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Sus Candy Corn (sekiro bite down)

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As a player who goes out of my way to rez people when I see the map marker, this makes me sad. Rezzing people or having some kind soul rez me is one of the wonderful moments in this game that makes it feel communal. 

Much of the time I get there just in time to see people waypoint out, though. Sometimes they even waypoint out while I'm in the process of killing the mob that downed them.

This would probably make it even less likely to ever get to give someone a helping hand. Then again, it would probably also mean a lot fewer times running over to help, fighting a mob down to almost dead, only to see them disappear.

I totally understand why you want it. I'm not arguing against it. Just sharing another perspective.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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7 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Wouldn't a suicide button trigger a bunch of people? 🤔


Technically, there's no death happening anywhere in the process, even as is. You're going from 'downed' to 'defeated'. No one's being rezzed, they're being 'revived'.

So an "Aw, screw it" button would just be a tactical retreat, not suicide.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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4 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:


Technically, there's no death happening anywhere in the process, even as is. You're going from 'downed' to 'defeated'. No one's being rezzed, they're being 'revived'.

So an "Aw, screw it" button would just be a tactical retreat, not suicide.

Well, technically true. 

If they're smart about their "branding" (haha), calling it differently, it would be a non issue. 😛


Still... You don't design your game around player cooperation with a downed mechanic, achievements for rezzing people, then implement an "ah screw it" button...

It's counter intuitive. Even in open world.

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6 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Still... You don't design your game around player cooperation with a downed mechanic, achievements for rezzing people, then implement an "ah screw it" button...

It's counter intuitive. Even in open world.

Yeah, I can agree with you there. Rezzing Reviving really feels like it's baked into the "always glad to see another player" thing they trumpeted as a core design principle back at the beginning of the game.

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Just now, Gibson.4036 said:

Yeah, I can agree with you there. Rezzing Reviving really feels like it's baked into the "always glad to see another player" thing they trumpeted as a core design principle back at the beginning of the game.

Yup. And well, from my own experience, i'm always glad when i'm soloing, if i get downed or even defeated, it's nice if some random player comes along, revives me and we just "TY, NP" and go our separate ways. And in some maps without a lot of waypoints, it's also a time saver when it happens. Vice versa too, when i revive someone. What i don't like is when i'm reviving someone and they just waypoint. If people had a "screw it" button, that would happen a lot and would kinda be annoying to have a revive mechanic if someone can just waypoint away automatically. 


Plus, i honestly thing Anet has better and more pressing matters to attend to right now than installing new features like this that kinda change the gameplay a lot.

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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

As a player who goes out of my way to rez people when I see the map marker, this makes me sad. Rezzing people or having some kind soul rez me is one of the wonderful moments in this game that makes it feel communal. 

Much of the time I get there just in time to see people waypoint out, though. Sometimes they even waypoint out while I'm in the process of killing the mob that downed them.

This would probably make it even less likely to ever get to give someone a helping hand. Then again, it would probably also mean a lot fewer times running over to help, fighting a mob down to almost dead, only to see them disappear.

I totally understand why you want it. I'm not arguing against it. Just sharing another perspective.

I understand where you are coming from.  I wish there was a way to have a se of preset phrases, like "please don't rez me", or "please let me die".  It's so frustrating, in many maps, that there is no quick way to leave combat (especially if you have minions) when you really need to..  Maybe a 6th downed skill, maybe call it a DNR, lol, so that other players don't waste their time rezzing you when they could be helping someone else.

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2 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Wouldn't a suicide button trigger a bunch of people? 🤔

How about a 6th downed skill called DNR that makes you unrevive/unrezzable?  It's really frustrating when the only way to leave a mob packed map/event is to die and well meaning players come along and try to res you just before you are finally free.  I main a support Scourge, and since my job is to scoop the dead up off the floor and send them back into the fray; it would be really nice not to waste precious time trying to rez folks who really want to just GTFO.

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2 hours ago, Kitty La Boom Boom.4065 said:

How about a 6th downed skill called DNR that makes you unrevive/unrezzable?  It's really frustrating when the only way to leave a mob packed map/event is to die and well meaning players come along and try to res you just before you are finally free.  I main a support Scourge, and since my job is to scoop the dead up off the floor and send them back into the fray; it would be really nice not to waste precious time trying to rez folks who really want to just GTFO.

That would be a better solution, yes. If there's a clear indicator to others to not revive you (as morbid as that sounds lol), meaning, you don't plan on sticking around, you wanna do something else, whatever... Then maybe.

But even then, someone can just revive you and you can then waypoint out. 

And in the few cases where there's lots of mobs so you can't immediately waypoint after a revive, well, die again i guess.


Idk, i'm just wondering if such a niche case where you can't wait a few seconds to die or get revived to waypoint away really needs its own gameplay mechanic implemented... I was never in such a hurry to "GTFO" that i couldn't just thank the person for reviving me, then waypoint away if i needed to be somewhere else. Then again, i'm the kind of person who uses the beetle and griffon to "fast travel" so idk, maybe my opinion doesn't count. 🤷‍♂️

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16 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Yeah, I can agree with you there. Rezzing Reviving really feels like it's baked into the "always glad to see another player" thing they trumpeted as a core design principle back at the beginning of the game.

That's all well and good, but when I'm downed in a very low populated map (like Desolation) I really don't want to sit around and wait while the undead poke at my slowly decaying state.  I'd just rather end it and get back to a waypoint.  It's a waste of time for me.

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56 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That's all well and good, but when I'm downed in a very low populated map (like Desolation) I really don't want to sit around and wait while the undead poke at my slowly decaying state.  I'd just rather end it and get back to a waypoint.  It's a waste of time for me.

Yeah, I get that.

Maybe use the time to hydrate and move around a little? 😄


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20 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Have been wishing for some open world "kill me now" button for years

OMG YES! there are times when I say that when out in the open world.


19 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

In my opinion, Arenanet should just enable /gg in Open World and WvW.

That feature already exists, so I don't think we should have to use items to replicate the feature.

Please do this Anet. So many times I have typed /gg because of being in a mess, and then remembered I wasnt in a raid and cried a little. 

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22 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

In my opinion, Arenanet should just enable /gg in Open World and WvW.

That feature already exists, so I don't think we should have to use items to replicate the feature.

yea forgot about that feature. incrementally adding /gg in more modes as dev time allows would be a big qol improvement.

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