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Anet's refusal to punish toxic players and rule breakers is why this game mode is so unpopular.


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The problem is, quite often, toxicity is misunderstood. Not every behavior or thing said in team chat is toxic just because you don't agree with it. 


So first we have to be able to tell REAL toxicity from the not, and then assign blame and report people. I have been banned myself, twice in the course of 5 years for afk'ing out of rage. Yes, I have regrets, but some things drive me insane to watch; like players going alone mid against 4 people over and over. Or having 3 players chase one thief across the map when we have no caps. Or players always ignoring objectives (bell, hammer) or trebbing for an entire game. Or players +1ing for no reason or capping nothing when you're 2v1 for half the game. 


I will echo this

8 hours ago, greedywholesome.9081 said:

Toxicity is terrible but it's not the main cause for the population decline. 


I don't think there would be more pvp players if Anet did start to ban more consistently. Toxic players are not the main problem.

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On 9/6/2021 at 3:44 AM, Filip.7463 said:

Someone that knows u shouldnt play raid build in pvp?

It's all relative. Below gold 3, I've seen some axe/axe and condi berserkers. Boon chronos. Firebrands. I don't think it's of any impact to tell players in gold 1 they shouldn't play what they feel like or know because "it's a raid build." You can't yell at others at silver 3 for not playing what is meta.


Really though, when I started playing shout warrior I was made fun of. Then it was meta. Crying about minionmancers in plat 1 was a thing. Now I see them winning entire ATs. I've seen a core rev player win 2v1s in plat 1. 


If people can play a "raid build" well enough to carry themselves to be in the same rank as you with your meta class, let them and shush. Meta builds are born out of people trying new stuff that are not popular.

Edited by wondermuffin.9680
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It doesn't help that if you have an AFKer you have to sit for a long time in 5v5 conquest.


If ANET isn't going to punish people anyways (These guys are probably understaffed), you may as well make tolerable game modes the main ranked mode so that even if people are toxic (which is fated to happen), then the chances of having fun is better. Also fix game balance please, and make 2v2/3v3 the main mode (Maybe make it best out of 3 instead of 5. Fast games are probably better since ANET doesn't want to allocate staff members to banning people who afk in ranked).  Conquest is trash ANET, get with the times because in a 5v5 rotating mode, one bad apple can ruin everything and you don't do anything about it. It's garbage.

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On 9/3/2021 at 11:06 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

I applaud you.
I have been toxic, trolled, afked, insulted and berated other players for 2 years now, and I have never been banned.
There is OFC certain limit of being a prick that I do not cross, but the fact that you managed to get banned twice within 2 months is actually impressive.

I got banned once in 10 minutes

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1 hour ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

It's all relative. Below gold 3, I've seen some axe/axe and condi berserkers. Boon chronos. Firebrands. I don't think it's of any impact to tell players in gold 1 they shouldn't play what they feel like or know because "it's a raid build." You can't yell at others at silver 3 for not playing what is meta.


Really though, when I started playing shout warrior I was made fun of. Then it was meta. Crying about minionmancers in plat 1 was a thing. Now I see them winning entire ATs. I've seen a core rev player win 2v1s in plat 1. 


If people can play a "raid build" well enough to carry themselves to be in the same rank as you with your meta class, let them and shush. Meta builds are born out of people trying new stuff that are not popular.

G3 players end up in p2-3 game pretty fast and throw on their trollbuilds. They dont play their build well enough, they usually feed because opponents will target the weakest player - they recognise them immediately by seeing kalla, berserker, firebrand and similar unviable stuff

So its understandable that someone that is p3 in that match will be toxic towards the g3 player because its clear he threw the game.


Toxicty isnt the problem for low population. Its unfun meta. We dont need to keep new players coming to pvp, we need to keep the competition / top players if u want the game to be popular and esport (esport sadly already failed, because bunker meta was a thing). For example boyce is refusing to compete because meta and naru will be complaining about tankiness of necros everyday on stream.

Edited by Filip.7463
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1 hour ago, Filip.7463 said:

G3 players end up in p2-3 game pretty fast and throw on their trollbuilds. They dont play their build well enough, they usually feed because opponents will target the weakest player - they recognise them immediately by seeing kalla, berserker, firebrand and similar unviable stuff

So its understandable that someone that is p3 in that match will be toxic towards the g3 player because its clear he threw the game.


Toxicty isnt the problem for low population. Its unfun meta. We dont need to keep new players coming to pvp, we need to keep the competition / top players if u want the game to be popular and esport (esport sadly already failed, because bunker meta was a thing). For example boyce is refusing to compete because meta and naru will be complaining about tankiness of necros everyday on stream.

Nope - we need new players AND high-end meta to make it all work 

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23 hours ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

The problem is, quite often, toxicity is misunderstood. Not every behavior or thing said in team chat is toxic just because you don't agree with it. 


So first we have to be able to tell REAL toxicity from the not, and then assign blame and report people. I have been banned myself, twice in the course of 5 years for afk'ing out of rage. Yes, I have regrets, but some things drive me insane to watch; like players going alone mid against 4 people over and over. Or having 3 players chase one thief across the map when we have no caps. Or players always ignoring objectives (bell, hammer) or trebbing for an entire game. Or players +1ing for no reason or capping nothing when you're 2v1 for half the game. 


I will echo this


I don't think there would be more pvp players if Anet did start to ban more consistently. Toxic players are not the main problem.

I got a 28 day ban for being toxic in the devs direction. I don't take my distatse out on the playerbase other than pointing out bots or very bot-like behavior. I could've botted for 25 straight days without ever logging out and would still be free to log in, but calling out Anets refusal to do literally anything about it makes me an unredeemable monster.


Oh well. Anet has regularly made it clear that they don't want to support sPvP, I'll do what I can to make sure I spread the word.

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I've been trying my hardest to come back to the game and get on track and into the grind to get better with a positive mentality. However, I've been actively ignored 90% of the time I ask for help in-game. Aside the forums and youtube videos the secrecy and elitism is insane. And then they expect those outside the cabal to know everything when the information is buried! That's to say nothing of win traders, bots, people selling leaderboard spots, smurfs, the usual bullkitten in pvp games. No wonder the game mode is dead. Quite frankly, even for a pvp player who is just looking for good fights and matches and wants to get better, the entire thing is discouraging even making the attempt at this point. 


While the pvp in FFXIV is god awful the community actually being friendly and helpful to new or returning players is looking more and more appealing and I've been finding myself playing that more and more.

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  • 6 months later...

Who ever is in charge and responsible of banning people is probably the worst kind of person for the job. Little done and what it does seems always harmful. How one can do so little yet be always wrong? Maybe it is time to update the guidelines for those workers. Specially regarding afk and win trading, sometimes it is way too obvious. Same thing in GW1 but that is another issue, just similar and same solution.

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On 9/7/2021 at 3:24 PM, bLind.6278 said:

I got a 28 day ban for being toxic in the devs direction. I don't take my distatse out on the playerbase other than pointing out bots or very bot-like behavior. I could've botted for 25 straight days without ever logging out and would still be free to log in, but calling out Anets refusal to do literally anything about it makes me an unredeemable monster.


Oh well. Anet has regularly made it clear that they don't want to support sPvP, I'll do what I can to make sure I spread the word.

This is the main problem I was talking about, there is definitely a biased human reading the reports, yet he deliberately chooses to do certain actions that are not healthy to the game and nothing against the bots/afks. I don't want to accuse anyone of anything, but since there can be a lot of money involved, I wonder if they could be selling "ban immunities" and such. Because people do get banned, but we often see the same ones never getting banned.

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What's really annoying is when these stupid PvE players come in and are told what they are doing is not a sound strategy.  Then they kitten and moan and call everybody else stupid because they aren't running and killing an animal the second it spawns.  Or they sit there and brag about how important they are using treb.  


That's why people are toxic and yell at you and quit games.  They get fed up with the stupid and know they are just wasting their time.  Maybe if you PvE players took the time to actually learn basic map strategy people wouldn't be so toxic to you because you wouldn't be doing something stupid to make the team lose.

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On 9/4/2021 at 7:28 AM, Guirssane.7082 said:

Report them, block them and hope arenanet at least mute them for few days, welcome to pvp games. If you thought gw2 was bad try some league of legends

 League of Legends? It has been a very while to see someone say it. Well, I haven't even stepped back into it since a time of eternity. The game itself is cool but many players in there aren't. After all, toxicity is everywhere if it is  about an online game. Nothing more and nothing less.

Edited by Sylvia.4870
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On 9/4/2021 at 4:41 PM, noobfest.2180 said:

The only thing that Anet has to do for PvP to kill the toxicity is literally replicate what they have for Guild Wars 1 PvP. The Random Arena teams of 5 get to continue playing with the same people if they win their match until they are defeated by a better random team of 5.


When the team wins 20 games (which is very rare and hard to do) they get a nice gold bump and go back to HoTM. Think about how much toxicity would be naturally eliminated if you weren’t just sitting in a game with randoms for 6-10 minutes and then you never see them again.

There needs to be a purpose for building a relationship in game, investing in trying to help other players learn and get better. What would be better for cultivating team work and a teaching environment than trying to get your random team to 20 wins in a row in the arena?


Currently there is no benefit to being nice and not be an elitist kitten because once that game ends who cares. The bad players go back to being bad players and the grumpy toxic players do the same, we need to cultivate team work in this game and GW1 PVP had that right. I don’t know why they didn’t continue that here? It seems like a completely obvious fix and would solve multiple problems at once.

 dont worry, the kittening forum campaigned to get the ability to play as a team removed, and therefore removed any reason to be nice or help any more than one single player. your duo partner is all you need now.


why would i go to the effort of helping players who i cant even play with? um hello... and we wonder why the population is so low and no one makes teaching guilds kekw

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Okay but first, create a balance, code a proper matchmaking, bring back team ques then we can talk about toxic or "i'm done, afk" players. If anet can fix all things and playets are still being toxic or idle ban them all instantly, forever.


Nobody has to waste time for a already lost game. Or nobody has to accept useless classes in ranked pvp just for your amusement.

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Literally perma ban the entire top20 ladder at the end of the season. No data needed, no research needed, it's blatantly obvious that at least 19/20 of them are breaking rules. Ban and move on. If the same IPs / players come back next ladder(they will, free money for anet!), do it again.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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