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PSA From A Historically Accurate Town Crier - About Win Trading

Trevor Boyer.6524

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You've all been hearing me say it for years now. I've called out win trading, how it was done, the depths of why it was happening. For years people would say: "nah man you're crazy, that's conspiracy" But in the end, I was right, about literally every single thing I ever pointed out to this forum community. I was just able to spot it earlier than most, albeit my lack of connections to provide incriminating evidence.

I'm here to make a new statement so people know what's going on, and are ready to expose it QUICKLY this time, instead of waiting 10 years to pay attention. The win trading and multi-box botting for throwing is actually WORSE now, than it was before the supposed 83 account ban. I don't know who it is. I don't know if it is the usual culprits on new accounts laying down some kind of vengeance, or if it is a clique of new guys, no idea. But the ranked game is unbelievably broken, unplayable, and insulting to even attempt to play at this point. It's a big slap to this community's face.

There is only 1 way to fix this problem. You put back 5man que so the wise players can block themselves from the effects of synch queue win trading & multi-box bot throws. Arenanet needs to either put back 5man queue or disable the ranked mode. Yes, I am being serious. This has gotten ridiculous and it is sickening to even see it open for queues. I don't understand why this company isn't entirely embarrassed at what they have allowed to happen to their reputation concerning competitive gaming. This pvp scene in GW2 is by far the raunchiest, dirtiest, nastiest, unclean rigged theatric platform for match manipulation that I've seen in any game to date. I do not say this lightly as I am 38 years of age and have been online gaming since 1996 when 14.4 modems were still in use. Arenanet should take this kind of word of mouth seriously.

INB4 QQ about 5man teams! oh noez! because the problem this game faces with the level of sheer raw rigged manipulation at this point, is 100x worse. INB4 "Some of us only want to play solo!" Come on man. What did you expect when you bought a game named "Guild Wars?" At some point Arenanet needs to stop cattering to the immediate ignorant appeasement of people who are under the placebo that solo only somehow makes it all better. Because I know, they know, all the veterans know, nothing could be further from the truth. If some people want to bow out and not form parties to participate, so be it. There will be plenty of other players to replace them, who aren't playing now, because team queue was removed. It'll balance itself out player base wise. Lose some, gain some. The only real difference is that with 5man teams, your team won't need to worry about synch queues throwing your games.

~ It's the only way. Arenanet please listen. Fix your game mode in 1 fast & easy fell swoop. Reenable 5man queues.

~ What you are doing now, for whatever reason that is,  it isn't working.


To any player who supports this same stance, it is time to STOP playing ranked. Stop supporting this janky completely inadequate, no longer competitive scene. Arenanet very seriously needs to see that this is unacceptable. Play ATs all you want. Play Unranked all you want. But stop playing ranked if you really want to see changes. I love this game and I wish it hadn't come to this, but it has. Please take this seriously if you love this game and would like to be able to play it legitimately again.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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How long will players continue to play in ranked when they are constantly matched against a full team of Plat2+ vets when they are ranked around gold?


I know that if there were more players this wouldn't happen as often...until those plat players realise they can just que in Aus primetime like some of them do now as duos to abuse the matchmaking system.


For the top 5% players um sure this is a great idea.


Honestly I would like to see it implemented just to show how badly it would go.


Just an opinion of a lowly g3 

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"5 man queue"-only will certainly put the final nail in the coffin of pvp.

How many teams do we have rn, running 5 man in EU?
NA daed gaem.
How many people do solo queue?

I agree team arena needs a return but so does SoloQ to replace duoQ.

Offer both and let players decide. 

Doesn't mean the game is called Guild Wars, people have to constantly play in fixed pre-made teams. Its just not possible (anymore).
Like, the majority of GW2 are solo players lol.. Look at LFG tool (or your typical guildchat asking for invites) for strikes, dungeons, fracs, .. Mostly solo players joining in because they do not have a fixed team for that.

Actually, the majority of MMO gamers are solo players..

Why would PvP be any different. Solo players solo q'ing to get into a team with other solo gamers. Its hows the majority runs..

Edited by Terrorsquad.2349
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Mixing both is only solid way, only teamque and the que is dead and non equal matches will happen permanently (when matches even happen). If you want to tryhard for the top 25 spot you probably gonna play in a 5 man squad but rest soloquers/duos/trios etc.. Will have a very decent time. Only you play against a full squad doesn't mean they win automatically, you can see in at's that even the p1/2 teams that try on voice will get smashed by any p3 pug group

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7 hours ago, Terrorsquad.2349 said:

"5 man queue"-only will certainly put the final nail in the coffin of pvp.

How many teams do we have rn, running 5 man in EU?
NA daed gaem.
How many people do solo queue?

I agree team arena needs a return but so does SoloQ to replace duoQ.

Offer both and let players decide. 

Doesn't mean the game is called Guild Wars, people have to constantly play in fixed pre-made teams. Its just not possible (anymore).
Like, the majority of GW2 are solo players lol.. Look at LFG tool (or your typical guildchat asking for invites) for strikes, dungeons, fracs, .. Mostly solo players joining in because they do not have a fixed team for that.

Actually, the majority of MMO gamers are solo players..

Why would PvP be any different. Solo players solo q'ing to get into a team with other solo gamers. Its hows the majority runs..


  1. You can't compare "How many 5 man teams do we have that people identify with names?" because that's like saying "How many fractal teams do we have that people identify with by name?" When there are few elite fractal teams, yet there are people forming 5 man fractal groups all day all week all month all year long, for almost a decade now. People will form 5man teams and use them if it was a requirement to play, just the same as they do for fractals or anything else.
  2. Saying "The majority of GW2 players are solo players lol, look at the LFG tool" and then proceeding to explain how those solo players use the LFG to form groups for all the other content in the game, literally proves my point to such a degree that I have nothing else to add after you typed that statement yourself.
  3. You said: "Why would PvP be any different?" Exactly. Point made. Thank you.
6 hours ago, ollbirtan.2915 said:

----Nice post. But sorry, maybe I am blind, but I can't see any facts / proof / even slightest hints of evidence to your claim. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are wrong, but this post actually makes it look like  a conspiracy. Please do some add some facts. I mean it.  

Have you been under a rock for the past month? Scroll back through the first page or two or three of even just this forum, look for the obvious thread titles and video links posted.


6 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

Mixing both is only solid way, only teamque and the que is dead and non equal matches will happen permanently (when matches even happen). If you want to tryhard for the top 25 spot you probably gonna play in a 5 man squad but rest soloquers/duos/trios etc.. Will have a very decent time. Only you play against a full squad doesn't mean they win automatically, you can see in at's that even the p1/2 teams that try on voice will get smashed by any p3 pug group

Exactly. I always enjoy it when someone who actually plays the game responds to my posts. Thank you.

Upon this, as a reminder I wanted to mention that solo/duo is a placebo effect of safety. People are still against 5+ man teams in their games with solo/duo, they just often can't see them. Whether it is organized win trading between actual humans with alt accounts or a single dude who has multi-box windows running multiple bots to throw for him, just about half the games you play in NA nowadays you have people on your team throwing for someone on the other team. A dude has 4 bots queued with him, 2 land on his team so he toggles them to tryhard setting, then 2 others land on your team so he toggles them to throw mode. This is what happens. It's s 5 man team you just can't see it. Same happens when humans synch queue with alts, you're against 5+ man teams.

So ask yourselves this: Would you rather lose to a 5+ man team that you cant' even see or lose to a legitimate 5man team that yo u can see, who is at least playing the game fairly and allowing you fair chances to form your own 5 man team to contest them? Pull your heads out of your butts and consider your priorities here.

Start advocating for 5man queue. It is the only way to fix this problem.


57 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

this guy thinks people would play 5man queue lol

Do you not watch AT queues? There are a lot of people who go out of their way to play them. Just as many people who stay in unranked/ranked queues.

If you enabled mixed queues for ranked, just like unranked, you'd be surprised how many people would take advantage of 5man teams.


49 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

I'll stop playing ranked.

Unranked has more variety anyways.

Good. Now all we need is about 100 more players to do the same thing and that actually would have significant impact with how small the community is. Not even a hard goal to aim at. I certainly hope some people are following this thread and taking it seriously.

In fact, if anyone does plan on stopping playing ranked. They should state it in this thread exactly like you did.

It would be a wonderful thing if any prominent streamer would have the gull to post this statement and rally cause to it in their stream.

~ ty boys

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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This game really needs to allow full 5 man queues again. 

You cant reliably solo queue climb anymore with how the matchmaking is on NA these days which makes games for anyone thats not at the tippy top just a mashup of bad and good players distributed randomly, because the good players who dont care enough about rank to do cheesy off hour duo queing just resign themselves to high gold/low plat playing normaly and the really bad players get carried out of the trenches by the RNG of matchmaking automatically putting them in mid silver/low gold after a number of games even if they should be bronze cuz the bots will unironically carry them. So anyone not actively trying to carry games with the purpose of ranking up just sits in a giant ELO hell of frequent one sided matches

You are 1/5 of a team, you cant always solo carry. trying to matchmake 10 people for a match when you are allowed to switch classes before the match and with bots thrown in the mix is just ridiculously futile 

You are forced to play "carry" roles to have any chance of reliably climbing which means certain roles are very unrewarding to play because your team can't be relied on to do their part while you do yours.

And then you get matches where pretty much the entire lobby is playing "carry" builds so you end up with double necro double guardian vs double necro double guardian matches, over and over and over.....

If you try to play any role that isn't  "teamfight carry" you are literally rolling the dice on whether your team is gonna have their kitten together for you do do your job properly 

The tryhards will stack 5 mans and reliably climb rank and get matched with each other in legend/high plat, the casuals will eventually find where they belong and the brackets will actually mean something.

In NA legend rank is usually like 1 or 2 people, while bronze rank is pretty much exclusively people with rank decay

The top and bottom brackets shouldn't be barren while everyone is cramped into the same range, there is no spread.


If you dont play on a full team you shouldn't expect to be legend rank, if you want to climb, you put in the effort and play a role on a team of similar skilled players. 

No need for a separate solo/team queue, you will get the rank equivalent to how much effort you put in into getting it, if you only solo queue, well then just accept your gonna be stuck at high gold/low plat unless you team up, its that simple 

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  • You can't compare "How many 5 man teams do we have that people identify with names?" because that's like saying "How many fractal teams do we have that people identify with by name?" When there are few elite fractal teams, yet there are people forming 5 man fractal groups all day all week all month all year long, for almost a decade now. People will form 5man teams and use them if it was a requirement to play, just the same as they do for fractals or anything else.
  • Saying "The majority of GW2 players are solo players lol, look at the LFG tool" and then proceeding to explain how those solo players use the LFG to form groups for all the other content in the game, literally proves my point to such a degree that I have nothing else to add after you typed that statement yourself.
  • You said: "Why would PvP be any different?" Exactly. Point made. Thank you.

1. So you truly believe or have any evidence that there are more players playing in teams (either duo or 5 for AT) than people queue'ing solo in the whole pvp scene?

2. You suggest that people will make teams to play pvp. I tell you they won't because they would be forced to use LFG just to play 1 or 2 chill games. Can't you see those statements do not fit together? The majority of MMO players play content solo. They are forced to party to do dungeons, fractals or w/e. Do you believe forcing people to team up in pvp is a smart move, at all? With the small community we have left, you will just ruin it for the rest of us. Many, if not most, people on my friendlist play pvp solo and only team up for AT's.

I can tell you already I would quit GW2 if they force me to do anything in a dying game mode that I love so hard.

3. I'll take the liberation to link this poll: 


This should make clear that people prefer to play alone rather than duo.
How is it a good idea to force people that want soloq to do premade 5 man queue. 

Let me get this straight: I understand your idea and Im all for team arena to return. However, based on the current players in pvp (certainly keep NA in mind) its basically a dying gamemode due to negligence. Forcing the remaining (most solo) players to make teams, is just gonna kill it all together. There's no competitive game that I know out of my head where they force you to premade 5 man to play pvp. There's a reason why. Even with overpopulated gamemode, over half would just quit because they dont want to commit an extra step just to play 1-2 matches an evening.

Edited by Terrorsquad.2349
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i havent played this game for like months now and enjoying FF14 so much

everytime i check forum for new EoD info release, i see the same dudes in pvp forum suffering themselves...

why do you do this to yourselves lol..


if they can fix pvp they would, but fact is they barely have funding/time to finish EoD.

like you should realize GW2 is not your life, it's just a game, let go.

pretty sure most of the people already stopped playing ranked and pvp as a whole, except you and some few...


also people play AT only for gold and mystic coins, that's it. nobody really care about 5men Q and people play mAT only for the rewards. nobody plays these for the sack of 5men Q.

5men Q will be dead in day 1 and farmed by one/two teams of the same members and have like 30 mins+ q time.

and that is fact. lol

Edited by Lighter.5631
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I think the better way of fixing match manipulation is to change the way rankings work, make it that winning and losing have very little to do with your position on the leaderboard and that how you play in the match, kills, deaths, assists, points scored, captures, decaps, healing and revives etc all play a part in determining your ranking, but you also don’t get to see where you are ranked till after the season is finished and the results are finalised.

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20 hours ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

How long will players continue to play in ranked when they are constantly matched against a full team of Plat2+ vets when they are ranked around gold?


I know that if there were more players this wouldn't happen as often...until those plat players realise they can just que in Aus primetime like some of them do now as duos to abuse the matchmaking system.


For the top 5% players um sure this is a great idea.


Honestly I would like to see it implemented just to show how badly it would go.


Just an opinion of a lowly g3 

In my world those people will stay g3 forever till they team up with other g3's and stomp them to make it to plat and that is how it should go can you explain to me how this is bad or shouldn't be condoned.

Edited by Genesis.5169
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1 hour ago, Lighter.5631 said:

i havent played this game for like months now and enjoying FF14 so much

everytime i check forum for new EoD info release, i see the same dudes in pvp forum suffering themselves...

why do you do this to yourselves lol..


if they can fix pvp they would, but fact is they barely have funding/time to finish EoD.

like you should realize GW2 is not your life, it's just a game, let go.

pretty sure most of the people already stopped playing ranked and pvp as a whole, except you and some few...


also people play AT only for gold and mystic coins, that's it. nobody really care about 5men Q and people play mAT only for the rewards. nobody plays these for the sack of 5men Q.

5men Q will be dead in day 1 and farmed by one/two teams of the same members and have like 30 mins+ q time.

and that is fact. lol


Stop looking for excuses to not fix a simple problem that could be recoded and reimplemented by a single person by the end of the day.

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8 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

In my world those people will stay g3 forever till they team up with other g3's and stomp them to make it to plat and that is how it should go can you explain to me how this is bad or shouldn't be condoned.

A G1 should not be playing against a P2, why even have a matchmaking system?

It won't matter if they pug for other gold ranked players when they are matched against a plat2+ vet team.

Just look at ATs you can tell who is going to win before it even starts, some of the score differences are sad.

Keeping in mind my opinion is mostly based on experience playing in AUS primetime I play some pvp around reset in NA prime but not nearly as much.

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7 hours ago, Lacdanon.1483 said:

A G1 should not be playing against a P2, why even have a matchmaking system?

It won't matter if they pug for other gold ranked players when they are matched against a plat2+ vet team.

Just look at ATs you can tell who is going to win before it even starts, some of the score differences are sad.

Keeping in mind my opinion is mostly based on experience playing in AUS primetime I play some pvp around reset in NA prime but not nearly as much.

Ranked is not that dead to be queued like that im 1452 and i queue with g3s and plats 90% of the time please find another excuse.

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20 hours ago, Terrorsquad.2349 said:

1. So you truly believe or have any evidence that there are more players playing in teams (either duo or 5 for AT) than people queue'ing solo in the whole pvp scene?

2. You suggest that people will make teams to play pvp. I tell you they won't because they would be forced to use LFG just to play 1 or 2 chill games. Can't you see those statements do not fit together? The majority of MMO players play content solo. They are forced to party to do dungeons, fractals or w/e. Do you believe forcing people to team up in pvp is a smart move, at all? With the small community we have left, you will just ruin it for the rest of us. Many, if not most, people on my friendlist play pvp solo and only team up for AT's.

I can tell you already I would quit GW2 if they force me to do anything in a dying game mode that I love so hard.

3. I'll take the liberation to link this poll: 


This should make clear that people prefer to play alone rather than duo.
How is it a good idea to force people that want soloq to do premade 5 man queue. 

Let me get this straight: I understand your idea and Im all for team arena to return. However, based on the current players in pvp (certainly keep NA in mind) its basically a dying gamemode due to negligence. Forcing the remaining (most solo) players to make teams, is just gonna kill it all together. There's no competitive game that I know out of my head where they force you to premade 5 man to play pvp. There's a reason why. Even with overpopulated gamemode, over half would just quit because they dont want to commit an extra step just to play 1-2 matches an evening.

I don't care about internet polls devised by random people within the community, that are voted on by random people in the community.

Let me give you a great example of why these kinds of polls are misgiven.

  1. Diablo 2 Resurrected Official Forum - Before the game released, there were several polls devised by streamers and random people in forums, to get the company's attention over the issue of: "Should we have a separate inventory for charms? YES or NO?" All of these polls had 75% or greater voting YES. The problem with this is that those people voting YES were taking no longer than 2 seconds of thought before casting their YES votes. They were not recognizing that if this feature were added, it would be abused by macros to swap full inventory sets of charms in and out at leisure, greatly power creeping the game. If you know Diablo 2 at all, what I mean is: "An Ele Druid could macro swap in a full inventory of Summon GCs to do big casts for his animal summons, and then macro swap back his Elemental GCs after the summons, to continue dealing top Ele damage. Whenever his summons die, he can macro to get huge summon casts again." But 75% of the community was unable to recognize that no matter how you go about implementing this extra inventory that is supposed to only hold charms, people will just use macros with the original inventory, to essentially have two charm inventories, almost doubling the skill values of any class/build for their casts. This would have broken the game in so many ways. And even when you tried to explain it to them, why it would be bad, most of them would respond with irrational logic such as: "Well macros are against TOS so that won't be a problem" as if any game company had ever been able to keep simple macros under control, as if all gaming mice didn't come with built in macro software nowadays. So you see these kinds of polls often represent nothing more than a fine demographic of hopeful ignorance.
  2. We have no way to gauge how many individual humans are clicking on YES or NO vs. how many alt accounts used by an individual human are clicking on YES or NO. Some guy who owns 20 accounts who really wants to stress that YES vote can log into all 20 of his accounts and make them vote YES. These kinds of internet polls not only reflect the community's general lack of understanding on the topic they are polling, but they are also HIGHLY susceptible to fraudulent vote casting.

At the end of the day, a game company needs to use their common sense and game design knowledge to sift through the realities of these kinds of things and just do what they know needs to be done. Regardless of how many ignorant people vote YES for something that they don't understand is making the game worse than it needs to be. <- Historically, Arenanet does not do this. They are legendary for offering the community bandaid instant gratification fixes when the 75% votes YES, no matter how ignorant the suggestion is. Arenanet needs to begin aiming at some bigger decisions for a healing process at this point, no matter how much it frustrates the majority. We need real fixes.

It is very true that we should "Be careful what we wish for or we just might get it" and that "We don't know what we've got until it's gone". I feel that these two phrases are particularly notable for the case scenario of when Arenanet first put out a community poll asking us "Do you want to TRY a BETA for solo/duo ranked?" and most people, including myself, voted YES. But that was because we had no idea what we were actually voting for. We had no idea the cause & effect of what it was going to unleash. And upon that, we were told it would a beta, but it never went away.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 minute ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I don't care about internet polls devised by random people within the community, that are voted on by random people in the community.

Let me give you a great example of why these kinds of polls are misgiven.

  1. Diablo 2 Resurrected Official Forum - Before the game released, there were several polls devised by streamers and random people in forums, to get the company's attention over the issue of: "Should we have a separate inventory for charms? YES or NO?" All of these polls had 75% or greater voting YES. The problem with this is that those people voting YES were taking no longer than 2 seconds of thought before casting their YES votes. They were not recognizing that if this feature were added, it would be abused by macros to swap full inventory sets of charms in and out at leisure, greatly power creeping the game. If you know Diablo 2 at all, what I mean is: "An Ele Druid could macro swap in a full inventory of Summon GCs to do big casts for his animal summons, and then macro swap back his Elemental GCs after the summons, to continue dealing top Ele damage. Whenever his summons die, he can macro to get huge summon casts again." But 75% of the community was unable to recognize that no matter how you go about implementing this extra inventory that is supposed to only hold charms, people will just use macros with the original inventory, to essentially have two charm inventories, almost doubling the skill values of any class/build for their casts. This would have broken the game in so many ways. And even when you tried to explain it to them, why it would be bad, most of them would respond with irrational logic such as: "Well macros are against TOS so that won't be a problem" as if any game company had ever been able to keep simple macros under control, as if all gaming mice didn't come with built in macro software nowadays. So you see these kinds of polls often represent nothing more than a fine demographic of hopeful ignorance.
  2. We have no way to gauge how many individual humans are clicking on YES or NO vs. how many alt accounts used by an individual human are clicking on YES or NO. Some guy who owns 20 accounts who really wants to stress that YES vote can log into all 20 of his accounts and make them vote YES. These kinds of internet polls not only reflect the community's general lack of understanding on the topic they are polling, but they are also HIGHLY susceptible to fraudulent vote casting.

At the end of the day, a game company needs to use their common sense and game design knowledge to sift through the realities of these kinds of things and just do what they know needs to be done. Regardless of how many ignorant people vote YES for something that they don't understand is making the game worse than it needs to be.

It is very true that we should "Be careful what we wish for or we just might get it" and that "We don't know what we've got until it's gone". I feel that these two phrases are particularly notable for the case scenario of when Arenanet first put out a community poll asking us "Do you want to TRY a BETA for solo/duo ranked?" and most people, including myself, voted YES. But that was because we had no idea what we were actually voting for. We had no idea the cause & effect of what it was going to unleash. And upon that, we were told it would a beta, but it never went away.

Just answer me this:

What (competitive) game has ever (or now) made pvp forced 5 (or full team) man premade?

Forced = you can only play the mode with premades, no soloq available, as you are suggesting

Now put your answer next to the amount of games that offer pvp.

Do you see how your idea isn't a good idea? It doesn't get implemented because the majority of players rather (have the ability/option to) play solo. Game makers know this.
Team Arena needs to return, next to Solo Arena, just like old times. 
Let people have the option to do whatever they want.

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4 minutes ago, Terrorsquad.2349 said:

Just answer me this:

What (competitive) game has ever (or now) made pvp forced 5 (or full team) man premade?

Forced = you can only play the mode with premades, no soloq available, as you are suggesting

Now put your answer next to the amount of games that offer pvp.

Do you see how your idea isn't a good idea? It doesn't get implemented because the majority of players rather (have the ability/option to) play solo. Game makers know this.
Team Arena needs to return, next to Solo Arena, just like old times. 
Let people have the option to do whatever they want.

Nothing is forcing you to be a 5man queue dude.

You can continue to mix queue as a solo queue all you want.

It would work just like unranked does.

Oh you think it's not fair? Well that's your choice bud.

Nothing stopping you from posting in the LFG: "P1+ show badge need necro/guard support"

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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30 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Nothing is forcing you to be a 5man queue dude.

You can continue to mix queue as a solo queue all you want.

It would work just like unranked does.

Oh you think it's not fair? Well that's your choice bud.

Nothing stopping you from posting in the LFG: "P1+ show badge need necro/guard support"

But anyways, Guild Wars 1, HA and GVG.

Also AB.


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On 10/22/2021 at 12:29 PM, ollbirtan.2915 said:

----Nice post. But sorry, maybe I am blind, but I can't see any facts / proof / even slightest hints of evidence to your claim. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you are wrong, but this post actually makes it look like  a conspiracy. Please do some add some facts. I mean it.  

I actually know it for years since a top ranked player admitted it to me personally,i knew the guy for a long time aswell he also shared the name from the guy he's doing it with ( who i also knew ) and gave out other names doing the exact same. I;m not gonna throw out any names obviously,but its no conspiracy.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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4 minutes ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

I actually know it for years since a top ranked player admitted it to me personally,i knew the guy for a long time aswell he also shared the name from the guy he's doing it with ( who i also knew ) and gave out other names doing the exact same. I;m not gonna throw out any names obviously,but its no conspiracy.

Prob is, it isn't just those same guys anymore.

In NA at least, we have an epidemic of middle-tiered guild groups forming around the idea of "queing rank with a squad". 

This is why I think it is hilarious when I heard ignorant responses saying: "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY AGAINST 5 MAN TEAMS!" because guess what bud, you are playing against 5+ man teams, you just can't see them.

So it's their choice, either continue to play against 5+ man teams that you can't see in matches you never had a chance to win from the beginning, or start advocating for 5man queue so you can at least see the team you are fighting, with a team of your own formation that doesn't have synch queue throws in it so you have actual chance of winning, and in a legit format at that, the way the game was intended and should be played.

I don't understand what's so complicated for people to understand here. I imagine most of the negative feedback against the return of 5man queue is just coming from people who want to keep abusing solo/duo only with synchs.

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3 hours ago, Genesis.5169 said:

Ranked is not that dead to be queued like that im 1452 and i queue with g3s and plats 90% of the time please find another excuse.

We have different experiences that doesn't make my point any less true.


Play off NA prime time to see how bad it can be, in NA prime I climb ranks only to lose those ranks when I play in AU timezone when I have been matched against people in the top 20 (by chance or match manipulation) making 5man que will probably ensure it happens more often.

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