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Everything posted by Fallesafe.5932

  1. Just make a dead easy character, boost it up to 80, and see if your opinion changes. I'd recommend power daredevil with invigorating precision. You'll cut through mobs like a lawnmower and be filling up your health bar almost as fast as it drops. Once you get decent gear, you'll also be doing better dps than everyone else 90% of the time. You'll be able to give yourself ~30 uninterrupted seconds of stealth, and have huge mobility skills. Necro is supposed to be a great solo profession as well. But I've never tried it personally. Here's the staff daredevil template. Just change "no quarter" for "invigorating precision." It's such an ezmode build. https://discretize.eu/builds/thief/power-daredevil
  2. Yea, great argument. I guess there's nothing you could possibly do but quit at this point.
  3. Any old Everquest players who find it hilarious to see GW2 mounts described as 'a grind in need of toning down?'? Is there even a mount in this game that takes more than a week to get?? The griffon took less than two days. The roller beetle took well under a week. And I don't recall the exact time on the skyscale. But I could have sworn it was also less than a week. All of this while working 75 hrs/week at my old job. What are we even talking about here??
  4. Good thing I couldn't care less about skins, or this would bother me. I'm part of that tiny minority of players that want new and better items to be regularly added to the game (not just different colored bows and ribbons to tie onto the same old junk I've had for 4 years). Oh well..
  5. Don't worry... It's just like all the other group-content in this game: where you don't talk to each other or work together, and might as well be alone anway.
  6. This game is so cheap... There's literally nobody (who has indoor plumbing) that can't afford to buy it. Refusing to buy the game is a choice. And that choice has consequences.
  7. Thinking about it, wouldn't it be cool if every zone had a "Normal" node where it's standard difficulty and events and then a "Berserk" node where the difficulty was ramped up, the events were constant, overwhelming and require a guild to make progress in (aka not solo-able or casual) and you could swap to the different nodes at waypoints. Yes!! Let's get some open-world events that you can actually fail.(Do want)
  8. Would like to see:1) A new tier of armor and weapons that's stronger than ascended... along with a bunch of creative and useful new convenience items (i.e. something to actually work for). 2) A complete replacement for the stale and boring fractal system that's as much a revolution in PvE culture as fractals originally were to dungeons. 3) Some way to make WvW more compelling and interesting to players who haven't tried it before. Would not like to see:1) More ridiculous skins in place of point 1 (above). 2) A couple of new fractals being tacked on to the end of the stale and boring fractal system. 3) All of this supposedly compensated for by yet another mount. What are we up to now... 8 of them? I'm running out of buttons to hotkey them all.
  9. The MMO genre is dead through exhaustion. When GW3 comes out (if they even call it that), it will be a p2w cellphone game.
  10. They're not going to invest any more than the bare minimum to keep their low-expectation playerbase logging in. And that's not much. Are you asking if players would be willing to donate their own money (like a charity) to "help" Anet rebuild their game engine?? I respectfully decine.?
  11. It's as boring as dishwater. It took me just over a year to get to the point where I was totally maxed out in equipment and convenience items. From that point forward, I kept logging in (with a heavy sense of sunk-cost-fallacy) trying to figure out what the heck was left to do. Again and again, I would log out within 45 minutes, because I couldn't think of anything. I've never played another MMO in my life (going all the way back to UO in the late '90s) where I hit the wall so hard and had such a sense of purposelessness.
  12. Exactly. And I don't see the point. There's nothing exciting or compelling about the game itself (there really isn't). What makes all activities in a game exciting or compelling are their connection to your character's progress. People who like this aspect of GW2 think that they're seeing through a "gear treadmill." But gear treadmills are life in the connection between work and reward. If we lived in some alternate reality where everyone completely owned their house/apartment, and had all food and essential items delivered to them every morning for free... I'll bet they wouldn't keep showing up to their jobs. And I feel exactly the same way about running these boring, 5-year old fractals for the 10,000th time, or dragging an anvil through the swamp of the raid community when I already have everything I need, and will never gain anything new through the efforts. Skins and achievements are busy work. I can't begin to understand why anyone would even log in for these "rewards."
  13. Hi, Is anybody else having problems getting gems? All day long, I keep getting the message "unfortunately, an error has occurred." I've tried three different cards with plenty of money. Is it just me?
  14. I just checked it out. Thanks man! That looks like it might be perfect.
  15. Now that I'm under lockdown, I want to kill some time again in this game. I've been out for over a year, and see that a lot of things have changed. My main interest is in PvE (fractals and raids). I don't have the time or interest to master a fantastically complicated profession/role. I'd like to build up a character that's really easy and straightforward to play in PvE, and has no problem getting accepted in pickup fractal and raid groups. I'm not picky, and don't favor any particular style of play over another. Any suggestions?
  16. I'm not. This is the stalest MMO I've ever played. I think it's been about a year and a half since I last logged on. Don't miss it even a little.
  17. The same reason you've been running the same fractals every week for five straight years, and re-skinning your 5 year old ascended armor and weapons for just as long. The game is stagnant. And the sunk-cost fallacy is real.
  18. No matter how ridiculous any aspect of this game is, there will always be vocal group of people on this board to passionately argue that it has to be EXACTLY that way, or the game would catastrophically collapse overnight. The real reason is because they released an entire expansion with four days of new gameplay. And it turns out that mounts actually WERE the expansion. So they need to string you along, for 2-3 years with new mounts, new mount skins, and new mount abilities, to fill in for all the alternative content that never was.
  19. What difference does it make? Everybody is really running around with the exact same gear. You can do your daily, stale fractal content with sparks flying out of your butt, or not. It doesn't change the fact that you're still doing the same, 7 year old drudgery, or wearing the same gear you've been in since ascended came out.
  20. Is this bait, or are you actually serious? You want to know how to report players for PvPing with you in a PvP arena????
  21. We have absolutely no idea what really happened here... I would just LOVE it if the leader of this group (or one of the other members) showed up here to give their side of OP's story. I've never met a single person, living on the street, who wasn't an absolute martyr and victim (according to their own telling of the story).
  22. I jumped into WvW just to get my gift of battle, and ended up quitting PvE as a result. Stop pouting and play the game mode. You may actually like (love?) It.
  23. Yes. And they should charge a monthly subscription-fee to support regular and substantial development/expansion... No more of these ""expansions""" you wait three years for that bring 4 days of new content.
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