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2v2 and/or 3v3 should to be permanent

Beast Sos.1457

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It's just way more fun imo. Conquest is way to reliant on your team. To carry is almost impossible unless youre on Naru's lvl. In games like LoL, there is a snowball mechanic so even if your team is doing bad you still have a chance to carry because of the items. Gw2 has no such mechanic. At this point, during conquest seasons, its RNG if your going to win or not. Almost nothing you can do about it. 


Since returning to the game a few months ago, the most fun I've had in spvp was when it was the off seasons. 2v2 and 3v3 are extremely fun game modes. 


PS: I know necros are king but that applies to conquest as well. Thats not a game mode issue but a balance issue. 

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Stronghold was another gamemode a-net made permanent in the past. Finally something thats not conquest, well it's kinda polarising and the game is not really balanced for this mode but whatever... it took like 2 months for Stronghold to die. 

Here lies not-conquest, 2015-2015, you will not be remembered.

The exact same thing would happen to 2v2/3v3 if we brought it out of ranked and into a permanent unranked gamemode. And if your suggestion is to keep TDM as the permanent ranked gamemode, nice joke. The entire combat system was designed around conquest, they would not throw their balanced gamemode away for an unbalanced one.

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Are you an ape? 2v2 in this game is so beyond kitten it's insane. It's even more ook ook booga booga than normal, and RNG feels even worse. You get a thief on your team? GG you lose. You get any non-dueling class? GG you lose. Other team has a Necro? Oh gg you lose.

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Yes. Please. So they will be forced to rebalance all classes to fit the mode. Thus some classes will lose their aoe (no way it is healthy on small maps) and thieves for example will finally see other roles than glorified  +1 pet (and be something like wow rogues maybe).


I get a feeling though that some won't like it much 😂

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3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I'd rather not have the PvP population be stretched even thinner over more modes than it already is.

I think just having it as a tickbox like Stronghold for unranked will be fine.

As for Stronghold @Bazsi.2734, it would have been fine map if they put some work on it instead of dropping it like the rest of the PVP maps, Spirit watch is in permanent Beta, there is just no development time given to map design for PVP and WvW . If it worked more like Heroes of the storm or Smite maps with more objectives , it would have faired better instead of whatever it is now.  

Not everything has to be competitive it sometimes good to have just some fun pvp modes, for example I really enjoy Snowball mayhem it is probably one of the better fun Side pvp modes, The dragon Arena is also cool, Kegbrawl, there are allot of them that fizzled out since they need to be made more Fun like the Reapers return or the Aspect arena, but the general idea is that they are tucked away from peoples Eyes most of the time since they are just unfinished projects.

Not everyone enjoys Conquest, some people just want to fight it out it can be seen when people ignore objectives. I also think making the deathmatch Ranked, it should have started as unranked and then maybe get Ranked off season, maybe even a tournament from time to time.     

Edited by Vancho.8750
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This game clearly isn't balanced at all, made even more apparent in 2v2 and 3v3 game modes. Unless you're the type of person that wants to play one specific way and win just by default for doing so I don't see how you could find any joy out of 2v2 and 3v3.

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On 9/30/2021 at 4:29 PM, ramorambo.6701 said:

2v2/3v3 is increadibly one sided for support + tank class or just necro spamming lich in general, but hey if you like it, by all means; i'd be happy for it to be permanent but to not force it after a season ends

Do you think that would change if there was more theory crafting put into 2v2 and 3v3 combat? I'm genuinely curious. Maybe people already have. If not then if it were to become a permanent mode, I would assume more people would take it seriously, at least for the first bit, and find what works best. It might turn out like you said, being one sided for support and tank. 

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On 9/30/2021 at 5:47 PM, Bazsi.2734 said:

Stronghold was another gamemode a-net made permanent in the past. Finally something thats not conquest, well it's kinda polarising and the game is not really balanced for this mode but whatever... it took like 2 months for Stronghold to die. 

Here lies not-conquest, 2015-2015, you will not be remembered.

The exact same thing would happen to 2v2/3v3 if we brought it out of ranked and into a permanent unranked gamemode. And if your suggestion is to keep TDM as the permanent ranked gamemode, nice joke. The entire combat system was designed around conquest, they would not throw their balanced gamemode away for an unbalanced one.

It's a possibility that the same would happen to 2v2/3v3 as did stronghold. I don't think thats a good reason to deter them from try to make any other game mode permanently available.

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On 10/1/2021 at 10:19 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

I'd rather not have the PvP population be stretched even thinner over more modes than it already is.

Well clearly right now something isn't right. There should be way more interest in spvp than there is currently. I would argue that has a lot to do with sticking to only having conquest as a game mode. 

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36 minutes ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

Well clearly right now something isn't right. There should be way more interest in spvp than there is currently. I would argue that has a lot to do with sticking to only having conquest as a game mode. 

Maybe, but I suspect a bigger reason is the incredible lack of balance and existence of so many "cheese" builds and strategy. There are so many things that are flat out broken... and consequently frustrating and un-fun to play against. Because the matches are smaller (5v5 at largest), you really feel the imbalance a lot more than in a bigger zerg battle like in WvW.


I often find myself thinking in matches "this player isn't very good (i.e they have bad mechanics) but they are being carried by their build." This reality turns a lot of people off.

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7 minutes ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

Well clearly right now something isn't right. There should be way more interest in spvp than there is currently. I would argue that has a lot to do with sticking to only having conquest as a game mode. 

Lack of interest is due to years of neglect or mismanagement. Since the 2020 february patch it's actually both, which is quite impressive as they seem almost mutally exclusive.

Let's see if they can amend those problems with the EoD release... I expect nothing at this point.

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9 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Lack of interest is due to years of neglect or mismanagement. Since the 2020 february patch it's actually both, which is quite impressive as they seem almost mutally exclusive.

Let's see if they can amend those problems with the EoD release... I expect nothing at this point.

They will be focusing on PvP, but on the WvW side, at least it is what they said. So SPVP might get some trickle down "Balance".

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9 hours ago, Beast Sos.1457 said:

Well clearly right now something isn't right. There should be way more interest in spvp than there is currently. I would argue that has a lot to do with sticking to only having conquest as a game mode. 

It is far more related to Arenanet handles (or rather does not) balance.

People kept leaving sPvP since at least the the start of HoT, when elite specializations started to throw the already fragile balance off the rails. And one of the biggest recent culprits for the decline of sPvP was the February 2020 patch, which hit Conquest and Deathmatch equally.

Even if you may not like Conquest, blaming it does not do anything when the primary reason for the decline is something else.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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