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What spec/profession will Engineer elite spec copy?


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So far Anet has copy pasted a whole bunch of other specs to the current especs.


Harbinger = Engie

Willbender = Thief/Shiro Rev

Catalyst = Scrapper

Specter = Scourge

Bladesword = Holo but backwards

Vindicator = Rev copy pasted on to itself.


Many are saying Golems will be like Ranger pets but I hope not. I hope if it is anything it will be more like Necro, you enter your Shroud Golem, and get a second health bar and punch people. yup. neato. It's only fair after Harbinger stole our stuff. yup 🙂

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Warrior -> Weird Holo/Engi?
Guardian -> Thief/Shiro Rev
Revenant -> Guardian-ish?

Thief -> Scourge
Ranger -> Warrior? Bunny Thumper?

Engineer -> ?
Elementalist -> Scrapper? Hammer war?

Mesmer -> Not sure on this one. Maybe Harbinger?
Necro -> Condi Engineer


The only classes not really seeing any cross-representation are Ranger or Mesmer, so it's likely going to be based on one of those.

I do find it interesting how 3 of the new e-specs seem to have some basis in engineer though.

Edited by Vagrant.7206
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16 minutes ago, Vagrant.7206 said:

I do find it interesting how 3 of the new e-specs seem to have some basis in engineer though.

They probably latched onto the opportunity since the setting of this expansion is so heavily technology themed with jade tech and all that stuff being around.

Engineer hasn't been used for cross classing so far because the themes of the previous expansions didn't allow much. Elona and the Maguuma jungle are not places where you expect an elementalist to pick up some high tech shenanigans. 

About the topic: I fear that they might combine us with ranger for the golemancer theme, would not really like this.

My hope would be a pairing with necromancer for some nasty conditions stuff... like a radiation theme which shrouds us with the fallout of the jade tech (that stuff really looked like Canthan nuclear energy) to make enemies around us sick.

Bonus points if the spec uses corruption skills (harm yourself with radiation to harm the enemy even harmfullier) and gives us more access to boon hate.

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11 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

My hope would be a pairing with necromancer for some nasty conditions stuff... like a radiation theme which shrouds us with the fallout of the jade tech (that stuff really looked like Canthan nuclear energy) to make enemies around us sick.

Bonus points if the spec uses corruption skills (harm yourself with radiation to harm the enemy even harmfullier) and gives us more access to boon hate.

Get out of here STALKER!

Edited by Vagrant.7206
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I really hope they merge us with necro, we get a shroud (golem/mech suit) and we get summon (mini robot army). Focus either on support or condi dps. But to be honest I would mind either a support power... power is just more fun to play... me like big number and big robot go boom XD

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Ranger could make sense. Turrets are useless - and basically similar to stuff like Necro's minions. (Just immobile.) Necro would be so bad. We already have a thing that gives us another transformation (Holosmoth and the Holo Forge). Would have loved a sniper spec but Deadeye/Thief got that one. (+ we already have rifle as weapon).

Shouts or Signets - if they copy a skill type from other professions - might be a thing. Shout to buff a golem-pet. (Would also make for a nice scavenger hunt on the new map to unlock golem parts - to get different parts to unlock special skills. Instead of having different golems - like with the pets that can be different for ranger.)

Entering the golem (like a golem-suit) could also be an option while still having it similar to ranger: Like the Soulbeast merging with the pet.

I guess a few more hours and we'll know more. They seemed to release the other 2 teaser videos yesterday + the day before yesterday. So today is engineer's day.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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32 minutes ago, RobinotX.1604 said:

I can see it be a mix of Ranger and Revenant.

Where you get commands that fit a similar role as the Ventari Tablet utilities.

What would it replace ? The Skills ? Because those commands on Rev. Ventari take the place of the Skills. Or would you give up the Toolbelt for it ?

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2 minutes ago, Dawanarth.4601 said:

What would it replace ? The Skills ? Because those commands on Rev. Ventari take the place of the Skills. Or would you give up the Toolbelt for it ?

I think several options are possible. You could get a new F5 which is called Command mode. And you can command your Mecha with 1 to 5.

You can put some Skills on your bar for the pet.
Your toolbelt skills change all for the pet.

I am really curious what they gonna do and if the talents and utilities will be only useful in use with the pet or also without it 😄

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