdom of "OW Casuals". All was well, until Tyrian Gods allowed foul creatures from the forbidden dark lands enter this beautiful and peaceful lands of Tyria, their name, (I shudder even thinking of them) were "Raiders". Their tribe leaders fought their enemy with their repulsive weapon called "The Kick Button", and becouse Casuals were peaceful and they didn't ever knew toxicness, they started to slowly lose this horrible war. That is until, a special child logged in. Blessed with the power of erudition gained most probably from stuttering, elder, secluded skritt. He weave his net of unrelated topics and casts it onto these filthy Raiders, causing 99999 stacks of utter confusion, which makes them wanna kill themselves by just reading what he has written. He hope that one day he will meet with the great, literally unexisting leaders of this Raider tribes, claensing Tyria and turning it into a land of peace once more. I hope you understand now, his struggle, his war... becouse I do not. xd
  13. Please start doing so, becouse for now you are only embarassing yourself.
  14. Agree, I haven't thought about it, but you are right. It would be only fair to add permament "battle mode" version as well.
  15. I would really like to have something like a toggle for legendary armor, so when turned on, your armor won't go into "battle mode" after you grab your weapons. To spare resources I would be even satisfied with some simple recipe to craft simplified version of this armor without "battle mode" after you unlock normal version of it, or even more simple to just dump on everyone simplified version once you acquire normal one. Reason for it is that I really like medium lege armor skin, but only when it's not turned into that big skirt that make my charr twice more wider than he is. What are your opinions on the matter?
  16. I would like to have a toggle, or some recipe, or just additional skin unlocked, anything so legendary armor do not transform into it's "battle" version. I literally can't force myself to use it on my character, I am loving the medium armor vest skin but when it transforms into a enormous skirt making my charr twice as wide, I just... ehh. Please consider one of this ideas dear Devs.
  17. Oh, how much would I give for optional toggle to hide this fugly skirt on medium lege armor and stay with that cool west. Only reason I do not use lege skin. 😞
  18. Do not let him get over your head. Check Tumblr link he have in his description. He is the very definition of "toxicness", but he is supposed to be pitied and sent to a doctor, not scorned.
  19. You raise a good points here. I was asking partially becouse I was curious what I am? Here on forum I see peoples usually categorising others into: Play only OW = Casual Play raids = Elitist Like there is no middle ground, and since for past few months I log in once a week only to clear raids, which takes around 3h (so not a lot of time spend on playing the game), and before that, I was engaging in all content gw2 have to offer, I wonder what does it make me, and if there is even a reason to call someone casual/elite since it can't be defined or is viewed diffrently by each player. xd
  20. What do you mean you are casual? From the description of every step you made, it points me up that you are normal player. You engage in content and are willing to play it. May I ask what is your definition of casual? Many players use this word on many diffrent occasions, usually to make themselves look like a victim in some discussions and therefor win the argument somehow, but I always wondered what is the real definition here. Time you spend on playing, problems with learning rotation/build or something else. I am curious coz as I mentioned, from your description you seem rather like a pro gamer that is just new to this game, rather than a total casual. ^^
  21. Well, thats the Killthehealersoff for you. He'll try to convince you that the sky is green if he will see even a slight chance that it will make players hate raiders. And he sees that chance way too often, like even in the chocolate example one of you mentioned. xd
  22. Hah! First argument regarding auto-LFG that actually managed to convince me. You have my popcorn bowl. xd
  23. Not really a need for it in my opinion. Like you mentioned for more specific group reqs, it won't work anyways, and when I do not care about composition than I just open LFG with "all welcome" description, and I am on my merry way to do dailies and other stuff. It's pracricly the same as auto LFG.
  24. Hey, hey, hey. I do not put words into your mouth. Don't you dare do it to me nor do not try calling me toxic. I spent my fair share of time on teaining runs to get where I am, and I am also leading training runs WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. What is more toxic, wanting to do fast clear or expecting someone to teach you becouse your somehow entitled to it. I do not owe you a training, no one owes you a thing. Not to mention I didn't even gave an opinion on gear "inspect" so your assumptions are wrong, sorry. Great, you managed to pick the easiest of the mechanics, as for tanks i need to disappoint you but it's not just stand in place and let boss smash your face. In gw2 you need to make sure that boss stands in correct place, make him place his skills in place that will not endanger other player and many other things. Auto LFG will not have the plasure of "not grouping it all into one word". It must include every possible mechanic, and most of them are not so easly defined.
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